Baby Sister - Cover

Baby Sister

Copyright© 2022 by SZENSEI

Episode 5: ARCHIpElago

Erotica Sex Story: Episode 5: ARCHIpElago - Colombia is known for its coffee, its poppy fields, and its share of the sexiest women on Earth. Esperanza Blanco and her naïve young 16-year old daughter Maria are sure to wake you up and call you Poppy. America the beautiful just got two of the hottest. Marrying billionaire Oscar Barnett, Esperanza set their future to look bright. Yes, and no! Oscar and his five adult sons had motives, dark motives. Question is, did the Barnett's bite off more than they could chew? Maria was hungry.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Sharing   Wife Watching   Incest   Mother   Brother   Sister   Father   Humiliation   Rough   Spanking   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Swinging   White Male   Hispanic Female   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Fisting   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism  


“You look radiant Esperanza.”

Oscar Barnett wore a blue polo shirt and white cargo pants, unusual for a Billionaire to be dressed as such, but it was his Honeymoon. That, and Oscar was old school who wore whatever felt right in the moment. When you had as much moolah as he had he could wear nothing but a speedo to kiss the Pope’s ring and get away with it. Standing out on a veranda over the South Pacific Ocean he turns to find his new bride Esperanza Blanco, now Barnett, in a white micro bikini that barely hid her deliciously perfect instruments of seduction. For being 34 she still looked 20.

Pleasantly reeling from Oscar’s challenging lifestyle, she fought hard to prove her devotion. Esperanza had been her own boss for so long that it was proving difficult not to follow her own lead. Greed might have pursued her judgment in marrying this charming older man, thinking him to kick the bucket in a few years and leave her ridiculously wealthy. Her alluring games had been so very perfected that it quickly became impossible for Oscar to leave her behind. He knew she was a slippery critter, but she had met her match.

“Do you think Randolph will approve?” Esperanza teased him. She referred to Randolph Heinrich, their German bodyguard whom Oscar ordered to have sex with Esperanza on their Learjet just before landing yesterday.

“Don’t you go getting too cozy with the hired help Mrs. Barnett. Unless I allow it.” He raised his daiquiri toward her as he leaned against the brass metal railing of their hotel room balcony. “You know I did that for a good reason.”

“I will not question your reasons, Husband. I merely wish to see if I can make you jealous.”

“Not in my DNA Esperanza. Won’t be the last man I let fuck the holy hell out of you.”

“Really? Am I merely your plaything?”

“Course you are. One wearing a very expensive rock on her finger I might add.”

“If you wish to share me then I am yours to do so.”

“I knew that the day I set eyes on you in Cartagena. You saw money, I saw slut. I think we can work well together, don’t you?”

“You think of me as a slut?”

“We both know you are, so don’t try that moody stuff on an ole’ fox like me. I’m just as much of a freak as you are Darlin’. Likely more so. I’ll always take care of you but you’re gonna do things for me too. If I need a seduction, you’re gonna obey. Is that clear? Business dealings and fun time go hand in hand.”

“I see.” She joins him out on the veranda and steals his daiquiri, sipping it almost flirtatiously, “Is this truly our honeymoon or is this business as you say?”

“Bit of both. I figured you needed a nice break from being a mother, where you can really unwind. Out here in the middle of nowhere you can be you. It’s time I told you more about yourself. When I met you at that fancy ball in Cartagena, I knew who you were long before we got introduced.”

“Yes. Through my modelling agent.”

“Not even close. That piss ant Rodrigo was just the go between. I knew of you because of your high paid escort keeper, let’s call him as he really is ... your pimp. Money making filly like you has a gift. I’m gonna use that gift to its fullest. You understand me?”

“Of course. I am your prostitute.”

“My wife. I do got me some feelings in this ole’ ticker Esperanza. I’m just lettin’ you know I will be using this perfect body of yours anytime I want. Any way I need.”

“Oscar?” She poises a finger with a well-constructed red nail. “I have only one thing to say. Please allow me to speak.”


“There is no need to ever threaten me. I am yours, body and soul. I will obey and love my husband unconditionally.”

“Countin’ on that. “ He smirks, “Get your own drink.” He steals his daiquiri back then kisses her on the lips with passion. Twirling her to face the ocean he lays his chin on her golden shoulder, her raven tress tickling his nostrils in the breeze as they observe the beach. In the early morning it was full of activity. In her exploration of the locals and vacationers something odd struck her.

