Beth - Cover


Copyright© 2019 by Bronte Follower

Chapter 183

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 183 - Something of a coming-of-age story of a bright, well-adjusted, modern girl, this story is long. It begins with her mother's infidelity, an act that becomes the impetus for a plan to further her ambitions in a particular direction: her hunk of a father. The plan does not come apart so much as expands to encompass much more than she planned... just as the actual writing did.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Consensual   BiSexual   Fiction   Sports   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Exhibitionism   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Safe Sex   Voyeurism   Nudism  

April 16, 2018 (Monday)

Dear Ms. Diary,

At lunch, Lana told us, “Since we have the in-service morning tomorrow, we have permission to stay out until 11:00.”

Heather replied, “With Beth staying with you, that’s good.”

“However,” Brett returned, “we must eat with them ... with Beth.”

I rolled my eyes at Brett, and he grinned at me.

Brett, Lana, and I walked in their front door after practice and Lana yelled out, “Dad, Mom, we’re home. We’re gonna shower, then join you at the table.”

Steph called back, “Okay. If you hurry, you’ll beat dinner being ready. Hi, Beth. We’re looking forward to talking with you.”

“Hi, Steph. I guess we’ll be out soon.”

With all three of us in the shower, Brett asked, “We can do this straight up, or we can fool around a little and arrive at the table turned on, really turned on.”

I responded, “I’d rather have all my wits sharp to deal with Steph, despite how you know I like to fool around in the shower. Besides, this one’s a bit tight with three in it.”

“Yeah,” Lana replied, “but we’d like to ... christen this shower with its first ... threesome. But, yeah, it’s tight. Besides, we have tomorrow morning and I sure hope we get excited enough ... somehow ... tonight to need another shower in the morning before school.”

I hugged Lana tightly as my response.

As we walked into the dining room only a bit less than 15 minutes after walking in the front door, Matt said, “Hi, Beth. Welcome to our home. I see they’ve told you of acceptable clothing here. Also, Steph and I will let you get at least most of your dinner eaten before we subject you to the third degree.”

Steph whapped him in the back with the wooden spoon that was the mate to the wooden fork for the salad, and tongue-in-cheek said, “Don’t scare our guest away before she even sits down.”

“Oh. I’m sorry. Should I have held that until she sat?”

“Beth, does Charlie have the same questionable sense of humor?”

I chuckled and replied, “At times. Do they go to school somewhere for that?”

Steph chuckled at me, threw in a grin, then answered, “There must be, but I didn’t let him out of my sight much after I graduated from high school. He must have matriculated before we met when I was 15.”

I asked, “Must I hold off on the reverse third degree, or may I ask a question that came to mind when we had our meeting at the compound before you left for Thailand?”

As she placed the salad and utensils on the table, Steph told Lana to get drinks for everyone, then responded, “You may ask it now.”

“How did your parents deal with you dating a guy in, I presume, college when you were 15?”

“Not as well as your parents might have. I like to think that Matt and I would have treated ourselves less ... doubtfully than my parents did, but that whole situation was something of a learning experience for us about parenting. I vowed then to trust any children I had that had earned that trust, which I truly thought I had at that age.”

Matt said, “They did let us keep seeing each other, despite that they made it a bit difficult for us to find real alone time together.”

Steph indicated that we should all sit, and after we had, she stated, “I hope you don’t mind being served a meal that your family taught us, but we truly love the bleu cheese-stuffed lamb burgers, and it was something we knew you liked.”

“Oh, I’m not a picky eater, so you could have served almost anything, but, like you guys, I really love these, too.”

“Thanks,” replied Matt. “We’ll keep that in mind for the next time you’re here.”

I took the opportunity for which I had hoped, stating, “Thanks, so much, for allowing Brett and Lana to invite us girls for sleepovers. I think you can imagine, but having both of them with us for 20 straight days made for an abrupt case of withdrawal for all of us when you returned. Everyone, even all the parents ... and Mom specifically wanted me to tell you this, greatly enjoyed them being in the compound for that stretch. Mom said either or both are welcome at any time.”

Matt responded, “That’s heartening to hear that our children are appreciated by other parents.” He turned to Steph and added, “Perhaps we’ve done an okay job raising our nearly two kids.”

