Perdition Island - Cover

Perdition Island

Copyright© 2022 by 2Ber Hero

Chapter 65: Unexpected Outcomes

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 65: Unexpected Outcomes - 53 criminals (41 men and 12 women) face charges that, in most cases, could result in life imprisonment. They’re given a choice: Face the charges or agree to go to a deserted tropical island for the rest of their lives as part of a ‘Social Experiment’. They will have to work hard to survive, but, they would have no ‘Rules’. They weren’t told that this ‘Island’... WASN’T on Earth!---NOTE: This story contains characters and details from "Reborn" and future Book 3.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Rape   BiSexual   Fiction   Science Fiction   Aliens   Extra Sensory Perception   Space   Sharing   Incest   Group Sex   Polygamy/Polyamory   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Oral Sex   Squirting  

Brad Lowenstein’s POV:

Hi everyone! I’ll bet you thought that Brenda and I weren’t monitoring the prisoners anymore, am I right? Well, nothing could be further from the truth. Although we did take a bit of a vacation for a while.

Truthfully, things here have become a bit mundane. So, I’ll start with the good guys, the family on the main, Perdition Island.

About a week ago, Earth time, Tiny came up to Ibera’s and petitioned to go back to join the family, most especially, Jasmine. Brenda and I reminded him that he had been given a full pardon and if he chose to, simply had to mentally call out to Ibera and she would bring him back, via another wormhole.

I should remind everyone, that there are still many there who had also been granted pardons and could go back to earth virtually any time they wanted. They chose, however, to remain there.

Blaine, and his mates, Vincent’s kids, have turned their little garden into a full-blown farm. Ibera sent them some more equipment, which enabled them to build a much bigger still and beer brewing vat. They are now supplying much of Port Loma’s local businesses, especially the bars, with their much better tasting beverages. I think it’s funny, that Blaine’s moonshine seems to be the most sought after item that he sells.

George has been using his ‘mind control’ abilities to change the way the brothel owners operate. They finally relented from using slaves and have, not that they wanted to, agreed to his modus operandi for hiring girls and paying them fairly. After several months of this, they have all seen their profits return to what they were before they were paying the girls. The difference is, now all of the girls’ love what they’re doing and their positive attitudes are generating far more business. The fact that George has been supplying them with much better liquor has also helped tremendously. George has decided not to try and own any brothels, but does now manage eight of them. He takes 20 percent of the profits and sticks them in the local bank, for a rainy day.

King Hugo, who has taken the place of King Flombay, has turned his Royal Guard into the local police force. His General friend, Fumbrall, with a lot of help and suggestions from Paul Callas, have published the first ever local set of laws. Truthfully, they haven’t seen much action, since, with the inception of King Hugo’s ‘Town Hall Meetings’, the vast majority of people have assisted in making laws they’re willing to follow. The same is true for the other two kingdoms. The three wizards, Andrew, Becca and Maxine, frequent visitors to the island, have been very happily working for the three new kings. Especially since they’ve been able to pick their own concubines and are now getting laid regularly. And, now look forward to being in ‘service’ to their kings!

That brings me to the more sinister, yet, interesting things going on, namely, the Normistronzo’s and their attempt to flee their island.

With Markus now being in charge, they’ve managed to get prepared to leave. Markus and Sonny built a new, much better sail and have been practicing sailing around their small island. They have also been using their telepathy to get information about what’s been going on with their former friends.

It seems now that things have calmed down; the family rarely uses ‘private mode’ much anymore. Markus is now aware of the fact that there is another island somewhere between them and the big Island that is home to 18 former ‘Co-Op’ leaders. Assuming that most of them are men, they’re hoping to avoid that island altogether if possible, not wishing to confront them. Especially, since none of them have any psychic abilities, other than telepathy.

They’ve also recently discovered that Chen was out there somewhere, and now had two brand-new prisoners just recently sent there from Earth. A debate ensued when they tried to figure out whether or not it would be worth finding Chen and possibly getting him and his two new buddies in on their plans. That was especially true after discovering that the most recent additions were very intelligent, scientists. Not to mention the two scientists wouldn’t pose much of a physical threat to him and Sonny.

Markus envisioned their usefulness and possibly helping them create things on this primitive planet that might well give them a real advantage against the natives.

