Magic 201 - Cover

Magic 201

Copyright© 2024 by irish Writer

Chapter 13

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 13 - Years ago, Reluctant_Sir posted a very interesting story about a young man who became a Mage, and then a Wizard. But the story didn't stop just there. So, WITH HIS PERMISSION, I have taken this story a little farther down the line. Hopefully I can attempt to copy the quality that he began this story with. Thank you all, and YES, I do have his permission.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   High Fantasy   Science Fiction   Paranormal   Magic   Sharing  

The first month of the New Year.

Our first month as Lambert Jewelers, Fine artifacts and Furnishings were a mixed bag. The clothing store did quite well, surprisingly, offering flexible attire for all weather goods. EDO engineering, however, produced an amazing first quarter. $80M in net after tax goods on deposit in the Brazilian bank, which gave us an excellent cash cushion. Jeffery’s work there had been rewarding for us (and him as well). Looking at his attachment to Paula and how both of them were when together, I expected to hear of a marriage proposal soon.

My sister, Maggie, and her best friend Carrie and my former slaves Carla and Natalie were all provided with very high-quality protective amulets which they wore religiously. Anyone trying to overpower them on our place would have a real challenge. I started to feel as if they were safe in Augusta. Then I said to myself “They really are out to get you. You are Not Paranoid.” And I walked around to see what else could be done.

Peter, Jeffery and I all worked to establish a fair rotation in and out of the Lounge for our sentient stone friends. We knew we had twelve and that they needed to feed every week. Fortunately, after hours, they slid out of stone model, and walked around to the different pedestals to stand on. Peter assured me that this did two things. First, it got them fed. All day long soaking in that room evidently was a pure delight. Pae’le told me that the usual was a small sip every three or so days with Arno and before with the previous prince it was even less. With me, they were able to eat when hungry, and gorge every week. Their coats (when they weren’t granite) grew sleeker, and thicker, and they grew in normal size. They had to focus to get back to their granite form, else they wouldn’t fit on the pedestals.

I figured it was just like kids. Sooner or later, they needed bigger furniture. Fortunately, Ogrenaut felt that he could build them a solid base for both sizes, Small and big.

There was a small issue, however. We had seven different public areas. And only twelve Gargoyles. To cover two per business, we needed two more. Or two of something.

February first, Arno Again.

“Hey, Hank. Thanks for the call. And also thanks for the gold on deposit in Brazil. It has really settled the minds of our people both in Europe and in Brazil about economics. Nothing says you are a friend like invested gold.”

“Not a problem Arno. So, what was it you wanted to talk with me about?’

“Hank, I have a problem and I hate to bother you, but I need some advice. And maybe some help”.

“Arno, you have enormous credit in this friend. What do you need, and lets’ see how I can help.”

“As you know, I am still cleaning up the political mess that Mone had here. And I keep making discoveries of things that he left that are needing attention. The economic wealth you are helping to generate is amazing, but the things I keep running into are a pain.”

“What is it my friend? What can I do for you? I don’t know how to help if I don’t know the trouble.”

“I have found two cages that Moan had captives in that we didn’t know anything about before.”

“Ok. I assume they are sentient Fae creatures.”

“Yes. And in poor health. What we have are two cages of long ago captured adolescent Gargoyles.

“How many total? And how bad is their health? What kind of veterinary care can we get them?”

“Four. Two of them are in such bad health because they were partially knifed with obsidian stone. They survived but continued neglect has made them very ill.”

“Let me reach out quickly to Paula and Pae’le and clear some space in the foyer for them.”

“Thank you, Hank.”

In twenty minutes, we had some space cleared in the foyer, enough to allow for four “kidlets”. Pae’le was on hand to welcome the new arrivals and to give them knowledge of language (in case Arno forgot). Gradually the fine grey mist formed in the center of the Atrium and solidified into to four very small forms on the floor. Two were in the typical seating position that almost all gargoyles adopted most of the time. Two however were lying down, totally, in a state of almost total collapse.

Paula quickly moved to establish feeding for all four, which seemed to brighten the two sitting gargoyles. “My, they are hungry. Hank, the two on the ground are quite listless.”