“I thought this was a nude beach.”

“Illegal as hell here on the main island. Not that I couldn’t change that with my wallet but why blow all my wad in one place. We’ll be boating out to our real honeymoon palace here around noon. Your bikini there covers just enough not to get ya arrested.”

“Just enough? One tug and everything will pop out.” She shows him how right she was, pulling her thin bottoms up into her labia with the gentlest of lifts.

“Risk you take, now ain’t it, Mrs. Barnett?”

“Your money will bail me out.”

“Hell, woman! The kind of money I have I could buy an orgy on that beach and invite the government to join on three hours interest. Illegal or not, that word gal is part of the term.

“Mmmm! That does sound fun.”

“Missing Maria yet?”

“Of course. Are you certain she is well taken care of in my absence?”

“My boys have her wrapped around their pinkies by now.” He wiggles his left pinky taunting her. Seeing this gave her a chill. He had an enormous pinky, much like every facet of his anatomy.

“Husband? It is I that you own. Not my daughter.”

“I own what I own Esperanza. You got no say in that.”

“I-- yes Husband.” Her heart froze for a brief instant. She decided biting her lip was in her best interest. He knew by her eyes that she connected the dots, that the beautiful young woman she had kept from men all of her life was lost to her. The future suddenly became blurry.

“Let’s not get all weepy. You can bet your lil’ lady will never want for anything. I’ll treat her as if she’s my own. Mostly because, she is right now.”

“Forgive me Husband, I must let this as you say ... sink in. I have protected Maria from the abuse of men. She is an innocent flower.”

“She loves me, she loves me not. Sooner or later there’s no more pedals to pluck. Just a naked stem. We here to talk about her or are we here to celebrate?”

“Celebrate of course. I will keep my thoughts to myself.”

“That’s what I needed to hear. I’ll make you a happy woman Esperanza. Just learn what’s expected of ya.”

“Of this I am unclear. I trust you will explain.”

“All in good time. Times even.” As he hugs her from behind, they hear a landline phone ring behind them in the room. “That’s probably Archie.”

“Who is this, Archie?”

“Old friend of mine from New Orleans. Made his way here to Fiji to live out his days. He’s the owner of that island resort we’re boating out to. I might stop halfway and try my hand at deep sea fishing. Bound to be a marlin out there with my name on it.”

“And what shall I do while you fish?”

“Sunbathe and tease the captain.” He winks, “Let me get that phone.” Entering their room Oscar snatches up the antique looking French style dial phone. “Howdy!” He answered then grinned, “Archibald Bigalow, how the hades are ya? Yup! We made it to the main island. That boat you arranged fueled up and safe?” He knew it was, this was just a formality to impress his bride. “I don’t wanna be stranded at sea. Good man! How’s ... the girls?” He listens while watching Esperanza absorbing their conversation. Again, she stole his daiquiri mischievously. This time he allowed it.

“Busty and oiled up just like I like ‘em? Hot damn, Arch. I cannot wait for you to meet my bride. She puts your girls to shame and she’s old ... younger than some of them.” He changes his tune chuckling. Esperanza merely playfully sneered, smirking at his quick wit. It was exactly this kind of bulletproof charm that captured her heart. That, and a fat wallet. Perhaps his enormous cock had a part in it. Package deal.

“Sixty miles out to sea? Well now, that’s gonna be fun. I told the missus I might weigh anchor and do me some marlin fishin’. I’ll have the boat captain message you an ETA once I’ve hooked me a backstabber. You still have that gal pal of yours, what was her name? Brunhilda? Right, the Norwegian bodybuilder. She was good for a few laughs and a hearty massage. Perfect, have her waitin’ on the dock all greased up and posin’ biceps. Thank ya Archibald, I owe ya one. What? Tortoise rides? Ummm! Sure, Esperanza would look damned sexy on a hardtop. See you soon Arch.” Hanging up he reclaims his half empty drink and grimaces. “Get your ass down to the bar and bring us up a pitcher. Charge it to the room.”

“As attired?”

“Now that you mention it...” Oscar removes her top and winks. “Take Randy with ya. I’ll be fine. If anyone gives you trouble you just tell them Big Daddy’s paying the tab. Shake those tits and hurry on back. Belly’s growling too. Bring up some crab cakes.”