As far as the 18 former Co-op members are concerned, not unexpectedly, the first two groups have turned the third group, from King Billycan’s Kingdom, into their slaves. And also, the total number on that island is now down to 15. It seems that two of King Billycans old members tried to steal some items from the two combined groups and killed the one named Ben, during their efforts. That caused immediate retaliation, resulting in getting two of their members killed and then being made into slaves. The three remaining members of that clan now realize they stand no chance if they resist and have become rather docile. Especially now that their big garden has been producing some very good fruits and vegetables to go along with their diet of fish. They are, however, still being tied up at night, just to ensure no further casualties.

The 12 remaining ‘friends’ have also begun building a giant raft to possibly also leave their island. Their main problem is the fact that they only have three 5-gallon containers for freshwater. And since they have no idea exactly how far they are away from the mainland, they’re not sure that will be enough.

Their raft, also, does not have sails, like the Normistronzo’s do. Therefore, with everyone having to paddle, they are unsure how long it would take to make the journey.

And that brings me to Chen and his two new island mates, Walter and Albert. When he first discovered them, he was somewhat afraid they might take advantage of him. Mainly now that his physical strength had been reduced to that of a native. He soon realized, however, that they were actually quite relieved at having found Chen on their island. The three of them, after commiserating about how each of them screwed the pooch, also began making plans to flee their island. Walter and Albert were thrilled with the fact that Chen knew the general layout of all the islands, including where they were.

Chen was thrilled when he discovered all of the very interesting, and highly useful items that Walter and Albert had been allowed to bring with them. Most particularly, the powerful telescope, and spotting scopes that would be useful with hopefully seeing the other islands, or even passing ships. Chen told them about Captain Jack and his merchant Marine. They even discussed possibly setting up smoke signals if they saw one of his ships. He figured, since he personally knew Captain Jack, that might be an even better method to get wherever they wanted to go.

In the meantime, the three of them planned on planting as many of the seeds as possible that Ibera had sent Chen. Walter and Albert had also been given a very stocked toolkit and had thought to request three more, collapsible, five-gallon water jugs.

Since Walter had requested several pads of paper and pencils, Chen began drawing a rough map of what he knew, as far as the locations of things. They also climbed to the peak of the mountain on their island, to set up the telescope and begin monitoring the local area for ships and, or the Normistronzo’s boat. Chen was especially happy when, with their telescope, they could actually see the island that used to be known as Lonnie’s island. Then, using the superb Mariners Compass that Albert had requested, began adding directions to their little map. Chen was secretly happy that his information had been correct, and that they were indeed due north of Lonnie’s old island. That made him feel better that all the rest of the information he had mooched upon being dropped here, was also correct.

He told Albert and Walter they needed to constantly monitor the area to the west and northwest, since that is where the Normistronzo’s would most likely come from. And, told them that they needed to avoid contact at all cost.

Walter and Albert were both familiar with the Normistronzo family, and had been wondering what exactly had happened to them. Chen filled them in on everything.

Several days after that, (and, just a few days ago), Walter came scrambling down from the lookout post to report that he had seen what appeared to be a Titanic-style lifeboat with what looked to be a large sail on it. They judged by the fact that the wind was currently out of the northwest, that they would soon spot their island. Chen surmised that since preparedness with not exactly Markus and Sonny’s strong suit, there was a good chance they might try landing on the island to stock up on more water.

They swiftly began making preparations for hopefully not being discovered. Chen had found a nice cave that was fairly well hidden and they quickly began moving all of their belongings into it. One drawback, however, was that the only water source was only 100 yards or so away from their cave. And to make matters worse, there was no way of hiding their garden, without totally destroying it. Even though Markus and Sonny were not geniuses, even a fool would be able to tell that garden did not plant itself, naturally.

They mutually decided to leave the garden alone, however.

Then, taking enough food and water for at least a full day, they all trekked up to the top of the mountain to keep track of their progress. Walter told them that in the couple hours since he had last been up there, they had gotten much closer. It also appeared that they saw the island and were indeed, heading right for it.

They found it curious, that as the boat neared the island, they seemed to steer away and proceeded to sail around it, somewhat. That’s when they saw that Markus had a set of binoculars and was surveying the island, without getting too close. Since Chen wasn’t aware of the other island, occupied by the Co-op members, he was somewhat relieved that they may not stop there.

