Bridled - Cover


by T.S. Fesseln

Copyright© 2020 by T.S. Fesseln

BDSM Sex Story: The one that got away won't get away again.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   NonConsensual   Romantic   Fiction   MaleDom   Light Bond   Interracial   .

Disclaimer: This is a work of amatory fantasy. Any resemblance to people living or dead is purely coincidental. If you are under the age of 18, please stop reading here. If you are a bit squeamish about graphic depictions of sex and bondage, please stop reading here. The author takes no responsibility for those who wish to reenact anything written below.

Permission is granted for private use. The author requests any agencies wishing to publish this work, to contact him at Or visit his weblog at Comments are gladly accepted and encouraged.

The New Year’s party was winding down and Celia knew she was in no shape to drive. Her friends she was partying with had gone the way of the four winds, leaving her alone in a sequined blue mini-dress and with plenty of drunken men, and a couple of women, that wanted to see that dress balled up beside their bed. She took a deep breath to take away the fuzziness in her head and dug out her cell to page an Uber. She would come back tomorrow to pick up her little Hyundai at the parking garage. Right now she just wanted to be out of there.

It was still warm out and the slight breeze off the ocean felt good. Very little of the party had spilled outside the club, leaving the slight Asian woman pretty much to herself. Her phone buzzed with the message that the Uber driver was on his way and should be there shortly.

“Great,” she said to herself, wanting to get away from the thumping bass coming from inside.

Unsteadily, Celia made it over to a small garden wall in front of the club and sat down. The breeze was rustling the palm fronds above her as she stared at the neon-stippled skyline. Her apartment was somewhere over there and soon she would be cocooned in her own bed to recover from tonight’s champagne-soaked festivities.

Several cars came and went before one stopped and her phone dinged with the text that her Uber was here. Celia started towards the car and froze. She knew the guy ... Trevor, wasn’t it? Trent? Something like that. They had a two or three week fling a few months back, then he started to get possessive and she called it quits. This was going to be awkward but Celia needed the ride.

“Celia?” he asked, a movie-star grin brightening his face.

“Yea,” she gave him a nervous smile. He wasn’t bad looking; A bit taller than her with dark blonde hair and dark eyes, but...

“It’s Tracy ... Trace, remember?”

“Oh, hi, Trace,” she replied.

“Been a little while,” he said opening the back door to his car.

“Yes it has,” Celia said easing herself inside, hoping the conversation would end.

He closed her door and climbed into the driver’s seat; looking back and grinning that grin.

“You are looking as beautiful as ever, Celia. How did I ever let you get away?”

“It just happened,” she replied, pretending to look through her purse to avoid eye contact.

“I guess. Watcha looking for?”

“Some aspirin,” she lied, “I have a huge fucking headache.”

‘And he is sitting right in front of me,’ Celia thought to herself. All she wanted now was for this night to end as soon as possible with her curled up under her sheets.

“I think I have some,” Trace said as he opened up the glove box. Moments later he handed her a couple of white pills and a small bottle of water.

Celia didn’t argue. She muttered a thank you and swallowed the aspirin with a couple of swigs of water. She fastened her safety belt and settled in for the ride to her apartment praying Trace wouldn’t fill the ride with chatter.

It wasn’t more than a couple of miles before she fell asleep.

Trace kept glancing back in his rearview mirror to make sure his beauty was really sleeping. The little sleeping pills had done their job nicely. He had long dreamed and prepared for just this opportunity. The fact he knew Celia was even better. She was the kind of woman he had always wanted: beautiful and intelligent. She was just a little too independent for his taste. But he knew he could fix that with a little bit of that old Tracy charm.

The drive through the city was uneventful. There was still a lot of traffic for as late as it was but that was to be expected for New Years. No one even gave him a second look.

He pulled up in front of her apartment and with a little effort, pulled her out. She was a bit groggy and he shouldered most of her small frame as he carried her through the lobby and to the elevators. His lies were in place if anyone should ask but he didn’t see a soul as they entered the elevator.

Celia lived on the twenty-second floor. During their brief relationship, he had been to her apartment a couple of times. He took her straight to her apartment door and fumbled through her small purse to find Celia’s keys. Moments later, they were inside. He would get her ready and in bed then be back later to fully enjoy her charms.

Celia really needed to go pee. She could see the toilet through the polished steel stall doorway but she couldn’t get there. She tried to move; to just walk over there, but her legs wouldn’t move. She could feel herself trickling no matter how hard she tried...

The dream evaporated, and the Asian girl woke up. She still needed to pee but she still couldn’t move. In a panic, she looked around. She was in her bed in her studio apartment with no idea how she got there. Her arms were pinned in back of her with white nylon rope and each of her ankles were tied to her thighs. Celia saw that she was wearing her wedding-white garter belt and stockings. Her filmy-lace thong barely covered her soft nest. Her jaws ached slightly from a ball strapped inside her mouth.

Beside her bed was an unopened bottle of champagne nestled in a clear bucket of ice. She threw herself at her bindings; bucking and thrashing and screaming into her gag, but nothing gave and no one heard. There was some sort of leather collar around her throat and the attached chain leash was fastened around her wooden-slat headboard. There were ropes also tightly wrapped above and below her chest, framing her small breasts.

Celia was stuck and she fucking needed to go pee.

The blinds to her apartment were partially open and Celia could see the first rusty tinges of the dawn starting to appear over the bay. She was trying to remember last night but all that floated back were parts and pieces of the New Year’s Eve party. She vaguely remembered calling a cab...

The sound of her door unlocking took Celia away from her thoughts. She yelled into her gag as she heard the door open then close. A few moments later Tracy peeked around the corner.

“I see my little sleeping beauty is awake,” he smiled.

Everything came back to her in a flood: she had called an Uber and the driver was Trace.

He sat down beside her on the bed and brushed some stray hair away from her face, his eyes locked onto hers.

“I love you, you know,” he said softly, “Ever since our first date I knew you would be mine to have and to hold.”

Celia screamed into her gag again and fought against her bindings. She could not believe this was happening.

“I know you are pissed right now and you have every right to be but I am sure that you’ll see that this is what you really want.”

The young woman screamed yet again into her ballgag.

“You should see yourself right now. You are so beautiful and helpless, just the way it is supposed to be,” Trace said as he gave her a light kiss on her forehead.

There is more of this story...

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