The Girls of Brazil - Cover

The Girls of Brazil

Copyright© 2020 by Allyfutzus

Chapter 3: The Get Away

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 3: The Get Away - I had managed to muster out of the Army in Europe, European discharge. One signature left and I would be a civilian. Just 100 miles to travel for that, be there on time. I wanted to escape without a required haircut. "Kristina and Ana are at the snack bar looking for you!" "What?" "Yeah. They are here." "I gotta get out of here!" "What? Are you kidding? Kristina said to tell you she has a new night gown to show you." "Oh JESUS!"

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   True Story   Exhibitionism   Illustrated  

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As promised Maria had taken me to bed. Of course I was out of it too drunk to remember. I woke once in the mid of night and she was lying next to me, both naked. I wondered if anything had happened. I would never find out unless she explained it to me. So I fell back asleep.

In the vee early morning I woke wishing I hadn’t had such an eventful night. I gathered fog to stir my awareness and realize again I was sleeping with Maria. All was quiet. I was cold and naked aside from her warmth.

I stirred and wanted to get up, get going possibly before the rest woke up, felt betrayed by this bunch of rich kid exchange students. I felt I was waisting time with them and their demeanor. My freedom was worth more than making love to them. I had served my country and I didn’t deserve their juvenile treatment.

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[And after my humiliation at the gasthaus I was done with Kristina and Ana]

Things felt odd and I first realized there was a big bow of ribbon tied around my penis and balls. The party goers obviously had fun with the single male passed out and available. I was also painted up with something, I guessed lip stick among other things. There was something funny feeling about my butt crack and my hair was all full of something gooey. I quietly got up and headed for the shower.

I really didn’t want to see any of them. They apparently used me for an unconscious fun entertainment center. I wondered if I’d been used for sex. If I had I certainly didn’t get to have the benefit and I wondered if I’d ejaculated enormously.

I would take little time to plan my way out of there once I got cleaned up.

I knew where my clothes and things were. I checked to make sure they were still in the locker. I just looked in the mirror quickly and shook my head for the obvious silliness I’d been used for. After they’d had their way with me in the gasthaus and the extended humility for me who knows just what happened later in the night.

I showered all evidence off and it took a good amount of soap to do that. As I soaked in the hot water I became aware of someone and it was Maria standing there nude. I stopped short and stared at her not knowing how to respond but I put my hand out to see what she might do. She joined me and really woke me up with her, let’s call it, concern about me. She let me wash her in detail. “Did we make love,” I asked.

She said no because I was too drunk. “I’m leaving right after the shower,” I told her. “I’m not going to stay because they were too abusive. I don’t want any more of that. I’m pretty upset.” She held me tight and the feel of her was glorious. Even as hung over as I was I got aroused and she massaged me very nicely. “May I come with you, please?”

Wow, this was a turn of events. The opportunity to take my dream girl with me and what was I to do. I didn’t want to think about it, just wanted to get out of there before the others woke up, no confrontations. “Okay, if you can get your stuff together like right now.” She nodded and took off down the hall.

Still no one else was awake and I dressed, double checked to make sure I had everything before I quietly went out the back stairs to my bus. I made sure the door wouldn’t lock behind me, just in case, and I waited for Maria.

Real soon she showed up dressed with her big backpack and smaller hand bag. “Is this it? Are you sure you have everything?” “I do. I am sure. I got things ready to go yesterday, you know, hoping.” I looked at her and gave her a kiss. “Well, no matter where we are going, we’re traveling the world in Europe -- right now.”

I got in and rechecked my things, passport, traveler’s checks, so on. All good I started the engine. Herman, the name given the bus by the previous owner, was at the moment my best friend in the whole world besides Maria and away we went.

I’d already made up my mind I was going to Innsbruck. Maria was good with that and she said she just wanted to be with me. “That’s a lovely thing to say,” I said with a kiss.

The Brenner Pass Autobahn would be our escape to Italy, shorter cut through the Alps but first I’d get a pension in town for the night.

