Still Waters - Cover

Still Waters

Copyright© 2023 by Rottweiler

Chapter 6

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 6 - You catch your wife with another man. Right before you can divorce her cheating ass, you go and win the fucking Lottery! Of all the rotten luck!

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Crime   Rags To Riches   Tear Jerker   Cheating   BTB   Polygamy/Polyamory   Massage   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Revenge   Violence  

Upon his return, Jessica presented Chad with a new phone.

“What’s this?” he asked as he looked it over hesitantly. It appeared to be an Android unit that was far and above the beat-up flip phone he gave to her that morning.

“It’s a Galaxy S9,” she said proudly. He hadn’t gotten out of his truck, and she bounced on her tiptoes in flip-flops as she explained it to him. “You need to upgrade PB. And this baby can do it all!” she eagerly climbed onto the step rail and leaned through his driver’s window. He was immediately aware of her clean scent and close presence. Her face was inches from his and her C-cup boobs hung provocatively over the door allowing a wholly inappropriate amount of cleavage to spill forth from her spaghetti strap tank top.

“I was good with my old phone Jess,” he replied hesitantly.

She shook her head and started pointing and describing features on his new device. “That’s like wearing the shoes off your feet and not wanting a new pair — don’t be cheap. I’ve already upgraded you and transferred all your contacts. Now pay attention so I can show you what you need to know...”

After a fifteen-minute crash course, she deemed him competent and jumped down. As she turned to go, he called her back.

“Hey, what were you going to tell me last night?” he asked as she turned back.

“Oh, I just wanted to let you know that I collected some of Franky D’s DNA and sent both kits off yesterday,” she grinned like a Cheshire cat. “And we will be able to see and hear everything that goes on in his house or car.”

“Wow!” he gasped, “that fast?”

“You get what you pay for sexy man,” she winked at him, “and you are paying me a lot.”

With that, she turned back and walked to her porch. He stared after her as she strutted like a runway model, her ass swaying back and forth hypnotically. He felt his pants tighten in the crotch and he shifted uncomfortably as he started his truck and pulled away.

It took a full week before the papers were ready to be filed, establishing the corporate entity. After Paul and Matt gave the go-ahead, Otis and Beulah were escorted to the Lottery Commission Offices to present ‘their’ winning ticket. There was an air of celebratory excitement about the room as hands were shaken and photos were taken of the beaming couple. A news crew appeared as if out of thin air and interviewed them as they held up the giant check for $187,000,000. A limousine awaited them as they departed. Once they were safely away, they both surrendered their cell phones to Jessica, who promptly disabled them and provided them with newer units and different numbers. By the time the news crews and crowds of ‘well-wishers’ arrived at their humble home — Otis and Beulah were long gone and on their way to the airport to begin their much-needed holiday.

Mid-August found Chad and Bobby shopping for his school supplies when his phone rang. It was Jessica and his pulse skipped as he accepted the call. “Hey Jess, sup?”

“Are you alone?” she breathed heavily into his ear. That got his pulse going and he glanced briefly at his son who was completely ignoring him. Stepping away, he spoke quietly, “I’m out with Bobby school shopping.”

Her husky flirty voice disappeared. “Oh darn! Well, when can you come by the office? We need to go over the final report and Paul wants to discuss your plans.”

“I can be there in a couple of hours.” He suddenly felt apprehensive as things were beginning to get real. Molly was suspicious when he didn’t go to work during his last scheduled set of shifts, but he blew her off, stating he was taking some vacation time. Within a day of beginning her surveillance, Jess had informed him of what the ‘surprise’ was that Frank wanted to share with the older siblings. He had taken them car shopping; Billy got an apple red Dodge Dakota while his sister received a silver Prius. Since they and their mother saw fit to keep it from him, he chose to keep his knowledge of it to himself.

After returning home and helping Bobby move his supplies up to his room, Chad gathered Elvis and headed for the Law Office. He was not surprised to find the fab four waiting for him as he entered. His dog sauntered into the conference room like he owned the place and dropped dramatically to the floor by Chad’s chair.

