CE Savage: Blog


Don't forget to vote!

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My Nexus Rising story has made the finals in 2 categories.
Best Romantic Story
Best Erotic Fantasy Story

Please don't forget to vote. If not for my story then for one of the many incredible stories written and published to you for free by hard-working, talented writers. It may not seem it, but this sort of recognition is very important to support and encourage us and is often all that we receive. Thanks!

Charlie aka
CE Savage

Nexus Evolution Chapter 18 has been delayed

Posted at

Sorry readers but I'm focusing on getting the next Nexus Interlude story out " Devil in a Blue Dress" out and haven't had a chance to process the next chapter. I should be back to my regular schedule soon. In the meanwhile you can get the complete story on Bookapy here:
Of course all of the Nexus Universe books and stories can be purchased on
CE Savage Books.

Don't forget additional behind the scenes content and story blog is on my Ko-Fi page at https:// + Ko-Fi com/cesavage

Thanks for your patience and support!


Chapter 17 of Nexus Evolution is Out

Posted at

Here we see what happens when you rile the girls up. Sarah keeps getting more and more comfortable with her powers and Ben gets a Fae surprise!

Don't forget you can read the complete story now on Bookapy here: CE Savage Books

Also I'll be posting some fresh Nexus content up on my Ko-Fi page at http:// + Ko-Fi.com/cesavage for those curious about the Nexus universe and it's characters.

As always hope you are enjoying the reading and thanks for your continued support!


Nexus Working on outline for Book 4- New content on Bookapy!

Posted at

I hope those of you who have read Chapter 16 have enjoyed it. FYI I'm currently working on the outline for the next book in the main Nexus series. It will probably take me about 6 months to get it completed. In the meantime don't forget to check out the new Nexus stories available on Bookapy at CE Savage Books on Bookapy

I anticipate having the next story in the Nexus Interlude sequence out next week. It will be called "Devil in a Blue Dress". Also please don't forget to vote for your favorite authors and books in the Clitorides. Nexus Rising is a finalist in two categories!


Just published chap. 16 of Nexus Evolution!

Posted at Updated:

This one was fun and I got to introduce 2 new characters, both of which have important roles in the future. Weird thing happened in writing this jail scene. I accidentally quoted Henry Fonda in an old Western. I love his acting but I don't remember ever seeing the movie this was from. An eagle eyed reader spotted it. Somehow my unconscious mind threw it into the story, or maybe, as I sometimes suspect, the characters are writing the story in another dimension and I'm just along for the ride!

Don't forget if you'd prefer to read the entire story at once it's available on Bookapy here:Nexus Evolution while you are there check out my other Nexus stories, including the first book of my new series, The Handyman The Handyman-Cheerleaders Delight

I've also added some new pics of Brunheil in the jail on my Ko-Fi page if you are curious about how I see her https:// + Ko-Fi.com/ cesavage

Thanks so much for reading, and for your support!




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