However, when they lowered their sail and proceeded to paddle totally around the island, they slowly approached the southern end of the island and indeed beached their boat. While this was the furthest point away from their cave, they became distressed when they noticed how many people were on that boat.

Using the spotting scope that Albert had given him, Chen began naming off those that he knew on the boat.

“Markus, Sonny, Cecilia, Precious, Lola, Marcella, Elmer,” then he gasped and chuckled, “Ahhh, it seems they also have their own slaves! Those other three, very short clowns, are the three former Kings from the mainland, Flombay, Blohurd and Billycan. It seems that Blaine and his group have obviously captured and ‘dethroned’ them, because they were evil fuckers! And now, that could mean that things on the mainland might be more mellow.”

He had to explain to Walter and Albert a little bit about them so that they would understand what he meant. The three of them quietly discussed what they should do next. Now that they’d moved inland, they could no longer see their visitors from their mountaintop hideout.

After much discussion, they decided to sneak down the mountain and try spying on them to see what they might be able to learn.

It didn’t take long for Chen to break out in a wide grin.

He whispered to his friends, “Did you hear that!? Markus just told Sonny that it was too bad that it didn’t seem like I was on this island. It seems that they were hoping to find me, so I could tell them exactly where they were! These fuckers are completely lost! Since they’re probably going to at least discover our garden, and possibly our cave, I don’t want to lose all of our stuff. What do you say we try and parlay with them? I think we can make a deal with them, since I know exactly what they don’t. And with the knowledge that you two have, we might be able to convince Markus that we could be very valuable to them, if they’ll include us in their group. The key will be to not tell them anything valuable until we’re underway.”

Walter and Albert seemed unsure of the situation, but acquiesced that Chen knew more than they did about the situation. So, while holding their breaths, they decided to reveal their presence.

The three of them were quite relieved when both Markus and Sonny greeted them warmly. The sound of relief in their voices, also helped to reduce their nervousness about having been discovered.

Markus chuckled, “Ahhh, Mister Chen I presume? Fancy meeting you here! We were just talking about you!” Then, pointing at Walter and Albert he chuckled again, “And who might your two friends be?”

Chen put one arm around Walter and the other around Albert before grinning, “Meet Walter and Albert! It appears they have also fallen on our old friend Monte’s, bad side and have been banished here. These guys are among some of the most brilliant scientists that planet Earth has ever seen!”

He chuckled then closed, “Unfortunately for them, they were supposed to share their wealth from very advanced, patented, scientific advancements, before selling them. They chose not to, and that really pissed our old buddy Monte off! And that, gentlemen is how they happen to be here!”

Everyone laughed when Elmer was the first one to ask, “Do youse guys know how to make whiskey?”

Albert started laughing his ass off, “Hell yes! I’ll have to see what we can find to build a distillery out of, but, once we do that, I can make you all the whiskey your heart desires!”

Elmer was salivating as he looked at Markus and said, “I say we invite these guys to go with us! Then we no need that asshole, Blaine no more!?”

Markus was cackling when he also asked, “Chen, my old friend, I have a more important question. Do you have any idea just where in the fuck we are on this planet?”

Chen grinned, “I just might? Tell me, do you have enough room for the three of us on your boat?”

Markus smirked, looking at the three Kings, then grinning, “If necessary, I do believe we can make room if we have to? We can always build a small raft and pull these three midgets behind us! While we could leave them behind, the fact is, these three know more about life on the mainland than all of us put together! Just so you know, we’re not planning on trying to find our old Island anymore. As a matter of fact, we want to avoid it at all cost and sail straight to the mainland.”

Chen grinned, deviously, “Then I take it, you guys didn’t know that our old buddies there have access to a Gromorik spaceship? That I just happen to have been taught how to fly?”

Suddenly, total silence fell over the entire group. Markus and Sonny were both fuck-struck, but you could see the wheels turning in their heads. Finally, after taking a long, deep breath Markus asked, “You’re not shitting me, right? Just what are our chances, honestly, of commandeering that spaceship and really getting the fuck out of here?”

