The Family Business - Cover

The Family Business

Copyright© 2020 Chuckles the Clown

Chapter 7: No More Secrets

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7: No More Secrets - A sexy romp featuring a battle-scarred Marine that returns home hoping to find a place within his troubled family, only to find them enmeshed in a high stakes gamble between the FBI and the Mob! This epic drama is filled with high-energy erotic action. The book is dedicated to a fellow author, Paul, officially known as PabloDiablo, who has not been heard from by the author or the site he frequented and loved, for several years.May the Gods be smiling on him wherever he is.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Coercion   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Crime   Workplace   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Spanking   Group Sex   Orgy   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

While the girls were swimming, Pop and I returned the van and stopped to buy groceries for a big spaghetti dinner. By the time we got back, it was getting dark. The girls were still having fun by the pool, so we decided to cook dinner too. Pop put the sauce together and cooked the noodles while I made the garlic bread and salad. We set the food up buffet style on the breakfast bar and called everybody to dinner.

“Holy Toledo, they cook too?” Sandy laughed as they all lined up to grab plates and food. “We’re dead, ain’t we? This here is heaven, ain’t it?” We all got a laugh from that, and Pop and I bowed.

“I don’t think I can argue with that!” Pop agreed, giving Sandy his famous smile and wink. He slipped behind Sandy’s chair and bent to whisper in her ear, “I’m in heaven as long as you’re here with me,” and kissed her neck.

Sandy drew a deep breath, closed her eyes, and caressed my Pop’s cheek. “Oh, sweet Jesus,” she murmured. She looked across the table at Sarah after he sat down and said, “You’re right, Sarah darlin.’ They’ll charm the birds outta the trees!”

We ate spaghetti and talked easily, laughing and exchanging many loving and lusty looks, kissing and joking, taking deep joy and satisfaction in each others’ company.

Jackie leaned over to whisper to Sandy and show her a picture on her cell. Sandy oohed and aahed and told her, “We’ll have to ask Kryssie.”

Jackie came over to show Krys the picture and whisper in her ear as well. Krys’ hand flew to her mouth and she hugged Jackie’s neck. “Oh, Jackie, it’s amazing!” she exclaimed. “It’s fantastic! Oh, thank you baby girl, thank you so much!”

Jackie hugged her back, saying, “I’m so glad I saw it, it was perfect, the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen! I was crying when I took it!”

Sandy’s eyes were also getting moist. “I’ll bet you were,” she agreed. “I’m crying just looking at it!”

“What?” I demanded, at my intellectual best. “What’s going on?”

Kryssie handed me the cell. The picture was of Kryssie and myself making love next to the pool that morning. She was in my lap, leaning back against my chest, her face aglow with the morning sun. Her expression was one of rapturous joy, her sensuous lips parted in a glowing smile of utter bliss. Her long blonde hair fanned over her body, reflecting the sunlight in a way that silhouetted her perfect body in a golden nimbus of light, making her look angelic. The trick of light that made her appear to glow cast my chiseled, symmetrical form in shadow, my body framing hers, my hands clasped on her belly, my face hidden as I nuzzled her neck.

By pure chance, Kryssie’s hair covered up our naughty bits, but that we were having sex was obvious. The photo perfectly captured the ecstasy and contentment we enjoyed in those moments.

The image was transcendent. Jackie had captured a moment of time suffused with joy, eroticism, and light, it was all there! No professional could have done better, and I told Jackie so as I handed her phone back.

“This is magic, Jackie, this is art,” I said. “You can win awards with this picture. No professional that shoots photos as a career has a better eye than you.” Jackie smiled at me in a wistful way and nodded.

Krys caught my eye, and the same electric feeling passed between us as when I first touched her hand a couple of days before, in Cattleman’s. Our hearts were in our eyes, and although our entire family surrounded us, we felt like the only two people in the room.

“Jackie’s got a magic camera, baby.’ I said. “She captured our souls. When I look at that picture, I feel like we’re back beside the pool making love. It’s perfect. That moment was perfect. You’re perfect.” Krys wiped tears, jumped into my lap, and kissed me gently.

“Let’s do it again, Kenny. Let’s make another perfect picture,” she said. I hugged her to me tightly, not letting go as we turned to smile at our younger sister.

“I thought maybe you guys could use it for Sandy’s website,” Jackie said shyly.

Krys’s mouth dropped open for a second. She took a longer look at the pic with a critical eye.

“You do have a great eye, Jackie,” she said critically, “I think this would be a spectacular background for the home page. You wouldn’t even have to retouch it.”

Sarah looked at the picture for a long moment. “I think Kryssie’s right, sweetheart,” she told Jackie. “We’d have to look long and hard to find another shot that’s better than this. You could make it a trademark logo, even.”

