1964 - The Dairy of Desire - Cover

1964 - The Dairy of Desire

Copyright© 2019 by Allyfutzus

Chapter 16: Letting Their Milk Down

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 16: Letting Their Milk Down - In the west, especially among ranchers, kids were commonly farmed out as labor for starvation wages and no wages at all. It was common for a ranch experienced kid to spend nearly as much time growing up with neighbors as it was living at home. Kids were considered free labor. It was simply the way of growing up. It was not common for this to happen to a farm work naive private religious schooled city kid unpinned from any real farm experience or worldly raw life.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Magic   Reluctant   Gay   True Story   Farming   Workplace   Paranormal   Enema   Squirting   Teacher/Student   Porn Theatre   Transformation   Illustrated  

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[Nymphs, actually gremlins at heart, loving to have fun and to pull pranks, also with my penis...]

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I thought that we were about three quarters or more finished with milking, still just the four milkers and I. There was no sign of Lilly and I’d given up thinking I’d see her.

Many worries circled my mind wondering what would happen after milking was finished. I assumed to be left alone, on my own. Maybe the magic creatures would simply disappear. I secretly hoped they would because I needed to talk to Lilly about them. I needed her to tell me I was going to be okay.

The sun had gone low and the lights in the parlor were turned on but somewhat dim. I was thinking-hoping “homeward stretch” to the food. That was foremost on my mind although I was still all clammy but more in attitude than actual moisture. But at least my drooling penis had slowed almost to a stop and all the gizem they had kept spreading on me had kind of evaporated, an obvious attribute of my what my penis produced.

At first these milkers had been nice to me in their very powerful way although their intense hands-on handling of me was frightening albeit very arousing with so much ejaculating. I was feeling slightly more comfortable, accepted as part of the their crew, because they seemed to be quite pleased with all the stuff coming out of me and whatever they were doing up inside my anus was apparently getting results. They seemed pleased in a very weird serious way.

I had to feel very relieved it didn’t feel as though they had actually hurt, damaged me with their intrusions. I could at least be glad for that. Yes, occasionally there was brief torturous pain but very quick to disappear although they seemed to enjoy seeing me suffer, an unsettling thing for me.

Supper at the house would certainly also help explain what was going on with Lilly and her crew. The longer I tried to make sense of my situation the more I tried to convince myself to ease my mind. Yet my erection was now a permanent feature, a worrisome sign of my supposed willingness to be messed with, trying not to worry about the mess I was leaving as a constant goo dribble, fretting what my mother would think of that. I didn’t know my own penis anymore.

I’d not paid a lot of attention to penis details in my youth because the parochial lords led us to believe they were evil. I didn’t want the milkers to think I really liked their hands up my rectum and I wondered if I would continue ejaculating spontaneously forever. That could possibly be a real problem if I ever got my clothes back. I thought of slugs at home in the garden and my mother’s habit of angrily salting them to death which only made a worse mess. I wondered what she would think of my penis drooling on her carpet. Would she put salt on me my penis?

But still, as always, I was off and on all wet among strangers and although the water was warm I couldn’t help feeling clammy. They continued to go about their business of fondling me, business as usual, cupping and spreading that gizem stuff all over me which I was kind of getting to like even on my head, in my hair like shampoo. They spent a lot of time stopping by as I washed teats, adding it to my butt crack and smoothing with an anus probe that seemed very purposeful as if they were priming it or something. I liked the feel of the bubbles popping especially around my balls and yes, up inside my rectum. It felt a bit like a fart and I loved farting as a kid.

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And for some reason I sort of sensed the logic of everything happening to me thus far. I was livestock to them. I kind of gave up trying to figure things out and kept up my work on the cows with fingers twisting in my anus and hands stroking my penis as other cupped hands captured the gizem coming out and spreading it on me. Go figure.

I felt like some kind of dispenser machine, coins (fingers) going into my anus and product (gizem) coming out as a result of payment. And I never ran out.

I just kept working and occasionally I would experience an even bigger surge ejaculation shooting as I got weak legs while my penis discharged that creamy bubbly in a glob further and further in length. That totally took my mind away, stopped my work while I waited to get my bearings again after a big one, waiting for another milker to try me out as she passed by. And yes, I still loved that feel of ejaculation. That was totally enthralling causing the glands in my mouth to drool.

If you tingle all over, spritely, in an enthralling way that takes away all of your other senses for moments, and makes your penis tense up but shoot out to relax momentarily over and over until your exhausted - then you know the feel of what they were doing to me. I loved it.

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[The exotic itch scratched so tantalizing, dreamy, squirting enduring and a feeling, well, there]

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[Were no words worthy of the long shot steady penis surge... ]

They kept it up, a wondrous bubbling feeling, never a word said to me.

