Woofajuana: Blog


I'm not dead yet! Just moving.

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Hey folks. I know I been gone a long time. Life has been very... uncertain for the past few months. Stressfully so. In the end, the only thing that is now certain is that we are once again moving from one coast to the other. God, I've moved so much. And now I'm doing it again. Not my first time across the country. Not even my 3rd time. Not even my 5th. Was really hoping it wouldn't have to happen again. Ah well. Just how things had to be. It is not a move that we are happy about, but it is one that must happen for work. Make our money and get out sort of deal.

I'll let you all know when I'm settled and able to focus on writing and art again. I have a ton of half finished stuff, from drawings to go along with new and old stories to more FFFs, and even the continuation of ITET, though I'm debating on the name. Still too early to care, honestly, but I have the first 10 chapters already summarized. If only Dragon Tamer would come to me so easily. DX For now, all you guys get for all your patience is a slight update to Silver's Story with an added image. I know it's not much, but I've got a lot that will be coming as soon as I can.

Wishing you all a lovely summer and hoping you all have a good day. Stay safe out there!

Images and a new ending for ITET

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Hello readers! I hope you had a very Merry Christmas and may the New Year be better than the last!

Here's the TL;DR- Rough images have been added to chapters 10, 11, 14, 16, 17, 18, and 20. And there is a new ending that finishes the story, instead of an epilogue.

Why? Well, between sick, S.A.D., and insomnia, I have been giving less than my all these past few weeks. I've let the habit slip and that was a hard thing to form for someone like me. You'd think I could get some writing done at 2 in the morning but no, I'm gonna lay there, staring at the ceiling and thinking. The quiet that imposter syndrome likes. BE GONE, FOUL BEAST! YOU DON'T PAY RENT FOR THIS SPACE! What I discovered in all that thinking is that.... I am not done writing this story. I am not done with Anubis and Nova and the rest. If I write the epilogue how I had intended, how I started, it would have given away everything. So, for now, I give to you guys the first letter in the series of letters that Anubis would have sent to Caesar highlighting things through the years. I was going to have Anubis respond to Marble and Lace about the end of Caesar's life, and eventually, one of Anubis' sons writing to their cousins about the death of their father in his old age and how he made them promise to keep the ties. But I am not done with these guys. I don't want to be done. I have enjoyed them so much. I don't have this many ideas revolving around one world for any others. It's so... pliable. Give them a couple more hundred years and there may be more species.

What I do want to do is pause, however, and this was a good place to do it. But, I plan on picking up again. Just wanted to actually give a more satisfying ending before you guys don't see me again until I get a large amount of back log for times like this when I just... don't. Soon as that sun is back up past 6pm, I think I'll be okay, but like... by 7 I'm on my third cup of coffee trying to stay awake until a normal adult hour, then I'm up at some ungodly hour that shouldn't even exist in reality. I guess I'm solar powered, as much as I hate it.

For those interested, my next project is "The Dragon Tamer." That's right, at long last, I'm gonna finish it! I've got most of the outline and summaries done for it so I know the direction beforehand, this time. I just couldn't write these two worlds at the same time because they are just so vastly different. Where one is nationless, the other is strict with borders and armies. One is random life, the other driven by ambition and power. They just could not exist together. So, now that wolves are out of the way, it's time for dragons!

Don't worry, though, I still intend to fix and edit ITET slowly, and I hope find an editor. Maybe. They are... out of my reach, at this time, financially. It's not that I don't think they are worth it, but that I simply don't have that to give. So, we shall see what the future holds with publishing.

For now, until I have at least 10 or more chapters of Tamer and at least 2 finished shorts as back log, I will be on only sporadically. I hope you all have a beautiful day, and a beautiful New Year!

To illustrate or leave to imagination?

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I recently had a friend read through ITET and point out some things for me which were helpful. Should make my gay scenes a bit better. This was the first time I'd ever done so, and guess it showed, especially to a human representation of Denver. XD (Yeah, I'm calling you a bottom! Takes one to know one!... oh, wait...) One thing he mentioned after I told him I was planning to illustrate it was to leave it to the imagination. Whether I did it myself or paid for one of my favorite artists, it didn't matter. He says he sees it differently than what I see. I get that. He thinks making illustrated shorts or side stories would be great, and wants to see my story of an Angar'rai couple as an illustration, but he thinks they should be stand alone rather than random scenes from the novel.

So, thought I'd leave it up to you, my readers. Which would you prefer? Your own mental movie or drawn scenes? I'm really not a bad artist but I'm more cartoony than realistic, so I can understand his meaning. I didn't write it with illustration in mind, so I don't mind either way. No images means it's done and out faster. I just thought it would be nice to have something for the published version that would make it more interesting. I would like to get it done and move on to the rewrite of "The Dragon Tamer." Let me know what you think on the subject.

If you're not one of my readers, just be sure to let me know. I tend to assume that unless otherwise stated, those who respond are folk who read my stories.

Happy Halloween!

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What a perfect day to finish that last chapter. There will be an epilogue and that's on it's way. Should be easy to get out. It's really more of a narration, so in all technicalities... the story is over. Don't worry, the epilogue is gonna be kind of cool, and will fill in what's missing at the end. Just to keep you all on your toes a little longer. But, no really, this spells the end. What a ride. And to finish on the best day of the year, my birthday! This is my gift to all of you! Please tell me what you think of it, and again, don't worry, you'll know soon.... And you'll know what I'm talking about when you read it.

I have a few more sketches I'm getting done before I post them. I'd like there to be one per chapter here, with more in the published version. As I said before, they will be rough sketches for the rough draft.

Happy Halloween to you all, and I hope you're all safe out there!

(As a little update, my fuzzy old man is doing so much better! Up and moving around in ways and places he shouldn't be. He's got that Wogtal spirit. Never keepin' him down!)

had an emergency hiatus

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Hello, my readers. I totally thought I'd have this chapter done fast. I was already over 4k words in. But, first, sick kids that make concentrating difficult. Then, after they go back to school, just as I get back into the groove and I'm sitting there writing... my cat got hit by a car! He survived! We think the car threw him rather than went over him, but his leg got messed up bad. Dragged himself home, crying at the door. I spent a whole business day at the scammiest, most awfully run vet place (only animal ER within hours so they can charge any price, even change the prices between what they tell you and charge you, and take as long as they want, spent nearly 7 hours thinking I'd have to put him down) but at least he's alive! He's 16yo, and until now, the healthiest, most active 16yo with a severe heart murmur you ever saw. Makes vets jaws drop every time they listen to him. How many times has Fletcher escaped death? Add a dozen or so more and that's my cat. At this point, I'm pretty sure he's a lich and is just stealing lives from other cats. Considering all the other cats that came in during that day did not come out but him, that dick was back there sucking souls. May they all RIP, poor babies. That was a really rough day for me, and I'm still emotionally reeling while caring for my old boy who can't compute that that leg no worky! Life just has a way of slapping you when you least expect it. I had to take about a week's break, hardly any writing at all, not even the one I wanted to do for the contest. I'll try to get back to it now that things have calmed. I had finally gotten over the writer's block and had a good idea before the whirlwind of kitty chaos, but I didn't even have the chance to summarize....

Also, there will be images added to ITET with the last chapter! Rough sketches for a rough draft. A little something extra for your patience.



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