Molly & Curt: Naked In School? - Cover

Molly & Curt: Naked In School?

Copyright© 2006 by Shrink42

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - The Program was coming to both of their schools. Both had to make tough decisions, balancing what they believed against what they stood to lose.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Teenagers   Romantic  

"Come on, I'll go with you. The women are all here right now."

At the entrance to the kitchen, Bert backed away, and Molly had to talk hard to him. She was losing, but Erma, the cook, just happened to come out where they were. It was questionable who was the most shocked, but they got through the explanation, and the fifty-year-old Erma was able to joke around and tease Bert in her usual fashion, calming him a little.

Erma was a wonderful cook and had been with them for twelve years. She was also one of the world's most positive, upbeat people. "I've read about that Program stuff. Part of me is shocked and appalled. But part of me wants to do this," she said with a giggle as she took hold of his cock with both hands.

"Funny thing is. I didn't want to do that to your father at all. 'Course, with him, I'm supposed to be invisible. You guys at least treat me like an actual person. I'll help you out all I can, Bert. You know that. It won't even be a chore, you know." Bert's knees almost buckled as Erma ran her hands all over his chest, stomach, and upper arms. She ended by giving him a firm hug, purposely pushing against his rigid, pulsing cock.

The two housekeepers, mother and daughter were in their apartment on the grounds. That would be even harder for Bert, since the daughter was barely out of high school. He just couldn't go in. "Molly, I'm sorry! I've just gotta ... I can't wait to..."

"Now you see why they offer relief at the beginning of every class, don't you?" Molly said. "It doesn't take many reasonable requests to get you really worked up. Come on."

Taking him back to his suite, and waiting for him to come out of the bathroom, she called and had just Maidchen, the mother, come up. She had considered getting him off herself, but thought better of it. What she did that morning was necessary to shock him into understanding. Any repeat would smack too much of incest.

The meeting with Maidchen was rough, especially because he had been hard since approaching the kitchen, and even his relief efforts could not make it go down. When the mother had left with instructions to warn her daughter, Molly gave him a loving hug. His willingness to try to help brought tears to her eyes.

"You're going to run into her sometime, but maybe not today," she warned. She was sitting on his bed, cuddling him again when Eleanor walked in, dressed.

"Your father is very upset. You should be ashamed of yourself!" Eleanor said, trying not to look at her son's rigid organ.

"I don't know why he should be upset. That was just a normal happening in the Program. Aren't you going to hold your school board meetings naked, now? Aren't you going to offer relief before the meeting? It only seems fair."

"But we're adults," Eleanor protested. "We know about sex. We don't have to learn about it."

"Then why are you so upset that I jacked off Dad if you know all about it?"

"But that's supposed to be private between a husband and wife!"

"Apparently, the government doesn't agree. Bert and I aren't allowed to save that for marriage. You made sure of that, Mother."

"I what? I just..."

"You just went along with anything those idiots told you was modern and progressive and ... and ... shit! Why do I bother?"

With that expression of disgust, Molly pulled her robe open and stood briefly to throw it off. She put one leg behind Bert and sat back on the bed close to him. While Eleanor was still too surprised to move, she took Bert's far hand and brought it right to her wide-open pussy and helped him move it around.

That had taken all of the will-power that Molly had. It was terribly wrong, according to what she believed, but this was a desperate battle. Her mother had shown a small sign of shock and dismay at the new realization of what she had forced upon her children. If she could only take advantage of that ray of enlightenment. With her other hand, she grabbed Bert's cock and began stroking in time with the movements of his hand as she guided it.

Eleanor could not even scream. She just made a strange gurgling sound and collapsed on the floor in a dead faint. Of course, both kids were on her instantly, Bert showing his strength by lifting her up onto his bed. Molly pulled her robe on, and Bert went to get some clothes.

"Bert, wait!" Molly said. "Aren't you going to stay naked for me?"

"But, Mom ... I mean, I thought..."

"We're getting through to her, honest. I almost think I have a chance," Molly pled.

Bert looked at her for a moment, then squared his shoulders and came back to her. "You know, I'm agreeing with you more and more, Molly. It's like Mom never thought this stuff through."

"I know she didn't. We're waking her up, but I don't know if it's enough. I really appreciate your help, Bro. I don't want to leave, but ... If you're willing to do this for me, I've got some ideas."

About then, Eleanor woke up. She was obviously too shaken for any more conversation, so they helped her to her own suite. All along the way, she kept looking at her naked son, but she said nothing. With their mother safely put away, Molly led Bert out to the patio where she dropped her robe and they sat and talked by the pool for over an hour.

