The Babe Bike Blues - Cover

The Babe Bike Blues

Copyright© 2009 by Lubrican

Chapter 17

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 17 - Jennifer's life was already tough enough, based on her speech impediment alone. Then her parents were involved in a terrible accident. She needed help, and the only person she could turn to was her "Uncle" Bob. He came to get her and take her to her parents. But he had to bring the wrong motorcycle for the trip. His hard tail affected her soft tail, which caused him to have some hard times of his own.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Romantic   Reluctant   Heterosexual   First   Oral Sex   Petting   Pregnancy   Slow  

They slept for two hours and, as sometimes happens, woke up about the same time. Neither seemed to feel like talking, but the tension was gone. Lunch was quiet, too, but again, there was no strain. Jennifer seemed a little distracted, as though she was thinking so much that she forgot to eat, once in a while.

And, now that she had calmed down, it just seemed natural to go from the restaurant to the hospital. Jennifer walked into her parents' room and went straight to her father. She hugged him for a long minute and sat down next to him, holding his hand.

"Sorry," she said.

His smile was warm and said everything that needed to be said. Then she looked over at her mother, who was watching interestedly, said, "Hi, Mom," and turned her attention back to her father.

They talked quietly about whether there was anything they needed her to do about insurance matters. The hospital had called the company for them and an agent had come over to see what was going on. Don said everything was all squared away, at least as far as the hospital was concerned. He knew less about the car, which he was sure was totaled and had been towed somewhere.

"What about your stuff?" the girl asked.

"Not really worth worrying about," said Don.

"It would be nice to have the cell phone," said Susan. "And my purse." She sounded mildly disgusted. She found four or five other reasons why retrieving their property from the car would be a good idea, including that they'd need something to wear when they eventually got out of the hospital. On a roll, she started to remember other things that needed to be taken care of. "Somebody needs to call your work and tell them what happened."

Bob grinned wryly and told Don to make a list, while he took Jennifer in search of the car. They stopped first at the police station, where he found out where the car had been taken. Jennifer's driver's license got her access to the car. She stood staring at it for a long moment when they first saw it. She was amazed her parents had lived through the wreck at all. Some of the roof had been cut off and Bob pointed out the places where the Jaws of Life had been used to pry bent metal apart.

The impound lot attendant cheerfully forced the trunk open for them. Her parents' suitcases were almost obscenely unaffected by the crash. Even the cooler in the trunk still had sodas in it. The lid was ajar, but nothing had fallen out.

Because all they had was the bike, it was obvious they would have to make multiple trips to get everything back to the motel. Jennifer decided that both suitcases could be tied on the bike if one was lodged in the queen seat and she could stay there looking for the cell phone, which had not yet been located, while Bob ran the stuff back to the motel.

When Bob got back from that run, he was met by a triumphant Jennifer, whose clothes were stained and face was smudged. She'd actually crawled deep into the twisted wreckage to find the phone. Some of the stains on her shirt looked suspiciously like flecks of dried blood, but Bob didn't say anything.

Bob had brought back a backpack for small things. They abandoned the cooler, but kept the plastic bottles of soda, as well as a few odds and ends Jennifer had found in the car while looking for the phone. One of those was the charger, which was still plugged into the cigarette lighter. Another was a book she thought her mother might have been reading while traveling.

On the way back to the motel, Jennifer yelled in Bob's ear that the impound lot guy had flirted with her. She said it had made her feel good, and Bob reached back to pat her leg. Once back in the room, Bob turned on the TV while Jennifer got ready to take a shower. She bent over to go through her mother's suitcase.

"She and I can wear each other's clothes," she said. "Now I have more to choose from." She pulled out a blouse and slacks. "Too bad you're so much bigger than Daddy."

Bob was channel surfing when he heard Jennifer's gasp of surprise. He looked over to see her holding up a lacy black something or other.

"I can't believe this!" she squealed. "I had no idea my mother had any slinky underwear!"

"That's not underwear," said Bob. "That's a playsuit."

"What?" Jennifer looked confused.

"She doesn't wear that under anything," he said. "She wears it to play with your father."

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