“That’s because they are not true Gargoyles. These two are almost infant Dragons. I am amazed that they exist.” Pae’le said quietly.

“Dragons!” I said excitedly. “Holy shit, we don’t have enough space for them to grow into.”

“Hank, they will grow very slowly. And so long as gold isn’t introduced to them, they will be quite docile and very manageable. At least that is what the records say.” Pae’le added.

“Arno, please tell me you at least gave them language.”

’Yes, Hank. Already prepped and ready to be adopted.” Arno replied. “I don’t make the same mistake twice. And Hank, Thank you. You are a Friend of Fae.”

So, we had four new kids. The younger Gargoyles recovered almost immediately. “Those poor children were starving” Paula said. “Hank we have to put them in the Fumeral room for a while in addition to the current guardians. It won’t matter or cause any trouble. But these youngsters need it.”

“What about these other two? Pae’le can they grow if they are able digest leyline energy.?

“I think so. Let’s see if they can talk.”

As we approached, the larger (barely) of the two on the ground wrapped around the other one protectively and we heard it speak. Mentally, with some trepidation. “What place is this? Humans feeding gargoyles? And feeding Us? You are not Fae, seeking to poke or punish us? Are you slaves running a kennel?”

“Hank. You need to answer. This creature seeks to impress. Like a baby. I can feel it as strongly as I felt it when I was a slave”. Paula spoke to my conscience.”

“Got it. I guess I got another kid.”

“Or five.”

That comment slid by me at the time. I can only beg that I was not really aware. I ‘m only

17¾. Give me a break.

Walking up to the collection of Fae creatures, I said “you are in my home here in Augusta with my other friends. You are safe and will not be mistreated. Eat, and grow healthy. If there is anything I can get for you, please tell me, and we will arrange it. What do you need?”

“May I ask, who are you? What are you?” the Dragonet asked. (Yea, I got that from a dictionary. Paula poked it into my mind later.)

“I am called Hank Lambert, and you are in my home, and I am a Friend of Fae.” I figured that answer would do best.

“You are the one that Mone feared. The one who blocked the portal and slew the Orc. The one who brokered peace with Arno. The one who ended a war. The one who disperses power greater than Merlin or Chen Zue. The one feared by Vaclav. My sister and I were to be trained to assassinate you. You are the enemy of Mages and Warlocks.”

“Well, young dragon, I kind of disagree with that last statement. Arno titled me Friend of Fae. Which is a little different from Vaclav, whoever he is. You are safe here now. You will be kept warm, and fed, and we will help heal your injuries. If you will be a friend, you will be free among friends.” Boy, this ancient English speech is smooth once you get used to it.

“You do not kill Fae?” The Dragonet asked.

“Look around. Do you see Gargoyles safe and happy here? There are Dwarves, and elves, and Ogres here. We don’t have trolls yet, but only because the doorways are too short.” Pae’le said.

“If you can walk, follow me to a place where you all can sit and be warm and fed.” I said. All four of them rose up on stiff legs and followed us to the Lounge, where I put the Dragons on the brick surround of the Fumeral, and sat the other Gargoyles on the stands in opposite corners from Pie’le and Pie’ma who had guard duty at this particular time. (We rotated every day around all of the stations on the first floor.)

Except for the brilliant green, the two dragonets looked like African Servals. I saw a picture of those in a magazine on African cats. That and the sharp talons with opposable thumbs on the front legs/feet. Oh, and the wings at the shoulders. I wonder if Natalie can get an import license for these? They are an endangered species. OK. That’s what lawyers do. Find the permits.

Discussions with Wendy

Later that evening, I had another talk with Wendy. She was almost my age, had some of the same issues I had, and was growing by leaps and bounds as a mage. I don’t know if she would become a Wizard unless her studies of Marine animals took off. Then again, Sir David did say she was extremely talented. And having the Power gem I gave her helped her do amazing things. “I guess that Power is a finesse all its own” he confessed to me one day.

I had been “talking” with Wendy every day since the Conclave. She had come out to visit the week after our sit down with the Icelandic and Mage Over Council. It was a good visit. And we did a lot of talking.