Steph smiled at him, after which conversation turned to typical dinner chatter, with nothing particularly serious discussed. The three of us helped clean up, then joined Brett’s parents in the family room.

As I was sitting between Brett and Lana on the couch, Steph began with, “We don’t want this to be anything like antagonistic. We understand, perhaps better than most, that kids sometimes love whom they love, regardless of their parents’ wishes. We simply want to ... better understand the ... Las Amadas; how it got going, what it means to you, specifically, Beth; and how you see the future unwinding for your ... unconventional relationship.”

I nodded, mentally lined up how I’d present the beginning – leaving out aspects that were not wise to tell them, then told them about Rhee and me, how we started our sexual relationship, how we added Heather who then seemed to act as a catalyst, thus getting the entire Go5 together in a sexual relationship in addition to the existing circle of deep friendship. I retold, with a bit more detail, my long-held interest in Brett.

“When I first met him, he made me laugh. He was obviously smart and very witty, and it was just fun being around him. When he began changing in second grade, I tried to get him to tell me why he was pulling away. I admit that he made me cry when he wouldn’t. The weird thing was, and I still remember this vividly, is he looked nearly as devastated as I felt. Obviously ... I thought it was obvious, then, that we had a good friendship, although I’ve wondered since if, somehow, we had both gotten into a relationship that was somewhat like a sexual one, but without either of us knowing about sex or such relationships. But, for a long time, I pined over the loss of ... whatever it was we had.

“None of the rest of the Go5 had met him when he was much more open and available for friendship with girls, so they didn’t understand why I occasionally got a bit ... maudlin over him, although all agreed he was one of the cutest boys in our class. I had gradually been losing hope that he’d come out from behind the walls he’d built. Fortunately, I hadn’t lost all hope, such that I was able to point at an empty chair at our lunch table when he stopped by us one day. I was shocked ... pleasantly so ... when he pulled the chair out and sat. I think I remember him thanking me, but then not saying another word during that lunchtime.

“Steph, Matt, perhaps you can understand how I felt when he returned the next day, and the next and the next. While, perhaps, not so dramatic as all this, it was something like the sun beginning to peek out from behind the clouds after a very long stretch of overcast days. He gradually became more open and a bit more talkative, and I could hardly keep from grinning like an idiot.”

I laid out how the first sleepover with him sleeping with us in the Monstrosity happened and turned out, pointing out his panicked reaction when he woke to find himself wrapped around Liya.

“The look on his face was pure panic. I know he thought we’d kick him out and never talk to him again. However, by then, the Go5 had a lot of experience sleeping together, and we understood that one could frequently be surprised at how one awoke, arms, legs, bodies ... interconnected or entwined without any understanding or memory of how they’d come to be that way.

“We were sold ... immediately ... by his panicked reaction, and we’ve never looked back. While Liya had developed an interest in him in 8th grade and had tried to converse with him, all five of us came to be strongly attracted to him, then found ourselves in love with him as we spent more and more time with him. From the time of the winter-break sleepover, it really has been a done deal with us. Oh, we’ve had to work out a lot of details, how we girls would share him, what we could do, what we couldn’t. Of course, by then, Brit and Cera had also wormed their way into our hearts from being good friends to becoming possible lovers.

“And then ... Lana arrived. You two have known her a lot longer than I have, but she’s ... I’m not entirely sure how to describe her, even now, but I know I don’t want to live without her. She had nothing to do with Celeste joining us, as she had been circling us for a while. The thing about Lana is that she’s somewhat like Heather in being a catalyst, but much more quietly ... ummm ... more under the radar, so we find it impossible to determine what effects she had and whether she was important to our adding the other recent additions of Kim and Katie. Some, perhaps most, of the reasons that those two joined us is that Meka was with us, and they had a long-term friendship that went just a little sour when they were 15. They weren’t quite just acquaintances, but they were certainly no longer part of the five-girl clique that seems – in their hindsight – very much like the Go5 before we had added sex.”

I summarized the LA, how we still had two members that were not part of the sexual aspect, both being under 14 years old, but that we continued to socialize with those two.