Molly had been naked outside of her own suite more in that day than in the rest of her life. But Bert was doing a tremendously courageous thing for her, and she sensed that her own nudity made it easier. Sort of like the partners in the Program, she guessed. She was also thrilled to discover unsuspected depths of determination and principle in her brother. Her love and admiration for him had grown tremendously in that one day.

As thrilled as she was with the new discoveries about Bert, it just made her more sad to think that she would probably be leaving him in a few days. She knew that even with his help, it was a very long shot that anything would change about her mother.

Molly would have been willing to stay naked with Bert just to help make the point and to try to get through to her mother. The problem was that it might have signaled her preparation for being in the Program. She had to be consistent in her refusal to even consider that.

When they had soaked up enough sun, especially on parts not normally exposed, they had a quick swim and Molly took him to her suite and sat him at her computer. She pulled up a website and told him to browse it while she dressed.

"This stuff can't be true!" he objected while she was still in the closet.

"Those are all entered by the students themselves or by students or relatives who knew them very well. They are also verified by other witnesses. There are even copies of police reports for some of them. They are carefully verified and notaized. It's all true, Bert."

"Does Mom know this stuff?"

"I doubt it. Here's what I want you to do."

Eleanor was not sure that she wanted to be awake. She was as upset and disoriented as she had been in a very long time. Win, as usual, was no help or comfort, still angry and upset by being jacked off by his daughter. She cynically wondered if he wasn't just upset that Molly had not finished him off. They had just snapped at each other, and that just worsened her mood.

Her hard work getting the Program implemented had resulted in a personal triumph. Now, her children were acting like she was a criminal, having done some terrible thing. She could not let herself believe that, but Molly ... Her daughter was by any measure the most brilliant student ever to come through their school system. How could the girl be so terribly wrong about the Program?

The one thing she fought hardest not to think about was her naked son. She should not have been shocked to see him like that. After all, she had started it, and now Win was joining in. But aroused like Bert was! That just wasn't decent. And then, Molly claimed the boys would be like that all the time at school! Nobody mentioned that in all of the presentations about the Program that she had been through. That was ... that was ... it just could not be exciting her the way it was!

About to leave her suite, Eleanor realized that she was clothed. She and Win had agreed to stay naked for the weekend unless there were people around - besides the staff, that is. Now, she just didn't feel like it. That feeling of freedom and excitement that she had enjoyed occasionally for the last few weeks just wasn't there.

Reaching the massive great room that opened onto the patio, she stopped short as she saw Bert sitting there in front of the TV. He was not watching, though. He sat with his head in his hands, still naked.

"Bert, why haven't you dressed?"

"I'm not going to. I need to practice for the damned Program."

She was ready to jump all over his language, but decided that his language was the wrong battle for that moment. "But ... but we're entertaining tomorrow. You can't possibly think about..."

"Guess that's good practice, too. You know, if it's basketball season, I have to play in just a cup?" Seeing her astonishment, he pushed harder "I'd think you would want us to be ads for nudity, Mom, the way you're so thrilled about the damned Program."

"Stop that swearing, Bertrand. You know we don't allow language like that."

"No swearing, but you can flash your pussy all over the house and I can wave my hardon?" he said sarcastically.

"What has gotten into you? Why are you so surly?" Eleanor demanded.

"What's gotten into me? I got into the damned Program, that's what. I just realized that none of this", and he swept his had to indicate his body, "belongs to me any more. It's public property, now."

She could not think of a response to that, but his anger and his mood broke her heart. "That's not all," Bert added. "I'm really worried about all of my classmates."

"Why? What's wrong with them?"

"Well, I'm wondering which girls will get raped. I hate to think about it. They're mostly pretty nice kids."

"Raped? What do you mean?" she demanded. "They wouldn't let that happen."

"They haven't been able to stop it," he stated. "It's happened at almost every school that has the Program."

"That can't be! I never heard anything about that! How can you say that?"

"Molly showed me the website. Every case is there in detail, with all sorts of documentation and affidavits."

"No, no, no! I can't believe that."

As if he had not heard her, Bert went on. "And which kids will suffer nervous breakdowns, and which will commit suicide."

"Suicide? Suicide? Stop saying these things! That's a terrible thing to say about the Program!"

"It's all true. Ten percent of schools have had a suicide directly attributable to the Program."