“Do we not have room service in this hotel?”

“Course we do. Ain’t no fun in that.” A light slap to fluff up both of her large full breasts she flares her big brown eyes with intrigue.

“You will get me out of jail?”

“You won’t be going to no Fiji barhop. Well, the bar downstairs just not the one behind bars. Here!” He goes to his luggage and produces a tiny pin with his company insignia, known around the world. Crouching in front of Esperanza he pins it to her bikini bottoms directly where her clitoris resided. Patting his work, she felt it press against her pierced clit and moaned a simple, “Mmmm! You take my breath away Husband.”

He stood up and squinted his eyes at her with a stern tone, “Easily done.” She found herself tense at his words. Before she could ponder it, further Oscar turned her back to him pointing her toward the door. With a whistle at her perfect ass, a slap sent her on her way. Even under duress Esperanza Blanco-Barnett could not help but smile. Even worried about Maria this was her first and only honeymoon. She would try her best to enjoy herself.

Opening the front door their bodyguard Randolph stood vigil until her arrival. Doing his best to overlook her beautiful perky tits he averted his gaze to Oscar for directions. “Take her to the cantina. Help her carry up our order, just don’t spill the drinks. Oh, and slap her ass a few times on the way down. Redden up those delicious cheeks.”

Randolph, never much for words nodded his agreement, sealing the rooms door behind her, orders embraced. Letting her take the lead the guard followed her with admiration to the elevator at the end of the hall. Hiding a sheepish smile Esperanza wiggled her ass a bit more dramatically than necessary awaiting his palm to collide with her welcoming cheeks. While awaiting the elevator to rise she flirted with her eyes meeting the German’s strict gaze. “Are you going to defy my Husband?”

He ignored her until the elevator door hushed open, just as she stepped over the threshold, he provided a massive hand to her left buttock with a resounding impact that made her jump. A momentary pain fevered across her cheek delighting her. Entering fully, she let him press the floor button to the lobby then moved behind her. Door closed the elevator descended, in wait she stepped back into Randolph and pressed her ass up against his crotch. “You are happy to see me.”

Nothing! Not a word. He merely stood like a statue as she rubbed her ass along his lengthy beast. “Very happy indeed. I enjoyed your company on the flight. My husband is quite giving.”

Without warning she twirls in step and palms his face, rising up on her toes to kiss him on the lips. She with passion, he with lack of interest. Realizing it, she eased away with a pout. “I see. You only do as you are ordered. Perhaps a few more spanks then?” She turns away and bends forward, her bikini thong disappearing into her butt crack never to be seen again. Again, he ignored her seductive plea. With the elevator reaching its destination she stood erect and fidgeted. He was no fun unless told to be. Bodyguards were just too strict in their operation. As high paid as Randy here was there could be no room for error. As difficult as that was!

Letting her move ahead of him she explored the lush lobby; palm trees and beautiful floral arrangements made the lobby appear elegant. She merely added to that elegance. Tits bouncing with each step she took, all eyes were on her, very hungry eyes at every turn. Only a native female employee looked her way with confusion, wondering if she should warn her of no public nudity. Noting the woman’s uncertainty Esperanza faced her and pointed down at her pin’s insignia. Instantly the woman brightened up her doubt and waved pleasantly. “This is quite fun. My new husband has as they say clout. Perhaps I should tip the bartender with the rest of my bikini.” In her lingering state Randolph inspired her to move on with another deafening swat to her other cheek. The female worker merely fanned her flushed features. This was exciting.

“I am going. You are a strange one Randolph. Am I not appealing to your imagination?” That caught his eye, he lowered his gaze to her butt as she peered over her shoulder at him with sparkling desire. Without meeting eyes, he simply adjusted his tortured cock beneath his slacks. Good enough for Esperanza, at least he was offering her insight.

Reaching the bar, it was filled with men and women alike. Esperanza’s sudden appearance startled the women, lured by her beauty while wishing they could be so daring. Noting their men shamelessly staring, drool forming across their lips sent mixed signals. While jealousy sprang to life, they also knew their men would likely take out their newfound lust on them, not this goddess of a woman. Even when their men voiced their opinion by complimenting Esperanza’s every asset quite provocatively, the wives, girlfriends, mistresses kept mum. Let their men enjoy this moment. They would inevitably turn their attentions on them. It was rather amusing.

