A Well-Lived Life - Book 9 - Anala - Cover

A Well-Lived Life - Book 9 - Anala

Copyright © 2015-2023 Penguintopia Productions

Chapter 81: Wen

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 81: Wen - This is the continuation of the story told in "Book 8 - Stephie". If you haven't read Books 1 through 8, then you'll have some difficulty following the story. I strongly encourage you to read those before you begin this ninth book. Like the other books in this series, there is a lot of dialogue and introspection. There is also a lot of sex. Book 9 has 82 chapters and about 448,000 words. It's a lengthy read. I hope you'll stick with it!

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Mult   School   Incest   Brother   Sister   First   Slow  

December, 1984, Chicago, Illinois

I poured us each a cup of tea and handed one to Wen. I had thought long and hard about getting involved with her after the whole 'Callie incident', but I didn't see any warning signs, nor did I think Wen was doing this for any reason other than lust. In the end, I felt I was on fairly safe ground.

"How were all your other exams?" I asked.

"Good," she said. "I'm pretty sure I had straight A's."

"Excellent. I've recommended you to Scott for an internship at Nuvatec next Fall when you're a Junior."

"Really?" she gasped.

"Yes. The one thing I forget to check on was if you had a work permit."

"I do. My visa lets me work for the school, a work-study program, or an internship related to my degree. I'm working towards getting a Green Card, too."

"Do you plan to stay in the US permanently?" I asked.

"Yes. Both my brother and I. I plan to go back to Thailand next Summer, but next Winter, I wonder if you would let me stay here when the dorms close."

"Sure. I may not be here part of the time, but you're welcome to use one of the guest rooms."


"How are you getting to the airport tomorrow?" I asked.

"A limo. It's already arranged. My dad pays; he wants me to be totally safe."

"Cool. Do you still want to do what you asked me about?" I asked in a gentle voice.

"Yes," she whispered. "Absolutely!"

"I can't be your boyfriend, you know that, right?"

"I know. You have Sofia and Kara and that girl from Wisconsin. But I want to do it with you. I know you'll be gentle and careful and loving."

"May I ask, why now?"

"I want to know what it's like," she sighed. "I'm nineteen and I want to know. Not being a virgin isn't a big deal for me. My parents would be scandalized, but they don't get to decide!"

"And do you see this as just a one-time thing?" I asked.

She giggled, "That depends on how much I like it!"

I laughed, "A wise answer! I do have to run next door at 3:30pm to talk to my neighbors. We have about two hours now if you want to go upstairs."

She looked at me, then down into her teacup, then up again. She smiled and nodded. I took our teacups and the teapot to the kitchen, then came back to the Indian room and took Wen's hand and led her up to my room. I shut and locked the door, then went to sit on the loveseat. Wen sat down close beside me and I put my arm around her.

"Let's take this nice and slow, and you tell me if you want to stop," I said.

She nodded, "OK. I'm nervous but I want to do this! I even went to the clinic a couple of months ago and got birth control pills!"

I had absolutely no reason to doubt her word, and I much preferred the more intense feelings that came with being bare, rather than enclosed in a latex sheath. I put my arm around Wen and she scooted very close. She turned her face up for a kiss and I brought my lips down to hers. I moved my hand to her breast, and she parted her lips and our tongues swirled around each other. Wen moaned softly into my mouth and leaned into me.

Wen was wearing a green fuzzy sweater that made it difficult to even feel her bra, let alone get a good feel of her small breast. I trailed my fingers down her side, and then slipped them under her sweater, pushing upwards until I felt the lace material of her bra. I traced my fingers along the top edge of her bra and then cupped her firm breast in my hand while we continued to kiss.

I shifted a bit and moved both hands to the hem of Wen's sweater and pulled upwards. She broke the kiss and lifted her arms so that I could pull the sweater over her head. I tossed the sweater onto the far end of the loveseat and pulled Wen to me again so we could kiss. I ran my hands over her skin and the light material of her bra, and pushed the straps down off her shoulders. Breaking the kiss, I lightly touched her neck and shoulders with my lips, making her shudder as goose bumps appeared on her skin.

My fingers went to the clasp of her bra and unhooked it. Wen pulled back a bit, removed the now loose-hanging bra and put it on top of her sweater. I moved my lips to suckle her nipple, tasting coconut, which I assumed was from her body oil. It wasn't my favorite flavor in the world, but I wasn't about to object. Wen moaned softly as I suckled first her right and then her left breast.