Eleanor was desperate to change the subject. Her son could not be correct. That website had to be made up. The Program people all seemed so earnest and caring, really concerned for the teenagers and their sexual development. As she thought that, she happened to look at her son's seemingly always-at-attention organ and wonder if that was the kind of sexual development she really wanted.

"How ... how long do you plan to stay like this?" she asked, trying to focus on something else.

"Like what?"

"Uh, you know, undressed?"

"God, Mom! Can't you even say it? I'm NAKED. It's the damned NAKED in School Program!" He had decided that for Molly's sake, he would always use 'damned' when mentioning the Program. Maybe for his sake, too.

"H ... how long?"

"Through Tuesday."

"Why Tuesday?"

"Because Molly is my support, kind of like a partner in the damned Program. After Tuesday, she'll be gone."

"G ... gone? You don't believe those threats of hers, do you?" Eleanor asked, almost pathetically.

"Of course I do. Your reputation is more important than her beliefs. You won't sign, so she will leave. It's for sure."

Eleanor had no idea how to respond to that. Before she could react in any way, Bert was towing her to Molly's suite, where the website was still up. Molly just watched as Bert showed his often-distracted mother the proof of the Program's disastrous impact.

After a half hour, already past lunch time, Eleanor said "Meet me at lunch in twenty minutes. I need to call someone."

At the lunch table, Win frowned at Bert and refused to look at Molly as they waited for Eleanor. When the mother breezed in, she was like a different person, and she was naked again. "I talked to the Program Officer, and she got me on a conference call with someone from National. That website is not reliable. It's just done by a bunch of students."

"So there haven't been any suicides, I suppose," Molly said glumly.

"She admitted that there were a few. She said they were children that just weren't suited to interacting in the modern social environment," Eleanor parroted confidently.

"Ah. So the Program helped to get rid of the misfits," Molly said as viciously as she could.

The national Program person must have been an expert, because Eleanor was a totally different person than the shaken mother who had called in doubt. "Millicent! That's the last I will listen to you trying to destroy the Program and my reputation with your cynicism and those lies from the Internet," she shouted, leaping to her feet. "I worked hard to do something to give you children the best education that I could. I will not stand for any more of this rebellion. You will do the Program when it is your turn, and you will be better for it!" With that she sat down to Win's proud smile.

Molly did not say another word as she ate lunch. When she left the table, Bert followed her quickly up to her room. She went immediately to her closet and took out several packed bags. "Will you help me get these to the car?"

"Oh, no! Are you really leaving, Molly?"

"I'm afraid so."

"But you didn't even ask again."

"What's the point? You heard her," Molly said glumly. "You might as well get dressed."

"Yeah. Oh, wait! I'll stay naked until you're gone for a while. Give you the best chance for a clean getaway. I ... I guess it's best if I don't know where you're going."

For all of her resolve, Molly crumbled at that. She flung herself at him and hugged him for all she was worth. Through tears she told him "I've always loved you, and I've always been proud of you. But you've just made it harder than ever for me to leave."

After a couple of minutes, she was able to pull back, and she went to a shelf in her closet and handed him a phone. "That has a thousand hours on it, and the number of my special phone programmed under '7'. Ten-forty-five every night, OK?"

After four stealthy trips for each of them, her coupe was full, and she was gone without either parent being aware.

Both Win and Eleanor were already seated and waiting when Bert came into the dining area for supper. His original plan was to be dressed, since Molly was gone. However, he had been thinking hard through his tears since his sister drove away. It did get easier to expose himself as time went on, and he could see how it would benefit him when he had to be in the Program.

Molly had left him a lot of information on blogs and chatrooms, and he had spent every minute online before coming down to dinner. One of the things that he learned was that the selection process for who went naked in a given week was far from random, though that was the stated technique. He had a strong suspicion that he would be called very early.

He was wondering how to handle his mother's expected objection to his continued nudity when he had a great idea. As he rounded the corner and came in sight of the table, he waited until Eleanor noticed him. Then he stopped with his hands on his hips and said sharply "Mother! Why are you dressed?"

"Wh ... what kind of question is that?" Eleanor stammered, trying unsuccessfully not to stare at her son's penis, which was soft for the first time she had seen it that day.

"What happened to your big naturist campaign. Here I am trying to get ready for the program and you're not even helping. I need to get used to naked females, too, you know."

As he spoke, Bert had the thought that by carrying the attack, he could prevent her from asking about Molly. The longer his sister had without anyone knowing that she had left, the better it was for her.