The biggest subject was SEX. As in the substitution of artifacts for “Batteries”.

“Hank, women have a different attitude toward sex than men. Since you and I met a year ago, I have slept with just a couple of men. But since you gave me this amulet, I haven’t felt the drive to sleep with either of them. I don’t need “batteries” when I have this to feed my needs. It’s almost like a sedative for the libido. My period is lighter, and I don’t get bloated or uncomfortable. And I am calm. How about you?” Wendy asked.

“I admit, I have not been interested in anyone since my parents and the girls died. I miss all of them, but for some reason, I see a woman, but I don’t want to pursue her. And again, there is the whole Lifespan thing. “I said.

“I know what you mean. Especially when I found out the lifespan of a “Mortal” vs a Mage or a Wizard. Relationships seem transient and kind of pointless. I just seem to focus on the details of doing and not on building any permeant relationship. I have a healthy enough body; I just don’t seem to want to use it.” Wendy said.

“I had wondered about you. I know I gave you the spells to help you grow out and feel more comfortable, and you getting together with Sir David must be working as well.” I teased.

“Strictly Platonic. He and Lady Elizabeth are wrapped around each other totally. But I think that comes from having experience. They have the same expectations and history. When you have been together for five hundred years, I guess you know the partner.”

Wendy continued, “I want to thank you again for recommending me to him. His spell and study guide for marine animals has catapulted me to the top of my class. My mom pressed for advanced acceleration courses in marine biology which the county didn’t offer at the time. So, this past year I was the youngest kid in college, two days a week. Twelve hours formal classes in core subjects like, Marine Biology and Math. I was taking them as Audit for the first six weeks, but then the teachers were going insane because I am screwing up the curve. Half of the kids want me to fall off a cliff. The others want a brain transplant so they can keep up with me. So now it’s all credit courses. But with all that work I just don’t have time for romance.”

For the first time in a long time, Wendy’s fire hose delivery brought a laugh to me.

“So, it’s not just me” I said.” Not being interested, I mean.”

“Nope. I admit that I am almost the female you.” Wendy replied. “Looks are attractive, but it costs too much investment in time, energy, and emotion. There are better things I need to do with all three. Plus, my mom is still kind of skittish because of how young I am.”

“Thank god you still have one.” I said.

“I know, Hank. Your situation really sucks. Is there any progress on the investigations?”

“Peter isn’t volunteering anything, other than to say he’s working with the French guys and says that they are good investigators, and bad commandos. So, I guess he thinks they are making headway.” I said.

“Hank, I know you too well. This “no news yet” is eating you alive inside. And didn’t your dad say that “Lack of intelligence costs more than anything else on the battlefield?”

“The saying was “Intelligence can win or lose battles; Logistics can win or lose wars”. But you are right. I do feel the need to get some better information.”

“Then push on them. It’s been over a month. You should press Peter, and Reggie, and even Sir David for information. At least a honest status. You aren’t going to go off halfcocked and blow up the world. You would have done that by now if it was the way you work.”

“I don’t feel comfortable doing that. Every time I push, I get the feeling that they resent me for what I can do. Besides, I still feel like I am just a kid to them most of the time.” I said.

“Hank, you need to pressure them over this. It’s causing you to become frustrated and it’s blocking your progress. You give them plenty of your energy and are working to improve everything in their life, but you find being locked in the dark about things that are bothering you. It’s not as bad as it was with Pat, except with just these few things. But those are the things keeping you distracted and unable to learn to do more by yourself.”

“Like teleport. I still cannot do that blind.” I said with a grin. “If it wasn’t for my watch, I would be stranded waiting for mental rides.” I said with chagrin.

“You have too much else going on to take the time to practice all the things you want to do. Right now, just take it easy. It will come in time. Work at being close to your people. See who wants to join you in some fun some time.”

“Well, I do admit that sleeping alone after two years is harder than I like to admit. But I don’t want to expose someone else to what happened to Bernie, or Lynn or Cindy.” I said.

“I know. But you should think about how much you can do for someone else as a partner.” Wendy said.

