Another Fine Mess - Cover

Another Fine Mess

Copyright© 2024 by Tamalain

Chapter 10

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 10 - The continuing adventures of The New Journeyers. Thing for all the members are life changing.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   High Fantasy   Magic   Vampires  

Andrew, Brena, and Hara

Andrew peered down the road that he, Hara, and Brena had just come across. “Hara, I thought you said there weren’t any roads in this area.”

Hara looked around, trying to see the mountains to the east, but the trees blocked her view. Sighing, she said, “My father never took me with him, so I only know the roads the slaver took me on.” She looked at Brena, hoping for some direction to take the conversation. “I just remember how many days we traveled before they took to the roads leading east and west.”

“Well, this road seems to be running north and south. The condition of the road is also very well maintained,” Andrew said as he glanced around again. “These wheel ruts,” he pointed at a deep, broad set of wheel ruts, “They look like the wheels from coal wagons made them. The hoof prints are more like mules than horses.”

Hara sagged in despair, not knowing which way to go. “I’m sorry, Master, I am lost.”

Brena saw Andrew beginning to bristle at being referred to in that manner, “Andy, stop it. She was lost and scared when they took her. Don’t be angry with her now. We will find the right road soon enough. One of the coal drivers might be able to help us in that regard.”

Andrew looked around again, then settled down. “You’re right, Brena. We can head north and cross the mines in a day.” He gestured, and both women lined up behind him as he maneuvered around the deep ruts. “Watch your footing. The ruts are bad.”

They had continued walking for several hours when they heard a noise behind them. Andrew motioned for them to take cover in the dense brush off the road. The three waited under cover, hoping it was an empty coal train returning to the mines. Andrew pulled them down flat. He could tell these weren’t horses and wagons. The sound of men running had a sound all its own. He watched as a company-sized troop came running into view. Their clothing and armor weren’t like any he had ever seen before. Bloodrend grumbled, ‘More of the invaders, Master.’ ‘I wonder where they are going in such a hurry?’ thought Andrew. ‘Back the portal at some farm estate out this way.’ The sword was silent for a minute. ‘Master?’ ‘Yes?’ Didn’t Hara say her brother and sister were lovers?’

Andrew paused, thinking, ‘As a matter of fact, I recall her mentioning it.’

‘Well, Master, one of the invaders back at Fairham’s Cove did mention the portal was at an estate run by two young adults that looked more like brother and sister than husband and wife.’ Bloodrend paused to let that sink in.

Andrew motioned for them to get up as the last man ran past their hiding place. “We need to follow them.”

“Why,” Brena asked as she struggled with the heavy pack on her back.

Andrew grabbed both women by the arms and pulled them to their feet. “They may be heading to an estate run by a brother and sister. They are pretending to be husband and wife. Sound about right, Hara?”

Hara just nodded while getting her packs adequately seated on the mules for what she knew to be a long run ahead. Andrew started at a fast walk, and then, when they had been moving for what he thought to be long enough, he kicked it up to a slow jog. Andrew held them to this pace for ten minutes, then sped up to a fast jog. He didn’t want the other party to get too far ahead of them. After an hour, Andrew could tell that Brena and Hara could not hold his set pace. He slowed them to a walk so they could recover. Before sunset, they stopped near a small brook beside the road. Andrew didn’t want to stop, but his wives were making clear they needed to stop for the night. Making camp took a few minutes, and then they had a fire to cook some of their remaining rations.

“I hope we can find a village soon,” Brena said. “We are low on food.”

“I know,” Andrew replied. “Hara, do you think we are closer to your home now?”

“I don’t know, Andy,” Hara replied. She was tired and sore from the long run. “I don’t know where we are now.” She returned to the pack she had set at the edge of the camp tent. She unfastened her sleeping roll, placing it in the tent they shared. Brena joined her with her roll a minute later. Once the women were set, Andrew placed his inside as well. The stew that Hara prepared was hot and filling. She pointed out that this was the last of the meat. She could forage in the morning for more roots and fruits, increasing their travel time.

“Skip the foraging, Hara. We need to continue following the troop that passed us earlier. I want to see where they leave the road and follow them. If we come across a mining village before then, then we will stop to purchase more supplies.” He helped clean the cooking gear and secure the fire. Once it was out, he had the women settle in for the night. He was taking the first watch. He would wake Brena in three hours with the sand glass. The night grew quiet as he sat and listened. Two hours into his guard stand, he heard a snuffling in the brush off to his right. The sound and the scent that preceded the animal told him it was a wild boar. Rather than use Bloodrend, he pulled out his steel-long-sword. He wanted the boar intact so they could have fresh meat in the morning.

