Coming Home — Book 3 - Cover

Coming Home — Book 3

Copyright© 2024 by Douglas Fox

Chapter 22

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 22 - Coming Home – Book 3 is a continuation of the Coming Home series following Kyle and Penny Martin and their children as they return home to Landenberg, PA when Kyle is hired as the head coach for the Philadelphia Eagles. You should read Coming Home, Books 1 and 2 before tackling this book. Action picks up the day after the Eagles 2031 season ended. The players have packed their things and departed. Coaches and front office staff are all that are left in the Eagles’ training center, NovaCare Compl

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Sports  

Saturday, August 29, 2032 Nick Chandler’s Home, Kemblesville, PA

Jackson Robertson and Jessie dropped Danny and Anna off at Nick Chandler’s house on their way south to Newark and the movies. Kyle would pick Danny and Anna up at 10:45 PM, in time to get the fourteen-year-olds home before their curfews. Danny had assured his parents and Anna’s parents that there would be absolutely no alcohol at this party. The team captains were adamant about that. There would be no repeat of last year’s fiasco where most of the team got suspended for two games for celebrating their victory over Strath Haven with a beer party.

The team captains helped Nick get his house setup to host fifty or sixty kids. Large coolers full of ice held a variety of sodas and water bottles. There were plenty of munchies to feed the hungry teens. Plenty of space was available in the living room, kitchen and outside on the patio by the pool for kids to hang out and socialize. The pool was open but the night was a little chilly, so no one planned to take a dip in the pool.

Anna was a bit intimidated when she and Danny arrived. Most all the kids at the party were seniors, juniors or sophomores, except for a couple other freshmen girls who were dating older guys. Despite his status as a lowly freshman, Danny was accepted easily by the older teens. Afterall, he was also the quarterback who led the team to dominate Strath Haven last night. As Danny’s date, Anna was automatically accepted by the mellow crowd of older teens.

Danny and Anna conversed with various team members and their dates. They enjoyed the snacks and sodas. Danny got a bit of teasing about the “pop” he was drinking. After a year on the east coast, he still insisted on calling the sugary beverage pop instead of soda.

The music was nice. Danny and Anna danced for a bit. They found a couch to sit on later, when they were tired of dancing. It was around 9:30 PM and some of the older couples were already taking advantage of the three bedrooms in the house to find more privacy. Danny and Anna made out for a while. Danny’s hands massaged her titties through her blouse. Both teens were getting more worked up.

“Let’s find a bedroom,” Anna huffed. “You know what I want tonight.”

“The same thing as me?” Danny giggled. The two young lovers had no opportunities to repeat their lovemaking from last Saturday since then. The two hurried upstairs but found all the bedrooms were occupied. Danny leaned Anna back against the wall and they continued making out while they waited for their chance at privacy. The didn’t need to wait long. Noah McMullen and Annabelle Brewer popped out of one of the bedrooms.

Annabelle was draped over Noah as the two still blissed out lovers came out to the hallway. Their faces screamed, ëwe just fucked’ to the whole world. “Hey, man you two have fun,” Noah commented as they departed for the stairs. Danny and Anna slipped into the bedroom. Danny locked the door behind them.

He turned to the bed and found Anna nearly naked already. After months of coaxing her to get her undressed, that did not seem to be an issue anymore. Danny stripped off his clothes and hopped in bed with his girlfriend.

Danny had a Thursday evening pep talk with his lovemaking advisor. Davey reminded his younger brother not to rush to get his dick into his lover. Take his time and enjoy extended foreplay before the main event. Go ahead and go down on Anna and make her come before he tried to stick his dick inside her. Get himself off a time or two prior to having sex, so he would have more stamina. Danny took care of that with a morning whack off in the shower and another after dinner when he showered again before this date.

The two lovers cuddled together, kissing and fondling each other. Their naked bodies rubbing together ratcheted up their lust. Danny kissed Anna’s lips for a bit before working his way south to her titties. He licked, nibbled and suckled at her nipples, first the left one than the right. Anna’s hand drifted down to Danny’s waist. She grasped his boner and began stroking as he played with her titties.

