Baby Sister - Cover

Baby Sister

Copyright© 2022 by SZENSEI

Episode 9: Disturb Aunts

Erotica Sex Story: Episode 9: Disturb Aunts - Colombia is known for its coffee, its poppy fields, and its share of the sexiest women on Earth. Esperanza Blanco and her naïve young 16-year old daughter Maria are sure to wake you up and call you Poppy. America the beautiful just got two of the hottest. Marrying billionaire Oscar Barnett, Esperanza set their future to look bright. Yes, and no! Oscar and his five adult sons had motives, dark motives. Question is, did the Barnett's bite off more than they could chew? Maria was hungry.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Sharing   Wife Watching   Incest   Mother   Brother   Sister   Father   Humiliation   Rough   Spanking   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Swinging   White Male   Hispanic Female   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Fisting   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism  



Jacob Barnett having come home from a hunting trip made a sandwich on his own, never wanting their butler Highbone to have to do too much at his age. For every bit of perversion, the Barnett boys had there were some semblances of dignity. Respect of their elders was instilled in them since year one. Having built his turkey club, he walked through Longhorn Manor until seeing a light on in his father’s office. Knowing it was his brother Matty he ventured inside to have a parlay.

“What’s going on, Brother?”

“Finishing touches on the programming of Operation: Scarriet Harriet. I have Maria’s room so tricked out she’s going to piss all over herself and never want to sleep alone again. You want first dibs when she screams and wants to sleep with one of us?”

“I’ll pass. I’m worn out from butchering boars. Not feeling the whole pimp the kid out right now thing.”

“Tyson and Wiley just got back from taking her horseback riding. She’s pretty red from the sun. We sent her to bed after hydrating her good. Princess Maria is sound asleep right now.” He turns his monitor around to let Jacob see Maria laying nude atop her sheets snoring away. “I had her room set up before today but only in small doses. I can turn her TV on from here anytime to freak her out, which I did last night. She was spooked but figured out the TV remote and shut it off. Took her a while though, from what I understand Esperanza didn’t even allow her to have TV access. Crazy, but effective if you don’t want her being exposed to man’s world. Anyways, now I can top that TV with actual holograms. I took old photos of Aunt Harriet and turned them into actual floating ghosts. I’m going to wake her up here soon and introduce them.”

“Twisted man for an FBI Agent, Matty.”

“I know. I only do what needs to be done. You know I’m not a bad person in the long run.”

“Come on Brother, we’re all guilty of somethin’. Us Barnett’s are crooked as they come. Blame Pop.”

“What can I say, I like mischief.”

“You have fun, I’m gonna go catch some shut eye.”

“Turkey Club sounds good. Might have to keep Harriet in the afterlife a while longer.”

“You do that Egon.” Jacob referred to a classic Ghostbuster.

“I think I will Vinkman. Yeah, I recall that I ain’t afraid of no ghost’s song. Now I’ll be singing that shit in my sleep.”

“Well Boo fuckin’ hoo.”

“OH! That reminds me, Maria has a new nickname now. Call her Boo Cocky.”


“Boo as in ghost. Cocky as in, well, cocky. She got a little cocky out at the stables I hear, in a good way. Clint and his crew unloaded all over her and she loved it. She really believes she’s helping us battle the white devil. I don’t know about you Jacob, but I’m laughing my ass off. Makes me want to trick out the stall she was in for the next visit out there. I missed it this round.”

“Hell, you’ll have the linen closet with a camera in it by morning.”

“I won’t go that far but if it had a good show I might.” He smirks, “Night, Big Brother.”

“Night next in line, Little Brother.” Jacob took his leave.

Settling back in his leather desk chair Matthew Barnett folded his hands over his belly. Consumed by watching his new baby sister sleeping so preciously he zoomed the well disguised cameras all around her to explore her body. Priming in on her butt he caught a sweet glimpse of her butt pucker through the shadows. Infrared needed there it was, even better.

“Damn! I’m thinkin’ I’ll call dibs on that cute little button come time to teach her anal. I haven’t really had any action yet trying to get everything set in motion. Yup! Mine all mine.” He went so far as to text all of his brothers his final decision on that. Lining up through text their dibs were sent back. Wiley called sloppy seconds. Owen called second but settled for third. Tyson just said he would runner up when the time suited him. Jacob sent an emoji flipping Matty off, it didn’t matter to him. Matty had a good chuckle. “Turkey Club.” He gave up on the haunting party until his belly stopped rattling chains.

