The Hay Buck Nymph - Cover

The Hay Buck Nymph

Copyright© 2020 by Allyfutzus

Chapter 6

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 6 - She grew up on a cattle ranch not among her own, orphaned from her world. A baby with funny ears meant no challenge for the ranch owners who were used to all strains - four legs or two. But she grew up in short order, worked her way into their hearts and managed to carry her own weight with the work and then some.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Ma   Consensual   Magic   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Farming   Western   Illustrated  


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[A bit of information about sister nymphs and their experiences with sex and orgasms; if one got fucked they all enjoyed it as well; brings a high level of satisfaction also for the lone human male’s ego, me]

We drove up to Sylvia’s and stopped by Maria’s before heading for the end of the dead end block of luxury homes. I had my friends climb the stairs with me up to the front door wondering how things appeared to the close knit neighbors I’d once met at Maria’s “knitting” party. I got fucked by all of the knitters.

Maria tricked me into coming along with her down two floors after getting out wet from her bath and they made me the buck naked center piece of their celebration. The long activity table was adorned with me and aside from fucking I did an awful lot of cunnilingus for the ladies of the neighborhood that night.

But that proved wonderful for my self worth. Now there were very unusual beautiful naked females from another universe on either side of me re entering my first extra marital partner’s home. This had so much meaning for me even as the god of Nature returning.

Ringing the door bell brought a lot of questions from Ember and Febe about what we were doing there and the front door opened. There stood Maria’s husband, the downtown attorney. “Hi!” “Hi, Good to see you,” he said. “I’d like to introduce you to my assistants Ember and Febe.” “Oh! Nice to meet you.” They are here to help us with some Nature organization work. Is your wife at home?”

He knew me quite well and wasn’t surprised to see me. I was servicing Maria on occasion doing my livestock rounds. He didn’t really know how she and I got started making love, that is he didn’t know she seduced me as her furnace man. He considered my livestock service work a kind of necessary thing for Maria’s health. He “suffered” the same social image of me as most people did, livestock ready for servicing, sex, allowed by social mores as appropriate and even a privilege now as god of Nature.

But it was a discussion about breast feeding the first time I worked on their furnace that sparked Maria’s interest. When I returned for the next furnace tune-up she seduced me, very cleverly, and we fell in love.

How it began: blown-fuse

It wasn’t until he came to Sylvia’s for a party where I was routinely fucking people, taking requests, he came to understand who or what I was, a god of Nature. It kind of established my worth beyond his realm.

Pretty funny. I had been making love to his wife some long time before that starting with being just their “furnace man”. Now we did it with his approval and he often watched. Kinky? Heck no. I’m just a lot of bull.

I always had to wonder how good he was at legal work.

Believe me I was always tempted to talk him into fucking me, you know, in the anus, part of my list of available services. Just to tease him into doing it, the good religious husband he really was, but no sense pushing things over the top yet. It was enough to get to fuck his beautiful wife.

I would have loved to convince him, since I was just livestock, all ports were available and have him do me while I did Maria for a private Daisy Chain. I wondered if he could ever get that kind of rhythm. I may have been a god of Nature but I inherited the teasing nature of my sister nymphs.

“We’re just heading for Sylvia’s for a little partying this evening and I haven’t seen you guys for a while, missed you.” “She’s not here right now but come on in. Let’s have a beer and catch up.”

I let the girls go first and he ogled them pretty good while smiling at me and I gave him a wink. “These ladies are from planets three realms away and another universe. I’m hoping to keep them as my assistants traveling with me.”

It was as if he ignored that information, but hardly. He heard me and got an eye full which distracted him from my talk about other realms. It’s not every day you open your front door to let three naked people walk in, two of them extra terrestrial.

He grabbed some beers out of the fridge and we went out on their new deck backside of the house. It was really nice and I said so. “What’s new in your world,” I asked. It was just the usual legal stuff, lots of it. He was now the practice’s senior attorney since his dad retired. He mentioned his boys in college and asked me about our three twins. “They are marvelous,” I said. “Growing so fast and my wife is just wonderful.”

“Listen,” he said. “Sylvia has tried to tell me all about your lives now since you are in a special realm with deities and what? Something about traveling or transitioning everywhere? This stuff is beyond science fiction don’t you think? It just sounds marvelous and is it common knowledge?” “It’s humbling,” I said. “They have opened up universes to me and it’s up to me to learn how to manage myself in this expanding world of realms. I am learning but it is overwhelming to realize what is, and that is too big to explain with mere words.

These two gorgeous girls we saved from death and actually broke a natural law in doing so. And I am never to do that again. Believe me it was very difficult not to be altruistic when Ember and Febe’s lives were threatened by cannibals. If you witnessed what was going on in the deep realms of space and other universes you would be appalled but nature must take its natural course without intervention. That’s hard to swallow for we humans.

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