1964 - The Dairy of Desire - Cover

1964 - The Dairy of Desire

Copyright© 2019 by Allyfutzus

Chapter 19: And Yet Again Finally Fucking

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 19: And Yet Again Finally Fucking - In the west, especially among ranchers, kids were commonly farmed out as labor for starvation wages and no wages at all. It was common for a ranch experienced kid to spend nearly as much time growing up with neighbors as it was living at home. Kids were considered free labor. It was simply the way of growing up. It was not common for this to happen to a farm work naive private religious schooled city kid unpinned from any real farm experience or worldly raw life.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Magic   Reluctant   Gay   True Story   Farming   Workplace   Paranormal   Enema   Squirting   Teacher/Student   Porn Theatre   Transformation   Illustrated  

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[Introduced to sex in the bunk house with four female partners who were very demanding, needy and unrelenting]

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[Escaped into my mind recesses upon passing out, such an odd dream situation, conjuring the tall beautiful one weirdly eyeing me with a can of that cow balm in her hands, gobbed on her fingers and my anus was tingling for sure]

Some Time Later

I woke out of a bad dream with a loud noise, I think of my own making, something about teasing a vicious carnivorous bull terrified me. Lilly was jacking me off just to piss the bull off. I struggled to wake up.

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I became aware of a presence, a kind of radiance like heat coming from all my surroundings with an essence, a beautiful smell. I didn’t know where I was but remembered I wasn’t at home. Then I remembered them.

I was aroused, aware, I was on my back, naked with an extreme throbbing erection that took all presence by the nature of its state and the nightmare apparently had not scared it to go away. It was so long and curling.

“Business as usual,” I thought before I fully came to.

Still surrounding me on my bed were all four milkers. I rubbed my eyes and tried to get the sleep out of me so I could quickly be aware of what was happening. That light from the TV was still illuminating the background with its greenish eerie glow. I mustered enough awareness to jerk, sit up on my elbow, quickly, still with a sense of that old apprehension, yet so very sleepy. I couldn’t believe something horrible had not happened to me as I quickly tried to scan my legs and arms for damage. I studied myself to make sure my penis was still there but it was more than obvious by the straining zeal. It was so taut, curling back up toward my chest plus really juicy including most of the front of me. I was all there, no missing parts, just the same scab and scratches.

I was mysteriously physically aroused and that stimulation slowly came over the rest of me in a growing glow. How peculiar how I might have been aroused all that time? But I assumed I’d been out for some time and not just moments. This reminded me of my passing out in the kitchen to wake up with Lilly laying on the top of me, so similar, somehow?

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All four of my new bunk mates were just quietly sitting around on my bed watching me. There was no sign of Lilly and she had apparently been replaced for the night by these four. I was really sorry I didn’t have Lilly to confide in and that sense left me somewhat clammy, actually really worried.

I slowly looked around at them as they quietly watched me and noted the smooth soft curves of their bodies, all amazing colored skin, and their nipples which seemed overly pronounced, the private places so mysterious and lacking any hair. I avoided their eyes because of my shyness, intensified in this surrounding wall of close nudity and their presence exuded extreme sexiness although I wasn’t sure of anything, merely operating in brain stem fight or flight mode.

Once they knew I was awake they started smiling, stirring, looking at one another and their seductive movements captured my focus. I was surrounded by magic induced sexiness I couldn’t explain but it made the vision of their bodies pull at me for want of touching. After all the fright they had created in me with rough handling this seemed a true change, like Nature had changed course.

They touched me.

As if they were making sure I was alive they all reached out in unison and felt my skin as they massaged the juiciness over me. That thrilled, chills all over, having so many hands, so soft. First just finger tips and then smooth hands warming, my response must have been quite visible because they responded with a little laughter amongst and they smiled at one another.

First they were each feeling the surfaces of my body with their finger tips as if they were doing it by braille, very detailed, very carefully and so delicately. It looked like they were inspecting injuries or sensing for something, seemed to be part of a defined routine of examination. Each of them was working on one quadrant of me starting, circling at my penis, and then rotating out from there as best I could tell. No wonder my penis was aroused. Maybe they’d been doing that while I slept but it didn’t explain all the renewed slimy wetness. I assumed it was just more gizem as they spread it around, massaging.

