Valentine's Gift - Cover

Valentine's Gift

Copyright© 2024 by James Howlette

Chapter 1

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1 - After the worst day of his life, David will be given the greatest Valentine's Day gift from the most unlikely of places

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   BiSexual   Cheating   Cuckold   Incest   Mother   Brother   Sister   Daughter   Rough   Spanking   Group Sex   Orgy   White Male   White Female   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Squirting   Big Breasts   Size  

Today was just not my day, but I sure as hell didn’t expect valentine’s day to turn out like this.

Things had been slow at work for months due to the effect Covid had on the world’s supply chains and last week I was let go. There just wasn’t enough work to keep the business afloat and the owner had no choice but to close the shop. He had done everything he could to keep us going. Using his salary to cover the company expenses, finding cheaper methods to do our work, taking out loans and even refinancing his house. None of it had helped and now he was in such deep debt that it just didn’t seem possible to go on. I hadn’t even finished a full shift when he made the announcement that we were being laid off indefinitely, yet he paid us all for the full day, and reluctantly I headed home. This was one hell of a Valentine’s day, but I wasn’t going to let it get to me. I stopped off to get a bouquet of Emily’s favorite flowers and headed home.

I knew the loss of income would have been problematic until I found another job, but I felt things would be okay. Emily, my girlfriend of three years, was an amazing woman. She had been supportive for the entirety of our relationship, and I knew that she would be just as supportive now. I met her in the last year of high school when she transferred from a different state. I had been paired with her to show her around since we had the same classes, and we quickly developed a friendship that had quickly turned into a relationship. I felt I had hit the jackpot as she was kind, loving and it didn’t hurt that she was gorgeous. Standing five foot four, she weighed about a hundred and twenty pounds. She was an avid jogger and had worked hard to maintain that. She kept her blond hair shoulder length and would keep it in a ponytail most days. I loved to stare into her emerald eyes as they showed so much love and emotion whenever I looked into them. I had been planning to get a ring and proposing to her, but then the changes at work caused me to put that on hold due to my worry of what may happen.

While I had gotten a job in a factory out of high school, she had focused on getting a job in cyber security. She had a knack with computers and had enough projects she had done on her own to get into a decent firm in town. They had her in the books, and covered the courses, while still paying her for the work she did for them. pleased bonus was that she was able to work from home, giving her the flexibility to work as she pleased. On occasion she would have to go in for monthly meetings and job sites when problematic issues occurred with clients that required an in-person touch. The money was decent, and since she worked from home, she could log in overtime without it resulting in time lost between us. She had completed the first two years and had gotten a few raises due to the certificates she had completed and would get more once she finished the next two years. I was sure I could get some odd jobs until I found something permanent, so that there wasn’t much of a burden on our finances, and we would be okay.

As I opened the door to our apartment, I was surprised to see that she wasn’t at her workstation. Usually at this time she was working on courses or was doing stuff that had been assigned to her from work. It was then I heard some noise that caused my stomach to drop and my heart to ache and caused me to drop the bouquet to the ground. I heard the distinct sound of moans coming from our bedroom. While that wouldn’t have been out of the ordinary, it was the telltale sounds of the bed moving that told me that my loving girlfriend wasn’t alone in there. Despite knowing better, I walked over to the door and could hear the sounds of my girlfriend being fucked by someone I didn’t know.

“God damn it you are so fucking wet,” the guy moaned as he thrust into her. “I never tire of fucking you!”

“I am always wet for you Jeff,” my Emily purred. “No one fucks me like you do, and you know how much I love your cock! Now fill me up”

I heard them both begin to grunt and moan even louder, as the sound of the bed moving intensified. A few minutes later the guy let out a noise that told me he was cumming and Emily let out a moan in response. It was one I had never heard in the three years we had been together.

“What about David?” the guy asked. “You know your supposed boyfriend? Does he not do it for you?”

“Don’t get me wrong I love him, but he isn’t exactly an animal in bed,” she replied breathlessly. “Besides, you know I can’t say no to you.”