But I think enough cow poop splattering had taken place by then, my guess, or perhaps there was some other stimulus because all four were suddenly hosing each other off while the milking continued. Perhaps it was their method for cleaning up all the gizem they prompted from my penis but I was getting caught in the middle of the squirts coming from both sides as they aimed and rinsed. I got soaked but without clothes I didn’t care and I’d already been continually wet just from the work and their washing gizem off me after applying. I had only my glasses to worry about and the fun would only result in getting the splattered cow poop washed off me sooner.

I was enthralled with their fun because it was contagious. There was plenty of laughing and the jokes were choice amongst them plus the water was getting warmer which made getting squirted so much less alarming, almost soothing, actually - strangely quite arousing.

It maintained my perpetual erection while my anus got more fondling visits, rinsing with warmer water, became a target of their fun. I was tired of being afraid of them, worrying about the others. I was relaxing my guard so I could just get along with everybody now and they hadn’t been abusive of my nakedness by really hurting me except for a couple of the anus jabs. So I just sat back against the concrete curbing aiming my boner straight out in the aisle. Silly me.

I was enjoying their fun and noted their interest in my available protrusion, each of them laughing and squeezing the tip so luxuriously as they filed by with even an occasional vagina poke momentarily sinking my erection in deep, backing down on it, tugging on the withdraw pulling an ejaculation yawning out of me on the upswing followed by some great sucking. This was nice.

The more they did that the more I wanted to feel them on me, especially the vagina immersions, like a magnetism supernatural. Doing that with the perpetual ejaculation made such a smooth inviting experience and I loved how the gizem smacked between us. It made the insertion so smooth.

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They were supernatural in speed. That was amazing to watch. They could milk many cows and still take time to mess with each other and they seemed to be able to predict ahead of time any event. They used that ability on each other trying to play tricks, to be able to outsmart one another. I’d never seen anything like that before. It was science fiction come to life. Their skill was intriguing and I was loving being able to observe. I just had to be careful and not get too distracted while I kept my cows going. But they could move so fast it blurred my vision trying to keep up with their actions.

One would appear in front of me to hold me by my balls, grin and pull on my penis, never being anything but soft and certainly tantalizing as another would appear doing the same almost without my being able to perceive the movement in change. I loved it as it also instilled the intrigue of their incredible power. But I just stretched regardless and made myself available for more of their attention. Pleasure was winning over fear as I moaned and stretched for them, more ejaculations one right after the other as quick as their vagina exchanged.

Certainly I was amazed at what my penis was doing, continually drooling and squirting, but they were even more amazing. I had no idea whether other males could ejaculate such volume, the same, again and again. It felt so good and finally they were exchanging so fast the gizem just kept coming and splattering as they sat on my growing penis.

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These girls were characters and needless to say uninhibited about themselves. I was laughing and enjoying the antics, felt a part of the fun when Fern suddenly opted, and did, become naked quicker than the blink of an eye.

It all happened so suddenly that I’d had no time to even think about what was going on. It seemed a weird kind of magic, sudden nudity causing me surprise at first yet my male self was compelled with curiosity. Her jumper came off with a mere flick almost like it shot magically straight up in the air. Immediately I was surrounded with steam that suddenly felt so much more steamy and warmer, almost like a heat wave completely caressing me.

The atmosphere in the parlor seemed to became a weird lurid glow touching me, every square inch of my body and began to invade me. I felt consumed with naked Fern who was so awesome and totally so suddenly alarming, all new, wet and aglow, just plain dripping sex like there was juice coming out of her body at every apparent port. I thought of Lilly immediately but Fern was so much more impressive.

Once again my independent penis took to its urges and pronged up at attention, even more, like it was answering a call to arms, or should I say my anus. I looked down at my penis in shock then looked at her, amazing, and she was completely focused on what my erection was doing like she had remote control. It was really speeding up the ejaculations. That felt so awesome, coming out in an almost solid stream of growing goo that hit her and splattered sideways.

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I had to worry that all that gizem splattering on her might cause anger but the close focus by all at that point seemed to turn to me, all except for Branch who stood back and observed calmly as she kept milking a cow. I hurriedly turned back to my work washing and focused, trying to cover the erection that stuck out, squirting all over out of control. Egads, the mess!

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Such a shploodge - shooting siza across the stanchion

I was determined to ignore them now, especially naked Fern, because they were obviously becoming wild and overly aroused. I couldn’t believe they weren’t getting angry at my outrageous penis and the atmosphere was getting so hot it almost felt like burning. I was afraid gizem non-stop might be the catalyst but I couldn’t do anything to make it quit. I just laid my erection on the concrete ledge and attended to one cow in front of me, kept washing over and over while gizem pooled and bubbled, runaway.

And it felt so good.

I convinced myself they were really just being silly but some kind of supernatural silly, were probably going to stop being over the top weird and get back to work. But from what I’d seen previously I knew they were some kind of extraordinary beings who owned powers beyond my reasoning and they were now determined to do something different to me.

