The Hay Buck Nymph - Cover

The Hay Buck Nymph

Copyright© 2020 by Allyfutzus

Chapter 10: Graduation

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 10: Graduation - She grew up on a cattle ranch not among her own, orphaned from her world. A baby with funny ears meant no challenge for the ranch owners who were used to all strains - four legs or two. But she grew up in short order, worked her way into their hearts and managed to carry her own weight with the work and then some.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Ma   Consensual   Magic   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Farming   Western   Illustrated  

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That night of graduation was one to endure. I couldn’t remember if I’d graduated once or twice before doing these transitions back to relive my youthful life. All I could think of while waiting to march up to receive my ill earned diploma was the time Lilly and Lois were working on me in the bunk house, almost readied for the next day competition at the county fair. Lois had an intervenes plugged into my anus for some vitamin supplement trying to make my over used abused anus look normal. She was worried about the judges noticing that and taking away points. “You don’t have a tail to cover it up.”

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[They temporarily solved that issue with the butt plug horse tail]

They’d brought me out onto the loading dock to take me into the milking parlor when we discovered the son and extension agent had a group of visitors from the media waiting to see me perform. The level of embarrassment being caught like that with a hose dangling out of my butt is hard to put into words.

Because the hose precluded Lilly from being able to shove her hand up through my anus no demonstration was available and the men wandered off. What happened was the women journalists asked to be able to join Lilly and Lois in the milk house to observe me being worked on. Then what happened was a demonstration of explosive orgasm causing the two getting a taste of what gizem was like and they wanted to do me, which they did.

We fucked carefully with all the goo and water on the floor and when they left to rejoin the other men they had their clothes soaked in gizem hanging on their arm as they piled into the back of the waiting sedan to sit on either side of one of the guys.

I’ve always wondered what happened then but that’s beside the point.

Now I was graduated.

The event held little for me to be happy about. All that was left to do was go to parties that evening before my fateful ride the next morning to the “summer job” at a remote dairy.

The party we went to, the popular kid’s party, was a chance to misbehave. My friend and I had planned, talked up selling booze to all the minors, graduates, having convinced one of my brothers in law into buying the stuff for us.

At school we took orders ahead of time, requiring the money up front. We hauled the loot to the party and parked half a block away. My partner’s mom’s station wagon was perfect for distribution. We got all the bottles handed out and kept the spoils for ourselves. GAWD I hated drinking booze. To me it tasted like medicine but I did, a bit, got high and remained the shy kid I always was. Again, I had to get up early and take that ride down south over a one hundred miles to a dairy I’d never seen before.

So what resulted from my dad selling me out was...

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... stripped naked for keeps and trained, physically changed into a breeder livestock to satisfy sister nymphs goddesses with all kinds of sex acts and primarily fucking them to allow transition to a higher plane of existence. Yup, that simple.

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My father had this over zealous faith and his religion he managed to make weird. He was tied in with cults of different types. He was so smart I never would have guessed he would have fallen for the ethers of faith, swallowed so much of the Cool-Aid, favorite flavors, but he certainly did. He was also a real hypochondriac. I know we was utterly afraid of dying. His dealings with me were always perplexing.

I again endured the routines depicted above, all of it. Again, hoping to cut things short, get back to being the god of Nature, but no. I was going to have to play the game except all the sisters, of course, already knew what was up and we just went through the motions. But I had to endure the owner’s son and he had me livestock fire branded, again, my knowing what was coming. That was Hell.

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And the only consolation to being branded was re meeting my human girl friends Linda and Gail and getting to make love to them in the loafing shed, seems even better this time around because we had a little audience and I wasn’t so shy about fucking in public. I did love how people grew so focus on my penis at work. It was hypnotizing

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Oh and there were the other meetings with my new friends and more excellent love making. They just loved to fuck me and I was most grateful.

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[Above: Gail with her syringe giving me the antibiotic to keep my brand burn from getting infected; you remember (Dairy Of Desire), while I injected Linda with my big fleshy boner syringe]

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Again getting ready for that dairy sire competition with all the probing was an act of endurance as Lois dipped her stimulants deep down my erection left to soak in with her long swab.

So many experiences to revisit but my sister nymphs were kind, tried to help make it less painful and I had a really hard time not fucking the owner’s wife who happened to be Loon, already my sixth sister lover. She knew what a struggle I had keeping my penis out of her until the proper time.

Wow, that was something, all the fucking done not a minute before reality, the first time, realizing I could NOT screw up that rotation of events. I needed their help and it worked keeping me within the necessary moment.

But once they transitioned to their higher plane of existence, and I was going run away to re meet the Swills, I had to carry on, on my own, and not mess up events. But then right in the midst of the party at Mabel’s place where I started to have sex all of their friends I transitioned right back to Sylvia’s standing in front of a large group of people including my sister nymphs and my friends, including fuck buddies and lovers; they were all yelling “SURPRISE!” Sylvia was fucking me in the ass with that huge dildo for reprisal because I’d fucked her in the ass by mistake, believe or not.

“Oh my GAWD no”, I thought. Wrong spot in time. I tried to transition out of that event to what? I just did it mindful of wanting that dildo out of my butt pronto. I’d already suffered that with giving her due apology and I ended up transitioning with Rose into the print shop as we made love to Kathy. Thank GAWD. My anus still hurt.

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That sex with Kathy was nice, really nice.

But I realized I needed to convince Kathy she needed to transition with us at the moment, no waiting or fucking further. The surprise stopped her short because I had not explained, yet, what I’d told her when we finished fucking that first time. It’s confusing. I had to explain things rapidly over again and in that moment I decided to simply grab her along with Rose and we arrived at Sylvia’s hoping the dildo wasn’t still stuck up my butt with a lot pain associated.

And turns out it was not. All was forgiven and Rose, Kathy and I all returned to Sylvia’s with a different crowd partying, some lovers doing it in the spa and this seemed like the proper time.

The surprise for Kathy was a bit extreme since she was naked just having had sex with me and I hugged her saying, “Let’s find out what time it is to make sure we’re in the right spot, right moment.

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I took her arm in arm and we found Branch, I introduced her and Kathy was of course quite wide eye impressed. “You’re back Tom,” Branch assured us and I hugged Kathy so relieved, I felt so much stress drain away. “But don’t forget your other friends you left behind now,” reminded Branch. “These moments are related and you have to clean up what you’re doing or else.”

I asked Branch if she could hang with Kathy and explain things to her a bit while I transitioned to get my other friends, “Sister (no longer) Virgin and Terry”. “No worries Kathy. Please take note how parties at Sylvia’s are all clothing optional. Feel free because this moment in time is all about love and freedom.”

“You better bring them both back together Tom to avoid disrupting moments any further,” Branch reminded me. “Play it safe.” I hugged Branch and hugged Kathy with a kiss and said, “I’ll see you in a moment.” But I’d not tried to transition with two separate individuals let alone strangers to one another.

Off I went planning on convincing Sister V. Amelia, V for Victory, to transition with me and quite luckily we transitioned to the boiler room, right on. Rose was helping and we caught Sister right in the act of fucking me. Oddly there were two of me present and that became a bit shocking for her but I quickly began explaining the situation. I looked at younger me and winked as I told her how Rose and I were there to take us back into the future and “If you don’t like it I will bring you right back. However I’m positive you are going to absolutely love it. The Future so better knows how to do it. Such is life and evolution.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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