Her Faux Blown Fuse - Cover

Her Faux Blown Fuse

Copyright© 2019 by Allyfutzus

Chapter 38: The Most Unexpected

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 38: The Most Unexpected - The subject of breast feeding came up as my new customer stood attentively by at the furnace while I worked. Having child birthing classes and related subject matter I jumped right into the conversation while up to my elbows in the stinky oil burner. That didn't seem to affect her whatsoever. The subject was breast feeding. We'd struck some kind of accord as kindred spirits. As usual I was just naive but it seemed perfectly fine to me. I was impressed with her honesty. (Based on True Story)

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   True Story   Cheating   Squirting   Illustrated  

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[A fleeting glimpse of Zelda’s husband’s old car fleeting by and actually that’s not Zelda but rather what my mother thought of her]

As craggy as David the tree was he could manage a smile and I wanted to laugh at how silly that looked but didn’t dare get that personal with him yet. He stared at me for moments and then said, “There’s something we’re going to do to you since already your cognition regarding the future, memories of the past are coming along so well. Mmmm-hmmmm.”

My clothes were still lying on the ground where I’d left them when I went for my neighborhood streak. I questioned my tree friend with my concerned look because I again was naked, standing, pants dropped down around my ankles, talking to him. Low and behold, literally, I had a big penis like I’d had for years as an adult. It was slightly more to scale with my growing teenage body but all in all felt completely different. I touched it and it sprang up erect just like that. “Oh Jesus!” I almost yelled. “Fuckin’ A”.

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I suddenly felt vulnerable and so very nude. I had all kinds of body hair like a man and even a beard growing. I was going to have to shave.

“Now you’ll have to work a little harder at not fucking up in the years to come on your way back home, so to speak. That penis has the possibilities of getting you in all kinds of trouble. Funny thing is you’re going to be dealing with humans, just like always, but with a set of sex tools extraordinary rather than just normal human shy guy kid with low self esteem and scared of girls. You poor thing,” he laughed and loud enough to wake the neighbors. He’d just turned a 14 year old into an almost adult.

“Shit!” I said as I grabbed my clothes and put them back on while watching around the area to make sure nobody was watching us. Zelda Clarkson’s husband, just across the alley, got up early to start his old Chevy before going to his job at the ship yard. He would set the manual throttle to a high idle and let the noisy thing roar while he went back in the house. He had weird ideas about how to care for cars and I didn’t want him to see my bare ass talking to a tree. And my mother hated Zelda.

I looked at David and he was just a tree, no sign of life. I wondered if I would ever have a talk with him again. And I’d had a tough time pushing that erection down into my pants because when touched it got stiffer.

That was a worry for the future. I had to laugh because it brought back so many memories of my times in life since the beginning of the dairy experience.

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I had a lot to think about.

Time passed and I lived with the fear I would mess up somehow, be considered an infraction enough to be condemned never again to be the god I once was (for a rather short time). I had urges, don’t get me wrong, of needing to use the penis I was altered to have. I felt entirely different and more bold.

It was a twitchy thing always ready to go boner on me at the wrong time. I remembered that kid in 7th grade, a tall kid, it seems whenever called on in class to stand and answer a question, had a hard-on poking way out inside his pants. He always got red face embarrassed. I found out later in high school he was fucking two of the girls my friend and I used to tease as two little ignorant pre teen boys. He was getting laid and we were getting dirty looks. I wondered what ever happened to him. He in fact was sexually precocious. I wondered if he was in the same situation I was in, like-kind tools of the sister goddesses.

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[Vaguely similar to this -- you get the point, no pun intended]

Grueling my way through the high school experience I hated the first time was not fun. If you know too well the reality of supernatural goddesses and realms and have to take mandatory classes on religion it just doesn’t get more boring. And then there was the locker room and having to take showers after gym class, getting teased about the size of your dick. Of course word got out into the parochial herd and girls started talking. I maintained my shy stature to keep out of trouble regarding the tree, David’s scrutiny, and thought more than once what if the tree died somehow. I wondered if that would be a good thing or not.

And then, on one of my visits to get questions answered, David said, “I never told you not to get laid. I said you were not to make choices causing permanent change in the history leading up to your possible return to your god status you. ‘Don’t fuck up’ doesn’t mean don’t fuck. Just don’t get any people pregnant.” “You mean I’m not sterile yet?” “You’re a fertile turtle until you make grade and that has yet to be determined.” “So, you’ll tell me when I’m a safe fuck like I was before?” “Yeah, and since you are so curious we’re making your tongue extra long now as well. Maybe that will give you purpose, more ways not to get somebody pregnant.”

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So a new sense of purpose for me to ponder. I already had years of practice in cunnilingus. “Keep your pecker in your pants,” I quoted to myself.

“I bet Catholic girls like to have their vaginas massaged by an expert,” I said to myself. I could gain a new reputation around school and nobody would be harmed.

I started smiling a lot more in the hallways at school. I didn’t even have to talk. I just smiled, hated conversation as much as ever and smiled some more. Girls were interested because of talk about my penis but I would, if offered to take girls up on that rumor, let them know I was safe to love because my tongue would be my other penis. So, my reputation changed. I began to be surrounded with interest and requests first from the popular girls. It became a kind of social snob thing to be first to have me do their thang’.

“It’s easy. I can do you just about anywhere. Don’t even have to get all naked or anything. I’m brave if you are. If you are afraid of doing it at school we can meet at my house because both of my parents work. But I promise I will show you things you never dreamed of before. You can trust me.”

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It got so good I was invited to slumber parties. And my excuse for not fucking was the fact I was a virgin. They believed me and felt so much more comfortable because having an orgasm with me was safe.

So high school, Round (2) got a lot more interesting. But of course I had to work downtown after school every day and on weekends sometimes. So I was a very busy boy with the attributes of the goddess’s given.

I had to catch a city bus, two transfers, to get downtown to my job in a print shop, a pretty dirty job at that. Same bus, same time, I got on with a girl whose reputation was that of a “Loose” girl because she supposedly had fucked one of the popular guys, a football player. I thought she was pretty and I felt bad for her because I could tell she suffered that Scarlet Letter she invisibly wore. Things were so judgmental in parochial school, truly and so stuck up. No wonder I hated that.

So finally one day I asked her if I could sit in the seat next to her and she smiled, “Yes.” I sat and we talked after some long uncomfortable minutes of silence.

She finally asked me if what she had heard about me was true. I looked at and smiled, then laughed quietly. “I wonder,” I said. “You mean it’s not true?” she queried. “If it’s what I think it is, well, yes it’s true.” “You’re a virgin?” she asked. I was surprised to hear that. “Well, yes that’s true. Is it the only thing you’ve heard about me?” “She got what seemed shy and grinned, put her hand over her mouth. “You have a strange long tongue I heard and a huge penis.” “I had a hard time not laughing real hard and I smiled at her, put my hand on her arm. I wanted to make her believe I was being honest with her. “It’s okay. I like my reputation.”

I explained what I did, how I was easy, safe and loved to give girls orgasms. I told her how much I hated school and I had to work downtown to buy my own clothes and everything. She had to work too. “We should do something together sometime for fun,” was her suggestion. I was thrilled to get to know her better and I agreed. “I can show what I’m talking about and to be honest I would love to have a friend to teach me some things too.” She curled her pinky around mine and swore her friendship. I decided right then and there I was going to be her guy and protect her reputation.

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