Paul and Matt were dressed casually in slacks and polos. Jennifer was radiant in a light-yellow summer dress. Jessica was garbed like a beautiful assassin, with tight leather pants and a black leather studded jacket. She rose, took the floor, and handed out thick folders to each of them before turning to the big screen TV at the end of the room. With a remote, she turned it on.

“Alright then,” she stated, “let us begin shall we.” She stood in front of the TV and faced the group. “Bottom line is that we have concluded without a doubt that your wife Molly and her widowed bother-in-law, have been — and are currently engaged in an ongoing love affair.” She stepped to the side as a still frame appeared on the screen. It revealed the pair engaged in a frenzied embrace as they lay naked on his old marital bed.

Chad looked down at the table, his face was flushed. He felt anger and humiliation. At least Otis and Beulah were spared the indecency. He balled his hands into fists and forced himself to look up at the faces gazing back at him sympathetically. He sighed heavily and gestured for her to continue.

“We are not certain how long the affair has been going on,” she continued, “but given the paternity results obtained from your son Bobby — it is clear that they have been sleeping together for at least the last 12 years.” She paused and glanced at him sympathetically, “I’m so sorry Chad.”

He met her eyes and realized that this was the first time she had referred to him by his real name. “It only confirms what I’ve known all along,” he replied, “The question is, how will the courts handle it? He hates his real dad and they all treat him like dirt. How do I get full custody of the boy so that I can shelter him from,” he waved his hand disgustedly at the screen, “all that?”

Paul cleared his throat and looked at his wife nervously. “That may be a long shot at best,” he provided, “If Mr. Discarsio has known of his biological son all this time and has chosen to ignore it, the court may look favorably on your petition. However,” he frowned at the folder before him, “it is very unlikely that your spouse will be denied partial custody at the very least.”

Chad leaned forward. “I want to get Bobby into counseling. If we can show how neglected he has been during my absences, can’t we plea that she is an unfit mother?” He looked from Jennifer to her husband, but neither looked reassuring.

“Chad, it would have to be a pretty awful case of neglect,” Jennifer said with sadness.

Jessica cleared her throat, and everyone turned to her. “What if she were indicted for accessory to commit murder?”

Chad gaped at her and Paul sat back frowning again. “This isn’t a criminal case, Jess. It’s civil. And that incident was buried years ago. There is just no evidence that it was anything other than an accident.”

Jessica didn’t waver as she held up the folder. “Even if they all but admitted it to each other?”

Chad rose to his feet. “You got them on tape admitting they killed Florence?”

Jess waved the folder again. “The transcripts are all here,” she nodded, “not only that, I got them discussing how convenient it would be if they could arrange a similar fate...” she pointed the folder at him, “for you!”

Chad was stunned. “That’s just...” He shook his head amazed.

Matt thumbed through the transcripts. “Can we use any of this?” he asked, “bugging his house wasn’t exactly legal, right?”

Jessica shook her head, “No, we can’t exactly build a case with this. And you are correct that it would be inadmissible in court to use recordings from his house.” Everyone in the room waited expectantly as she continued to smirk confidently. “But,” she continued, “your house is in your name and you gave us permission to bug it — so everything from there is perfectly legit.” Then she slumped, “Sadly, that little snippet occurred in his house so it can’t be used.”

Chad was shaking his head. “But that doesn’t make it any less real!” he argued.

“It doesn’t matter anyway,” Paul interjected, “no matter how damning it looks and sounds — if the DA wouldn’t touch it before, he sure won’t consider it now.”

“So, let’s leak it to the press,” Jess piped up, “once the Feds get wind of this, they will definitely open a case.”

Jennifer nodded. “I like it. If nothing else, hearing Franky D air out his dirty laundry on the nightly news, will not endear him to Daddy.”

“I wonder how much that settlement was for,” Matt mused.

