Gruinard: Blog


Book 9

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The first chapter has been submitted for posting.

This first chapter deals with children dying of cancer. Please be aware of this if it is a trigger for you.

Other than that here is the usual reminder that the story is complete and will be posted here on SOL three times a week until all 378 chapters are available. This chapter is number 131 so we are just past a third of the story.

For those that wish to read ahead the whole series of 25 books is available on Bookapy (the sister site to SOL, link on the homepage).



All the chapters of Book 8 are posted.

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Another month, another book in the series done.

Chapter 1 of Book 9 will post on Saturday.

The things you learn as you write

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I have received many messages over the last nine months since I started posting Living Two Lives.

One of the most personal and poignant was from someone who had lost a child to cancer. Until I read that message I had been blind to the possibility of the story being a trigger for someone. And I have no excuse, it just did not cross my mind.
When writing I was conscious of triggers with regard to sexual assault. It was only when I received the message that the blinkers came off my eyes.

All of this is a way of warning that there will be emotional scenes in the upcoming chapters. I will post again when the specific chapters are published but this is the general warning.

Andrew is going to volunteer on a paediatric oncology ward.


Thank you

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I want to thank all the readers who took the time to vote for me in the Clitorides Awards. To win two categories is humbling.

I have been a member of the site for close to a decade and remember voting as a reader on these awards. It is through the example and excellence of the writers on this site that I started to write myself. I can only hope that new writers continue to be inspired. You will never know until you try.

The author most responsible for my own writing is still producing great work. G Younger's Stupid Boy series was the spark that put fingers to the keyboard. I congratulate him on his win in the Epic Erotic Story category.

Thank you everyone


Book 8

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Another month, the start of another book in the series.

I was sitting in front of the computer trying to write a snappy little summary for this book but it was a struggle. Not helped by the fact that this book straddles the end of the summer and the start of university.
The school years were about a shy kid who got a 'cheat code' to being a teenage boy through his friendship with Leslie. But now he is off to Cambridge and Andrew had to start to deal with life's challenges on his own.

Here are the usual reminders.
The story is complete, all 378 chapters, and I am committed to posting it three times a week on SOL. It will be fully published approximately at the end of 2024.
For those who want to read the story before then the entire series of 25 books is available at Bookapy. It is a sister site to SOL and the link is on the SOL homepage.



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