We reached Innsbruck in the early afternoon; first course of action, get that pension. It was easy since it wasn’t yet tourist season. Up three floors in the main part of town the room had beds, thick down comforters folded back, the typical pension. There was little heat in the room and that was also normal. The bathroom was down the hall.

I asked her if she wanted her own room and the immediate answer was, “No.”

We were hungry so we went to a chain restaurant reminding me of the U.S., Weinerwald. After eating we were tired and we went to the room. I needed a shower so I went down the hall and it was available. I don’t think there were many guests staying. I came back to get a towel and passed an attractive women in the hall, smiled. I told Maria I was pleased to note there wasn’t a coin operated on demand water heater but rather use all you want and I was really glad.

The water was hot, great. I soaked and thought about those girls from Brazil. Of course I had guilt about leaving them behind.

It was dimly lit in the shower portion but I didn’t care. I got to messing with myself, so relaxing. I was feeling a bit amorous maybe because of what they had done to me back at the school. Bad girls. I had to use my imagination. I kind of wished I’d fucked some of them for being mean to me. No, I didn’t.

I kept up my love affair with my grip until I reached an orgasm and I unloaded my anxieties down the shower drain. Apparently there ware a lot of anxieties given the results when I heard a noise.

I wasn’t sure where it came from as I turned both directions. I didn’t have my glasses on but a voice spoke up in German. “Oh shit,” I muttered and the woman standing behind me giggled. “Uh, do you speak English?”

“I do, a bit,” was the response.

It was ‘fess up time for me and I relaxed just a bit when she giggled. “I, uh, well,...” I stammered not sure how much American slang she owned. I wanted to make a joke and try to break the ice of being caught dead to rights, dick in hand.

She looked me over pretty detailed and I just stood still and waited for her to say something. “Would you like me to help you bathe?” she asked. “Oh...” “I’m the restroom attendant.” “I see,” I said. “I will gladly do it for you if you like.” I waited moments thinking and then what the hell. “Sure.”

The shower was still running and she proceeded to take off her clothes. This was getting interesting. Once finished she picked up a wash cloth and some kind of soap lotion to begin doing me and I was momentarily the luckiest guy in the world.

She really knew what she was doing to include working on my happy ending which came quite quickly.

“I just got out of the Army,” I commenced to babble. I picked up two girls from Brazil who were going to school in Munich. They invited me to their place and last night they got me drunk; seven Brazilian girl students took me to a nearby gasthaus dressed in one of their night gowns so they could strip me naked on stage and make fun of me. This morning I woke up with a hangover and a big ribbon tied in a bow around my penis. They had painted me up with lip stick when I was passed out and had done various things to me, unknown. I sneaked out of there and came here. I needed this. Thanks!

She started laughing then pushed herself to me and she took my penis in her hands. Pouring some lotion on it she began to work me into a state of arousal just as I’d done with her watching from behind. I had another orgasm and she commented, “Jesus, you got a lot of that stuff in you. And so soon.”

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“Yeah, I can do that,” and I did again and again.

She rubbed herself on me and we enjoyed a few more orgasms before shower time was over. I told her we could go have a bier and I’d tell her about myself if she was interested. She was. She was lovely to help me get over my Brazilian girl anxieties. And she offered to let me pay for her services. “Of course.”

“Good imagining!”

I congratulated myself when I told Maria about my imagination in the shower. “You should have been there.” I laughed. “Like I could or would actually ever meet some good looking women in the shower, the restroom attendant, willfully disrobing for me. I guess the lady smiling at me in the hall passing by seeded my imagination.” “I would have done that for you,” said Maria. “Oh, I wish you had. Then I wouldn’t have had to make up all that B.S...

“Well, anyway, I’m ready for bed, better relaxed now.

We went to bed early intending to wake up early and get going. The pension room was paid up and we would slip out of Innsbruck in the wee hours.

