Love and desperation can lead to anything - Cover

Love and desperation can lead to anything

by Happenstance

Copyright© 2011 by Happenstance

Erotica Sex Story: A hole in the wall helps her plan to keep them with her.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/ft   Heterosexual   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Daughter   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Big Breasts   .

Although she had been doing it for the past two months, still her limbs went weak, her palms got sweaty and her heart rate shot up whenever she thought about it. Sitting in the living room, intently waiting to hear the click of the door closing, she rubbed her hands against the jeans, took two or three deep breaths, and thought how lucky she had been.

Kathy, 16, was well aware that if caught it would not only ruin her relationship forever, but it would also put her in an extremely bad situation, but her mind and body were concentrating on the door and not on repercussions. Finally, she heard the door close and knew it was time. Wiping the sweat off her face with her T-shirt, she rubbed her palms against the jeans and tip-toed to the wall.

Slowly and quietly removing the poster hanging on the wall she peeped inside. It took Kathy’s eyes a second or two to adjust to the light, and then she saw a pair of smooth well-rounded thighs with water glistening over the soft skin. Kathy had seen those thighs many times in the past two months, but it was worth it every time. Moving her head a little, she enjoyed the view of the long legs, tight ass, flat stomach, and voluptuous breasts. She was gorgeous, no doubt about that, thought Kathy.

After shampooing her thick long black hair, she took the soap and started rubbing it on her body. She began with her cleavage, then her pink nipples, her neck, her hairless armpits, and her lovely back, and then washed her shaved pussy, which was shining under the light and water.

When Kathy began watching her, she didn’t give her much time to enjoy because she always took showers in a hurry. But lately, she was not only taking long showers, she was also swaying her hips and ass a lot and was also paying a lot of attention to her huge breasts and pussy, which meant Kathy was really able to enjoy the view.

Initially, Kathy was only able to watch her on weekends because she used to take showers in late mornings when Kathy was in school, but for the past few days, she has been taking showers in the evenings, which meant she was able to watch her naked body every day.

Kathy was on her knees, peeping inside the bathroom, and she was standing barefoot on the floor, with her body turned toward Kathy, and was drying herself with a towel. After drying her legs and thighs, she moved the towel toward her pussy and after rubbing the towel against it, slowly started to dry her voluptuous breasts, including her pink nipples.

Kathy knew that after drying herself up she would go to the attached room to change, so it was time to pull the curtain down, so to speak, therefore she readjusted the poster, tip-toed back to the living room, and sat down in front of the TV.

The next day was a Sunday, and Kathy was taking a shower in the morning when she felt as if somebody was watching her, so she looked around but there was nobody. But after two or three minutes, she again felt that somebody was there, so again looked around and saw what seemed like a pair of eyes looking at her from the same place she used to peep from.

She instantly froze and after keeping the soap down, walked toward the gap she had made in the wall and now she could clearly see two eyes peeping at her from the same spot. At first, she thought she was imagining things, but when the eyes didn’t move or shift, even when she got closer to them, a chill ran through her whole body. She grabbed the towel, wrapped it around her as fast as she could, and went to look behind the wall. When she reached there, she saw that the poster was in its place, but there was something written on it. She came closer and the second she read it, all her senses froze, her heart started beating so fast that she could clearly and loudly hear it and her legs went weak.

For a second she thought she was in a dream or some nightmare, so she read it again and it was still there, written in bright red clear bold letters: “You thought only you could play games?” -- Mom

A feeling of shame, fear, and anger overtook her. She began feeling so weak that she had to sit down on a chair near the poster and began cursing herself for being so stupid. She was sitting there in that state of utter fear for well over 10 minutes when somebody came from behind and put their hands on her eyes and closed them.

She tried to move the hands, but before she could she heard her say: “I know the peeping game much better than you. Don’t forget I’m your mother.”

Kathy had no idea what to say or do or even what to think, so she just sat there with her eyes tightly closed. Mom moved in front of her, told her to sit still, and then she removed her hands from Kathy’s eyes.

Kathy took a few seconds to open her eyes, primarily because she was too ashamed, afraid to look at her mom, but when she opened them, she saw Mom standing there in front of her with her hands on her hips, one leg in front of the other and her whole sensuous, full-figured body clearly visible in her cream nightgown.

When she saw Kathy looking at her, she gave her a beautiful smile, curling her red lips.

“Honey, don’t be afraid, Mommy is not angry at you. It’s not natural for you to look at Mommy when she’s in the shower, but you were just curious to see how Mommy looks, so I’m not angry. Now give Mommy a kiss and a hug,” she said, kneeling down and placing her hands on Kathy’s thighs.

But Kathy didn’t move and her gaze remained fixed on the floor, so Mom gave her a peck on her cheeks and hugged her. Then she sat down on the floor, near Kathy’s legs, and tried to make her comfortable with small talk, and when she was somewhat at ease, she asked her whether it was her idea to drill a hole in the wall or her brother Zach’s.

“I saw a man on TV drill a hole just like this one, so I also drilled one but didn’t do it to watch you,” replied Kathy, after remaining quiet for a few seconds.

“I know, honey, you didn’t do it to watch me. And why did you hide it with a poster?”

“I was afraid that you might get angry for drilling a hole in the wall.”

“OK, I’m not angry at you, but answer all my questions honestly otherwise I’ll be?”

Kathy didn’t say anything, only nodded her head in agreement.

“Why did you start peeping?”

“One day you were humming some song and I wanted to hear it, so I put my ear near the hole and then accidentally saw you in the shower.”