“That picture will set us apart from other lingerie companies, Kenny,” Sandy interjected, her excitement growing. “With this picture, we’ll not only imply a better sex life for our customers, but better relationships as well! Look at Kryssie’s expression. She’s so happy, not just from the sex, but from who she’s with. She’s so in love!”

Pop looked at the pic and nodded. “Sandy, Ken, I don’t think you could find a better home page for your website,” he agreed. “But son, you two should think carefully before you put this picture on the web. The minute you do, it’s gonna go viral. Kryssie, strangers on the street will recognize you. Are you ready for that?”

I looked at Krys. “Maybe we ought to sleep on this, baby. Family is one thing, but I don’t know if I’m ready to share you with the whole planet. I think Pop’s right, if we put that picture on the net, the world is going to come knocking on our door.”

“I think so too,” Krys replied, “and not just because of me, either.”

“She’s right.” Sandy interjected. “You’re a fine looking man, Kenny, and your body’s just as hot as Kryssie’s. Take it from me, when that pic hits the net, every adult film company in the business will be looking you two up, asking if you want to be porn stars. I got offers while I was a stripper, and I wasn’t even on the net! Even if we trademark it, Angel Love will still be getting inquiries and requests out the yin-yang about that photo, and information about the people in it. I guess I could tell ‘em the picture is Swedish, though, to put them off.”

Sarah shook her head negatively, and said, “That would only postpone the problem. No, we need to put copyright and trademark restrictions on it. But even with those, folks are going to copy that picture, even if they can’t make money on it.”

Krys said, “I can make the home page read-only, and fix it so the Angel Love logo will be superimposed on the image if someone tries to copy it, but nothing I do will be foolproof. Someone will be able to construct a clean copy, if they’re determined enough. You’re right Kenny. We need to think about this.”

“Even if we don’t use this picture for the website,” I said, placing a hand on Jackie’s shoulder, “I think we’ve found a photographer for our lingerie models.”

Jackie brightened. “I’d love to do that,” she said, excited. “I love photography! I want to model, too!”

I caressed her face. “You certainly have the face and body of a model,” I told her. “Just imagining you in that lingerie drives me wild.”

To my surprise, Jackie’s eyes teared up, and she looked at the floor. “I’d give anything if you looked at me the way you do Kryssie. You guys are so lucky! I don’t think anyone will ever love me that way!”I was at her side instantly. “Of course they will, baby girl, I’m already madly in love with you,” I said. “I can’t love you like I do Kryssie, because you’re not her, you’re Jackie, you’re in a class all by yourself!” I kissed her face.

“I love you too, Jackie, more than any words could ever say,” Kryssie told her sister, as she took Jackie’s face in her hands and kissed her all over her face. “You’re so much more to me than my sister! You’re my lover, my muse, my best friend! I love you forever and forever!”

Amy squirmed in next to us. “Oh, Jackie, my darling Jackie, my first true love, my everything! I’ll look at you any way you want me to!”

Dad, Sarah, and Sandy all moved in to kiss and reassure a sobbing Jackie, who felt overwhelmed by all our family’s loving energy.

Krys drew me aside and whispered, “Make love to her, Kenny. Just like you did with me. Make her your world, and you hers.”

“I don’t know if I can do that, Kryssie,” I protested, “She’s not you!”

“Yes you can, my darling Kenny, of course you can!” Krys argued. “You have enough love for the whole world! I do too, everybody in this family does, including Jackie! We’ll all make love to her later, but right now, you’re the one she needs. Show her that she’s perfect just as she is, like you did for me. Look at her!”

I looked. Jackie had her arms wrapped around Pop’s neck, sobbing, “Oh, daddy, I love you so much! Don’t ever let me go, daddy!” Pop hugged her tight.

A tear slid down Kryssie’s cheek as she watched her sister. “Jackie needs you and daddy, baby. She thinks I stole both of you from her, she doesn’t want to hear anything from me right now.”

She wiped her face. “I didn’t see it before, Kenny,” she continued, “but thanks to you, I can see through Jackie’s eyes now. She loves me, but she’s angry, too. She doesn’t think I stole you and daddy on purpose, so the only reasons she can think of for it is that either she’s not as pretty as me, or that she’s just fundamentally unlikable. What she does know for sure is that she’s miserable, and confused by all this sex we’re having. She knows she likes it, but it feels empty to her. She doesn’t feel loved. You showed me what true love is baby, and how to love myself. Now you have to do it for her.”

I surrendered. “It won’t be the same as making love to you, Kryssie. Nothing can ever compare to that.”

“Of course it will be different, baby,” Krys responded with a sweet smile. “She’s a different person, and the way you love her will be different. What she needs from you will be different, too. You’ll see. Give her the gift of herself, baby, give her back her self-respect and confidence, the same as you did for me! That’s the kind of man you are! You give all of us something, even daddy! Please believe me, baby! You can be everything for both of us, for all of us. I know you can.”