“Yeah, I was surprised when you hit me up when you found out I was in town,” he replied. “You couldn’t wait and started jacking me off right there in the restaurant. By the time we got back to my place, had sucked a load out of me and were begging me to fuck you!”

“What can I say, the memories of our relationship came flooding back and I wanted to feel that again,” Emily cooed. “Besides this was one hell of a Valentine’s day gift!”

“Happy you enjoyed that, but what are you going to do when he finds out?” the guy asked. “We can’t hide this from him forever.”

“You don’t have to worry about that,” I replied as I opened the door to find them cuddling naked on the bed. “You can keep the cheating whore all to yourself. Just have her send the rest of my things to my parents’ house. I can’t stand the sight of her.”

I could hear her trying to get out of the bed, trying to get me to stop for a moment as I quickly threw a bag of clothes together, but when her hand touched my shoulder, I turned to look at her with utter disgust.

“Don’t fucking touch me you disgusting slut,” I growled at her, causing her to take a few steps back. “I don’t want some diseased riddled whore infecting me!”

“Dude what your fucking mouth,” the guy said getting out of bed. “You don’t talk to her that way!”

I spun to face him, “I just found my girlfriend of three years fucking some asshole in our bed. Begging him to cum in her and telling him that he was the better lover. I worked my ass off, done my best as a partner, and she fucks some ex-boyfriend behind my back. I can talk to the cheating bitch however I like, because unlike her I would never have done that. So you can have her, but I would keep an eye on her, or else she will do the same to you!”

Emily just stood there in silent shock at what I said, and I gave the guy a look that I wasn’t really in the mood for his macho bullshit. I didn’t care if I would have won the fight, but if he had tried anything I would have beaten his ass as best as I could. Giving Emily one more disgusted look I left the apartment and returned to my car. I didn’t want to give either of them a chance to catch up with me, so I pulled out and headed to the highway. Once there I started screaming in anger, frustration, and pain. How long had this been going on? Why didn’t she brooch the subject of our sex so that I could make the adjustments needed to make her happy? Instead of working on us, she just tried to have her cake and eat it too. I felt so stupid that I hadn’t seen the signs, but I couldn’t find any. She was loving and caring, affectionate and didn’t withhold sex. However, my stomach churned when I wondered how many times had I gotten sloppy seconds with her.

I shook my head, trying to clear out the depressive thoughts when my phone began to ring. I glanced over at the car’s display to see that it was Emily trying to call me, but I ignored the call. She called three more times before I pulled over, grabbed my phone, and blocked her number. Content with that I got ready to go when an unknown number began to call, and I figured that she must have been calling me from the asshole’s phone. This only infuriated me more and I decided to just shut my phone off. Climbing back behind the wheel, I decided to head home for a bit. I hated the idea of going back to my parent’s house but I didn’t really have many options at this point. This only made me feel like even more of a failure. I was twenty and had been fortunate enough to have been able to afford to get a place, albeit with my girlfriend. Not many people could say the same, so it was a blow to my ego that I was now going back home with my tail between my legs.

We had moved about an hour and a half away, since there were better opportunities for both of us in regard to finding decent jobs, not to mention that the apartment we found had been decently priced. During the drive, I couldn’t help but go over what happened, trying to figure out things, but couldn’t understand how or why it happened. This just frustrated me more and I tried to turn on some music to help calm me down. Instead I changed from station to station, as each was in the midst of a love song that just made me feel worse. I let out another scream of frustration and tried to just focus on the road and have my mind not really think of anything. Had the drive been much longer, I wouldn’t have been able to do it, but thankfully I was soon getting off the highway and following the familiar route to my parents place.

