Paige Hawthorne: Blog


When a character misbehaves …

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Lee Child once said something like, “No one remembers the plot. All they care about is the main character.” And his Jack Reacher is certainly a striking example of a vivid, memorable protagonist.

Many other writers such as Charles Dickens, Mark Twain, Paige Hawthorne, Bill Shakespeare, and Robert B. Parker have been lauded for their main men and leading ladies.

But sometimes a sidebar personality simply steals the spotlight. In “The Second Sausalito”, I had considered Eulalie Guidry to be a minor character. One intended to make one of the subplots a little more engaging. Instead, the 14-year old Cajun sexpot drew more reader responses than anyone else in the story.

Of course, SOL is a sex-story site, so her libidinous nature earned her a certain type of appeal here. Which reminded me to never underestimate the debauchery level of my three remaining readers.


A way with words …

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I can't think of another writer who is both as gifted and prolific as Alexander McCall Smith. By my rough count, he has authored over 80
delightful novels.

His craftsmanship is subtle, mischievous, and insightful. Here's an excerpt from "The Geometry of Holding Hands". The protagonist, Isabel Dalhousie, reflects on a quote from Miss Jean Brodie, "For those who like that sort of thing, that is the sort of thing they like."

Isabel says, "Bone-deep disapproval disguised as tolerance."



Requiescant In Pace, pcbondsman …

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So sorry to learn of his passing. He was a volunteer editor for some of us here, and became an online pal. He was generous with his time and talent, had a wonderful sense of the absurd, and a keen eye for human, and writer, foibles.

So long, pc,


So, I’m not a member of the Cliterati …

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People say that wildebeests howl the loudest at a full moon … well, the ecliptic longitudes of the Sun and Moon must have differed by 180 degrees last night because the wails and caterwauls from the slathering herds reached a crescendo.

Being a stalwart and compassionate sort - even to you 1-bombers out there - I have, although with considerable reluctance, opened "The Second Sausalito" to the voting public. Now, I don't have any delusions that I belong up there with the talented writers here - the Cliterati - but I do hope my little stories provide some amusement to you boyos.

Not that I pay the slightest attention to reader scores,


Behold the Gods of Irony …

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They titter not, neither do they chuckle. In my case, their celestial guffaws echo throughout Valhalla - In the courts of the Queens, in the halls of the Kings.

Once again, I've been nominated for Best Writer, or something, in the Big Clit. However, there's a difference this time around. My august Research Department (teenage son) has pointed out that almost no one voted for me.

The solution?

My current strategy is to go through gender-reassignment surgery, move to Fortitude, Norway, and perish in battle. Then I'll join the other Vikings in Valhalla, or perhaps Fólkvangr, who died, gallantly, for the cause.

Head held high,




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