The boar entered the camp and paused. It could smell the remnants of the fire and Andrew’s scent. It made a low growl, then made ready to charge. Andrew didn’t give it a chance. He jumped up and to the side. This allowed him a clean swing at the animal’s throat. Andrew was lucky in his strike. He cut across the throat, killing the beast instantly. Andrew froze and listened in case there was more than one of the wild hogs in the area. After a few minutes, he determined that this one was a loner. Andrew dragged the carcass to the firepit and then worked to restore the fire so he’d have enough light to work by. He knew he could have used his light stone, but he wanted to begin preparing the kill for cooking in the morning. While he was doing this, Brena came out of the tent, weapon drawn. She saw what Andrew was doing and joined him. It was nearly time for her watch. This was fine.

“Let me guess, it tried to sneak up on you,” Brena said.

“Tried and failed. Now we have plenty of meat for a few days if we cook it all tonight.” Andrew had skinned the carcass and dragged the smelly flesh away from the camp. Brena cut out the parts they would not use and dragged them to join the pelt. Brena kissed Andrew and told him to get some sleep. He didn’t argue and was soon stripped down and sleeping with Hara holding onto him. Several hours later, Brena woke Hara to take the next watch. She told Hara to continue cooking the meat so they would be set for a few days. Brena stripped down, crawled into the tent, and snuggled up to her man. Andrew woke enough to wrap Brena in his arms and pulled her to him. He went back to sleep, and Brena soon joined him.

Hara sat and kept the meat cooking for her time on guard. She turned the sand glass each time it ran out. When she had completed her shift, she carefully woke Andrew to take the last guard shift. He woke, his hand snaking out to grab the hand that had shaken him. Hara let out a scream, trying to break free of his grasp. Andrew woke up enough to realize what had happened. He let Hara go and sat up. She had been pulling away and stumbled back, landing on her butt. This elicited another scream from Hara. She rolled away as she had nearly fallen into the cooking fire. Andrew untangled himself from the blanket and crawled over to Hara before she hurt herself. He pulled her to him, holding her, whispering everything was alright. Hara spent a few minutes crying and shaking.

Once she had calmed down, Andrew told her to go to bed for the rest of the night. Brena had woken up from all the noise. She sat up, waiting for Hara to join her under the covers. It had taken a few minutes to get the blankets back in order. Andrew had pulled them halfway out of the tent with him. “Come to me, Hara,” Brena said in a calming voice. “I will hold you and love you.” Hara got down and crawled into the tent, drawing closed once inside.

Andrew watched until the flap was closed. He checked the meat and saw that it was nearly done. Hara had managed to cook most of it while he slept. Brena had set out a stack of wraps to protect the meat. She had also left the bag of holding out. As the last meat cooked, he began wrapping chunks in leather. When one was ready, he placed the pack of hot food in the bag. The meat would stay fresh and hot while in this magical container.

When the horizon started showing the morning glow, he had all the meat secured and ready to travel. He allowed his wives to sleep longer by putting on a pot with water to heat. Morning tea was always an excellent way to start the day. Brena was the first out of the tent. Hara followed her a few minutes later. They cared for the morning ablutions just as Andrew had their tea ready. “Ladies, we have a long way to go today,” Andrew said. “I don’t see any way to catch up to the invaders.”

“Then what will we do, Andy,” Hara asked. She sipped her tea and nibbled at a left-over cooked potato. “I am lost; I can’t guide us to my home.”

“We will follow the road north towards the coal mines. They might be able to give us directions. We should be able to buy new supplies while there as well.” He looked at Brena, who was uncharacteristically quiet this morning. “Something bothering you, Brena?” Andrew asked.

Brena looked at Andrew, her eyes filling with tears. “Andy, I’m late.” She saw the look of confusion on his face. “Late, as in my period is late, by a week now.” She saw he wasn’t fully getting it yet. “I think I’m pregnant.” She saw that he got that.

“Pregnant? As in with child, pregnant?” he stammered. She just nodded. “Um, this is not a good thing right now, Brena.” Andrew was confused; his mind was not tracking the concept yet. “I mean, how?”

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