Rottweiler: Blog

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There is a special place in Heaven for volunteer editors!

Posted at

And I am grateful to have the services of three of the finest. They patiently sift through page after page of my word vomit and help me turn it into something worthy of your readership.

Deja Vu Part Three Chapter One (that's a mouthful!) is awaiting Moderator approval. It's always a bit slower when you first begin a new book. After that, you may expect a new chapter about every week. I'm taking my time these days and trying not to rush the story.

I hope you continue to enjoy it.

[EPIC RANT FORTHCOMING] I can take criticism. I have thick skin and harsh remarks don't phase me. However, some on this forum sicken me with derogatory comments about my editors. I don't tolerate that shit and I'll block you in a heartbeat. That's like these POS politicians who are too cowardly to face a man and attack his family instead.

If you have nothing nice to say to me--bring it! But leave my friends out of it.





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