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It was weird. I thought maybe they were counting the bones in me given the way their fingers and hands were methodically tracing me. They were aware, making eye contact, but also seemed to be scanning and contemplating everything else on me somehow detached from my spirit. Their approach looked to be that of a sculptor checking each and every curve on me with some sense of responsibility but focusing firstly on their favorite one, my boner, which they apparently were intent on keeping aroused taking turns playing with it, even licking it as if testing.

Each one, their turn, brought shivers with their hands caressing my penis making it more sensitive than ever. They pulled on it as if working to make it longer, slowly, playing with the very tip. I began to worry perhaps they had created an actual bone inside my penis and that prompted Siza to look at me with a smiling giggle and a caressing pat on my head.

These ladies had rudely handled the body housing my naive wits so many times within the past several hours I felt like some kind of sexual experiment in torture. Now their attention seemed almost like a calm test of my reactions to their curious-serious touching.But I already knew of their powers of observation. It seemed odd in that they had already completely probed me entirely over, and roughly, really roughly, yet they still seemed curious as if they’d missed something, some hidden spot or awaiting port.

The experience was beyond weird in strange light that seemed to cause my skin to change colors. They were so intent on watching me, focusing on my eyes as Siza roamed with fingers casually massaging around my anus as she lifted one of my legs to access. She focused head down through my crotch, smiling like anticipation, probing here and there. But I was calm and in a body different place than I had yet been. Her hand felt comforting like it was meant to be, like I needed them to give me a hand, but up inside my bottom.

Deep in my psyche I was scolding myself for being so permissive. And yet nothing really terrible was happening to me as evidence in the now.

My legs, now pushed bent up, lending to the lithe-touch finger tips could get really ticklish in the right areas, especially on my sides and in my crotch. I didn’t want to burst out, to interrupt them and they took turns following my skin in creases along my balls down to my anus again and again. I wanted to gather up my thoughts and just observe with some new hope as I woke up more. I was fighting panic as I lied to myself that everything was going to be fine.

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I was becoming less afraid of them, maybe - maybe just a little bit, but I was also totally out of my realm. My background kept telling me there was no way I was being a good boy laying completely naked in their midst with all of them examining me, every part of me, with a growing penis that wouldn’t go away or stop spurting. It was a monument they seemed to have some control over and certainly desired.

I would soon learn more of their playful nature but for now their interest was at least becoming more warm, physically less alarming and completely the opposite of my treatment in the milking parlor. It was as if they were no longer the same creatures but how could I trust them after what I’d been through. Yet I wanted to. They were making me feel so welcome and aroused. They were surprisingly making me comfortable with fingers in my anus that remained still, not yet moving. It seemed okay.

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I was softly rolled to the right somewhat and then rolled to the left, the same. There seemed to be a sense, their concern I was okay, almost as if they were asking permission to move me around. I offered no resistance as I was gently rolled over with all eight warm hands attending. I lay on my stomach. My legs were gently spread wide with renewed fingers in my anus and very calm.

The area between my scrotum and anus was carefully felt, the seam like part, and surely carefully measured around the anus probe. I couldn’t watch their examination of me and that was unsettling yet they were soothing, almost reassuring feel.

But Siza kept bending down, looking into my face, smiling and softly kissing my lips in a reassuring way. And it was so comforting. I almost fell asleep again even with someone’s fingers quietly moving in my anus and Siza laying on top of me with her warmth.

I was rolled over on my back and my legs were again folded up as if they were intending to change a diaper. Two held my feet up while my scrotum was closely investigated and precisely handled, both sides thoroughly scanned, pressed on and felt thoroughly. My butt cheeks were spread as my knees were pushed, drawn up to my chest, and they gathered close with handling I could see very well and hoped would not be too alarming.

Fingers from all four, eight hands, traveled into over my anus, taking turns, spending time with familiar probing, in and out but now there was almost no alarm, felt no intrusiveness. It was somehow wonderful and I put aside the fact it looked as though they were reaching far up into me, arms sliding, they smiling like approval, incredibly odd yet comfortable with the penetration even though I could see movement on my stomach from within.

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They took turns dipping, watching my expressions as they used their hand up inside, seemed like in as far as they could reach and back out. Now I could watch this, see them entering me, each taking their turn while they looked afar, usually up, as if they were contemplating their hand’s location, making some sort of judgments. They all were so intent on watching each hand disappear and my erection would respond to their movements, sometimes intensely but ever so arousing, growing, squirting long and juicy. And then they each took turns kissing me while gripping my neck as the others measured their hand’s insertion, a kind of reassurance, smiling into my eyes with their tongue tasting my mouth so softly, simultaneously. I was very willfully aroused, tingling from the rush of bubbling gizem accelerating past the tip of my erection. This felt so good, so welcome in all the extreme treatment, totally in love with it.

