All Good Girls - Cover

All Good Girls

by J. Ben Fecking

Copyright© 2008 by J. Ben Fecking

Erotica Sex Story: Ellie met The One, the boy she wants to marry, but society says a girl must prove herself by doing everything but...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Coercion   Rough   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   .

It hurt. Sharp, tear-bringing, and it took all Ellie could not to pull away, not to get dressed, not to run home. Robbie was Him, she was sure. Robbie was just the sort of man she wanted for husband and provider. She'd started writing "Mrs. Robert James Patterson" in the margins of her notebook, even signing it a few times. She really wanted Robbie to be her husband. She wanted him to choose her, viewing all other girls at school as challengers.

She could outdo them all, she forced herself to repeat. No matter what Robbie wanted her to do, she would do it to win him. This was her mantra, her constant thought, while he continued pushing his thing into her rectum. And it hurt more, the further in. She'd have a hard time sitting in the seat beside him as he drove her home. She'd walk funny for a few days. But it was worth it because she could outdo them all, and Robbie would be her husband.

"You're so tight, Ellie!" Robbie exclaimed once his hips met her buttocks. "This is wonderful!"

Ellie smiled. She adjusted her grip on the headboard (the edge was cutting into her palms) but tried not to move. Movement, any at all, hurt.

She'd sucked him after they'd gotten naked. Sucked him like her friend Becky told her to. "When you suck him before he puts it in, don't swallow your spit. Suck on your tongue a little, then put it in your mouth and try to get most of it wet. Slobbering's okay too, might even help." Ellie's mouth overflowed with saliva while she sucked, as per her mentor's instruction, a string of drool hanging from her chin as she bobbed on his cock. He was glistening wet when she got on her knees, but it still hurt.

"You ready, beauty?" Robbie asked, his hands curling around her hips.

"Oh, yes!" She tried to sound horny and ready, but the words came out nervous and pained, even to her own ears.

Robbie didn't hear the tone, just the words. He thrust hard a few times before popping out. Ellie didn't even notice his absence. Her butt hurt worse than it had before. She could feel flames spreading through her large intestine and she bit her tongue to keep from screaming. She lowered her head so her hair would hide her face. Tears dripped onto the pillow. Then he started again.

He ejaculated within three minutes of entry. He slumped onto her back, putting most of his weight on her knees. Even well spent (he'd told her he hadn't masturbated all week in preparation), his peter stayed hard. Ellie's hindquarters alternated between an intense pain and numbness. She was sobbing, she couldn't help it, but she tried to pass it off as gasping for air.

"Tha-that ... that was g-g-great, Robb-bbie," she panted, trying to keep the sobs from shuddering her whole body.

"Oh, yeah," he gasped beside her ear. Finally, he pulled out.

Becky told her that Robbie would expect her to clean him up after they finished. Knowing this, Ellie'd filled a pan with hot water (guessing it would cool down to a comfortable warm by the time they were done) and soaked washcloths in it.

"Let me clean you, Robbie." She didn't look at him, only started to carefully move toward the water. Her eyes were still downcast when she wrapped the first washcloth around his thing, cleaning the brown, white, and red streaks from it. She folded the first washcloth and tossed it into the bedside wastebasket, then used one of the two remaining to clean him more. By the time she'd thrown the third away, Robbie's penis was still erect and throbbing red. Becky told her that he'd be limp by the time he was clean.

Robbie reclined against his pillows, eyes half-lidded. "Thanks, Ellie. It was fantastic!"

For tonight, she'd outdone them all. The look on his face, the total contentment, said that he adored her. She knew he'd pick her.

Ellie was still bleeding when she checked again in her bathroom at home. It wasn't as much as before, in Robbie's bathroom, when she'd tried to evacuate the sperm like a bowel movement. Then, she'd glanced in the bowl to see big spots of red thinning out in the water with the yellowish semen.

In her bathroom at home, she'd ventured a finger into herself (even that little bit of penetration brought pain) and found only a few drops of blood. If she didn't know more about her body, she'd think she was menstruating from her butthole.

She took the last of Becky's advice in short order, drawing up a bath as hot as she could stand it. She couldn't sit properly, but she could rest on the far sides of her butt cheeks. Once the bath was up to the right height, she lowered herself gently into the water, feeling the sting immediately and crying again when it didn't abate.

Becky'd said, "When you get in, try to clench and unclench so that the water can get up in there." She tried, hissing when the hot water entered a little way. She continued to cry.

Why am I crying? she asked herself forcefully, making the sound of her own voice echo in her mind. She'd done for Robbie something that girls did when they really liked a guy, when they wanted him to be her husband. They did it when they were serious and wanted to show it. He'd loved it. He stroked her hair and back while they cuddled after, saying that he loved her.

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