I nervously worked on the cow in front of me as my penis kept slopping, tugging in one direction or another, spouting bigger shots of gizem in the walkway to the right and the left, pulling to my side as if it was seeking out Fern to squirt at her. The thing was hilarious, crazy, but I wasn’t laughing. The ejaculating was drawing from my senses in a very strange way; I was loving it but it was so consuming.

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[Yes, they were certify-able nuts!]

It seemed to be responding to a voice from behind, “Can you help us?” I felt a hand glide up my butt crack kind of soothing, very warm, caressing and then another hand surrounded me with a penis grip, warmly, squeezing which only helped stimulate the power of ejaculations more by pinching it off for a moment, letting go, the back pressure firing off. “Oh dear!”

I recognized the voice of Pool. She was massaging with hands that of course eventually landed back in my butt crack, starting, massaging my anus. “Hmmmmm?, she hummed in my ear, a finger tip going in as the other hand reached around to anchor my stomach. I stood up straight, an impulse to do that.

I reached up, grabbed hold of the stanchion pipe above me and the skin of my legs in front tensed up with her manipulations, bigger ejaculations. She was making me weird in the head and I was spontaneously moaning. I hoped that she didn’t shoot my cow with a bigger shot because the force of it would stampede the poor girl. But there was magic in her manipulations creating that sense of timelessness, things stopping still, weirdly. “Oh, o-o-o-o-o- o-oh.”

I felt the coming alarm of intrusion, more fingers so I had to respond and the hand went further creating a steady rest against my movements. Her hand settled firmly up inside me, solid and lifting. I sincerely wondered how I was able to sustain all this intrusion in my body without it simply becoming really painful torture.

Quite suddenly I was Pool’s butt puppet with her other hand on my tiller controlling me with great energy. Then, with my neck twisted back, seeing her smiling nicely I continued to turn face to face as she let her hand slide out. That was a momentary relief like the biggest poop imaginable.

She moved close and pressed her body tightly up against me as in bullying firm and she become attached to me like we were one, gizem still squirting, spreading up across the front of us and out sideways. At first she felt wonderful on me but there was such a strong sense of aggressiveness, not about the love I’d felt from her previously. She put my erection inserted and pressed between her legs as she lifted one leg to swing over and squeeze. That felt crazy slipping in. “DO ME TOM!”

[From the future, my work and doing pool a good fuck with the resulting nipple stimulation]

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[So tasty, yet they were about to scare the crap out of me]

“What!? ... O-O-O-OH, UH, POOL?” I noted my body pressed hard against hers, very pushy, all the gizem lubricating the connection and this time erupting with noise. “That’s me”, she pointed out acting as if my boiling penis inside her was just normal.

“You need to help Fern with something important. You’re the new livestock with a penis needing to be put into service, IN HER. She has a de-e-e-ep itch. We need some s-e-r-v-i-c-i-n-g; we need to start working on your final adjustments. We need to work controls inside your body and of course with your penis inside us. We need to fuck A LOT and start RIGHT NOW!”

Apparently, being in their opinion service ready, Fern, who was about my height, had backed into me from the side, abruptly, and turning had risen on her toes nestled back down with my erection neatly inserted between her legs as she sat down on the erupting bubbling splattering probe. Pool had traded places with her as she moved aside, a trail of snotty gizem following her and the momentum pushed me as I stumbled back and banged my head on the stanchion pipes. It knocked me so hard that it actually muddled my thoughts, “OW!” and I was filled with more fear and anger not realizing Fern was already fucking me.

Their actions were so quick and it was obvious they were unworldly strong. They weren’t concerned about being careful with me. They probably didn’t even realize how fragile humans were as compared to them but my erection didn’t subside clutched in Fern’s vagina, erupting, gizem sizzling causing me to relish the fuck wrought with fear.

Fern was pushing me so hard I was kind of suffocating. “Help you? Sure, uhm, turn around please?” My GAWD, why did I say “turn around”? I somehow felt slightly safer behind her and yet I thought her turning around might take some pressure off of me just maybe just for moments.

I didn’t understand. “Servicing an itch, adjustments?” There was no response. She was moving her body around attached to the front of me, holding my attention while I squashed under her weight. She wasn’t turning around and she didn’t give me the impression she cared anything about my welfare as she kept pushing and causing me to hurt more. Pressed up against rough concrete and pipes she seemed inordinately heavy for her size. “OOooooowwww.” I was pleading.

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[The ultimate goal was to attach pool’s vagina to my anus with a large hose and for what purpose?]

Pool produced a rubber hose looking bigger than the one Lilly used on me in the milk house and I worried that thing after it disappeared in front of Fern. So faking, I really pretended to try to understand where the itch was, what exactly they were asking me to do. I wasn’t making any sense, staged with fear about the hose.

“But, are you quite sure this is okay? Would they be upset?” I feared somebody might see me with a hose shoved in, hanging out of my butt in an embarrassing manner.

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