Upstairs in Maria’s room she suddenly woke up realizing she needed to go potty. Crisp in her faint redness of sunburn she whimpered and crawled from bed to urinate. Half asleep she shuffled teetering in step and found the toilet, sitting in darkness. She didn’t want to be blinded by the bright light. Tinkling with her eyelids closed at least her bladder felt relief.

Returning with his sandwich and a tall glass of iced tea Matty noticed her missing from her bed. A full spectrum grid of every camera in her room he located her sitting on the toilet. “Perfect! Let’s get this CLAMityville started.” Chuckling he activated her television on its own like he had yesterday. Hearing static in her bedroom Maria whipped her lashes wide to see the glare of snow pelting the darkness of her bedroom. He noted her reaction as simply being puzzled. It was time to ramp up his game.

Having had hours to set up her room with an assist of a few special effects guys he had hired, Matty had at his evil little fingertips the perfect haunt planned. Firstly, he shocked her by turning the bathroom light on without her even flipping the switch. Pausing to adjust to the bright light she whimpered as to how it had just occurred. As she wiped and stood up to wash her hands, he fogged over her mirror so that when she looked at herself, she found nothing but a blurry surface. Jaw dropping at the sudden atmospheric chill in the air around her she noted the fog begin to etch a word in the steamed over mirror. Stepping back with wet fingers covering her mouth she waited until a single word revealed itself.

“Child?” She read the mirror. “I am not a child.” She told it verbally as if fighting back, “I AM a woman. Go away Harriet.” Matty found her valiant attitude cute, even when she stomped her foot on the rug in front of the sink. Watching the steam write another word off to the left Maria whimpered with building fright. The new word written was “Baby.” Harriet seemed to be taunting her. “I AM NOT A BABY. LEAVE ME ALONE.” She turned from the mirror, hit the light switch, and went back into her bedroom.

Locating the TV remote she shut the annoying static off, only to have the TV come back on the second she sat the remote down. Twice more she turned it off until she showed a tense expression toward its defiance. If she could find an electrical cord she might unplug it, but in the Barnett home every outlet was hidden in the walls. Looking for something to drape over the screen she found a towel in the bathroom. On the mirror was now the word “Boo.” Halting she ponders, “Harriet knows my nickname?” So naïve! Using the towel to erase the steam as best she could she left it behind to attempt cloaking the TV screen. While walking up to the television a snowy picture appeared upon it. Straining to understand it she found the visage of a beautiful woman smiling at her. A very faint audio whisper spoke, “Do not be afraid child.” Oh, Maria was.

“Quit calling me a child.” She pouted talking to the television set. If she knew the truth that it was Matty doing the talking using a woman’s voice disguised as his own, she would still not understand. Matthew Barnett was a slick one.

“You are a child.” He/ She said.

“I will be a woman soon. My brothers are showing me how.”

“Yes. Obey your brothers.”

“I am.”

“They adore you.”

“I adore them.” Maria found the boldness to stand there talking to Harriet’s presence. Fidgeting in thought Maria heard the sounds of buzzing bees all around her. She seemed more frightened of the buzzing than of Harriet talking to her.

“Destroy your clothing. Never wear another dress.”

“I swore them off already.”

“To be a woman your flesh must attract men.”

“You’re wearing a dress. I can see it.” Maria looks closer.

“I wear only what I died in child. I can only hide my dress when appearing before someone.”

“You’re appearing in front of me now, I see a dress still.”

“You must invite me in.”

“I don’t want to. You scare me.”

“Have no fear.”

“You knock things over in my room.’ Maria pouts, “You must not want me here.”

“I do that to get you to notice me. You are most welcome in my home.”

“Your home?”

“I lived here long before your stepfather did. His father was my brother.” Harriet’s whispers barely made out.

“Oh! So, why do I need to invite you in if you’re already here?”

“It is the rules of the afterlife I’m afraid. I may appear fully if invited in.”

“To hurt me?”

“Hardly child. To help you become a woman.”

“You want to help me be a woman?” She spoke so innocently.

“Yes, dearest child.”

“I really wish you would stop calling me child and baby.”

“Yet, you are my sweet one.”

“I’m sixteen.”

“With the mentality of a twelve-year-old. Please, let me help you.”