I got in one bed and pulled the comforter up over me, that first chill from the lack of heat in the room goes away quickly as body heat is trapped with a good comforter. “Aaah.” I was cozy. Pretty soon I felt movement and my comforter came up in the air letting my body heat escape. “Hey, what?” It was Maria sliding in behind me and I felt her warmth, most welcome.

“It’s too cold over in that bed alone,” she said. I rolled over to look at her and she had nothing on at all. So much more ready heat to be enjoyed. “Thanks!” I said. “This is really nice of you.” She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me tight. I felt the softness of her in places I only dreamed about. “You’re such a good travel mate. I couldn’t be happier,” I said.

I fell asleep with my penis inside Maria, another dream come true. I was tired, really and I remembered sleeping all night with my dairy buddies staying aroused the whole night, waking in the morning with a hard-on still doing its job. I told Maria I was going to try that if she was willing and she laughed. “It’s all safe, all good, just fun.” And as I fell asleep I remembered her slowly fucking me, gently holding my hands to her breasts.

We woke in the early morning and I honestly was still erect, real warm and I wondered how that was for her. Then she started fucking me in earnest and moments passed but I was ready to sploodge in her. “Sorry but I gotta fill you up with the morning’s warmth and then we can jump in the shower for quick one.”

This time we left evidence of our stay on the sheet, lots of it and she was introduced to my lover of goddesses skills, an experience far more than she expected. I had a lot of explaining to do.

We were on my way to the Brenner Pass Toll Tunnel, the short cut through the Alps heading for Italy. “I didn’t mean to try to make love to you last night.” “Why not?” “I just wouldn’t assume that, you know?” “Are you sorry I came to your bed?” I looked at her and said, “You are my dream girl; you know that. Making love to you is my kind of heaven. HAH, yeah, like I didn’t want to sleep with you last night. I did leave my penis in you erect the entire sleep, right?” “Yup, you did and I think that’s quite something for any guy.” “Oh, glad to be of service. You just ask, don’t hold back. I’m always ready for you. And I mean it, anywhere and any time. I’ll never ask questions and you just wait. I love doing it in risky places and situations.” I laughed.

I started explaining about my past, what I was with physical changes, the safety of not worrying about pregnancy, that sort of thing. She was very intent on hearing about it. So I continued with further details and she never seemed to distrust my words. “I hope you don’t think I’m telling you lies. I never assume people will totally believe me and I’ve not told very many about it but I think it brings relief when someone like you who I really like is willing to listen. And I can show you things about me that will help you understand.”

She sat very close to me on the bench seat in front and she seemed to be in love. I had to ponder how it would be to fall in love with a girl from Brazil each of us coming from such distant parts of the planet. But for now we were traveling Europe and that’s all that mattered. We could make love with worry and yes, be in love for the experience.

No, I’d not traveled these roads south to Italy before. This was new adventure. I again thought about Kristina and Ana. They were missing out on the chance to travel the byways, the back roads of Europe with me. Too bad. Maria was my partner now and I was thrilled for that.

They must have figured I would be upset with them. I guess I didn’t mean much to them after all and it gave me doubts about myself. I needed to stop thinking about it.

We didn’t see dawn until we were well on our way into Italy, losing altitude.

I had been more recently to Venice where I got a ticket for parking right at the bridge that walks you into the city proper. An Army friend and I had given two girls a ride to Vienna and then we traveled down to Venice to get lost walking in that very unique city. But this time with Maria Italy was small villages and quaint places, driving on, heading for Trento and Verona. I would take the lesser used side route, two lanes through tiny Ostiglia in the Italian Alps where a tour bus was stuck in a snow drift right in the middle of town.

It was March after all and winter was still on the run chased by Spring at the higher elevations just about the time we arrived.

It was morning, the sun was high and there was no snow anywhere around as I approached. But in the middle of the village a large new tour bus was stuck right on top of a late pile snow drift. Surprising it wasn’t plowed out and the big bus had no alternative but to try to blast through it. It was only about two-thirds the length of the bus. But no good. It was really stuck.