“Pot talking to Kettle?” I asked.

“Yes, Pot here. When things let up school wise, I assure you I intend to get laid. Often.”


That was almost word for word our conversation. And on February 6th, I had a bit of a shock.

I was practicing a newer (to me) type of shield. It was called Camouflage, and it was intended to make a user low observable. Totally passive, it was an extension of the first set of spells I had ever learned in school. I used it sometimes to avoid Paula, Natalie, and Carla on the weekends when I was trying to kick back and relax. The only one who saw through it always was Orgenaut. I swear he could sense me wherever I was, daytime, nighttime, and Saturdays too. As a bartender he was unbelievable.

I noticed that Peter and Maurice were both sitting at a table near the fumeral and both were locked in an intense discussion. I thought back and realized that I hadn’t seen much of either of them since the first week in January.

They were an odd pair. Initially there was some resentment on the part of Maurice, but it gave way to a grudging respect for Peter’s focus and attention to detail. Ten years in Homicide had given the experience of being able to understand the difference between what you know, what you think, and what you believe. He had hammered that into me last year at the end of the War with the Fae. So far, it had stood me in good stead. I admit that I was tempted to do some eavesdropping. So, I focused on sounds and caught:

“So, how did Cecile’s conference with the other Council leadership go?” Peter asked.

“I’m not sure. I am a bit worried though about the next step. How much and how soon do we give Hank a briefing?” Maurice asked.

“I’m not worried about that. My worry is that if we don’t do it soon, he will lose trust in us. I find I value that more than I do the various Council executives.” Peter replied.

“We should do it soon. I don’t want to be on the wrong end of the kind of reaction that this kid could have when he finds out what we know.” Maurice said. “Aren’t you worried about Hank’s reaction to all of the information we have?”

“I can see that being the first worry of anyone who does not know this kid. But I am not so worried about Hank’s reactions as I am about the next trick from our opponents. You know what the natural result is of a Defensive war? Defeat.” Peter replied.

“You Americans in your history seem to have a definite adverse relationship to defensive warfare. And you do it so very well. My worry is that you also don’t leave much around in the dust after you finish.”

“Well, I admit that we have a distinct dislike for “Limited War”.” Peter replied. “But I don’t want Hank to have another bad shock. I think losing any more of the people he loves would kill a part of him.”

“What part is that?” I asked. Yea, I admit that my curiosity had forced me to blow my cover. And I was wondering what they were taking about with this “briefing”.

Looking at the two of them, suddenly shocked at my appearance almost next to them, told me that I was getting the old Camouflage down pat.

“Hi, Maurice. I am glad you finally found your way to the Lounge. It’s my favorite place in the building. So, Pat, what was this briefing that the various councils have been given about me, my parents, and my friends in Richmond County? And when can I see it?”

“SHIT!” Peter thought. “I didn’t think the kid was in here.”

“Hank, you know that I work primarily for the Mage Council. And you know that Maurice works for the Over Council in Europe.” Peter stumbled through a verbal explanation. Trying hard to figure out how to deflect this without having it end up in an argument.

“Peter,” I said. “Let me tell you what I do know. First, you and Maurice have been digging into a wide variety of information in Richmond County about my parents’ death, my friend’s death, the demise of Deacon Thomas, the recordings that the Gnomes made when they were there under your request, and that the two of you have gone back and forth to Europe several times over the last nine weeks. I also know that the Reggie, Sir David, and Cecile Henrard recently had a closed-door session where the findings of your efforts were discussed. What I want to know, as the person of interest in this little stage play, is what are the contents and findings of this investigation. And not the Cliff notes. I want the full details. We have time, and I assume you and Maurice can spend the time to provide that to me as well as you have the various presidents, leaders and others.” Hank said with some finality.

Peter took a deep breath. “Kid, do you think you can handle what we found?”

“Peter, my father had a saying. He had it on a plaque he had from Vietnam. “Intelligence or the lack of it causes more won or lost battles than any other factor of combat. Logistics or the lack of it causes the loss of Wars”. What I don’t know can cause me more danger because it hides what others want to do to me. Being aware of the enemy and where they are is the best shield.”