Mom knew she hummed a lot in the bathroom, plus she also understood that she couldn’t have made up the whole story sitting in this state, so she knew she was telling the truth.

“Does Zach know about the peeping?”

Kathy looked down at the floor and nodded.

“How did he know?”

“He caught me looking through it,” she whispered.

She took a deep breath, braced herself, and asked whether he had seen her.

Kathy nodded her head.

“For how long have both of you been peeping?”

She just sat there with her head bowed.

Mom repeated the question again and this time sternly.

“Nearly two months.”

She was taken aback by the realization that both of them had been watching her naked for two months, but she didn’t allow her face to betray the surprise.

“Don’t worry, Kathy, Mommy isn’t angry at you. Now go and put on some clothes,” she comforted her by kissing her flushed cheeks.

While talking to Kathy, Mom realized something but wasn’t sure about it, so she called her childhood friend and while talking to her about her work, her children, and other things, she slipped in the question.

She asked Jenny whether she would call her antics at school pranks or exhibitionism.

“Exhibitionism,” she replied, replaying Mom’s antics in her mind.

“They were just pranks, not exhibitionism,” Mom tried to defend herself.

“Prank is when a girl takes off her bra once. Exhibitionism is when she hardly wears it,” said Jenny.

“Pauline, you used to take off your bra in the classroom, on the bus, and even on the playground. You used to moon boys, you used to flash your breasts to cooks and gardeners at school, and you even came to my house, in front of my father and brothers, in that cropped T-shirt without a bra. My father and brothers kept asking about you for months.”

“Did they?” Mom asked, suddenly forgetting the peeping issue.

“Of course, they did. Both mother and I knew why they were so interested in you.”

“I guess that qualifies as exhibitionism,” admitted Mom.

“Not only that, you used to drop all your clothes at the first chance of skinny-dipping. Don’t get me wrong, we all were impressed by your don’t-care attitude.”

“But I’ve changed.”

“Of course, you’ve changed. Now you’re a mother.”

“What if I again start exhibiting those tendencies?” wondered Mom, faking a laugh.

“No, now you’ve changed.”

Mom took a deep breath and replied: “Yes, now I’m not that Pauline.”

After talking to her for five or six minutes more, Mom hung up the phone and lay down on the bed thinking that her desire to show her body was as alive inside her today as it was back then.

She was still on the bed when Zack came back after meeting his friends and went straight to his room. After five minutes, she knocked on his door and went to talk to him. He was smoking a cigarette which she took from him and took a long drag.

“Kathy has told me about the peephole,” she said, sitting down on a chair.

When he heard her, he adjusted his pillows, turned toward her, and gave her a blank look. Mom knew her 17-year-old son was a tough nut to crack, so she repeated herself.

“So?” replied Zack, shrugging his shoulders.

“I’m not here to confirm anything. All I want is an honest answer to two questions that is all. If I don’t get an honest answer, you’ll be in big trouble. And, remember, Kathy has told me everything, so your answers should better match with hers.”

He flinched a little and raised his eyebrows.

“Have you seen Kathy in the shower and has she seen you?”

“Why don’t you ask her?” he replied in a calm voice after mulling over the question.

“I’ve, but just want to see whether you’re as honest as her?”

“Go and ask her,” he said, taking the cigarette from her.

“Zack you’re making things difficult for yourself. I know you hadn’t drilled that hole, so I’m not holding you responsible. All I want to know is whether you guys have seen each other or not.

“Don’t know about her, but I might have.”

“She has admitted seeing you in the shower,” Mom said, changing tack.

“Yes, she has, but we were just playing, nothing else,” he finally admitted.

Mom looked at him, got up, and went back to her room. By now Mom was sure of two things. First, she still loved showing her body and maybe that has passed on to her children. Second, if she gave Kathy and Zack enough it might help her in her more important plan.

In the morning, she went to them while they were having breakfast and told them that since they had been so honest, she wasn’t angry and if they behaved themselves and ended all this peeping business they might get a bigger prize but only if they behaved themselves.

In the evening, just before dinner, she came to the living room and handed Kathy two boxes. In one of the boxes there was a blue sleeveless top and a red skirt and in the other was a green backless dress.

“Really, Mommy?” asked Kathy, looking at Mom in surprise and giving her a beautiful smile.

While Kathy was busy looking at her gifts, Zack was waiting for his. Mom took the third box from the table and gave it to him. He immediately opened it and saw a black T-shirt and coat.

“Now, go and wear them, let me see how both of you look.”

Kathy came back wearing them and the top was so tight that the shape of her young perky breasts was clearly visible and the skirt was revealing all the charms of her smooth thighs.

Zack’s muscular body was on full display in that T-shirt and the coat was making him look more handsome.

When they came back, Kathy asked her mother why she hadn’t bought something for herself.

“Who said I haven’t bought anything?” she replied, going to her bedroom and coming back in a brown dress that had such a deep neck that nearly all of her breasts were naked and slits that ran up to her panties.

When they saw her, they just couldn’t take their eyes off me, especially Zack.

“You guys are acting as if you’ve never seen me before,” she said, walking toward them.

“Stop staring at them,” Mom told Zack, looking down at her boobs and smiling at him.

At the table, all three of them were in a good mood and couldn’t stop looking at each other. After dinner, they sat down in front of the TV, but instead of watching it, they were more interested in watching each other, especially Kathy and Zack, who were pretty shamelessly admiring each other’s bodies and Moms.

Zack, who was turning out to be as shameless as his Mom, came for dinner wearing just a T-shirt and underwear, but she shooed him away.

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