We sat there for a couple of minutes watching the affair but apparently the passengers were all in the restaurant eating and I guess waiting for the melt. I wasn’t able to figure out any way around other than right by the bus, just wide enough for my bus, Herman the mighty.

I looked at Maria and told her I wasn’t in the mood to wait around. I took off.

There was concern on the faces of a couple of people standing, waiting, but I was undaunted. I hit the pile moving along. Maria screamed but Herman took it in stride and on we went never slowing down to look back. I swear it was the over sized tires on the back wheels giving me the ground clearance I needed. The former owner of Herman and I fought for those oversized tires and the German mechanic installing the new tread tried to refuse us because of rules per stock tire size specifications in his official hand book but we won the argument and now I won reprieve.

I looked at wide eyed Maria and broke into laughter. I pulled over and we made out for a while. “I’m glad I did just so I could neck with you for a while.” “Neck?” she queried. I laughed. “What, what do you call it, ‘petting’?” “Petty?, she asked. I sighed and smiled. She acted like she didn’t get the American slang. “Hmmmm. French kissing?” “How about Brazilian kissing,” she said. We did some of that and I showed her my dairy goddess given long tongue. “What is that?” she gasped. “Want me to show you?”

I didn’t wait for an answer and got out of the bus to come around and invite her into the back on the bench seat. “I’ll show you something you will truly like.” I did as I had done for Ana and Kristina and she was very willing to let me disrobe her, pants, panties as I followed with my favorite cunnilingus skills. On the side of the road, opposite side of traffic, and there was none frankly, I gave her a couple of orgasms to calm her nerves after jumping the snow drift with Herman.

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I kissed her twice with her own juices. “Oh, you fucker. Look what you made me do.” She paused staring at me. “And I love your tricks,” she said. “So, I’m a ‘fucker’ huh? Well, let’s save that for later. Okay?” “Or you could keep going you know? What’s your hurry?”

She got up out of the bus and took off everything and wrapped her arms around me for a moment before turning around and getting on her knees between the bench seats. She looked back and reached to pat herself on the butt. “This isn’t any snow drift but let’s see how you do with your over sized traction now.” “Okay!” And I juiced her up before I put my penis into my dream girl where it loved to go. We fucked until I easy ejaculated.

The gizem ran back out of her in time with her long moaning, lots more warm bubbles to fill her up. “Oh my god that stuff is unreal like I’m filled with crazy fizz. Keep going.” I did and we let it run down on to the shoulder of the road.

As usual my orgasm was many surges and she was eventually shouting out her pleasure. I kept doing her, another orgasm, ejaculations filling her. She didn’t want to stop but after nearly a half hour of that I did.

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“You are amazing!” I said. Let’s save some of this loving for after we drive for a while. We have to find a place for the night before dark. I really want to reach the sea before that much longer.”

I stopped, looked at the beautiful gorgeous lover in front of me and asked her to lie down on the seat so I could do some more cunnilingus and put my penis back in for one more orgasm. I obliged her by getting naked too and cut it short actually laughing at her determination to have me fill her up with gizem. “You sweet thing. I think I’m in love! NO, that’s dumb. I AM in love. Oh, one more time for the road.”

Then on through Modena outskirts and over to Reggio we started our descent to the ultra blue Mediterranean and the sea coast town of LaSpezia.

The winding road down descending was full of hairpin turns and the view of the Mediterranean sea was heart stopping. “I lived in Hawaii, ‘Paradise’,” but the view in front of us was just more blue than any water I’d ever seen. And each hair pin gave us opportunity to stop and look at it more. It truly looked unreal. I found myself a bit emotional about it. Interesting and Maria hugged me, “Thank you.” “Thank you?” I asked for her meaning. “Yes, without you I would never see this, ever. This is so cool.” I got a nice kiss for that.

About half way down the winding narrow road I suddenly realized we were being followed by Italian police on motorcycles. And they pulled me over. I was surprised, not understanding what they would want with a VW bus. I certainly wasn’t speeding.