“Kid I know... “Peter began.

“Peter. Right now, I don’t know of any efforts that the Mage Council, the Over Council, or the Council of Wizards are making. I do know that Arno has expended considerable resources on my behalf. I have twelve rotating Gnomes, Ogrenaut, and the entire family of Gargoyles who have voluntarily changed their Clan name to Lambert living here. I have Elves and Dwarves crafting runes on bracelets, amulets, and other objects for my sister, her best friend and incidentally every person working here whether they’re Human, Dwarven, Elven, or even Gargoyle to protect them because they are “Friends of the Friend of the Fae”. At no charge. For services that are usually quite rare and usually quite expensive.”

“Now all of them have demonstrated their interest in my good health. I don’t say that you have not demonstrated some similar interest, but so far, I have not seen that the investment is comparable.”

“I want to know, now, what do you know about the attacks on my parents and my friends that resulted in their deaths, and the attacks on our home here that resulted in Jeffery’s injury, and Paula having to clean up several gallons of tomato paste? As the senior resident Wizard here, I would appreciate that information.” I said with my best imitation of my dad’s voice. He said it was his holdover from when he taught at the Army War college. I never did know what he taught, but his way of saying “do this” stuck to my mind. I figured that it was good to use.

’SHIT. When the kid talks like that, what he’s using is command voice, and it’s coming out of Hank like it belongs there.”

Peter and Maurice looked at each other and embarked on a silent conversation. Maurice finally tilted his head to one side, and then nodded. “Hank, I guess we have to trust you as much as you have trusted us.” Maurice finally said.

Whereupon I reached into my pocket space and broke out my newest TOPS notebook and pen and got ready to write.

“From the beginning”. Peter started. And for the next full hour went over the details of the discoveries that he and Maurice had made. And he left nothing out, including his beliefs, and what the facts so far discovered we had, and what they did or seemed to indicate. And he separated his beliefs from his thoughts.

Maurice was also quick to identify what he knew, what he thought and what he felt the evidence indicated in the list of assaults so far.

At the end of this, I went back to the notebook, and looked at each of the questions and answers of over seven pages of notes.

“Let me see if I have all this right. In summary, my friends, we have three classifications of information here. What we Know, what we believe, and what we Think.” I said as I began reading back what I had heard.

“We know that Deacon Thomas was an Acolyte of the unlamented Abigayle Analise Anders, formerly of Atlanta and now is somewhere in or around the Balkans or Greece.”

“We believe that Ms. Anders hooked up with Grigori Rasputin. Who, it turns out, is currently known as Vaclav Kovak. Who is some sort of crime boss in the Balkans. Who we think is a Power Mage or possibly even Wizard, but who is an outcast from any of the formal associations either in Europe, Asia, or the Over Council.”

“We think he performed the attack on my parent’s home, killing both. Either directly himself or through some Acolyte of his own. We do have recordings of the Aura of the magic used for comparison. Which we can use at a later date as we get opportunity to verify the attacker.”

“We think a week later he performed that same attack on Lynn, Bernice, and Cindy. We believe that both attacks were to gain information on me. In both attacks the Aural Signature was identical.”

“We believe that Vaclav Kovak was associated with Nickoli Argel and Christos Myconos.

We know that these two were the ones who attempted to come here into my home and attacked Jeffery and Paula.”

“We think that the reason they came here and launched the attack was to acquire any artifacts and destroy the Fumeral here. We know that was unsuccessful.”

“We now know that Olaf Meyerson, who I had numerous communications with via mail or message, is in fact dead and we believe that he has been for several weeks. Which means that any and all communication that I believed were with him were in fact with someone else. Someone playing for the other side.”

“I know that you, Peter, have reviewed all of the communications since the entry and negotiation on January 7 to discover any information that was exchanged to uncover anything that posed a risk to any of us. I was told by Natalie some time ago that you were reviewing all documents for content. Now I know why.”

“So, have I missed any details of this briefing?” I asked Peter asked in summation.

“Nope.” Peter replied.” You have laid out the sequence of events, and the probable provable elements.”