Wen's fingers went to the buttons on my shirt, fumbling a bit, but managed to finally get them unbuttoned. I released her breast and sat up to let her pull my shirt over my head. I gasped when she lowered her lips to my chest and sucked gently on each nipple in turn, then rose up to kiss me again. My fingers, with nothing better to do, went to the buttons on her jeans and deftly unbuttoned them. I slid my hand inside them, and when I encountered the material of her panties, I pressed my fingers inside them as well.

I gently pushed downward, running my fingers across her soft pubic hair and gently pressed on Wen's clit. She jumped a bit and sucked in her breath, but didn't break our kiss. I ran my finger along her slit, finding it slick with juices. I probed gently for her opening and pressed my finger inside. Wen gasped and broke the kiss. She hugged me tightly and her breathing increased as I moved my finger in a slow circle.

Wen was extremely tight, and she was also small in stature, so I thought perhaps the best way to start was with me sitting and her straddling me. And I'd add some lube as well. I'd encountered her maidenhead on my probing and it had only a small central opening. I slowly withdrew my hand and helped Wen stand up. I unzipped her jeans and pushed both them and her black lace panties down around her ankles. She stepped out of them, then fumbled a bit with my belt, button, and zipper before pushing my pants down. I stepped out of them and pulled Wen against me, our naked bodies touching along their length, her breasts and my dick crushed between us.

I moved us over to the bed and gently pushed Wen back to sit on the edge. I knelt down in front of her and gently pried her legs apart, getting my first look at her most secret spot. Her labia were thin and darkly colored, contrasting with her golden skin. I lowered my face and ran the flat of my tongue over her labia, causing Wen to jump.

"Oh!" she gasped.

I gently pressed my tongue into her, getting a taste of her wonderfully musky juices, and gently sucked on her clit. She writhed and moaned and a few seconds later she groaned loudly and said something in Chinese. I had no clue what it was, but the tone was one of pleasure, not an indication to stop, so I continued licking and sucking while the orgasm ran its course.

When it finished, I got up and got the tube of cherry lube from my drawer and rubbed a bit on my dick, then got into bed and sat cross-legged. I helped Wen to my lap, facing me, her knees on either side of me. I put my hands under her butt and lifted her a bit, positioning her over my rigid dick. I kissed her and then looked deeply into her eyes. She bit her lower lip and nodded, and I slowly moved her lower until my glans came into contact with her labia.

"Oh!" she gasped again.

She was light enough that I could hold her up with one hand, so I grasped my dick and held it straight while moving her lower. As the tip spread her labia, Wen gasped, took a deep breath, then thrust down hard, taking about half my dick into her and shredding her hymen in the process. She said something in Chinese that I took as the equivalent of 'ouch' and panted, then pushed down hard again. She was very wet, and the additional lube made it possible for her to fully embed my dick in her very tight, very warm pussy in those two swift movements.

I pulled Wen tight against me and waited for her body to adjust to my dick stretching the walls of her very tight tunnel. Perhaps a minute later, Wen raised up and then slowly slid down my shaft. She was clearly a virgin, but she seemed to instinctively know what to do. I put both hands on her butt and supported her as she moved up and down my shaft, stopping occasionally to grind against me. We kissed furiously and her motions became quicker, and she was bouncing up and down wantonly, moaning into my mouth and clutching me tightly around my neck.

Given my night with Penny, I felt no urgency at all and simply let Wen move as she wanted, and two minutes later she was rewarded with a crushing orgasm that caused her pussy to grasp so tightly onto my shaft that she couldn't move. She broke the kiss and bit my shoulder, which muffled her groan. When the spasms ceased, she began slowly bouncing again, increasing her speed as she worked towards another release. When this one came, she bit hard into my shoulder and ground against me, prolonging the spasms.

Wen began moving again, slowly, and I allowed my pleasure to build. I wasn't going to have much in the way of cum, but I figured that there should be some, since my last release had been more than twelve hours before. A few minutes later, when I felt she was close, I simply relaxed and allowed my release to overtake me. Wen's final orgasm hit just as I was at the point of no return and we came together, hugging tightly, and I fired several small spurts of cum into her tiny pussy.

We both were breathing hard, and I kept hugging Wen tight to me. Her hands ran up and down my back, tracing along my spine. We kissed softly between heavy breaths and savored the mutual pleasure that we'd just experienced.

"Thank you!" she whispered.

"I should thank you!" I said. "You felt really, really good."

