Fanlon: Blog


The Windy Pines 3

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Good news, I finished writing the last chapter tonight!

Now all I have to do is wait for my amazing editors to do their thing and get the final product back to me so I can format and convert the file to Epub. I am hoping to have that all done by Wednesday night, or Thursday morning.

Once that is all done, I will upload it on


Pinhole & The Windy Pines, book 3

Posted at

I am excited to say that Pinhole is now available on and for the first time ever, I have published on Amazon/Kindle! Lord Perfect Steve did an incredible job helping put my cover together and a huge shout out to Michael Loucks for giving me a quote!

If you have the means, I would be incredibly thankful and grateful if you left a review's on Bookapy and Kindle.

Now, The Windy Pines book 3 is well underway and I am hoping to have it done and listed on Bookapy by the end of the month. I know it has been a long wait, but I think it's going to be worth it. Sam's story gets even more interesting. Okay, enough rambling... I need to get back to writing and finish off this third book. Chapter 23 awaits!


Pinhole, the last chapter (32)

Posted at Updated:

Now that chapter 31 is up, I wanted to let everyone know that chapter 32 will be the final chapter of this book. I really hope every enjoys the last two chapters.

Thank you so much to everyone who gave it a chance and continued to read it all the to the end. All of the comments, the emails, and those who joined my discord and interact me with over there daily, thank you.

For those curious, Josh's story won't end here. It will continue with more obstacles and opportunities for him to show off his skills as a photographer. He will learn to use new types of cameras and all the things that go with them.

Thanks again,


Pinhole chapters 27 & 28

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Good news! I finished both chapters 27 and 28 and they are both off to be edited. I know I haven't been nearly as timely as I would have liked posting the chapters. Luckily, I had some time yesterday and got on a roll and the words just flowed out of me.

I hope to get the first one back today and maybe even the second one as well. As soon as I get chapter 27 back, I will post it. I will do the same for chapter 28 as well. So, look for two chapters in the coming day or so.


Pinhole update

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It's going to be a little bit before I can upload the next chapter of Pinhole. I have some projects in my daily life that I need to focus on right now and that means Pinhole is going to have to sit. I apologize for the delays. As soon as I get some time, I will get to work on chapter 25 as well as TWP3.




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