Author's Description:
Alex's blended family got along as well as could be expected, though after his father passed things were never quite the same. Still, he loved his sisters and step-mother, though as he got older, he wished they gave him a little more respect. He was not a child anymore. Neither were the experiments that he was doing, based on that old notebook he found, suitable for children.
Size: 1047 KB (201,653 words)
Genre: Incest
Sex Contents: Much Sex
Tags: Ma/Fa, Ma/ft, ft/ft, Fa/ft, Drunk/Drugged, BiSexual, Heterosexual, Incest, Mother, Brother, Sister, Humiliation, Light Bond, Group Sex, Anal Sex, Analingus, Exhibitionism, Masturbation, Oral Sex, Voyeurism, Nudism

Review by icehead   [other reviews by icehead]


"The Lost Notebook of Doctor E" stands as a well nuanced, nicely characterized manifestation of what essentially boils down to a perverted male fantasy.

The story follows Alex, a sleazy 19-year-old chemistry student who, following the death of his father, lives with his stepmother, his two sisters and his stepsister--all of whom he secretly lusts after. He discovers a notebook left by a late scientist, which details instructions for the creation of a formula that increases arousal and libido and lowers inhibitions. So he develops said formula and begins surreptitiously dosing the women in his family with it by slipping it in their food, slowly but surely transforming them into wanton, obedient sex maniacs that he can have his way with as he pleases.

The male lead in this story honestly ends up being the least interesting character, with most of the nuance being given to the ladies in his family that he spends most of the story seducing. This character walks a fine line between Casanova and creep; yes, he is drugging and manipulating the women in his family, and yes, he certainly acts dominantly and there are instances where he does things that could be considered a bit rapey (barging in on them in the shower or touching them intimately without waiting for consent, for example). But the formula he's giving them isn't really a mind-control drug, even though by the later chapters he has them practically obeying his every command anyway, and it isn't a date rape drug either; it's just something to make them extra horny and more pliable. And he never actually forces himself on the women exactly; everything he does to them, he makes sure they want it first (or more accurately, he gets them to want it), and he's careful not to push things too far too fast. It takes a while before he ever actually fucks any of them, in fact, though he certainly does that.

So since, while some male readers may see a fantasy version of themselves in this scheming male character, the guy the wish they could be, it's still the women who are the more realized characters. First there's the stepmother, Riki, who spends the bulk of the story fighting a losing battle to hold onto her conservative sense of propriety as she and her family spiral deeper and deeper into lust and depravity. This leads to some interesting encounters with her coworkers, one of whom she gives into her growing urges with even before Alex has even had his way with her.

Izzy is the oldest sister, and is described as having been the most argumentative and hostile toward Alex in the past, but we only see the barest hints of this in the beginning, as she is the first to fully succumb to Alex's seductions. To give a sense of contrast, Izzy has a neglectful and self-centered boyfriend named Jake who essentially treats her like a piece of furniture and only pays attention to her when he wants his dick sucked; next to this asshole, even scheming and manipulating Alex seems positively charming.

Abby is the youngest sister, and while Alex initially writes her off as being too young for him to truly seduce (don't worry you perverts, that doesn't last), she is the first to truly cast aside her inhibitions and truly revel in her newfound freedom. Early in the story she makes the decision to become a nudist, and for the rest of the story hardly ever puts her clothes back on again, stating repeatedly that she can barely stand them anymore. And while the rest of the family is admittedly less than comfortable with her parading around the house and joining them for dinner completely bare-assed, they never try to make her stop doing it and just kind of accept the naked nymph in their midst--that is until she starts doing things like masturbating in front of them all at the dinner table. Since the ladies never realize they are being drugged, much of the lowered inhibitions around the house are chalked up to Abby's hedonistic ways rubbing off on everyone.

And then we have Gwen, the stepsister, the admitted prude of the family who proves the toughest nut to crack. A fashionista and socialite who's sexual experience is mostly limited to reading romance ebooks and masturbating with a pillow, she takes the longest to submit to Alex, and the point at which he finally has his way with her fully is pretty much where the story concludes: he's finally had them all, so that's that. By that point the girls have all essentially become obedient slaves who can think of nothing but sex, so the new status quo is established and nothing else needs to be said.

There aren't many big surprises or twists in the plot; it's just the girls' transition from socially proper ladies to subservient and constantly horny sex slaves that drives the plot forward. Although there are a few unsettling encounters in the later chapters that come as a bit of a surprise, like Izzy submissively giving herself to a clerk in a clothing store, or the revelation of just how perverted and dominant Riki's boss lady is. I think I would have liked to know a bit more about the scientist who developed the formula, who is only given a few brief scenes, and maybe given a bit more of a satisfying conclusion to show where things would go once Alex has completed his harem.

(Not to mention, the story could have used a bit more proofreading; there are a LOT of typographical mistakes in this.)

Is it titillating? Yes. Are the characters interesting? For the most part. Is the plot compelling? Not especially. But it is still an enjoyable read, and it is fun to watch the female characters' descent into sluthood, even if it's hard to get behind the male lead and if there aren't many interesting places for the plot to go.

Plot: 7 | Technical Quality: 6 | Appeal to Reviewer: 8


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