“$2,500,000,” Paul and the twins answered simultaneously.

“And,” Jess continued, “based on the financials I uncovered on him, he only has about a third of it left.” She looked at Chad. “Your ex is very good at spending his money for him.”

He snorted and turned to Paul. “How soon can I file?”

The attorney straightened. “As soon as you want. I have the petition all ready to serve. I just need you to sign it and we can notarize it.” He made a quick note on his legal pad. “When do you want her served?”

“Tonight,” he growled, “I’d like to do it myself.”

Jennifer stood up. “I will go with you to verify the process,” she said as she went to fetch the papers.

“Can I go too?” Jess begged with a smile, “I just want to see her face.”

When Otis and Beulah left for their vacation, Chad moved into their home to ‘house sit’ while they were gone. He hadn’t slept under the same roof as his wife for nearly 3 weeks. Thus, her expression was a mixture of astonishment, confusion, and anger when she answered the door to find Chad standing outside in the company of the twins. Jennifer had changed into a professional business suit. Jess remained casually decked out in her chic/biker/assassin leathers. Molly stared at each of the women before looking back up at Chad. “What?” she finally asked waspishly, “come by to show off your new bitches?”

“Mrs. Molly Ann Ruston-Hartley?” Jennifer asked in her neutral tone.

“Yeah, what?” she snapped back.

Jennifer stepped forward and presented the manila envelope smartly.

“You have been served. My card is inside.”

Molly was too surprised to register her words as she took it. Jess snapped the obligatory picture with her phone.

“Have a nice evening,” and with that, his attorney turned on her heels and departed.

“What the fuck is this?” Molly screamed at her husband. He saw his daughter approach the doorway, followed by Billy. They came to stand on either side of their mother. Both stared at Jessica in amazement with their mouths wide open.

“Our divorce papers,” Chad replied, “I’m filing on grounds of infidelity even though this is a no-fault state,” he added, “I’ve got paternity tests and plenty of surveillance video to share with anyone who wants to see it.” He stepped back and startled Jessica by putting his arm around her in a warm embrace. “This is my PI Jess. She overheard some very interesting things between you and Franky — regarding my health.”

Molly’s eyes widened and the color drained from her face as he turned them both and headed back to his truck. “You fucking asshole!” she screamed behind him as they walked away, “we will fight this! Wait til we get our lawyers involved, fucker!” she ripped the envelope to pieces hysterically.

“See you in court,” he called back with a smile.

Jess removed her boots with a sigh and placed her tiny feet up on his dash as he cruised down the road. She sat beside him on the bench seat rather than next to the door. Elvis was quite content to look out the passenger window.

Her subtle perfume filled the cab, and he felt an attraction like he had never felt before as he draped his right arm across the backrest. She leaned into his chest and placed her left hand on his thigh.

“So, what now?” she asked.

“I don’t know about you, but I feel like celebrating,” he smiled glancing down at her.

She returned his gaze and smiled brightly. “I’m up for a party. Where do you want to go?”

“Well, seeing as how I’m broke,” he grinned, “I figured we could just head back to my temporary place and drink beer.”

“Broke huh?” she scoffed, “good thing I’m a beer girl — lead on cowboy.”

Two beers later they were comfortably arranged on the couch with their legs entangled. She held her arms around his belly and rested her head on his chest. The room was dimmed down to the low light and the only sound was the snoring of the big dog at their feet.

“This is nice,” Chad said softly.

“Mmmhmm,” she purred in response, “I should probably warn you now,” she added, “I have this thing for big, burly men.”

“Oh really?” he asked with a chuckle, “should I be worried?”

“Only if you piss me off,” she replied nonchalantly.

“Uh oh. So as long as I stay on your good side...”

She rolled her tiny body atop his and stared straight into his eyes. “Then I’ll go easy on you and just have my way with your body.” She lowered her face to his and gave him a long soft kiss. Her hips straddled him suggestively, the warmth of her crotch pressing against his solid erection.

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