James Howlette: Blog


Up on Bookapy

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With the fixes to blood moon I have re-added it to Bookapy, with new covers for the serious. While it is the same stock image, it is better than a blank one. I am working on trying to get one for the next series, but I am not that good with creating my own art work.

Still both books of the rebirth saga are now up there as well.

I am still getting through writing, but I am thankful for all the offers that have come through so far. For now I need to get through most of the writing, so the book can be near completion, given the sporadic nature of my writing right now.

Also moving forward, all future books posted on Bookapy will be $10. Stargazer and the other will be kept at $5 as will all of blood moon and the first two books of the rebirth saga.

Thank you all for your kind words and support. I hope to continue to create good content for you all.

Looking for a new editor

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Hello all,

I am looking for one or two people to assist my editing process. Prior to now, Robin Pentecost was my editor, however he is no longer able to provide his services. I don't want the quality of my work to suffer because of this, so I figured I would shoot my shot and see if there are any who would be interested.

Until then I will keep plugging away and hopefully things will figure themselves out.


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Hello all,

I just wanted to give an update , as I have been away for a bit.

I am still alive, and doing better. While my physical health has been okay, my mental health has struggled for some time, but I am cooming to terms with some things.

The main thing has been the primary damper to my righting for the last year.

I did not find this site by chance, but as a young man snooping on his father's computer. I was 18, and at the time didn't have a working computer. I found a link accidentally and came across this site. I made sure to memorize the url and I have been here ever since. First as a free member and then as a paid. Over time I became an author on here and was surprised to have conversations with my dad about stories we had in common. Likes, dislikes.... when he died, I realized things I didn't expect. We were never close, but that didn't mean we couldn't have been. We never got the chance. And part of me wonders.....if he ever read my work. That cause a lot of turmoil I didn't expect, and the love I have had for my writing suffered. The muse was gone, even though the stories were there.

I have come to terms with a good chunk of the issues and have felt the inspiration return. But I have created new rules I had laxed on before. My original rule was not to post anything that wasn't finished. I broke that rule as I felt obligated to keep my weekly postings to you guys and over time my writing suffered. Blood Moon book 4 and wyltpa were mostly finished when that rule change applied so they suffered less. Stargazer however was thought of and written without the freedom i used to have. Writing became less of a love and more of a chore.

So once again, I will not be posting a story until it is complete. While that means it will take a while, it also means that my fan will get the option of the finished book at the time posting. I will still have my patrons gaining the limited advantage that sto allows, but full book access will be limited to bookapy.

That said, I hope to create sto and pareon specific content in the future. First to reward those who support me that way, and also because there are some stories ideas I can't post there due to the nature of the content. I even have a fan fiction or two in my head that I won't monetize but will be a gift to this place.

Thank you everyone for your posts in my comments. Both good and bad. Those who defend my work, who favorite it, and who have reached out. It had made my day.

Though the most amazing is that someone asked to use my litrpg setting for an actual D&D campaign.

I hope to be more active and to reward your faith in me.

Thank you all again,


Blood moon

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I have resubmitted chapters 10 to 16, in plain text or.txt format and hopefully there will be no issues with missing content or incorrect formatting. Thank you everyone for pointing these out and hopefully this will be fixed with the latest posting.

Trying to get back into it

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Hello all,

I am just checking in to let you know that I am still around and trying my best to move forward with things. I am hoping to get writing more regularly and that focus will be on book 3 of Would you like to play again. I will not be posting until the story is done, this will mean a e book posting of the complete book as well as the usual offset posting on Patreon.

I know I still need to fix chapters of Beneath the blood moon and I will be getting to that soon. One chapter at a time until it is back to how it should be.

I will also be doing a full rewrite of Stargazer. The plan will be the same, but too much of things feel forced. I have had one reader reach out to help with making the scifi elements more believable and static. I also think that I will be pulling the sexual aspects of the story out as they seemed the most forced. If version 2.0 fits with sexual aspects it will be in there but not at the expense of the story telling.

Thank you all for your messages, your posts in my stories, both the good and the bad. I appreciated it all and only strive to be better with each story.



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