Mark Gander: Blog


Happy Holidays!

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I hope that everyone has had a great holiday season, whatever your holidays. As a pagan, I celebrate Yule and Solstice.

Also, for those wondering, I haven't forgotten my other stories. I've just chosen to buckle down and focus on my Hollywood Be Damned serial for the moment. I fully intend to continue and finish my other stories. I just wish to push through to completion some time before New Year's Day or shortly afterward if necessary.

There is a Book 3 in my mind already, but that can wait for a bit, as I take on making progress in my other work. Book 3 is about the final conflict, thus it will be fittingly called To Reign In Hell, Book 3: Armageddon. It's a lot gorier and more brutal, but still with plenty of hot, steamy sex as well. I've even thought of spin-offs, but time will tell. As you might have guessed, the Holy Ghost is the bad guy, the villain in this story, not Michael or Asmodeus, as one might have thought.

Happy New Year, by the way, if I don't catch you before then.

More progress in a number of stories.

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As you can see, whether you've waited patiently or impatiently, I haven't abandoned my works in progress. I just posted Chapter 3 of "Owning Cousin Stacey," for instance, and that is far from the only story that I'm updating here. Apologies for delays. There's often a lot of real life stuff that gets in the way, at least when one has an autistic stepson. Long story.

Thanks for reading my works. I expect to continue more updates in the near future, so please stay tuned, as they say. A lot of twists and turns can be expected soon enough.

Re Stag/Vixen lifestyle.

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I find the general description of this lifestyle considerably more useful and appealing than the cuckold or hot wife genre for at least some stories. However, there is one nagging question. Do stags, by definition, remain faithful to their wives who stray at their direction, content to facilitate things, or do some stags get strange, even if the emphasis remains on the vixen wife's fun? In other words, is this a loosely defined category, or is there a very precise, specific meaning and something similar except for the man getting it on the side would be distinct nonetheless from stag/vixen?

Remembering Xalir RIP

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I was truly stunned and saddened to hear that Xalir, much like my late friend Otto Hauser, died. My condolences to any of his loved ones reading this, of course. His writing style and mine were not necessarily the same, but I enjoyed and respected it. I conversed with him more than a few times, in fact, though only on this site.

May you find peace, my friend. You are missed.


New Rumors of Haven Chapter Submitted!

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I'm waiting for it to be posted. Yes, more members will be added in downtown Ithaca, New York. Yes, the teens will finally speak their minds, though I won't tell you the details. Yes, some changes are coming to even established relationships. Yes, they'll actually begin to leave the exodus from Ithaca itself. Also, I'm surprised that no one yet has picked up on the Easter Egg in the story.



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