Tissues Goes Back to School - Cover

Tissues Goes Back to School

Copyright© 2021 by Mary Kwite

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - After a life-changing weekend for the Gleason family, Tissues heads back to school, Mom settles in her new role, and Ms. Connor, the beautiful cheerleader coach, gets the team ready for the big competition. We start to learn how Ms. Connor gets away with all her shenanigans. If you don't read the other stories first, you'll be confused. New tags will be added, as chapters are posted.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Coercion   Consensual   Lesbian   Heterosexual   School   Mother   Daughter   Humiliation   Light Bond   Spanking   Interracial   Anal Sex   Analingus   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex   Squirting   Big Breasts   Small Breasts   Teacher/Student   ENF  

I got to the door of my English class, took a deep breath and then walked in. Mrs. Wilson, the teacher, stopped talking and stared at me. After a moment of silence, one of the boys did a Tissues-cough which got the whole class going.

“Quiet! Quiet!” Mrs. Wilson said, “I assume you have a late pass Ms. Gleason?”

Didn’t she think it was odd, the way I was dressed? I was practically naked standing in front of the class! Ms. Connor must have gotten word around about me. How was she getting away with all this?

“I ... Uhhh ... No,” I responded.

She came over to me, grabbed my hand and had me turn backward and forward. She looked my body over and I’m sure the class did the same.

“What happened to you? Where did these marks come from?” She asked.

“I ... I was punished...” I replied and the class erupted in laughter, “It’s OK, Mrs. Wilson. It’s a cheerleader initiation thing. It looks much worse than it is.”

“Well, class is almost over, so it’s too late to send you to the office. I’ll report your tardiness to the office myself after class. While you’re up here, you might as well recite your homework assignment to the class.”

Homework! I forgot all about it. I was supposed to write poem about my weekend. I was so busy with ... well everything this weekend to even think about it.

“I ... Uhhh...” I stammered.

“You do have something to recite, don’t you? I don’t want to give you a zero. That will spoil you’re A-grade.”

I had to come up with something. Fast! I still don’t know what came over me, but I tried to rhyme about things that happened over the weekend. The vibrator up my butt started buzzing as soon as I started to talk.

“Friday, I had a party. All the girls were there. It was a lot of fun, until they took off my under ... Oh!”

“I guess they didn’t give them back!” A girl shouted from the class. They really enjoyed that one.

“Mom was very annoyed. She heard our music cranking. When she came down to yell, Debbie gave her a spank ... Oh Gosh!”

“Mom’s not the only one who got a spanking!” A boy called out to more laughing.

“I should have read a book instead. Maybe ‘A Tale of Two Cities.’ Instead everyone saw I have no titt ... Oh! No!”

The Tissues-coughs rang out after that line.

“I had a nice time shopping. I was feeling nice and chipper. I felt like a runway queen when I was forced to be a strip ... Ugh!”

“Take it off! Take it off!” The class chanted until Mrs. Wilson stopped them.

“A lot of things happened this weekend. It was really quite perverted. Perhaps the worst humiliation of all, was when my cunny squir ... Oh! Mmm!”

“Oh my!” Mrs. Wilson gasped, “I think that’s quite enough, Ms. Gleason. Come to the desk so you can see your grade as I enter it into my book.”

She wrote ‘100’ next to my name in her grade book and winked at me. She knew! My cunny tingled. I really needed to cum.

The bell rang, ending third period. I was the first one out into the hallway and headed toward the cafeteria for lunch. I got a lot of feels in the crowded hallway, even from the girls.

Ms. Connor worked it out with the office so that all the cheerleaders had lunch fourth period. I grabbed my lunch and sat at the cheerleader table. Geeky boys sat at all the tables around us, trying to check us out while not letting us see them check us out. It was kind of silly. After all, cheerleaders loved being looked at. That’s why we’re cheerleaders!

My teammates all oohed and awed at my outfit. They traced their fingers along my strap marks, too. Once they got that out of their system, we ate our lunch and gossiped about boys.

I noticed that Debbie was a little uncomfortable and kept adjusting her huge titties in her bra. Tonya and Laia told the story about my strapping in the girl’s room. Debbie had a hushed conversation with Kaylie, who works in the clothing store. They kept looking over at me and laughing. It made me think about the girdle lady and my clitty throbbed. I thought about having her at my house with Mom.

“Tissues,” Debbie said in a loud voice when we were done with lunch, “Why don’t you show us all the dance moves you learned on Saturday?”

I felt myself blushing. She was referring to our strip-club performance. I hoped she was kidding and just giggled in response.

She got up and walked over to me, grabbed my hand and pulled me up, “Come on. Up you go.”

She pushed me toward the table and pulled up on my arm. I thought my cunny would show, so I stepped up onto my chair to avoid stretching too much. Tonya got some dance music playing on her phone.

“No! Debbie, please. Not here,” I begged.