“In fact, we just spent the weekend with them. Oh, and, perhaps importantly, the Las Amadas is, in appropriate circumstances, a clothing-optional group, so we spent most of this past weekend naked.”

Matt looked hard at Steph, and she said, “Ah. That’s something we’d wondered about. Why is nudity such a part of the ... LA?”

I frowned in thought for a bit, then stated, “I don’t know if you’d find this answer adequate, but it’s related ... No, the nudity is ... important to us. Rhee and I started it, but not ... consciously. Oddly, it was simply how each of us spent time alone in our respective bedrooms ... even before we met each other. At 9 and becoming good friends after having met on our first soccer team, neither of us thought it odd that the other was naked in her bedroom, so that’s just what we did when we were in either bedroom. Rhee and I first verbalized to each other why nudity was important to us, and that it was due to our friendship. Rhee stated that if she didn’t like me so much, surely she wouldn’t be naked with me. It became something of a badge of our friendship.

“When Heather joined the two of us the first time we invited her after practice, we introduced it to her. She thought it odd, but put up with it as she was lonely, but quickly came to love the ... as she said ... freedom of it. We accidentally introduced it to the whole Go5 on one of our June sleepovers, and it played a subtle, but important part in bringing the Go5 closer together.

“Matt, Steph, while the LA is a different ... organization than was the Go5, most of its roots come from those five ... perhaps naïve ... girls, but the LA has made that work, even as it’s added high-school seniors and college juniors. The love and care that all the girls, including Brett, have added have made the group stronger and, this is most important, even more dedicated to staying together. We don’t know what happens when we freshmen graduate from high school, but we’re more than a little concerned. So far, Meka, Kim, and Katie all have plans to attend the university here, at least for the short term, so our next crux point for the group is the college graduation of Celeste and Andy. Celeste has always had plans to do her graduate work here, under Nira, so her plans don’t change. Andy, however, has initiated the process of applying for citizenship. That’s how committed she is to being with us. She’s planning to stay in Elkton after she graduates, although precisely how and doing what she doesn’t yet know. However, her soccer and communication skills may allow her to be a coach of one of the other soccer teams in town, should there be an opening.

“The take-home point is that all 17 current and soon-to-be-inducted members of the LA are thinking carefully about the future. While we cannot truly plan for that future with so many of us being high-school freshmen ... and with two still in middle school, we are thinking about it, because we so much want to stay together.”

Matt asked, “You don’t think that ... some of you younger ... girls might ... grow out of it?”

I schooled my emotions, carefully put my response together in my mind, then gave it.

“I believe they won’t. We believe that we’re ... more mentally mature than most kids our age. We believe that it’s that maturity that even allowed us to form the LA, what with the members’ ages spanning 12 to 22. Granted, what we call the sexual part of the LA has a smaller age range, but that will become wholly 15 to 22 once Rhee has her birthday in mid-May. We fully understand that most 22-year-old college students would not even consider strong friendships with high-school freshmen, but as those college students have said on multiple occasions, we freshmen are not your typical American freshmen. We are more mature, and more responsible. We’re also smarter ... or, at least, more successful at school than probably any random selection of ten freshmen attending public high schools in the country. We’re dedicated to learning and doing well in school. Most of us now live together in a house for which we’re entirely responsible and have managed not only not to burn the place down, but also not to bicker and argue among each other over chores and who does what and when. While we’ve lived like that for only a few months, I doubt that many other groups of similarly aged people could have managed that.

“Yes, we may be deluding ourselves, but we also have the five parents living across the backyard, and they seem to validate our impressions of how we’re doing. We think ... and, admittedly, hope that we’ll continue as we’ve been, but only the future coming forward and meeting us can let us know how we’re truly doing at being adults in freshman bodies.”

Steph and Matt studied me and their kids for quite a while, but then Steph smiled.

“That’s been our impression, too, that you’re doing amazingly well, and not just relative to high-school freshmen. A lot of college kids living in off-campus housing don’t do as well as you girls seem ... no, are doing. Thanks, very much, for your calm and reasoned explanation of the LA, what and how you girls think of the present and the future, and how you girls of various ages feel about each other. We know people in multiple ... larger-than-typical sexual relationships, and from all we’ve learned from our nearly two-point-zero kids, from you, and from the various compound parents, you’re doing at least as well as can be desired and much, much better than as can be expected.

