The Fiery Doctor - Cover

The Fiery Doctor

Copyright© 2021 by somethin fishy

Chapter 13

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 13 - The story of a young doctor who learns to love again.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cream Pie   Masturbation   Pregnancy   Doctor/Nurse  

The next morning Emily volunteered to make breakfast while Mark and Kat did the chores. She did this because she was making biscuits and gravy with a side of homemade hash browns. Mark and Kat came back in as Emily was setting the table. After breakfast, all three went to get dressed and got ready to leave. Mark was first out of the house, followed by Emily. They both had twelve-hour shifts ahead of them. Kat would ride the bus, just as she always had done. She couldn’t wait until she could legally drive to school. It would save her almost forty minutes each way. After school, she had volleyball practice. Even though she was only 5’7” she could still spike the ball over the net and was very quick all over the court. She would go to her friend’s house until Mark or Emily got off work. Her day went about the same as it always did. Dumb boys trying to flirt with her, and teachers boring her. This year however there was a new boy that made Kat and all the other girls very nervous. He was one of those that absolutely wouldn’t take no for an answer and would react violently if anyone opposed him. Kat knew that it was only a matter of time before she was one of his targets. She also knew how she was going to handle him when the time came.

Emily’s day was crazy, to say the least. She was barely in the locker room when one of the nurses saw her engagement ring. It was kind of hard to miss after all. She spent almost half an hour telling the story of her and Mark and showing off pictures of Mark, Kat, and the various things she had been doing over the last couple of weeks. Getting onto the floor finally, she was accosted by the same RN that had his nose busted by Mark and was told off by Kat.

‘Oh, this is going to be good’ thought Emily. He didn’t disappoint either.

“Hello doctor O’Neal, you miss me?”

“Nope, didn’t even notice that you weren’t around Sean.”

“Oh, I bet you noticed. That empty feeling between your legs is because I wasn’t there to fill it.”

Emily held up her ring and Sean’s face reddened a bit.

“You know my fiancé has already given you one beating and that was by accident. I would hate to see what he would do to you if he knew of your current behavior. You know that he’s already killed two people to defend his family and he did that when he was a young teen. Of course, after I get done with you there won’t be enough left for him to beat.”

She then showed Sean a picture of Mark and Sean’s face lost all of its color.

“Yep, you remember him, don’t you? If you try to harass me once more, he’s going to find out about all your shit and your days will be numbered. So why don’t you run along now.”

She was chuckling when he tucked his tail between his legs and took off. Word of this quickly got around the hospital and the guys stopped trying to flirt with her. Mark had made a bigger impression on the staff than Emily had realized. She also found that she was the envy of every single female and a number of the married ones working in the hospital. This only increased when Emily told them about what all Mark did to her. The other woman turned green with envy. Emily found that she enjoyed the attention that she was starting to get. Unfortunately, it was also a day for people to get injured in some of the worst ways. From getting their foot caught in a spinning lawnmower blade to a child getting burned by hot grease spilling all over her. Emily had to remind herself to check all her emotions but now it was much harder for her to do than before. When she left the hospital that evening, she was exhausted. What was supposed to be a 12-hour shift had turned into a 16-hour shift.

Mark’s day was full of the same shit as always. At least he was able to get off on time, pick Kat up, get home and make dinner. Emily had told them just to put her dinner on a plate in the microwave and she would eat whenever she got home. Mark woke up about 11 PM when Emily had just shut off the shower and was crawling into bed.

The rest of the week went about the same except Emily only had to work Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Kat told Mark and Emily all about the new kid and they were both concerned. Yes, they knew that Kat could take care of herself, however, if he managed to get the jump on her, she might end up in serious trouble. Emily suggested that Kat put a spy app on her phone so that she and Mark could check up on her whereabouts if they suspected anything happened to her. Kat not only agreed but went one step further when she got a can of bear-rated pepper spray to carry with her and she would start carrying her boot knife at all times. This drove home the point of just how nervous this new kid made Kat.

It was almost the end of September when Kat caught the eye of the school bully. Kat had the reputation of being an icy bitch that was dangerous for guys to push too far. In Kat, the bully, Adam saw a worthy challenge for himself. If nothing else he figured that she would be tight if he had to rape her to get into her pants. He quickly found that her reputation didn’t do her justice. Not only did she shoot him down but had also exposed all his shortcomings to the entire school. Adam just couldn’t let this bitch continue to embarrass him like this. She had to pay and he knew how, or so he thought. He would follow her home, rape her in her bed, and beat her to within an inch of her life. He didn’t want to kill her though; he wanted her to suffer for the rest of her life. He wouldn’t hesitate about killing the rest of her family though. It was the last Friday in September when he found out where she lived. With the recon, Adam made his plans and gathered his weapons. He had bought or stolen several illegal guns and body armor. He would strike early the next morning. He had seen Mark come home so Adam knew that he would have to kill one person.

Just as Adam had planned, he broke in by picking a lock at about 3 AM the next morning. He quickly started checking out the house. Locating Kat’s room and seeing that she was sleeping soundly, he went to look for his first target. Conveniently there was another bedroom at the end of the hall. When Adam pocked his head in, he could see the shape of someone sleeping. This was going to be easier than he thought. Adam brought out his knife, no need to make extra sound with a gunshot. As he approached the bed, there was a scream.

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