They looked quite grumpy and I was delightful of course except I didn’t know a word of Italian. They looked at my papers and tried a few words on me but I apologized and shrugged my shoulders. “No English?”

Maria had jumped out of the passenger side and approached them from around the front of the bus. She spoke something sounding like Italian and the cops were suddenly lifted into another mood. Apparently she explained something to them about us and they were obviously very attracted to her.

They were kind of dashing in their tight leather and she was indeed friendly.

They finally approached my driver side window and said something I took as “Slow Down” and I agreed, thanked them, wish them a nice day and they winked at me making shapes with their hands apparently describing Maria’s figure. They they rode off pretty darned fast. I never saw them again. I couldn’t get over how evil they looked in their tight leather gear. I guess I was lucky but Maria said they were cute!

By the time we arrived at LaSpezia it was evening a little after 5:00. The old ancient looking town had a very large center, open and completely empty, the cobble stones cut cleaner than the German counterparts paved the way for parking. At least I thought so.

There was quite a crowd of people off in the distance down by the water. I just parked the bus right in the middle of the square and set up camp, so to speak. Maria and I sat and talked.

I was hungry. No businesses around looked open but there was a restaurant not far away so I walked over to it. Maria remained and sat in the back reclined on the bench seats. I said I would check it out and come get her if I was successful.

The front door was unlocked so I tried it, walked into the main dining room, quite large, all tables with white linen and set for dinner. There was no one around. Without giving it more thought I just sat down at a table. I thought I’d wait until maybe somebody came around.

I could hear sounds in the distance, perhaps the kitchen. I waited for perhaps a good ten minutes. Finally a person came into the hall at the opposite end doing something then starting to leave when she noticed me clear across the room. She came.

She started talking and I got the hint, although not knowing the language, they were not open yet but it was approaching 6:00, I was starving. I asked if she spoke English with a plaintiff look on my face. She shrugged her shoulders but we were able to use sign language and I explained I would eat anything, anything they might have, “So hungry.” I really did realize the custom was not to eat that early. I apologized.

“There are two of us,” I added. “She is my sister and she’s very hungry as well. Please? Would you mind? I nodded, she nodded. Apparently it was okay and I said I’d be right back, “right away, I mean now, you know. I’ll hurry.”

I rushed out to the bus and told Maria the restaurant wasn’t open but, “I got them to put something together for us. And I told them you are my sister. I don’t why I said that but, well. It’s okay. Now you’re my sister.” I laughed.

We hurried back and sat down at the same table. The person was working a short distance away and she indicated, “Wait,” smiled, looking at Maria, and walked back into the kitchen to disappear. I waited not knowing if she was ever going to come back. She did.

She brought us plates of pasta and some bread, a glass of water. I thanked her profusely. She left. we ate.

Again we waited and when she came back I had my wallet in hand indicating I wanted to pay and she made me understand the meal was supposed to be free. I questioned her with my eyes and shook my head “No”. I took a small wad of Italian paper and handed it to her. She looked surprised just holding it flat handed and looking at me questioning. I reached over and gently closed her hand around the bills and bowed thanking her again. I was very pleased. I pointed at Herman across the way in the middle of the square and pointed at us like that was where we lived.

I nodded at her with a smile and left. I could have hugged her for saving us from starvation.

Back in the bus I opened the side doors and made up our beds for the night. It was warm and wonderful out and there was music playing off in the distance. What a wonderful place. We fell asleep not even closing the doors which was quite unlike me to be so trusting.

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I was having a nice dream about what guys dream about when I became aware of a presence. Not wanting to wake up, for obvious reasons, I fought it but reality won. I opened my eyes and made out the silhouette of a person standing at the open doors looking in. It was her, the person who served us in the restaurant. She was smiling.

“You gave me way too much money,” she said, English, pretty good English actually. Obviously I was surprised.

“That’s okay. OH, it’s just fine. Please, it’s yours. I wasn’t sure how much to leave and it’s just fine, really.” “But I wasn’t charging you.” “I know. You are very sweet and it was a great thing you did. Really, we appreciate it a lot and this has been a great experience today. Your kindness capped it off. I’m really happy. Please, I don’t know the Italian money yet, just arrived here from Innsbruck; it’s yours.”