Her stroking rapidly became too much as Danny felt his balls tingle and then boil. “Anna I’m gon gonna CCccco”

“I got you,” Ann giggled as she let go of his primed and almost ready dick. She scooched around so she was kneeling at his torso. She leaned down and sucked the first couple inches of his five-inch rod into her mouth. Her hand wrapped around the shaft, stroking it as her head bounced up and down, licking and sucking on his rod. It did not take more than thirty seconds for it to be too much.

“AAAAaannn nnnnaaaa I I’m cccoo” Danny stuttered as he neared orgasm. Anna sucked one more time before pulling her mouth off his dick. The first blast plastered her on the chin as she pulled away. The other blasts splatted on Danny’s chest and stomach. The two teens were giggling as his dick stopped throbbing and spurting. Thankfully a box of tissues was on the bedstand. Anna grabbed some to clean her chin and to wipe up the mess on Danny’s belly.

The two soon-to-be lovers cuddled and kissed for a bit while Danny regained his senses. After a bit, Danny commented, “Your turn.”


Danny answered by scooting down and kneeling between Anna’s open legs. “Time to take a taste.”

“Really?” Anna murmured as Danny’s fingers searched for and found her hole. He thrust one then two fingers into her tight opening while he leaned down and began licking. Danny spent a few minutes lapping up her juices and teasing the soft, pink and puffy folds of her womanhood. After a bit, he started licking higher, teasing around the bump that was her clitoris. Danny’s tongue circled closer and closer to her target. Anny grasped his head and forced it down, hoping to finally get off. Danny resisted for a few moments before licking her clitoris directly.

Anna squealed and came hard. Danny quickly sat up to get his head away from her writhing legs. Anna’s pussy tugged at the two fingers still inserted inside her. Danny lay down cuddled against her as she came down from her high. He kissed her while she recovered. Danny’s dick was hard as steel and ready for what came next.

Danny rolled over so he was between her legs. He propped his chest up on his elbows as he slotted his dick against her swelled and drenched pussy lips. He sawed his erection up and down her sloppy slot half a dozen strokes.

“Should I put on a rubber now?” Danny asked as he stroked his boner up and down her womanhood.

“Don’t need it today,” Anna giggled. “Put it in me please?”

“You’re certain it is safe?” Danny asked.

“My period is likely tomorrow or Monday,” Ann replied. “It doesn’t get any safer than now. I checked my cervix today too. It is plugged and not ready to take your sperm. Make love to me, Danny.”

“As you wish,” Danny responded as he dipped his hips and tried to position his boner against her opening. It took three tries but he found the spot. Anna’s tunnel was drenched and more than ready for lovemaking but it was still quite tight. Danny needed three hip hunches to bury his five-inch rod into Anna’s belly.

“Are you OK?” Danny asked.

“More than OK,” Anna giggled. “Go ahead and get started.” Danny began thrusting and humping his dick in and out slowly. Once again, he was channeling his lovemaking sensei, David. Don’t rush things. Take your time.

The feeling of his bare dick forcing its way into the folds of Anna’s tunnel and then the tug on his skin as he pulled out again was exquisite, just as good as last Saturday afternoon. He humped away, reveling in the amazing feeling of most intimate bonding with another person.

Still a little niggling feeling would not go away. It was placed there by years of his parents and siblings telling him that he had to use protection when he had sex. He was thrusting his bare dick, primed full of baby-making sperm, into the unprotected pussy of his girlfriend. His grandparents, parents, uncles, and cousins all had risked this and been burnt. Still, the feelings of skin on skin were too good for him to stop.

Danny lasted around two minutes, a very credible second time for an inexperienced youth of barely fourteen. He blasted his sperm deep into Anna’s pussy and collapsed on top of her.

“Too heavy, Danny,” Ann gasped as she rolled the two of them on their sides. She showered her lover with kisses as he recovered from his orgasm.

“Do you want to play a bit and go again?” Anna giggled.