Continuing to grin, Chen said, seriously, “Truthfully, our chances are probably 3 to 1 against, but with the right planning, it’s definitely doable! The biggest obstacle will be those damn little dogs. If we could somehow sneak past them and get at least, me on board, I can, as Scotty would say, ‘beam you guys all up’ once I get it off the ground. I just need to get on it without any of the damn Gromoriks on it.”

Everyone was now staring at Chen, going over the possibilities in their heads. Finally, after a long few minutes Markus gave Chen a lopsided grin, “While just making it to the mainland was our original plan, having the means to get all the way back to Earth is far more appealing! I have to admit. So, Chen, old Buddy, exactly how far are we away from our old island?”

Chen tittered, “if the wind is in the right direction, with that sail you have, we could be there in 6 to 10 hours. We would want to come ashore at least a half mile north of Blaine’s Beach. Then, just a few of us, like maybe me, you and Sonny should try and sneak aboard that spaceship if we can. The fewer of us that go, the better, lessening our chances of getting caught.”

Marcella, who had just been listening, but paying attention added, “There’s a fairly clear area near to where you are suggesting we land. I say that, guessing that we need an open area for you to ‘beam’ all the rest of us up to that ship?”

Chen grinned at her and nodded, “That’s correct, my dear. You will all need to be ready when you see a big glowing circle appear on the ground. I think we can do two at a time, but it only takes a few seconds each time.”

Markus chortled, “If that’s the plan, then I think we might be better off leaving these three midgets right here! That way, we’ll only have to teleport three separate times?”

It was obvious, to me anyway, the three former Kings were about to get abandoned! Until ... Billycan suggested, “Would a distraction be useful to your plans? We don’t want to go wherever you guys are going, but, we could use your boat after you leave?”

Chen looked at Markus, “If they could get those dogs to leave the camp area, it would really help us! Especially if it caused most of the others to follow them!”

Markus grinned, nodding, “That’s a good idea. If you three will do and say what we tell you, I’ll give you an easy way to find the mainland. But, we will need to tow a raft that you guys will use so those fools will think that’s how you got there. You’ll see where we leave the boat so you can get it, okay?”

Now the three former kings were happily nodding as they listened to Markus’ plan!

Glenn POV:

This trip is turning into the best thing that could’ve ever happened for Amy.

It may also end up turning her into an unbridled nymphomaniac! My initial impression that she was a timid, sexually inexperienced and repressed young girl was just ... wrong! That was all based on her reaction to being forced to give a blowjob to that slime ball, Walter. It turned out, however, to be all about being forced into the act.

And, when it comes to sex, while inexperienced, she was VERY enthusiastic and eager to explore everything with me! I learned that the morning before joining everyone going on the cruise. And now, having been warmly greeted by the entire Family, including the kids, it’s like she’s a whole new girl.

Friday night we had planned to spend in this huge double King-sized bed with Greg, JB, Annie, Wanda and Jamie. Just before settling down for the night, however, Greg, Jamie and Amy wanted to check on the kids and say good night. They all slipped on shorts and T-shirts, trying to be somewhat modest in front of the kids.

They were gone about 15 minutes when we heard some chuckling and giggling just before they reentered our room with two guests who we hadn’t seen much of previously.

Their names were Laura and Marcus, who’d also been saying good night to their little one.

To say that the two of them were as different as night and day is actually quite accurate. Laura is a petite, yet well-built, medium height, bottle blonde with a very pretty face and infectious, bubbly personality. Marcus is a very dark, six-foot five-inch-tall black man who had to weigh at least 300 pounds. One thing the two of them did have in common was that he also has a very pleasant, if not gregarious personality and million-dollar smile. We discovered that he was the starting Defense End for the Miami Dolphins. And Laura also worked for the Dolphins, helping the coaches track stats and other, mathematics related functions for the coaching staff.

Greg and Jamie invited them to join us for some ‘getting to know them better’


Oh yeah, and after removing their clothes, I discovered that Marcus had one of the biggest cocks I had ever seen! I’ve been told that Monte and Bill Nelson, the only male family member I hadn’t seen much of, both had very large cocks. But, I personally hadn’t seen them, yet. Marcus’s ‘monster’ had to be at least 11 inches long, and about two and a half inches in diameter.