“My brothers can do that.”

“Sleep child. I will visit again. However, I must warn you, others might visit. The men of this house tend to search for missing love.”

“More ghosts?”

“Yes, child.”

“Nooooooo! Keep them away.” She looked frantically all around her beneath folded arms for safety.

“I cannot disobey them. A woman can never tell a male no.”

“We can’t?”

“Never. To disobey means to be punished.”

“Punished how?”

“Locked in your room until you make up for your insolence.”

“What is insolence?”

“The error of your defiance child. Just know if this happens, I will be here for you.”

“I won’t ever say no.”

“We all do child. You will learn to hold your tongue when not in use.”

“What do you mean?”

“You like being licked?”

“Very much.” She pepped up.

“Men do as well. You must learn to lick them without their telling you too, as much as when they want it.”

“I will. Everywhere?”


“Even their ... butt hole?”

“Men adore that. Yes, dear.”

“Yucky, but okay. I will.”

“You will make a lovely woman in the months to come.”

“I know I will.”

“Rest child. I will return soon.”

“As long as you’re nice.”

“Be careful of the other ghosts. They are not as friendly as I.”

“I’ll run and hide.”

Harriet’s image fading away the TV shuts off on its own. Nerves calming, she returns to her bed and covers up. Holding her sheet to her nose, only her eyes kept watch. She really hoped the others did not come. Ten minutes later she fell asleep like nothing had even happened. As if Matthew was going to let her rest.

Sipping his tea Matthew’s brother Owen popped his head into the office. “I do get seconds on her ass, right?”

“You were the second to text back. Take it up with Wiley.” Matty motions him in pointing to the monitor on their father’s desk. Owen stepping next to his older brother leaned on one hand to watch Maria sleeping. “I just set things in motion. She talked to Harriet on the TV. Kid might be naïve but she’s ballsy. Even shaking like a leaf she didn’t run away.”

“How in the hell did you trick her bedroom out so fast?”

“Had the guys at Climax Studios in Dallas on speed dial. Money talks Bro. And the Barnett’s have more of that than God’s bank manager.”

“How did you utilize Harriet?”

“Holograms coming up. I used old photos of Harriet but superimposed them over a porn stars body. Used a ton of porn footage from our archives. Maria will never know differently. I’ve been working on this shit all night. It’s ready to test. If it fails, I’ll just tell Maria she must’ve been called away. My voice speaks for Harriet, but Maria hears a woman’s voice. So far, that’s been perfect.”

“Show me Harriet while Maria’s knocked out.”

“Just to be safe let me cast her hologram in the bathroom out of sight. I have it set up that Harriet can only appear full body if invited in. I also took some male porn stars and created holograms of them to have show up when Maria least expects them too.”

“Does she need to invite them in too?”


“Easy peazy! A man can do what he wants, a woman needs permission.”

“Nice! Show me.” Matty activates the bathroom cameras to create full body actors of Harriet and three male actors, all of them nude. With no voice activation Owen watches Harriet’s vision standing up but getting fucked from behind. Both Barnett’s had a good laugh and a fond fist bump.

“I say we wake Maria up by pulling her covers off of her.”

“Didn’t that happen in some horror movie?”

“As if she’s seen a movie ever. Dude! She’s never watched Bambi.”

“True. Okay, pulling the blankets.”

Typing commands in her blankets are silently clamped by strong yet tiny pinchers beneath her bed until they ever so slowly drag over her gorgeous body. She lay nude before them, the blankets now on the floor crumpled up. They could tell the tickle of her covers retreat was felt over her flesh, but it took her a while to realize they were missing, sitting up slowly in awe. Uncertain how they ended up there she started to get out of bed when the buzzing noise in her room raised volume startling her. Grabbing her pillow in front of her for protection she sat trembling. Bed posts set up with lift mechanisms teetered her bed unevenly. She squealed and nearly pissed herself.

“Why are you doing this Harriet?”

Without warning four male holograms stood around her bed, stolen from a gangbang video. Each ghost was jerking off. She finally did stain her fitted sheet. Fear of leaving her bed kept her glued to the spot. One man to each side, two at the foot, she cringed curling up into a fetal ball.

“I did not invite you.” She whimpered.

“Men do not need invited. Who are you in Harriet’s bed?” Matty switched his voice box doctored to sound like another man, with a deep disgruntled voice.

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