“Yeah why not?” Danny murmured. A pounding at the door changed their minds.

“C’mon, man!” the voice demanded. “You two have been in there forever. Give the rest of us a chance.” Danny recognized Mike Franklin’s voice.

“I guess we’re done for tonight,” Danny sighed. The two got dressed quickly and headed out to the hallway. Mike Franklin was there with Riley Finch, his current girlfriend. Riley was in ninth grade like Danny and Anna.

“You’re as bad as your brother for hogging a bedroom,” Mike teased as he and Riley stepped into the vacant bedroom. “Do you need a picture to see where things go?”

“Lovemaking is best unhurried,” Danny teased.

“Danny knows EXACTLY where things go,” Anna added.

Danny and Anna headed downstairs to grab some sodas and to hang out. They talked with Noah and Annabelle for a quite a bit, until the party wound down. Kyle was a couple minutes early in picking up Danny and Anna. It had a been a great night to follow up last night’s wonderful victory over Strath Haven.

Jackson and Jessie enjoyed making out during their movie. The two found an out of the way place by a little creek. They made love on a blanket Jackson swore to always keep in his car for nights like this. Jackson drove Jessie home, in plenty of time to make her curfew.

Jackson enjoyed his date with Jessie. The two of them were great together. Still, he had this niggling doubt in the back of his mind. ëHow long would the prettiest girl in Avon Grove High School go out with a plain dweeb like him?’ He saw more popular and handsomer guys checking out Jessie around the hallways at school. Could this romance possibly last?

Tuesday, August 31, 2032 NovaCare Complex, Philadelphia, PA

The New York Jets arrived in Philly on Monday evening and showed up bright an early for two days of joint practices before their preseason game Thursday night. Things were tight in the NovaCare Complex but the two teams managed.

Joint practices were a grand opportunity for players to challenge their skills against someone other than the players they had faced all month during training camp. The Eagles Ones faced the Jets Ones, the Eagles Twos faced the Jets Twos and so on, down to the very bottom of each ninety-man roster.

Kyle and his staff had the unexpected opportunity to be the “old hands” for these practices. Coach Beeler and his staff were starting their first year with the Jets. Coach Beeler and Kyle were had known each for a while. Coach Beeler had been the defensive coordinator for the Browns the previous seven years, so he and Kyle had faced off against each other twice a year when Kyle ran the Steelers’ offense.

There were some other familiar faces on the sidelines observing practice that Tuesday morning. Trevor Conwell, a thirteen-year veteran of the Jets, was there with his sons Alex and Logan. Chip Brinton joined him with his son Ells. The ostensible reason for the visit was the other guests Damian Thompson-Robinson, his husband Billy Thompson-Robinson and their seven-year-old son Brent.

Damian and Billy adopted Brent as an infant from a South Korean orphanage. Brent was the product of a hookup between a Korean girl and an African-American GI stationed in Korea. Despite his Korean facial features, Brent probably fit better with his African-American dad and his other white dad than he would have fit into Korean society.

The Thompson-Robinson family was visiting the east coast for a week before school started to see Washington D.C., Philly and New York. The week would end with a cookout at the Martin’s pool the following Sunday afternoon. Trevor and Chip were acting as tour guides for their college roommate, Damian and his family.

Jeremy North warmly greeted his former Bears teammate when he came out to the field before the start of practice. Coach C, JT Hill and Brendan Hayden welcomed their fellow Penn Staters to the sidelines. Kyle greeted his friends but was kind of busy with practice. The friends managed to gather with the Thompson-Robinsons, the Conwells and Brintons over lunch in the cafeteria of NovaCare Complex.

The Tuesday morning practice gave the Eagles staff a preview look at Alexander Bonham, the Jets #9 pick they got from the Dolphins trade the first night of the draft. Bonham was a three-year starter at Michigan, a top quality program. He did not have the same pedigree as Spence Harding, the Dolphin’s #1 pick, but he was a quality player who could evolve into a capable NFL quarterback. Coach Beeler had him playing with the Twos. That meant the Eagles would get an extended look at the kid on Thursday night. Traditionally, starters did not play in the final preseason game.