Greg flashed me ‘privately’ to tell me that Marcus’s wasn’t nearly as thick as either Monte or Bill’s was. But, he was a good inch longer than Monte’s and only about half an inch shorter than Bill’s.

Many of us were caught gawking at his mammoth cock. The blushing started when Laura giggled, “Just so you know, that gorgeous piece of manhood between his legs is not the only reason I fell in love with Marcus!” Giggle, “Although, I will admit, I absolutely love the way it feels when he stuffs it in my always horny little pussy.”

Greg chuckled, “Well, being that I’ve led a rather sheltered life, this is the first African-American man I’ve ever seen naked. I can see that the stereotype of black guys being hung like horses is true?”

Jamie smacked Greg on the arm and looked at Marcus, apologetically, “Nevermind my hubby. I think he might be just a tad jealous?”

Laura tittered, “Oh, I can verify that that stereotype is absolutely not true! His friend, Ryan, who is also here with us tonight, has probably the smallest cock of any guy here. Believe it or not, the size of a man’s penis is more directly tied to the size of his feet, not the color of his skin! You see, if you look at Marcus’s feet, you’ll see that he wears a size 18 shoe. And if you guys wouldn’t be too embarrassed, if you’ll line up next to each other with the biggest feet on one end down to the smallest feet on the other I would wager that for the most part the size of your cocks would follow the size of your feet!?”

Just for grins, while looking at our feet, I had the smallest, then it was JB, Greg and Marcus, as we were the only ones in the room at that moment. And, sure enough, even though we weren’t very hard yet, it was apparent what Laura just said might be true.

Leave it to Greg to want to test the theory further. He started summoning many of our male buddies to join us to expand upon this little experiment.

There was a regular parade of guys coming to our door and quickly lining up according to the size of their feet. I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised that Monte was on one side of Marcus while Bill was on the end. With many giggles, most of our ladies just had to go around and start sucking dicks to get us all hard so they could really measure us. What was really amazing, was it seemed like the thickness of a guy’s cock also seemed to be in proportion to the width of his feet! While there were a few exceptions, that I won’t mention specifically, I think most of us were surprised with the findings.

Marcus’s friend, Ryan was one of the last to show up. And, the poor guy probably only had size 7 feet. And yes, definitely had the smallest cock, which made our Eddie smile because he wasn’t the ‘low man on the scrotum pole’ anymore.

The girls were all giggling and seemed to be having fun using this as a chance to fondle and taste test all of us. Even my little Amy got into the fun and seemed to be making a new friend with Ryan’s girlfriend, a very short but cute Korean girl named Mina. Amy then introduced Mina to her other new friend, Wanda, and the three of them had a blast ‘comparing notes’ about the different guys’ ‘equipment’.

Before anyone realized it we had nearly everyone on the boat crowded into our bedroom!

Melody got everyone’s attention, “Hey everybody! How about moving this party over to our ‘party-room’ where we have a lot more space and mattresses? I was planning a very fun game for tomorrow night and this would be a great way for everyone to get acquainted and gather information for tomorrow’s game! And, guys, please allow all men who want to participate to fall into their place in your ‘lineup’?” Giggle, “It’ll also give any of our smaller ladies a chance to tryout bigger cocks by working their way up to our biggest boys!?”

Ryan looked at Eddie with a frown, “Looks like we won’t be getting much attention?”

Mina, Ryan’s wife playfully slapped his shoulder, “Don’t be silly! Just because you’re not hung like your friend Marcus, doesn’t mean you aren’t desired. Giggle, especially with the way you more than make up for any lack of size with that amazing tongue of yours!”

Amy giggled, “Mina, are you telling us that Ryan is a very cunning linguist?”

Most of the ladies were cracking up when, after a giggle, Mina said, “Heck yeah! I put my man up against any guy here when it comes to orally pleasing a girl’s pussy!”

Melody was giggling, “Mina, my dear, I should make you aware you’re putting Ryan up against some very ... giggle... Stiff competition! One thing I never told you guys, when you invited this crew to join us, was that the men in this group, or family, are some of the best pussy lickers on the entire planet! As a matter of fact, about a year or so ago several of them had a special clinic and taught my guys most of their pussy-pleasing’ secrets. And Ryan, the guy standing next to you, Ed, was one of them!”