Eleanor was without a response for several seconds, then she said "Well, I just thought that for dinner, it would be more appropriate." After looking at him twice and pulling her eyes away, she asked haltingly "Are ... are you really going to stay that way until Tuesday?"

"Nah. I think I'll just stay NAKED until school starts." His emphasis was for his mother's inability to say the word. "I'll probably be called in the first week." As he said that, he saw his mother flinch slightly, and it was a revelation.

"But that's ... that's two weeks," she protested. "How can you know you'll be called. It's just random." Now, he was certain of it.

"Bullshit! You asked to have me put in the first week, didn't you?" he said with a snarl. "You know damned well there is nothing random about the selection."

"Bertrand, your language!" Win interjected for the first time.

"God, Dad!" Bert said, purposely adding the profanity. "I'm walking around waving a hardon most of the time, and you're worried about my language?" Just then, Erma walked in. She had nothing in her hand, so Bert assumed she had come to assist him. "Oh, hi, Erma."

That made Eleanor give a little squeak. Strangely, Erma's serving a naked Win at breakfast had not bothered her at all. That had been part of a noble statement. But this nakedness of Bert's was ... was disturbing in inexplicable ways.

"Lookin' good there, Bert!" Erma enthused. "In fact, lookin' great. How are you ever gonna get through the crowd of teenboppers to get to class, looking as delicious as you do?"

"Erma!" Eleanor said with another squeak.

"Oh, begging your pardon, Ma'am. Mister Bert and Miss Molly came around and asked me to help him get comfortable. I meant no disrespect. You have to admit, he is one fine specimen of manhood! He's not as impressive now as he was earlier, though."

Just then, Gretchen, the daughter of the housekeeping duo came in carrying a serving tray. She often helped Erma that way. Bert felt a sudden rush of embarrassment at his first exposure to her, but he thought of Molly and that fact that he was trying to help her. "Looks pretty impressive to me just the way it is," Gretchen said, making no bones about staring at his penis.

"Why thank you, Gretchen. I appreciate your encouragement," Bert said with aplomb that amazed him.

Seeing that his father did not have the will to follow up on his scolding and that his mother seemed uncharacteristically speechless, Bert sat down and they were all served. Concerned that the subject of Molly not come up, he asked Eleanor "So, who am I going to be showing my dick to at lunch tomorrow?"

That did it. Eleanor got up and left the room in a hurry.

Molly surprised Bert with how emotional she was when she called him that night. "Are you safe, Molly?" he asked in true concern.

"I'm fine," she assured him. "How did they react when they found out I was gone?" When he replayed the events of dinnertime, she broke up. "Oh, Bert! I don't know how to thank you. You are some kind of brave!"

"I think I can fool them at least through the party tomorrow," Bert told her. "You know what? I'm going to show up naked when her guests are here."

"Bert! How in the world could you do that?"

"I'm starting to get the feeling that I can do anything, and that I have to keep the pressure on Mom. I guess what keeps me going is that it might still not be too late to change her mind," he told her.

"After what you've done, I wish all the more that I didn't have to leave," she sniffed.

"Me too. Me too," he agreed. "But I'm understanding more and more why you feel the way you do, Molly. There's so much that doesn't make sense about this whole thing. Maybe waving my dick around at the party will make some people think a little bit."

"I think you're right about having to be in the first week," she told him. "You be a hero for some girl there who's having trouble, OK? See if you can keep her from freaking out, or worse."

"Yeah. I don't want to see any of those stories from our school."

"Bert, I hate to do this, but I'm not going to talk to you until next Saturday. I want you to be able to honestly say that you don't know what is happening with me. I know it will be hard, but don't bother to call unless one of them has a serious emergency."

At breakfast, it was easy to guess what had gone on in the master suite. Eleanor had apparently had quite a talk with herself, and the pro-Program self had re-emerged. She had lost that discussion with Win, though, as he did not match her nakedness.

"So, when does the lunch crowd arrive?" Bert asked.

"At eleven," Eleanor replied. "And you either dress properly or stay in your room, do you hear?"

Without planning, Bert just burst out laughing, earning him a scowl from both parents.

"Too bad," he said when he stopped laughing. "I thought maybe you'd join me. Wasn't it kind of a celebration of the damned Program's approval? I would think everyone would want to be naked for that."

"Bertrand!" She shouted. "How can you say such things. The program is just for the students. Why do you keep suggesting such things?"

They ate the light breakfast in silence for a while, then Bert decided to push harder. "So, Mom, are you going to take reasonable requests to help me get comfortable touching the girls?"

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