The Blind Man: Favourites

1: A Fresh Start by rlfj
This is one of the most detailed and imaginative 'do-over' story that I have ever read. It is well written and superbly crafted. While long it is well worth the read.
2: The Portal: Doorway To Adventure by Lazlo Zalezac
This is the first story in the "Damsels in Distress' Universe. It is a superbly written tale, very original, and very enjoyable to read. It provides essential background on the whole series of stories set in this universe and is a must read tale.
3: Redtail by aroslav
This is an amazing story. The author has created a storyline that captures the reader's interest and holds it to the end. The characters are enduring, the plot is well crafted, and the narrative flows well. There are a few minor typos but nothing major. This story hooked me from the start. It is filled with intense emotions that can overwhelm the reader at times. In fact, it's a bit of a tear-jerker at times. I certainly cried a few times. Still there is a lot here for anyone interested in a mix of romance, adventure, speculative fiction, and some great descriptive sex. Give it a'll enjoy it.
4: Muleskinner Blues by Joe J
This is a fantastic story. It popped up on the SOL random story list one day and I just had to check it out. Once I started reading I couldn't stop. It is an excellent read with well developed characters and a fantastic plot. I highly recommend it to everyone interested in Historical stories that have a twist. The only bad part is consistancy. As the story expands beyond the original historical plot the author has problems with keeping names and some details straight. These inconsistancies grew more frequent in later chapters. I found it a little distracting after a while. Still the overall plot, storyflow, feel, and originality of the story makes this a must read. Give it a try.
5: A Leader Born by Invid Fan
This is a wonderful, fast pace story that is filled with imagination and a refreshing level of maturity. The story is well thought out, characters skillfully developed, and the plot fun. Give it a try.
6: A Nation Forged by Invid Fan
Better than the first book in the series. Enjoyed it immensely and highly recommend it.
7: The Bells of Tanah by Invid Fan
'The Bells of Tanah' is the first story in the 'Bells Universe' of stories by Invid Fan. The story is orginal, witty, and well developed. The characters live and breath and mesh well with the tale created by the author. I find each one of them interesting. There is much in this story...a look at how people cope in a crisis, how they grow as people, how they survive. Religion is discusssed and reflected on and since I haven't read the rest of the series, I believe will be a major part of the underlying plot. So will sex and relationships, as will the basics of good and evil. For a tale that is only nineteen chapters, there is a lot here and it is worth reading.
8: The Hermit of Scarecrow Valley by Lubrican
The Hermit of Scarecrow Valley is one of many great stories by Lubrican. I pegged this as a favourite because I wanted to let other readers know about his work. Lubrican has been writing for ages and he has contributed literally hundreds of stories to this site. Many of those stories are available for sale on Amazon and on other self publishing sites. I've in fact purchased three books by Lubrican, 'The Last Wish Blues', 'The Orphanage Blues' and a collection of naughty Xmas stories. All were great reads. Lubrican writes about a number of topics including first love, incest, multiple partners, and most importantly pregnancy. I think every story that he's written has the leading lady getting pregnant. His protagnists have been everything from kids to old men, brothers, fathers, wounded soldiers, widowers, and cowboys. In all the stories are well written, engaging, and entertaining. I recommend that you check out Lubrican's work and give it a try. You won't be disappointed.
9: Zombies, Werewolves, Vampires, and Other Improbable Things by ElSol
In the words of the principal character of this story, Miguel, ZWV and OIT is one 'bat-shit-fucking-crazy' story, Miguel makes Neo of the Matrix series look like a klutz. Even worse he was raised by a mother that makes Sarah Connors of the Terminator series look like a 'Brownie'. This story is awesome, it is violent, and it is very different.
10: Island Mine by Refusenik
This is one of the best stories that I've read on SOL. It is well thought out, original, entertaining, thought provoking, and at a point heart wrenching. It kept my interest and it demanded that I kept reading even when I had other things to do. Give it a look if you haven't read it before. I will state that there are distracting typo's scattered throughout the work, however I still think this story is worht the time needed to read it.


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