“Matt and I have no qualms about the continuation of your ... multi-angled relationship. As Brett and Lana may or may not have told you, all of you, even the senior and college kids, are welcome here at any time. Two of the reasons that we’re trying to be supportive of you is that you helped pull Brett out of, as you described, his self-imposed prison walls. You’ve also obviously been much of the reason that Lana is so much more settled than she was before coming here. While it seems obvious to us that her having a safe outlet for her overpowering sexual urges has been part of that, we and her parents both think that her more-serene presence is due to more than just the sex. While she hasn’t stated it so explicitly, it seems to Matt and me that much of why she’s more settled is that she now feels that she’s ... home. And we don’t mean home here with us, her aunt and uncle, but home here with her new family.

“Ginny and Dennis have been worried about her. It’s been obvious for years that she’s in love with Brett, but, while that relationship is not something we were overly worried about, it was something that could have made her life more difficult.” She turned to Lana and asked, “Do you feel we’ve got it right about you?”

I had to hold up my hand to ask for a pause of Lana’s response as I tried to pull myself together and stop the tears dripping from my eyes caused by Steph’s words. After 20 or so seconds, I managed it.

“First, I found your words about Lana to be poignant, and they describe the situation with her better than we in the LA have managed. She is home, now. We’ve been surprised at how ... critical for us she’s become, and how quickly she became critical. As I said earlier, it’s hard to describe what she brings to us that others don’t or don’t in such large quantities, but it’s like she’s the glue that was missing, but which we hadn’t quite needed, yet.”

I turned just in time to catch Lana nearly vaulting into my lap. She straddled me and pasted her mouth to mine and we kissed for at least a minute as if we were in our own little universe. When we pulled apart, she turned in my lap, then leaned against me, the back of her head resting on my right shoulder, and responded to Steph’s question.

“You do have it right about me ... and us. The first time I spent the night over there without Brett, they ... There’s nothing for it but to say it. They ganged up on me in what they call a Go5 gangbang. I have no idea how many orgasms I had that night, but I was already feeling calmer the next morning. Then, when they told me that I didn’t have to jettison my hopes for a sexual relationship with Brett, instead, they’d be able to more easily facilitate it, that helped even more. I know I’ve told both of you this, but I want to say it, again, here, in Beth’s presence and, in fact, to her. Beth, I love you, I love the whole LA, and I’m very much looking forward to spending my life with you ... all, no matter how many that ‘all’ may be once we’ve finished with all school.”

After a slight stretch of silence, Matt stated, “Beth, those two have probably told you about the various decisions Steph and I have come to, with input from Ginny and Dennis when we were with them. However, I’m going to state them plainly so you are perfectly clear where we stand concerning the LA. The only potential ... disagreement you might have with us is how much time they spend with you versus how much they spend with us ... and with Lana’s parents when they return.

“Before we move on, though, now is probably the most judicious time to announce news that even Lana hasn’t heard.”

Lana and Brett both verbally expressed surprise, but Matt held his hands up, and they quieted.

“Ginny’s company has made a number of ... critical decisions regarding her. Apparently, she’s been doing a bang-up job over there. Also, Dennis, who was to be solely her traveling companion, chipped in a lot of work that made them so successful at the tasks that Ginny had been assigned. They offered to take him on starting at a salary 10% higher than he’d been making here before going gallivanting across southeast Asia for six months. The upshot is that, for the foreseeable future, they’ll have six months at a time in southeast Asia and six months in the US, for which they’ll have to travel internally about once a month to coordinate with other parts of the company in their efforts to increase the company’s presence in southeast Asia. If you’re globally aware, then you’ll know at least a little about how important that part of the world has become, economically. There are many strong, emerging economies; Australia provides something of a backbone; and then there’s both China and India, admittedly on the periphery, but more and more becoming global economic powers.”

Lana began to expostulate worriedly, but Matt held his hands up again, then added, “When they return here in early July, they’ll be selling the house in Yellow Springs and moving here. And, at least for their initial time in Elkton, the ‘here’ that they’ll be is here.”