Visiting the Jets practice was fun for Trevor. While coaches were all new, some of the support staff knew him from when he played there. Some of the “young pups” starting out in the NFL had been mentored by Trevor when he was one of the OGs or old guys on the team. Those now OG players welcomed their former teammate warmly.

After lunch the two teams had team and position meetings. One team did a team meeting while the other team used the smaller position meeting rooms. After a while, the teams swapped rooms. The afternoon concluded with a walkthrough practice.

Wednesday was more of the same. Thankfully no hotheads on either team got into a scuffle, though tempers rose a couple times as the coaches quieted things down again. Both teams spent Thursday in meetings, at NovaCare for the Eagles and at their hotel for the Jets. Everyone headed over to Lincoln Financial Field for the final preseason game that evening.

Thursday, September 2, 2032 Lincoln Financial Field, Philadelphia, PA

Most NFL teams rested their starters in the final preseason game. Kyle chose not to do that. He still had a primarily young team and playing time would benefit them more than the rest would do. Most of his guys had young bodies and could take a quarter of time on the field without impacting their performance too much during the season. One old guy who would play was Dylan Harris. Kyle and the coaching staff had not named their starting QB yet. Aiden would play the first quarter; Dylan, the second quarter; followed by Brandon Evans the third quarter and Tariq Valentine playing mop-up the final quarter.

The following day would be the day for big decisions who stays and who goes, as well as which QB would start in ten days when they played the Browns. By dinnertime Friday, they would know which of the ninety guys on the team made the 53-man roster and who would be cut. Sixteen of the cut players would be signed to the practice squad, assuming they cleared waivers after the other 31 teams had an opportunity to sign them to their 53-man rosters.

The Eagles accepted the kickoff to start the game. Aiden Anderson, who played well in his two previous games, played excellently. He moved the team down the field in an 8-play drive, culminating in a sweet 29 yard throw to Colin Weaver, who motored into the end zone for a touchdown. The Eagles defense, despite not using any of Coach C’s usual disguises, confused the Jets rookie QB, Alex Bonham. The Jets ran three plays and punted the ball back to the Eagles.

On the next drive, Aiden Anderson needed fourteen plays to score a TD. Despite a false start penalty on right guard Erick Thompson (6th year, Oregon), Aiden kept the team moving down the field. No big plays were made, just steady and consistent progress towards the end zone. Aiden’s pass to tight end Aaron Cain in the end zone capped off the drive. The score as Eagles-14, Jets-0 when they kicked the ball back to the Jets. Forty-two seconds remained in the first quarter.

The Jets did slightly better on their next drive, managing a first down before penalties killed their drive. Dylan Harris and the Eagles second team took the field. A twenty-year vet, Dylan kept his young charges on task. The Twos ran an eleven-play drive, capped off by tailback Diego Garcia running the ball into the end zone for a touchdown.

Alex Bonham and the Jets offense finally got their act together and sustained a drive. The Eagles defense rallied and forced them to settle for a field goal. Dylan and the Twos ran another good drive, culminating on Dylan hitting rookie Austin Hawkins on a slant on the seventh play. Autin spun, slipped a tackle and darted 29 yards for a touchdown. Roughly five minutes were left in the first half.

Alex Bonham and the Jets offense tried another drive. Disaster struck on the third play. Their fastest receiver ran a go route. Marcus Davis was covering him with deep help from Sean Watkins, the Eagles fourth round safety pick from Oregon State. The Eagles pass rush hurried Bonham’s throw. Marcus Davis appeared to slip, leaving his guy open momentarily. Bonham spotted this and launched an arcing ball down the field.

Kyle smiled as he watched his budding star cornerback bait the rookie. Marcus popped up, cut in front of the receiver and snagged the ball. He raced 31 yards down field, dodging slow linemen and Bonham to score a pick six TD. Reliable kicker Nick Gordon scored the point after to bring the score to 35-3. The score remained at that until half time.

