Mat Twassel: Blog



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After not posting anything to SoL for quite a number of years, I resumed in December of 2020, and since then I’ve posted at least one piece (mostly flash fiction) every day. I have a couple more little stories scheduled, but then I’m taking a vacation, the length of which is undetermined. I’m curious how it will feel.


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Deciding whether to code my story no sex, minimal sex, some sex, much sex, or stroke gives me pause. I don’t set out to write a story with a particular amount of sex. It just happens. Almost everything I post here is a sex story. Curious about how I’ve coded so far, I did a category search, and I discovered:

No sex – 44
Minimal sex – 163
Some sex – 386
Much sex – 277
Stroke – 124

That totals 994.
My total number of posted stories is 1134. So the other 140 stories much be off the charts sex.


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I didn’t enter this year’s Halloween Contest, and my excuse is that reading the stories then affords me greater pleasure.

I did post one Halloween story, though—one of my little ditties. I am eager to read Ashley’s poem. If she’s not too quick I might predict the rhymes. Could she possibly make use of Lapsong Souchong? If not, I’d certainly settle for quim.

As often is the case, my illustration is decidedly bare, going beyond the characters’ limited dress. Lisa here is wearing more than she typically does. But you’d think there would be a box of cereal evident somewhere in that kitchen. Okay, let’s just say Nils and Lisa are expert housekeepers. And you know what they say: clutter rhymes with peanut butter.

Birth Announcement

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For those of you who have been following “Faith’s Journal,” Faith gave birth to Sarah. Two weeks later Leila gave birth to Adam. Both had relatively easy deliveries. Following the birth of her child, Faith discontinued her journal for approximately five years. Now she makes entries sporadically. I expect to post those beginning sometime next month.

Naomi’s Journal

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The young, lovely, and irrepressible Naomi has appeared so far in twenty of my stories (as well as one by Northman). Thanks to my fellow SoL writer Jon Eugene (author of the entertaining and sexy series A Photographer’s Fantasy), Naomi’s Journal is now available here as an ongoing series, with my illustrations. Look for penname “Naomi.”



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