"I got so excited that I couldn't wait," she said. "It hurt a bit, but then it felt so good I couldn't stop myself!"

I kissed her softly, "Yes, that is how it usually goes."

"I liked it!" she giggled.

"Me too!"

My dick deflated and slipped from her, and our combined juices ran down over me and onto the sheets. I helped Wen from my lap and then got out of bed. I saw a wet spot, stained with red blood, and looked down to see reddish fluid on my dick and on Wen's thighs. I walked her into the bathroom and adjusted the shower temperature and pulled her in. I washed her from top to bottom and then she giggled, taking the soap, and did the same for me. When I was clean, I turned her around and pulled her to me. I gently fingered her clit and kissed her neck until she came, and then we got out of the shower.

We dried each other, got dressed, and then she helped me change the sheets on my bed. Before we went downstairs, I stopped her, taking her into my arms for a soft kiss.

"You were wonderful," she said. "Perhaps we can do this again sometime?"

I smiled, "Yes, perhaps!"

I took the sheets to the laundry room and put them in the washer, passing by Elyse and Kara, who gave me a knowing smirk. I said hello to Bethany, who'd arrived while I'd been upstairs and then got a Coke from the fridge for me, and a 7-Up for Wen, and took it to her in the great room. We sat together for about ten minutes, chatting with Jamie and Jackie, and then I got up to see who else had arrived. Kurt and Kathy were there, and Pete and Melanie walked in the front door just as I was heading to the sunroom, where I found Jorge, George, Charlie, and Brett. A few minutes later, Jeremiah Brown showed up, as well as Patience and Prudence.

Just then, the phone in my office rang. I excused myself and walked quickly there to answer it.

"I'm home safe," Sofia said in Swedish in her «Göteborgska» accent.

"Good! I'll miss you while you're gone! Say «Hej!» to your parents for me; I'll see you in January."

"I'll miss you too! Love you!"

"I love you too!" I responded.

We said our goodbyes and after hanging up, went upstairs to get Penny's gift from my room and walked next door. I knocked on the door and Alice opened it and invited me in. Pete came charging down the steps barking like a maniac, followed closely by Penny. She smiled and winked at me, though Alice couldn't see. I followed Alice into the living room and we sat down.

"I have a gift for you, Penny," I said.

She got up and came and sat next to me, and I handed the box to her. She quickly ripped off the ribbon and paper and opened the white box to reveal the jewelry box. She popped it open and gasped. Impulsively, she threw her arms around me and I was glad I had quick enough reflexes to make sure that the shower of kisses landed on my cheek. Bart laughed and Alice smiled as I gently pushed Penny away. She made a face at me but didn't protest.

"Would you put it on me?" she asked.

I glanced at Alice, who nodded with a slight smile. I took the necklace from the box and put it around her neck, fastening the clasp. Penny's fingers went to the small diamond pendant and stroked it.

"It's so beautiful! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" she gushed.

"A pretty necklace for a pretty girl!" I said.

I took the coffee that Alice offered and the four of us talked for about fifteen minutes before I said that I needed to get back to my end of semester party.

"Can I come over?" Penny asked.

"It's all older kids, Penny," I cautioned. "I don't think your mom will approve."

"I never get to have any fun!" Penny complained.

That was about as far from the truth as anything that Penny could possibly have said, but it was certainly in character for the innocent little girl act that Penny put on for her parents.

"That's not true, Penny, and you know it!" Bart countered. "Steve's right. It's all older kids. You get to go over there quite a bit as it is. And besides, we were going to take you to Connie's for Pizza tonight."

Penny made a show of crossing her arms and making a sad face.

"Penny, that sounds like fun," I said. "I wouldn't complain too much if I were you."

Bart and Alice laughed, and I got up to leave. Penny got up and gave me a big hug and walked me to the door.

"I had LOTS of fun last night!" she whispered.

"Shush!" I whispered, but I had a big grin on my face.

She let me out the door and I walked back to my house. I went to my office to call Joyce and see if she could set up a meeting with her grandfather.

"Why are you calling me instead of calling him directly?"

"Because you're taking over for him, eventually. I'll ask him, but I figured that you should be there."

"You won't be in the Cincinnati area long, if I remember correctly. I'll set it up for tomorrow afternoon at 3:00pm. Will that work?"

"Perfectly. I'll bring written copies of our business plan."

Joyce laughed, "Grandfather will be impressed. He won't need that, but it'll show him how serious you are. You understand that he'll have some conditions."

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