Absorbing their interest in her, Esperanza made her rounds discovering those men that inspired her most. Randolph stepped back and let her do her thing. She knew a favorable report to Oscar would make him happy. Dazzling the gentlemen with greetings of flirtatious fingers she employed her hands further by teasing her areolas in a swirl of excitement. The bar seemed to come alive in that moment. A few men stood up and left their mates behind to pursue this Hispanic beauty. Offers to buy her drinks, jewelry, cars enticed her as she showed off her massive diamond ring to let them know she was taken. Those men uncaring of her marital status moved closer, agitating Randolph to ease in defensively. Catching his advance Esperanza pointed at him sternly, “You will refrain.” Randolph growled but stepped back, Esperanza immediately felt her power for the first time. She rather enjoyed the adrenalin surge.

Easing up to one gentleman she caressed his chest with prowling nails scratching at his unbuttoned shirt, beguiling him with her eyes. “Your woman does not object to your abandonment?”

“Probably! My credit card shuts her down. You are incredibly beautiful.”

“You are not the only one to notice this.”

Two other men circle her like sharks demanding attention. Following them peripherally she finds them too worried to interrupt, confidence slipping. Expecting them to lose interest she smacks her own ass to reignite their lust. Chin to her soft shoulder she entrances them into taking a chance by merely whispering, “You may.”

Powerful allure indeed, the two men move in behind her and begin caressing her ass, the man in front palming her breasts. Feeling the energy, she tilts her neck to the side and tempts them further. A kiss to her neck quickly accepted she finds herself lost in the moment. Her chest’s caregiver opted to feed upon a nipple without asking. Noting Randolph himself circling her for security reasons in case things escalated to higher ground, she stuck her tongue out at him. For the first time her bodyguard smiled with a hint of stress. “Much better.” She thought.

Hearing a loud crisp grumble, the men hesitate to find Oscar Barnett standing next to the cluster of lustful opinions. “Do I gotta get my own pitcher?” She knew he couldn’t resist spying on her antics. Staying up in their room was never his real plan.

“This one offered to buy me a drink Husband.”

“Good man. Buy us a pitcher of daiquiris and meet us at that empty table over there. You two buying?” Oscar winces at the stragglers. Both men decline and move on, only the first admirer had the balls to stick it out. Calling over a waitress with a deafening Texas whistle Oscar told her to bring two pitchers of daiquiris, peach and strawberry. The challenging gent then watched Oscar pick his wife up brusquely and throw her over his shoulder. Untethering her bikini bottoms he yanks them from her body and tosses them at Randolph. “You can sniff ‘em.” He then took his wife to the vacant table and sat down with her in his lap. “I’d start kissin’ if I were you Missus Barnett.”

Storming her husband’s lips, she let her hands roam across his chest, dragging his polo shirt up to reach his flesh beneath. The welcomed man joined them in an open chair on the other side of the table. Observing the married couple enjoying themselves the man looked toward his own mate, a luscious curvy blond similar to actress Margot Robbie. Nothing to sneeze at herself she merely sipped her drink watching with curiosity. Snapping his fingers called her to him. Leaving her table the blond strutted her stuff, long legs garnering attention nearly as much as the totally nude Esperanza. Patting his own lap, the blond accepted his request, and they too began kissing.

While the table kept busy the waitress returned with two pitchers and only three glasses. She apologized on deaf ears and went for a fourth now that the blond had joined them. Even the waitress had to admire Esperanza with a giddy smile. Being bisexual, she rather appreciated the showing. The entire bar pretty much felt the same.

After a healthy portrait of steamy kisses, Oscar had his fingers teasing Esperanza’s clit. Her pussy was soaked. Once he broke their lip lock Oscar winked at her before switching his gaze toward the blond across the table. Esperanza loved her man, all thoughts on her daughter had been set aside for another day. Clearing his throat again Oscar captured the attention of their neighbors. “You look like a money man.” Oscar pointed out.

“I do alright.” The man nodded.

“Marni sneakers from Italy I notice. Last I looked $800 a pair. I personally own ten.”

“Four. Well played.”

“Oscar Barnett.” He extended a hand, a very wet one from his wife’s juicy cunt.