Eddie clapped Ryan on the back, “I’m getting the feeling, my friend, that our hostess, Melody, just marked us as wanted men! I am curious, however, I was under the impression that black guys didn’t like eating pussy? Or, is that stereotype wrong too?”

Laura, Marcus’ wife started giggling like crazy, “I’m afraid that stereotype just happens to be mostly true, at least from my experience? Ryan here is by far the exception to the rule.”

Jamie, who’d been hungrily eying Marcus’ cock giggled, “You aren’t afraid of a little pussy are you? Big guy?”

Laura smirked, “He doesn’t like, what he calls the smell!”

Greg chortled loudly, “Oh Marcus, once you get past the smell, ... you’ve got it licked!”

While Marcus chuckled, embarrassedly, Laura laid down next to Marcus and spread her legs, “Okay, stud, why don’t you show Marcus how it’s done? And tell both of us if I really smell that bad!?”

Greg hustled over and literally dove between her legs after pausing for just a second to take a deep, theatric ‘whiff’ of her pussy. “Oh Marcus! Laura has one of the sweetest smelling and tasting pussies I’ve ever had the pleasure of tasting! Mmmm!”

While Greg was making Laura moan in delight, Ryan and Ed had a virtual line forming near them of ladies with spread legs! Meanwhile, the rest of the guys were being approached for ‘rides’. My Amy was lowering herself down on Jay, one of my buddies working on the house. Mina and Wanda were giggling as they began ‘riding’ me and our friend, Jim. Their giggles soon turned into moans and gasps as they lost themselves to the joy of getting their pussies stuffed with every bounce up and down on their human dildos. Wanda was on me and was squealing as I started rubbing her clit, pushing her quickly toward her first orgasm. My two friends were following my lead and all three girls were now frantically bouncing in the throes of their first orgasms. Then, they all ended up laying down on us, still impaled, kissing us before pardoning themselves, saying they needed to move ‘up the line’ to tryout some of the bigger ‘footed’ guys!

I was a little dismayed and tried not to feel dissed, remembering that was what this was all about. Just as I thought this I noticed Laura looking over at me. Greg had taken her on an orgasmic trip and he too had a line of lovers anxiously waiting for their turns for his amazing tongue!

Laura giggled, “May I checkout your cock to see how it feels in me? Giggle, especially now that I’m so wound up ... and more than ready!?”

“Sure, but, I’m afraid that, compared to Marcus, I may come up a bit short?”

She gave me a shocked, incredulous look and huffed, “Shame on you, Glenn! The size of Marcus’ cock is NOT why I’m in love with him! And, from what Melody told us about you guys, I’d have thought you all knew that the size of someones ‘equipment’ was not an indicator of his or her skills as a lover. She told us that everyone in your family was very special and were very open and experienced, sexually. How can you say that!?”

Feeling chagrined, and like a shmuck, I know I was blushing, “Ummm ... WOW! I haven’t been called out like that since Ii was a child! And, honestly, I feel like a dumb 13-year-old boy right now. And, I deserved it!”

I chuckled softly, then asked, “Can we start over? Please?

She giggled while putting both hands on my cheeks and staring into my eyes, “Of course! Sorry for being so harsh. So, if I can restore the heat in your beautiful love-rod, may I go for a ride on your ‘baloney pony’?”

I grinned back at her, “Perhaps a little ‘69’ to make sure both of us are ready?”

I didn’t tell her I’d ‘invaded’ her mind when those beautiful blue eyes stared into my soul. So, I wasn’t surprised when she started moving into position, nestling her sweet, moist pussy down on my face.

She giggled, “No trying to compete with Greg, okay? Just do your usual thing!” Giggle. “And enjoy it, like I’m going to when I try and swallow this wonderful, PERFECT, cock of yours!”

Oh my gawd! She was sucking my half-hard dick like a Kirby as I felt myself slowly being drawn into her mouth, rapidly hardening, until I felt my glans rubbing the back of her throat! When I felt her nose push into my scrotum, I moaned loudly in delight! I wished she had telepathy when she silently hoped I wasn’t thinking she was able to do this because I was so much shorter than Marcus. So, in response I simply moaned ‘how good it felt’ as I reciprocated by eagerly slurping her clit in my mouth and lavishing it with butterfly licks.

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