Up the small of my back, searching as if they were counting lower vertebra, Armpits examined, arms raised, I had a terrible time avoiding laughter and wrenching because of my ticklishness.

They rolled me back over. They closely studied the skin under my arms and then took some time sniffing for what I didn’t know. Back over again my belly button was scrutinized with fingers and even licking, tongues inserted and the questioning each other with a look, nothing verbal. Ears were probed with strange tongues penetrating, nose looked up into. I was even tasted in several more places which of course included my penis as they consumed the gizem coming out. And their suction was divine.

Most of all my eyes were studied intensely as if there was some sort of inner message waiting for them to read. And all the while my scrotum was massaged wonderfully by hands which seemed expert and reassuring in their intent. I groaned uncontrollably at each intense erection throb and more, MORE ejaculation was spread over me with welcome massage, still warm and bubbling. It even sizzled on occasion and especially when used immediately existing my penis.

Thus far they said nothing and my penis remained immensely stiff. Both my penis and my balls were seldom left without caress, massaging, and that feeling became so routine I was beginning to take it for granted and stretched a twist in the extreme pleasure although the anus probes extracting, in and out, were making me feel like I had to poop.

Certainly there was some sacred law against lying in the midst of strange unearthly females while being fondled over so. They obviously weren’t doctors. But research certainly seemed their goal and they touched every spot on me sometimes looking around at each other communicating without words.

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Finally, each taking turns they leaned forward to again look in my eyes, almost point blank range, studying for long moments and then a kiss, gently with a hug, a smile and cheek to cheek hug for a few moments. I just loved the smell of them and the energy aura. They held their position until their own heat passed through to me while holding both my neck and penis. I felt some sense of real love and I was emotionally compelled to hug back and press myself to them. I sighed a deep breath and longed to touch them everywhere with my lips. Those thoughts seemed to please them and they came to me on their own.

They had gathered my entire attention as I watched their hands descend on me in what I was beginning to assume might be their wish to see me endlessly sexually aroused? I expected any second to see my penis independently convinced to join their fun by doing something intimate with them, not sure what but probably something like more fucking? I hoped.

I hoped they were sincere in not wanting to do me harm. I hoped they had changed their minds about me, if they ever needed to, and that began to give me some relief from the fact I was amidst all four of them - me, alone.

I was completely vulnerable, totally out-numbered and probably not capable of talking my way out of any upcoming situation that might scare me to death.

All four began to relax their search but continued to sit around me on the bed. They had all moved closer to me during the examination and they were all touching me with their own bodies in what seemed like an effort to feel me for themselves as much as they could. They were VERY warm and they were not losing interest at all. In fact, interest seemed to be building maybe because of my growing sense of acceptance.

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Finally the one named Siza changed her position and moved my legs aside so that she could climb between them as I lay on my back. I didn’t try to resist her whatsoever. She scooted herself in close and slid up, smiled into my curious eyes as my bottom, raised, nestled in her warm lap. It seemed my scrotum was intentionally brought closer to her face, more available and she smiled a very sweet but seductive grin. Then she rested down on her haunches and began more investigation.

She was extremely cute and took my breath away for moments. It made me a little dizzy but I smiled back as I watched her warily. Siza toyed with me very-very softly, hesitantly, and focused on that part of me she seemed so interested in, that part of me that none of them had.

She faced me, her arms were extended, crooked at the elbows, hands surrounding, cupping my erection and balls. That made me flinch, just a bit, still expecting worse as her eyes got closer and closer. I raised my knees up under her arms and kept them close-cuddly by instinct because I loved her heat, her feel. She felt like a furnace sitting there and seemed just what I needed to calm me down. I sighed, leaned back, collapsed, breathed deep and sighed. She felt r-e-a-l-l-y good as my balls continued to warm with vibration.

She, glancing at my eyes and then glancing back as if anticipating something at the base of my crotch, was apparently expecting some sort of reaction to her handling of me almost like she needed approval but that would have been a first given my earlier experiences.

At first she kind of made my skin crawl and I laid my hands on hers initially, an instantaneous then hesitant reaction to having my penis touched by the hands of a former abuser. This was one of the first gentle fondling by her and a resulting response initiated by me, my first real willful touch to any of the four and an automatic defense reaction after my earlier experience.