Accepting his gesture and feeling the wetness the man grinned. “Sterling Silverman. My mother’s choice of names I’m afraid. This is Priscilla.”

“Obviously not your wife. Escort?”

“You are quite observant Mr. Barnett.”

“Just Oscar. Pleasure to meet you, Sterling.” He turns his attention toward Esperanza, “Mrs. Barnett?”

“Yes Husband?”

“Why are you not sucking my dick?”

Without a verbal response Esperanza dropped from his lap and knelt between his legs. Unzipping his cargo shorts and digging in with effort to handle his eleven-inch monstrosity she devoured him. Sterling had to lean forward for a visual, his escort flaring her big blue eyes at the enormous cock, Esperanza claiming seven inches of that, unable to bottom out. Seeing Oscar’s pride and joy Sterling puckered his lower lip, “Money can’t buy that.”

“Course it can.” Oscar reached next to Esperanza’s bobbing head to procure a wad of cash from his pocket. Revealing it to Sterling he begins to peel off hundred-dollar bills until reaching a thousand. “That should get her dress off.” He winks at the blond who trembled at the offer. She was not as bold as Esperanza, but greed was quite the intoxicant needed to escape her nerves.

Sterling chuckles, “Your move Priss.”

The blond stood up and reached behind her to unzip her dress. Slithering it off she stood in only a black lace bra and G-string. Another hundred-dollar bill planted in the pile Oscar winks, “Bra.” Off it went to express a stunning set of 36C’s with bullet sized nipples. “Pour us some drinks.” Priscilla took the pitcher of peach and poured two glasses, expecting Esperanza to be too busy to bother. Once filled Oscar toasts Sterling, “Too good ole’ fashioned sluts. I’m not buying that slingshot Sweetheart. Donate it.”

Sensing his requirement Priscilla peeled her G-string off and looked around her for a worthy target. The bartender seemed very intrigued by the events; the waitress having pointed them out. Taking a deep breath Priscilla prowled across the bar and handed the bartender her G-string. It instantly went to his nostrils for a vivid scent. She blew him a kiss then strutted back to Sterling’s side.

“See how easy that was Sterling?”

“I do indeed. You have enlightened me, Oscar. I do believe our adventures are just beginning Priscilla.” She remained silent but blushed. Taking out his own wallet Sterling peels out his own grand before the blonds sparkling green eyes. “Why are you not sucking my cock?” He repeated Oscar’s earlier demand. Just as Priscilla began to kneel Oscar cleared his throat a third time for the morning. He then rifled off another thousand in hundreds, “I can use two sets of lips.” Sterling, taken by surprise finds Priscilla indecisive on what to do. She was paid for by Sterling to accompany him so a certain devotion rose to mind. A third thousand via Oscar made her shrug and move over to Oscar. Rubbing Esperanza’s back to let her know she was joining her, the blond shared in licking Oscar’s third arm.


“That’s how you drum up business Sterling. What’s your venture?”

“Yachts. My family has built boats for two hundred years in some fashion.”

“No shit! My boat here is fishing up mermaids. You’re lagging behind Sterling. Best catch up.”

Seeing the native waitress returning with a fourth glass Sterling found inspiration and showed the young woman a thousand dollars. “Feeling a good tip?” Sterling flirted. Eyes bulging the waitress took a moment to watch Esperanza and Priscilla feasting on Oscar, Esperanza encouraging her husband to let her lower his cargos to his ankles via tugs for better freedom. This gave Priscilla the necessary edge required to suckle Oscar’s bulbous scrotum.

Once achieved Barnett merely raises his glass at the waitress. Yet again Oscar shows him up revealing another thousand, the table was full of cash. It became a bidding war. Sterling drops a hundred. Oscar dropped two. The waitress was beet red but intrigued all the same. Finally, Oscar revealed a thousand-dollar bill to her. Eyes like saucers she swoons holding her chest. Just as Sterling growled at his loss Oscar chuckled. “Get that waitress uniform off and suck off ole’ Sterling.” A second thousand dollar bill the waitress caved. Off her dress came revealing a curvy booty and large breasts. Down she went like a rock, unzipping Sterling and going for broke. The entire bar applauded her. That alone gave the waitress the courage to do her best. If there were any security guards, they were taking a nap.

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