Uncle Jim: Blog


Nicolae, Chapter 19

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There is a lot happening in this week's final chapter of Nicolae. A number of side issues are resolved. The chapter opens with Nick and the others transferring to the CIA's compound and then the director's office only to be disappointed. Before leaving they give those working there a lesson they won't soon forget.

On returning home, Nick visits Dr. Graham. Things go a little askew but work out.

While Nick and Sara spend time at Dragon Security, things for the CIA and those in D.C. are more exciting. The FBI in particular has trouble.

Sara learns to fly. Later they locate someone to reproduce the books. In the meantime, Maddy and her Daughters deal with those in the County Commission.

Lastly, Nick secures the job running the new office in Charleston, and Sara delivers their twins.

This has been an interesting story to write, as it covers such a long time span. Many things about Nick's past have been revealed during the story, as he has had a very colorful career.

I am taking a break from writing for a time to concentrate on my woodworking and photography this summer. I may even get in a little blacksmithing. I do have several stories started and will try to work in a little time to work on them. They include Amulets VI, Magic Ink VIII, and another Dragon story 'Little Dragon found'. I am also considering another story in the Partners series. All of these stories will take some time to appear.

Enjoy the final chapter of Nicolae for now.

Keep Well,
uncle jim

Nicolae, Chapters 17 & 18

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This week's chapters open with those at the interrogation last week going to Dragon Security headquarters to determine exactly where the address they had learned is located.

After arriving near the location Nick and Doreen do the reconnaissance of the house before they take control of it and those inside. Eventually they learn who directed the attack to assassinate them and a good bit more, before leaving the men in the house.

Chapter 18 starts with several things going on. There is the fire at the house. The FBI agent who received the Cartel's hard drives. There is also the meeting at CIA headquarters where the Director learns that he has screwed up.

Also the next morning, Nick has a meeting with those going with him to D.C. More is revealed about his past. Doreen supplies the Capo's address and a map. Things go as Nick wanted when they reach D.C.

Arriving at the Capo's estate, they literately catch him with his pants down. On finishing with him, they move to the Director's apartment. He isn't at home, and they spend the night there in case he returns.

Again, this was an interesting chapter to write without too much research. More of Nicks past is revealed along the way, as well as his ability to handle a situation. Next week will be the very long final chapter of the story. There is still a good bit of it remaining. Enjoy these chapters. More next week.

Keep Well,
uncle jim

Nicolae, Chapters 15 & 16

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This week's chapters open with Nick checking on various types of printing presses and their operating characteristics. That evening he speaks to Sara about Dr. Graham's request. Sara agrees but only after he marries her.

There is a problem at the county building, but it isn't something that Dragons can't solve. Following being married, Dallas and Doreen insist on having a wedding reception and banquet. They know just the right location for it. The party is a great success.

There are some problems when Nick and Sara return to Fork Mountain with Al Junior, and they soon return to Atlanta.

Several days later, they are out exercising when trouble raises its head again. Nick deals with it, and they eventually transfer the trouble makers to the Nest in Stone Mountain. Nick interrogated the first trouble maker, and he has no problems getting answers out of him. They are soon ready to act on the information they have received.

Again, fun chapters to write, and there is the return of several characters from previous stories. Thing start to get more entertaining next week.

Enjoy these chapters for now. More next week with additional action.

Keep Well,
uncle jim

Nicolae, chapters 13 & 14

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This week's chapters open with meeting of the local Charleston police, the FBI, and others. They are frustrated by the lack of answers to what had occurred the previous night. That night Agent Ray calls the other who had worked with Nick before disappearing.

Meanwhile, Nick Sara, and the Kavanaghs reach Atlanta and the Queen's residence. More things are revealed about his past and the present situation. In the morning, they meet Deirdre and her Familiar. There is also a discussion on reproducing the books.

There had also been a meeting at CIA headquarters in Langley the previous night. Those attending were not happy.

Later that day, Steve takes Nick to Dragon Security headquarters. Things are revealed about the company's startup. Later, Nick reveals things about himself. On returning to Maddy's house, Nick meets the Sweeney triplets, and Sara learns that she has an appointment with Dr. graham the following day. The appointment goes well and is followed by a private meeting between Nick and the Doctor. A number of things are revealed.

These were entertaining chapters to write, but they turn serious near the end. The three old CIA agents who had worked with Nick disappear from the story. They no longer want to know about what is happening now that they know that he is a Wizard and a Dragon. Things will get even more interesting next week.

Enjoy these chapters, there is more coming next week.

Keep Well,
uncle jim

Nicolae, chapters 11 & 12

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This week's chapters open with all of the Magic disappearing when Nick and Sara have sex. This alerts Dallas and Doreen who go to find the Dragons. Those watching for the CIA lose all of their camera coverage for a time.

The following morning, the Kavanaghs and their Husbands go to visit Nick. They have a very interesting visit, and a number of things are revealed. Plans are made and spells exchanged.

Those watching for the CIA are unhappy about the equipment not working. The following day, Agent Ray returns and tells them to close down and leave. Others arrive to take their place.

Meanwhile, Nick is explaining things to Sara before they start closing down the house for their departure. Trouble arrives on the second night in the form of loud explosions. Nick calls the Kavanagrs. The result is what one would expect from five angry Dragons. On finishing they make plans to leave.

Things work out very well, and they meet the Kavanaghs at the prearranged location and leave for Atlanta.

These were again fun chapters to write and introduce a number of characters for previous stories. More will appear next week when they arrive in Atlanta. I have finished the writing part of the story. There are still a few chapters that my Editors are going over to repair the mistakes that I invariable miss. They are the real heroes as they make me look good by eliminating the errors that readers email me about.

Enjoy these chapters, more next week.

Keep Well,
uncle jim



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