They had done really well for themselves, and it showed. It had been me, my mom, my dad and my two sisters. My dad had worked as a senior investor for a large investment firm for the last twenty-five years. At forty-five he was starting to show his age, since the closest he came to exercise was golf, so he had put on a few pounds over the years. He had not only been paid very well for his job over the years, but he invested in it well. We were able to live a typical upper-middle class life and didn’t really understand the struggles that others go through. Despite that, my dad didn’t really allow us to be spoiled. He wanted us to earn what we got but wasn’t callous about it. We had chores and were set up to get jobs when we were in our teens.

Mom worked as a realtor when they had gotten married, as it was an easy job to get in at the time. It was also a lot less saturated than it is now and mom did really well for herself. Mind you she is so well established that she still does well even now, but most people would be hard pressed to be as successful as mom had been. She was always in her business suit and had worked hard to keep looking good even now. Let me paint you a picture of my mom. She was five foot three in height, and I wouldn’t guess her weight, though she was in heels most of the time. She had long chestnut brown hair that went down to the middle of her back. She had natural waves in it that made it look very full and luxurious. Sky blue eyes with a button nose and full lips. She had the hourglass figure that most women would kill for, but she didn’t flaunt that like others would. She worked out regularly, mixing weight work to keep herself trim and toned, while also doing yoga to maintain flexibility. Even in her workout clothes that I saw her growing up, she made sure they were baggy and formless.

At thirty-eight she was looking more like she was in her late twenties due to how well she took care of herself. Yeah, mom was young when she had us, and since my sister is two years older than us, yes that means mom was sixteen when they had their first kid. They had grown up together and their families were lifelong friends. They weren’t happy that she had gotten pregnant so young but didn’t bat an eye with the seven-year age difference, since mom had always had eyes for dad. I came along two years later when mom was eighteen and Sarah came along three years later. Both of my sisters took after my mother, with the same hair and eye color, though some variations to their hourglass figures. Both had been working out with mom over the years, though they had chosen to wear more revealing workout gear. No, I would give you more details about it because I never attempted to find out. Sure they are gorgeous, but they are my sisters. As far as I knew both Maggie and Sarah still lived at home but are doing well with their respective jobs.

My older sister Maggie worked as a lifeguard at the nearby pool, as did my other sister Sarah growing up. Once they were older Maggie worked at White Castle, while Sarah ended up working in an H&M store during high school. I did the typical mowing lawns and shoveling driveways in the winter as a kid. I worked for a friend of my dads who had a construction company and I was made to do various odd jobs. We didn’t think anything of it and actually appreciated what he was trying to teach us. He grew up much poorer than we were and wanted us to understand what we would be getting into, what kind of hard work would have to deal with when we were adults in the real world. It really did help, and I adjusted rather quickly, which is why I had done so well at my recently laid off job.

Maggie had taken a bit of time to figure out what she wanted to do but had begun working to become a flight attendant. She felt it would allow her to see a little bit of the world while making money as well. Sarah on the other hand was still working in retail, though I am not sure where she is working at the moment. I dreaded the shit they would initially give me, but you know that it was the typical ribbing that siblings give one another. I just didn’t want to deal with any bullshit after everything that had happened today. As I pulled up to the gate, I couldn’t help but chuckle at the difference from where I had just come from. I entered the code and the gate opened, letting me go up to the house. The driveway led up a small incline and then turned to the left, towards the garage. The garage was separate from the main house, with four doors and even had a loft above it.

The main house was a french ranch style house, with six bedrooms, five bathrooms on fifteen acres. While the front of the house was set up with the typical lawn on the first three acres of the property, with thick bushes lining the driveway on both sides. Dad paid a landscaping company to mow the lawns in front and behind the house. There were large trees dotted along the mowed area, adding both character and shade. The last twelve acres was forest, but there was a path that had been put in for jogging. It gave mom and my sisters an area where they could jog undisturbed since the whole area was surrounded with eight-foot-tall fences, lined with iron spike toppers. A lot of the animals that had lived in there left as the fence was installed, but a bunch of critters had come back since. Typical to most houses of this kind we had a pool, though ours was more along the size of an Olympic size, with a large hot tub area attached.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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