“Well, I don’t think we need to formulate any plans other than defense of ourselves here or of my sister and Carrie at college. Not right now. Our opponents have already destroyed almost everyone in my orbit who is not able to defend themselves.” I continued.

Peter and Maurice both looked saddened at that statement. Both realized how much I had lost and were wondering what was next.

“I think that the longer-term next steps should be to confirm Abigail Ander’s role in this, and Vaclav Kovak’s as well. And determine what other assets Mr. Kovak may have in his arsenal and what he intends to use them for against us. I assume, Peter, that is what you and Maurice are going to continue to do?”

Both men nodded at me. “What do you intend to do in the meantime?” Maurice asked.

“Well, I think our plan to make sure that high power artifacts are aurally tuned to only their owners, who have been vouched for by the three different councils are our first important step. Lower powered artifacts are less effective as offensive weapons.”

“Like Peters’ and mine?” Maurice asked.

“Yes. Like your old ones. Your newer ones will be a bit stronger.” I answered.

“The other question is where else can artifacts be obtained and from who? To my knowledge, the only other places where fast charging is available is Iceland. But we don’t’ know where else it can be done.” I asked.

“That’s an excellent question. I am sorry in a way that Paula did such an excellent job of her treatment of the Balkan Twins, because it would have been nice to trace the artifact if they had one back to its source. Not that I am criticizing her behavior or actions on that day. She did good. The question is, did they have one, and where did it come from and who made it.” Maurice thought out loud.

“You think there are other high-powered artifacts out there in questionable hands?” Peter asked.

“Well, someone thinks they are high powered. Perhaps not up to the standards we can produce, but possibly big enough that someone else may use them to support an attack. And lucky can beat power almost any day.” I said.

At this point, conversation lapsed into contemplation as we all did some serious thinking. And me drinking Braque’s Crème Soda and the two adults drinking bourbon. Damn, it’s a shame I am still under twenty-one in Orgenaut’s eyes.

“One final question I have for both of you. Is there anything you think, believe, or know that relates to this set of incidents that you have left out? Because gaps in intelligence are what gets people killed.” I asked.

“Nothing at this point, Kid. You have it all. And you didn’t need a truth spell to get it.” Peter said.

“I know. And thank you. I appreciate your trust. And your friendship.” I said.

Friendship I have discovered means different things to different creatures. For humans it is variable depending on circumstance and the emotional commitment of the participants. For the Fae, it’s a totally different and ridged meaning. And I decided I preferred the Fae definition both ways to the human one. At least until the individual proved themselves to me.

Saturday Night with sister and friends.

Weekends were the only time I could get Maggie and Carrie away from college. Both of them were doing very well at college, and so far had local support from a pair of resident Mages (Michael Fitzhugh and Sylvia Groton) who had moved to Georgia from New Zealand to get some different scenery. Both were recovering from PTSD from WWII where they lost one of their best friends. Thus, they were understanding about the losses that Maggie and Carrie had experienced and were good ears listening. The whole group spent weekends in Augusta for grins (and good scotch).

Sylvia didn’t actually have to pry Michael out of the Lounge. She had Ogrenaut help her carry him to the elevator. Which is what they were doing when they came upon me while I was walking Brimstone (our male dragonet) around through the furnishing store. He had been here for a few days and wanted to stretch his legs. And perhaps get a better read on me. His sister was still recovering from her lack of food, but she was resilient. Ogrenaut had dropped his Geas, so his true shape and color was evident. And seeing a large human in his arms passed out while a diminutive woman was working the elevator buttons struck him as humorous. The group of them Maggie, Carrie, Sylvia all crowded around an Ogre with a man in his arms.

“I never thought I would see such a scene.” Brim said. (We shortened his name for casual use)

“I never did either. But Ogrenaut is a good bartender. He’s my general overall Fae administrator.”

“What do you want me to do, Master Hank” Brim asked.

Oh shit. Another one. “I want you and your sister to be healthy and happy. That’s all you need to contribute. The Fumeral is a wellspring of health for Fae, evidently, and you are free to drink from it as our friends”.

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