Bored, Horny and Full of Ideas - Cover

Bored, Horny and Full of Ideas

by eciad

Copyright© 2004 by eciad

Erotica Sex Story: Trisha was working as a manager assistant, and she hated it. It was Friday, she was bored and the only thing she wanted was for the day to end so she could go on with her life and do something meaningful. She tried to do the best of the situation and fell asleep. Her boss, Joshua, waked her up and a conflict was inevitable...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Reluctant   Heterosexual   FemaleDom   Exhibitionism   Caution   .

It was Friday and Trisha was bored. Actually she was on the verge of suicide unless something happened pretty soon. It was three o'clock and she wished nothing else than it would be five so she could get on with her life.

She was sitting by her desk fighting hard not to fall asleep as she polished her nails. Her employment was a joke; she had no important tasks to finish. All the silly things she needed to do this week was done and she could have left well before lunch, she could have left well before Wednesday as far as she was concerned.

She would have, if it weren't for her boss. He was an idiot that believed what management told him really was something to get bothered over. He took his job very seriously. Now Trisha was stuck here when she could do anything and it would be about one hundred times more fun, and another hundred times more meaningful.

Trisha sighed and threw the nail file aside. Her head fell heavily on her arms splaying long wisps of her light brown hair over the tabletop. She stayed in that position.

"I hate life," she said, sighed loudly and got a bit more comfortable on the desk.

"I hate this shit," she mumbled as a misty thought crossed her mind that maybe she should get her head up off her arms.

Suddenly she snapped up in sitting position as the door to her office banged shut. She had fallen asleep again and inside the door was the dork, Joshua, her boss, standing with arms crossed and a wide grin on his face.

"Now, now, Miss Milroy," he said with slow confidence, as his grin grew -- not actually wider but more evil. "We're not sleeping, are we?"

"The bastard is actually licking his lips," Trisha thought and decided there and then that she just had to get back at him regardless of the cost.

"I have already told you," Joshua said, "I do not find your total lack of interest in anything to do with work the least bit amusing."

He was leaning against the doorpost, a very content smile on his lips. Trisha almost got the impression he was mentally rubbing his hands.

"I'm sure," Trisha said.

She placed her feet on her desk and wondered how she could take out her revenge on Joshua in proper measures. "He's a dickless bastard..." she thought and noticed the clock on the wall. A broad smile spread across her face. "Or was he?" She had the perfect revenge in store for this idiot.

Joshua was dumbfounded by the fact that his newest employee didn't seem the slightest bit cowed by his power over her existence or non-existence with the company.

"So what," Joshua thought. "I have the authority to treat her as she obviously deserves."

Trisha didn't read Joshua's mind, she didn't even care about his thoughts, she wasn't even sure he had any. Instead of showing the least bit of concern about Joshua's authority over her, she leaned back in her chair and gave him the most wanton smile she could.

"You know what I am doing at this time on Fridays?"

"Uh, no," Joshua answered and took a step backwards, bumping into the doorpost. This was not going the way he had planned it.

Trisha got up from her chair and walked over to Joshua. She rested one hand on the wall behind him while leaning close to his face.

Since Trisha was tall and Joshua was short they where face-to-face. Joshua looked into Trish's eyes and started to feel alarm.

"Miss Milroy," he mumbled after clearing his throat.

"I use to sit here in my office," Trisha said without paying any attention to Joshua, "and think..." Her fingers were playing with the buttons of his shirt now, "of how I will go out this night..."

"I'd appreciate..." Joshua said but he swallowed his words as Trisha stepped even closer to him, pressing her whole body -- from her full breasts to her firm thighs -- against him. The ambitious junior manager wet his lips and tried to talk again, but Trisha was way ahead of him.

"And get some of this," she said between gritted teeth and grabbed his cock through his pants.

"Miss Milroy!" Joshua cried and tried to fend her off.

"Have you got any idea how this boring company makes a live and horny girl like your innocent Miss MILROY here feel?" Trisha said well able to keep Joshua in her grip, squeezing lightly in emphasis when she said her name.

"Ahh, M... Miss," Joshua said in an attempted reply since she was apparently waiting for his answer. She was still holding his cock. "Aah... No idea... can you please... ?"

"Wanna know?" Trisha said and rubbed against him. "Wanna know how hot I am right now? Do you Josh?"

Joshua suddenly stopped and smiled at her, thinking that maybe he had just regained the upper hand. "Are you going to show me how hot you are?" he said.

"Wanna fuck me? Josh? Here on my boring desk?"

Joshua felt his self-confidence coming back. "Sure, I'd love to, but not..."

Joshua's words turned into a squeak as Trisha grabbed him by his balls and his collar, spun him around and pushed him backwards the few meters to her over-sized desk. Pens, papers and other office utensils flew across the room as Joshua fell backwards down on the desk. Trisha jumped on top of her shocked and stunned boss and started tearing his shirt open, buttons flying in the air.

"I'm gonna let you know how upset my pussy gets over this place right now," Trisha said and started pulling at Joshua's zipper.

"Please! Please! Whatever you want, but not here!" Joshua said on the verge of tears.

Trisha stopped for a second.

"Please?" Joshua said.

She continued ripping his pants open. "Nah, I'm horny and I need to fuck right NOW!"

"Please... Mr. Miller will be here in a few minutes..."

Trisha looked into his pleading eyes. His pants were now halfway down his thighs. She grinned mischievously and her eyes were sparking. "I know."

Joshua groaned. "Oh no!"

Mr. Miller was not Joshua's boss or even his boss's boss; he was the owner of the whole company. Actually Mr. Miller was the owner of a lot of companies, and now he was going to inspect the sales office in downtown Manhattan and he would find one of his junior managers involved with a newly employed assistant, on her desk none the less.

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