That caused a Brett-and-Lana hullaballoo, but, again, Matt cut them off.

“You will not need to leave your ... wives. Your official residence will be this house and they intend you to finish your high-school career here.”

That got Matt a squirming lapful of happy and very excited Lana. She hugged him tightly and kissed him all over his head ... including a kiss of at least three seconds on his lips, a kiss that surprised him, but was obviously over before he had any certainty about how to react to it. As she calmed, she turned on his lap, extended her legs along his, leaned her back onto his chest, tucked her head next to his on his left shoulder, pulled both his arms around her, and settled in for the duration with a long, not-quite-silent exhalation of relief. She returned the small smile I had sent her.

Calmy and quietly, Steph said, “Lana, we’ve told you, but I want to make sure about this. You know the reaction that you’ll cause in my guy if you’re perched on his lap like that and wearing those items that might pass for clothing if they each were twice as large. If you’re going to do that, you’re not allowed to object to the result.”

Lana nodded, then said, “I know, Aunt Steph. I’m familiar with it from being with Bret. It doesn’t ... I don’t mind that it happens. I won’t get the vapors and cause a scene, so long as you don’t mind your guy popping a boner for me.”

“I’m a reasonably intelligent and experienced woman. I know how guys react to sex bombs landing in their laps. He knows I’m okay with that, so long as he doesn’t do anything about it. Our relationship is not so fragile as to be horribly impacted by my gorgeous, sexy, 15-year-old niece appreciating her wonderful uncle in as unsexy a manner as I think she can manage. Granted, other girls could manage to be much less sexy and much less alluring such that they would not cause my guy’s lap to get all pointy, but those girls are not my niece. Just don’t take this acceptance to mean permission. Are we clear?”

“Yes, we are. However, I want to point out to you that you snagged just as pretty and sexy of a guy as ... Beth and I have and that, even if I won’t take that boner as permission to ... do more, I will very much enjoy feeling it against my ... ass and that I’ll try not to rub my ass on it.”

“Make sure you’re successful in those efforts, girlie, or you and I will be having words.”

Lana looked at Steph for a few seconds, then calmly extracted herself from Matt’s lap. I could not help but look for and notice Matt’s ... pointy thing. Lana stepped over to Steph, climbed into her lap and straddled it, then leaned in and gave Steph a tight hug.

“I love you ... Steph-Mom.” Lana pondered for a few seconds, then added, “May I call you... ‘Mom’ like that? You’ve certainly been my second mom for as long as I can recall, and you’ve been my only mom here with me since early January.”

Steph gave Lana a tender smile and replied, “I’d love that, Lana-Daughter. I certainly love you as if you were a daughter from my womb.”

“Thanks, Mom.” Lana dramatically inhaled and exhaled, then said, “Returning to what I was going to say. While your guy is quite the hottie and his pointy lap feels really nice, I love you too much to do anything with your hottie that would cause you to be mad at me.”

“But you don’t need to get your thrills from my guy’s pointy thing. You’ve got your own.”

“I know. But your guy’s pointy thing is attached to my favorite uncle-dad, and sometimes my favorite uncle-dad says some very nice things to me and I have to thank him. How else would you have me thank my favorite uncle-dad for telling me that I didn’t have to go back to Yellow Springs where I was somewhat unhappy and ... now I know what it is ... sexually frustrated?”

“I understand that, and that’s why I didn’t object to your causing my guy’s lap to get all pointy. Just don’t ever do that solely to get my guy’s lap pointy. I’d be upset by that. However, when it results from your normal exuberant uncley-paternal love for my guy, that’s fine, and I get something of a benefit from it.”

Lana leaned back in surprise at Steph’s ... innuendo.

She looked into Steph’s eyes for a bit, then asked, “You don’t mind letting me know that you take advantage of me getting your guy’s ... lap all pointy ... No. Let’s be adults about this since it’s an adult-ish experience. You don’t mind taking advantage of the boner I caused your guy? You’re probably going to take him behind a closed door and do all manner of despicable and wonderful things with particular parts of your body to him that causes his penis to stop being hard. Is that right?”