I didn’t want to offend her and Maria woke up groggy and appeared out of her sleeping bag not scared, just surprised.

The person hesitated, a pregnant pause and I said, “Can we tell you about our day? I’m traveling with Maria and it was truly special for us. So far I just love Italy.”

She sat at my beckoning and I moved over on the bench to make room. Maria sat up and I asked, “Did you just get off work?” She indicated “yes”. So I just started telling about our adventure so far.

Told her about Innsbruck and about leaving very early to travel over Brenner Pass and then down the Italian Alps, fascinating country, down the switch backs to LaSpezia and the view so beautiful it made us cry. I even told her about the motorcycle cops. She seemed to be very willing to listen. This was so nice and I told her that. She hesitated again and then said, “Don’t go anywhere. I’ll be right back.”

Light surrounding outdoor seating shined to illuminate as I watched her go back to the restaurant and I waited wondering if she really would come back. I had no idea what time is was but there were a few people wandering by as we sat in my bus in the middle of the square in the place that found us.

The double doors on Herman were open wide and I marveled at the comfort of the outdoors. It was only mid March but of course I was now located at a latitude probably something equal to California. And there were no bugs flying.

An occasional passer by would look in and move on. I just nodded hello and when they saw Maria their glow became smiles. I was so glad Maria was my travel partner.

I noted her coming back in our direction from the restaurant and she was carrying something.

She had two large bottles of wine and three wine glasses in both hands. She had a great smile and it was showing as she got back into the bus and sat next to me. I was handed the glasses and she pulled a cork screw out of a pocket to start opening one. “One for you and one for us,” she said. I held up the glasses for her to pour. We toasted her and we drank. That was very nice wine. “For your large tip,” she laughed. I laughed and we drank. I got very relaxed. I was in heaven with a new friend and Maria.

She asked me where we were driving next and I indicated I didn’t really know but maybe south to Rome. She cocked her head questioning and mentioned it was a very big city. She asked if we were going to see the Vatican and I shook my head “no”. “Go to Pisa though.” “I wish we had someone like you to guide us,” I laughed and she momentarily put her head on my shoulder.

I told her LaSpezia was just a happening not planned. I had no plans exactly and I was leery of how I would be treated in Italy. “Americans are not loved so much anymore. In Germany we had to go to Munich to find friendly people, more international. And that is where Maria was going to school.”

I told her about Nuremberg, the former S.S. school I was stationed at and she gave me the impression she really didn’t like the Germans. She said she had family who had moved up north to be Gastarbeiters, guest workers. “They were not treated well”. I told her I’d been told about that by people who ran my favorite Italian restaurant. “Many Germans didn’t like we American soldiers at all, got a lot of dirty looks. I haven’t received any dirty looks since I’ve been here.” I laughed. “And of course there are so many wonderful Germans as well. We’re all just human.” She laughed, said something in Italian, gave me a kiss on the cheek and poured more wine.

I was getting so I really felt the wine and we sat close when she put her arm around me and snuggled. Glancing at Maria I just remained quiet and let her do that. It was sweet and I thought about my luck so quick in Italy meeting a very lovely lady who could tell us more about life there.

Some more wine was consumed as we sat in silence until she kissed me again and asked about Maria and I being siblings. “I winked at Maria and said, “We are step brother and sister. Maria is from Brazil and I’m from the U.S. We have the same father.” Maria smiled looking a glance at me but said nothing. “Thank you for being kind to us! You’re pretty special. And you speak English. I wish I had more than one language. Maria speaks many. I admire that.”

“Don’t you know the language of love?,” she asked. “Oh wow. I love that language so much. I hope I know that one really well. It’s important. It doesn’t need words, right?” “It needs this,” she said and I got a kiss on the lips like she really meant it. I glanced at Maria again and she was really smiling as if she was about to laugh.

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