She pushed me up onto the table and said, “Get moving!”

My teammates cheered me on, so I started to walk back and forth on the table in time with the music. The whole cafeteria was looking at me and a crowd started to form around our table. I got the same feeling of power that I felt at the strip club and started dancing. I did my best to keep my legs closed. I didn’t want my clitty seen here in school. The vibrator buzzed away in my butthole.

I crossed my legs and bent over to a loud cheer. I’m sure that my cunny lips were showing, but my clitty was tucked between my thighs out of sight.

The other side of the room that didn’t get to see my naked butt booed, so I turned around and repeated the move for them. The crowd cheered. Even the lunch ladies were cheering.

“What the fuck!?” I heard Ms. Connor scream over the crowd.

All of a sudden, the music stopped, and the kids all went back to their tables. I stood on the table, frozen in place. I was only doing what I was told. I didn’t want Ms. Connor to be mad at me.

“I ... I didn’t cum!” was all I could think of to say.

“This is not part of the plan!” Ms. Connor whisper-shouted at Debbie.

“I ... I’m sorry, Ms. Connor. I just thought...” Debbie stammered.

“Don’t think! Just do what you’re told.” Ms. Connor said. “You! Get the fuck down from that table.”

“Oh! Yes, Ms. Connor ... I ... I’m sorry, Ms. Connor,” I said as I scampered down and onto my seat.

“You girls have new routine to learn. Debbie has the details. You should be going over that to be ready for practice this afternoon, not running a strip tease in the cafeteria.”

“Yes, Ms. Connor,” we all said at the same time.

Ms. Connor went to get her lunch. Debbie went over the routine with us. We spent the rest of our lunch period getting the moves straight in our heads.

The new routine had a final move where I was getting tossed up by Debbie and Tonya. I had to do a double flip in the air and they would catch me by my arms and knees. It was a great chance for me to be the center of attention and show Ms. Connor how good I could be. It would take a lot of practice, though and I had to really trust Debbie and Tonya to catch me. It gave me something to look forward to, to help me get through the rest of this humiliating day at school.

The bell rang and the cafeteria emptied as we all headed to fifth period.

Ms. Connor grabbed my elbow as I walked out.

“Don’t worry,” she said, “I’m glad your embracing all this.”

I smiled and headed to my next class.

Eugene watched Tissues’ strip tease from the geek table with his geek friends. When Ms. Connor ended the show, he went to the data center.

He flipped through his camera feeds and found the one for the camera he had pointed at the cheerleader’s table. Mentally, he patted himself on the back.

When Ms. Connor enlisted his help to get cameras and recorders set up, he went the extra mile. He had cameras recording everywhere. He assured Ms. Connor that she was the only one that could access the feeds, using the ‘special password’ he set up for her. How gullible can someone be? Well, he thought, she is a cheerleader, after all. They’re not known for their intelligence.

He had access to all her recordings, plus a few more that he set up. He was building up quite a library.

He pulled his pants down and watched the recording of Tissues’ dance. He jerked his dick off quickly. It never took long, even though he’d already jerked off several times today. Once watching Ms. Connor getting ram-rodded by Principal Jackson. Then twice while watching Tissues getting her cunny flogged and then licking Tonya and Laia off.

He cleaned up when he was done, checked all the security configurations, and sat back to relax before he had to head to fifth period. He was very satisfied with himself.

The only question in his mind was when to spring the trap on Ms. Connor and start fucking her and all her slutty little cheerleaders. Maybe he could even make some money blackmailing the principal and all the others involved. All in good time.

That reminded him. He needed to hook up the bug on Ms. Connor’s desk phone. He also needed to complete his research on hacking cell phones via wifi. It was going to cost him some money to pay off hackers to teach him, but it would pay off.

The bell rang and Eugene went off to his next class thinking about his next jerk-off session looking at the live feed from the girl’s locker room before cheerleading practice.

Fifth period was art class. The art teacher makes us call him by his first name, Mr. Fred. He looks and acts just like that painter on TV. He even has us paint ‘happy little trees’ all the time.

I got to follow up my lunchtime dance with serving as the model for the class’s painting. The class is arranged in a circle and I got to stand on a pedestal in the center. Mr. Fred let the other kids pose me this way and that. He had a big tent in his pants the whole time and a growing wet spot.

The boys and some of the girls in the class got up to pose me or look over my body parts closely. I was careful to keep my cunny covered, but a lot of them got really close looks at my completely flat chest and swollen nipples. I had a lot of hands on me, as well as they moved my body this way and that.

When art class ended, Mr. Fred complimented me on a job well done and said he would excuse me from any assignments and give me an A in art if I would serve as model whenever he needed. I agreed, of course. I hated doing those stupid art projects anyway! Plus, if I had to be nearly naked with everyone gawking at me, I might as well get something out of it. Besides a sopping wet cunny and throbbing clitty, that is.

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