“That’s what I’m saying. I don’t really want you purposefully making Matt’s penis hard for the thrill of giving him an erection. However, in your youthly exuberance to thank your favorite uncle-dad for being the wonderful guy he is, how foolish would I have to be not to take advantage of your lovely teenaged exuberance and used the erection to make both him and me feel incredible?”

Lana looked back at Matt, then returned her eyes to Steph’s and added, “I was going to ask you if you wanted me to ... replenish that for you so you could take advantage of it, but I see it needs no replenishment. Steph-Mom, never be afraid to haul my favorite uncle-dad off to your room. And when you’re in there, never be embarrassed if in that ... exuberance to be one with his body makes you ... emit sounds that some might consider unladylike. I fully understand the need to make such and would never tease you for making them. Also, perhaps the ... four of us ... No, the two couples of us should start giving the other couple notice when we’ll be home imminently, perhaps with a particular agreed-upon snatch of music or something. Does that seem reasonable for two couples, either one of which may ... have gotten somewhat carried away with things while the other couple was absent?”

“That’s an excellent idea. Why don’t you select the snatch of music and make sure I have it to send to you and Brett if and when it might be needed.”

“Done! Steph, I absolutely love that we can discuss this and decide how to deal with it like adults. Thanks for all that you and Matt have done for me, for Brett and me, and for Brett, me, and all our wives. We should have trusted your reaction when we wanted to get Brett’s fertility tested, and I ... and we are very sorry we tried to go around you two. In the future, we’ll keep you apprised of Las Amadas doings and events. While I don’t know if we’ll let you know precisely when we enter the world of penile-vaginal intercourse, but we’ll certainly let you know when we see the intersection that is where we turn to fully initialize our relationship.

“Thanks for the openness, the care you and Matt have provided ... not only to Brett and me but to all of our wives, each of which will be spending nights in our bed in your house. Thanks for the new, larger bed. Thanks for giving our wives carte blanche at being here. Thanks to you two and my genetic parents being cool enough not to go all old-school on us with our very outré relationship. Beth and ... all of us are continually astounded that most of our parents are not only accepting of the 15 of us but are somewhat bending over backward to help make the 15 of us work. My life is nearly infinitely better now than it was before January, and part of my appreciation for that goes to you two.”

“Now, since we have a date at The Cold Sweets and you two might now have a date with your bed, how about if the couple that is you two retreats to your room while the couple that is the three of us gets our transportation conveyance going in order to pick us up and leave this cozy house for you two to use however you please while we’re away?”

“That sounds simply lovely. However, just this once, you may need to, how did you say it, replenish? As I started, just this once, you may need to ... replenish your uncle-dad’s ... enthusiasm. Oh. Never mind. My words seem to have had the hoped-for replenishment.”

“Goddess, Steph-Mom. I bet you never had a conversation like this with your mom.”

“Uh, no. Not in the slightest.”

Lana continued, “In case you don’t know, let me make it as clear as I possibly can. Brett, the other girls, and I are so very appreciative of you treating us like you are, as something like responsible adults. I know ... or suspect that you’re treating us like that specifically to tighten the screws on our responsibility. Guess what. It’s working. There’s no way we’ll try to go around you about us ever again, and we’ll all accept the wishes of your authority here in your house and as parents. I love you, Mom.”

As Lana probably intended, but certainly expected, Steph wrapped her arms around Lana and pulled her into a tight hug.

We walked in the front door to Kath’s business shortly after 8:30 to see a surprising number of customers already in the store. We made a quick decision to window-shop Olde Towne for a while, and I suggested we begin with Second Chance Wear; we wound up going nowhere else. Almost everyone found something of use there, with Brit buying a number of t-shirts to wear at school, but also found a peculiar crop top that fit her almost as if it were made specifically for her. It was stretchy, but the cleavage area had obviously had material removed and then sewn together, probably by or for the previous owner. That created a shirt that hugged each of her boobs all the way around each, such that there was no air gap inside the shirt between her breasts. Her nipples popped out through the tight, but stretchy material. It was nearly as if she had painted her chest with not-quite sheer, stretchy cloth, and with the hem extending only a half-inch below her tits. She had called for me to join her in the booth.

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