Her eyes sparkled with energy in response, twinkled, and in the touch I also felt energy, something like a dynamo at work, quite intense heat for a normal human type of body temperature. I felt something almost like a magnetic force working on me and I didn’t want to let go of her. It was enthralling. She seemed pleased.

Something pulled me to her with invisible hands. “O-o-ooh”, I responded to the energy, unable to remain quiet and then quickly became silent anticipating a possible negative clammy reaction to my mini-outburst. My penis throbbed and I could even feel her energy in my toes.

I watched. I so wanted to touch her face and she turned her head aside toward me as if she was responding to that thought. I reached up and then stopped for moments, then withdrawing, afraid. I looked at her with wonder because I so loved those eyes that seemed to both pierce me and love me all over at once.

She held my penis in one hand and ran her other thumb up and down the bottom edge of it which was most enthralling. It got even stiffer with a kind of a jerk. I experienced something like electricity running from the tip on my penis to my anus back and forth repeating. Then I shivered while her other hand ran up the inner crotch, up the back and then cupped her hand around my balls very gently, squeezing, as if she was using her own warmth to warm me. She remained like that for a bit without moving and kept looking into my eyes which was a real test of my shyness.

The compulsion to reach out and touch her face was so overwhelming tears began to blur my vision. My mouth dropped open and I began to salivate as if I was responding to eating lemons or something. It was strange. Then, reaching, one of the four picked up my hand and held it to the side of Siza’s neck and it formed some weird energy cycle causing me to ejaculate just a little bit more, sending chills through me and Siza grabbed my penis.

My scrotum got quite warm as Siza was face-close and looked down breathing warm breath on my balls. My eyes kept rolling up as I tried to keep my vigil on her own. “Aaaaah.” An new ecstasy was creeping up on me. “Ooooh!” I breathed in more deeply and felt forced to sigh repeatedly, again and again, twisting a bit and compelled, squeezing her between my knees, ejaculating small amounts which she simply licked away.

For another new moment in my sex life, a girl, a different kind of girl with long pointy ears, was softly holding my penis, not yanking it. I was now like a favored pet and in managing to quell my nervousness it felt both incredibly good and embarrassed to have her paying that kind of attention since her new gentleness was mesmerizing, so slow and methodical.

She gave me goose bumps on my neck as my body tensed up, then dissolved, again and again, and I could have been hypnotized in that as I noticeably shivered pulses. I should have jumped out of my skin having that experience but instead I became quieted by the act almost as if someone was massaging my head dreamily.

I twisted. My body twisted in response to her like it was automatic, forced to release energy. I felt her skin on me as mine turned, new gizem lubricating the union, and I wanted terribly for her to move all over me to give me that incredible contact feeling.

She picked up my retreated hand and held it to her cheek and I caught myself again in a smile and a crazy sense of love, like a wave, it suddenly overcame me. I’m sure my returned look gave my heart away and Siza’s eyes flashed with darkness aglow, almost as if they were internally illuminated with a strange fire. What an incredibly strange beautiful character she was. I wanted to see her do that with her eyes again. That look simply wrestled me into submission.

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[You’ll note that face sitting doesn’t allow for much eye contact]

Her method was what seemed expert in that she knew just where to touch for a reaction and the longer she worked the more the feeling was enthralling. She also reached up and slid her fingers up the side of my chest, then over my heart in a reassuring kind of way and I felt that magnetism again but this time pulling on the heart as it beat - increasing. The noticeable warmth, the energy, maybe it reminded me of a purring cat. I closed my eyes to savor it.

She simultaneously gripped my neck with the increased heart beat. Another moan emitted from me, seemed like beyond my control, coming from core, deep. I felt a kind of shimmer traveling to the very tip in my erection time and again from deep inside me as my heart rate increased with her influence and my erection became so stiff it hurt but deliriously, acutely, completely so, focusing on the very tip. I almost wanted to scream and most certainly wanted to ejaculate into somebody in the worst way as a means of release. She winked at me and slowly pulled up on my erection as I noted the semen like gizem seep out, just a dribble, running down the side. She giggled softly, smiled, licked it and did that again with more response. It felt so good as more gizem ran down and around my stomach.

Whatever negative response I’d had in the past regarding gizem making a mess was now dissolving. I liked that stuff ... and “I love you.” Oh no. What did I say?

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