Kyle was pleased to see the strong play by both candidates for the starting QB spot on the team. Aiden and Dylan made tomorrow’s decision hard, but that was a positive for the team.

The second half play was more ragged. Brandon Evans managed to get the young kids organized enough to score a field goal in the third quarter. Near the end of the third quarter, Brandon threw a pass to one of the undrafted rookie free agent (UFA) receivers on a timing route. The rookie ran the wrong route but Brandon put the ball in the correct spot, directly to one of the Jets DBs. Brandon managed to tackle the DB before he scored but it set the Jets up with a short field. The Jets finally got a touchdown.

The fourth quarter was even more ragged than the third. Neither team scored. One Eagles rookie UFA stood out, Tyler Ulrich. Ulrich picked off an errant pass and tried to run it back but was taken down before he reached the end zone. The Tariq Valentine and the Eagles scrubs managed to go backwards on three plays. The Eagles punted the ball back to the Jets.

Despite the missed opportunity, Kyle was pleased with the undrafted rookie Ulrich. He played for little Division II Western Oregon State. The kid worked hard all camp and had stood out for playing smart. This play may have won the kid a spot on the Eagles roster.

The game finished with the Eagles scoring 38 and the Jets 10 points. The Eagles team celebrated in the locker room after the game. For twenty-one players, this was their final game in the NFL. Sixteen more would be signed to the practice squad. In ten days, the season would start for real.

Friday, September 3, 2032 NovaCare Complex, Philadelphia, PA

The Eagles brain trust and the coaching staff met promptly at 8:00 am on Friday morning to review the roster and decide who would make the 53-man roster, who would be cut and hopefully signed to the practice squad and who would be sent home permanently. The group spent most of the morning making the decisions.

After lunch, Kyle invited Ryan Reynolds and Ed Fritz to make the other major decision for the franchise.

“It is decision day,” Kyle commented as they sat down in his office. “You have primary responsibility for this position, Ed. Who starts at quarterback against the Browns the Sunday after next?”

“This is a closer call than I expected, but I think Aiden should be our starter going forward,” Ed replied. “His mechanics are sound now, his has excellent arm strength, he’s smart and ready to lead our team. He just needs time behind center to gain experience.”

“Ryan?” Kyle asked.

“I am with Ed,” Ryan replied. “All of us thought Aiden could be the right guy. Our expectations have proved out. The surprise to me is this call is a hell of a lot closer than I expected. I would be fully comfortable if we went with Dylan as our starter. His deep ball isn’t what it used to be but having twenty seasons of experience is invaluable.”

“It is,” Kyle acknowledged.

“The deciding factor is not this year, but future years,” Ryan continued. “We can win some games with Dylan under center this season. I think the decision should be based on the longer-range needs of the team than just one season. If we start Dylan, he could give us one or maybe two good years before father time catches up with him, which it will. With Aiden, we take a few lumps as he learns to be an NFL starter and finds out the tricks defensive coordinators will throw at him as they learn his traits. Aiden is the better long-term bet over the next decade or two.”

“I agree with both of you,” Kyle replied. “Anderson is our starter. Decision made.”

“What’s next, Coach?” Ed asked. “Who informs them?”

“I would like to do that,” Kyle replied. “Have Zion [Cherry] track Anderson down and send him to see me. He can send Dylan in after I finish with Anderson.”

“I think both of them are in the building,” Ed said. “I will get Zion on this right away.”

“You wanted to see me, Coach?” Aiden Anderson commented as he stuck his head in the door to Kyle’s office.

“Come in, have a seat, Aiden,” Kyle replied, pointing towards the couch in his office. The two got settled.

“I’ll be direct, Aiden,” Kyle said. “You are going to be our starting quarterback going forward.”

“Thanks for having confidence in me, Coach,” Aiden commented as he absorbed the news.

“You have earned this spot with all the hard work you have put in,” Kyle answered. “I want you to understand two things. First this was an extremely close call between you and Dylan Harris. You barely edged him out to get the starter’s job.”

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