I stared at her, humbled. Krys was willing to share the most precious thing in her life with her kid sister, so Jackie could avoid the self-hatred and despair that she had experienced. I had to trust that she knew what she was asking me to do.

“When did you grow so wise?” I asked her. “You’re so much kinder and braver than me. You awe me with your selflessness, Kryssie, I mean that.” I said. Krys replied with a simple smile.

“Alright sweetie, here goes,” I said, and held up two fingers. “Two things; one, once I get Jackie alone, tell everybody what we’re doing, so nobody will interrupt. Two, I want you in the bed with Jackie and me when we go to sleep tonight.”

“Let’s just say I’ll make myself available,” Kryssie qualified, “we’ll see how Jackie feels about that later.”

“M’kay. I love you more than words can ever say, my Krystal.” I kissed her thoroughly, turned, and went to make love to my other sister.

Jackie, Sarah, Sandy and Amy were breaking a group hug as I approached. Jackie smiled big when I enfolded her in my arms and held her close. I saw Krys signal to the others and whisper to them, whereupon everyone crept downstairs. Kryssie, the last to leave, blew me a kiss as she did so.

“How do you feel, baby?” I murmured to Jackie.

“Oh, Kenny, I feel so loved! I’ve never been more happy! Everybody’s made me feel so special!”

“You’re the most wonderful thing that’s ever walked the face of this planet, Jackie. I love you to the moon and back. And I always will.” I brushed her lips with mine, a ghost kiss.

“Oh, Kenny, I love you too! I was so anxious to finally meet you, and you’ve turned out to be so much more wonderful than anything I could have dreamed of!” she gushed. “I’m not surprised you and Krys fell for each other, and I don’t mind, really! You’re so beautiful together!”

“But I fell for you, too, Jackie. Let me show you how much!” I crushed her against me and kissed her harder. Her arms hugged my neck as she kissed me back, hungry for my affection. She pressed her body to mine, and I could feel her desire rising.

“Why don’t we go outside, baby?” I asked. “There’s a beautiful moon, tonight.” It was a beautiful night, the full moon brilliant in the cloudless Texas sky.


We exited the kitchen via a sliding glass door, to a pair of chaise lounges on the deck overlooking the pool. The moonlit view was incredible, a night custom made for lovers.

I drew Jackie close and gave her a lover’s kiss. My youngest stepsister was slender, like her sister and mom, but unlike them she felt fragile to me. I reminded myself that Jackie was still a kid, sixteen, and although she was no longer a virgin, her emotions were immature. She wanted me as a lover, but needed me as a friend and older brother even more.

While we kissed, I guided her hands to my waist, wordlessly encouraging her to grasp the bottom of my tee shirt to pull it off. After she removed it, I guided her hands to my chest, letting her touch and caress my nipples, my arms, my rock-hard belly.

I kissed her again, urgently, lowering the straps of her tank top, letting it fall to her waist. I kissed her puffy nipples as I hooked my thumbs into her waistband, and eased her shorts down her long legs, slipping them off as she raised each foot.

I stood up to let Jackie slide my boxers down slowly, as I had hers, her breath catching as my erect cock sprang free. She stood and gazed into my eyes, her long chestnut hair darkly framing her beautiful features in the moonlight, and began running her hands over my face, my chest, my hard abs and arms.

“I’ve dreamed about this for so long!” Jackie whispered, dropping her gaze to lick and kiss my nipples, my abs, and my groin. “I’ve dreamed about doing this,” she said, rubbing her cheek with my erect member. She took me in her mouth, kissing, licking, and sucking my throbbing manhood, fondling my scrotum and caressing my ass. Moving behind me, she licked my ass and reached between my legs to squeeze my cock and fondle my nuts as she nuzzled and nipped at my ass cheeks!

“Oh, dear God, I love your ass!” she moaned, her desire evident in her voice. “It’s perfect! I’ve dreamed about kissing and licking your sweet ass, Kenny! You make me so wet!”

I enjoyed her sensual oral ministration for a minute or two, pulled her to her feet and embraced her tightly, our bellies sandwiching my hard manhood. I kissed her urgently, clasped her perfect little buttocks in each hand, and lifted her off the ground to wrap her long, lanky legs about my waist. She moaned her hunger into my mouth, her need inflamed!

I knelt to lay her on a chaise, kissed her face, neck, and her perfect breasts. She ran her fingers over my stubbled scalp, moaning my name. As I moved down to lick her sweet little clitoris, she squealed and eagerly thrust her hips against my face, my hands squeezing and kneading her beautiful little bum!

I kissed Jackie’s pussy tenderly, and used fingers and mouth to explore the folds of her sweet labia. I flogged her engorged clitoris with my tongue, casing her to writhe, moan, and emit little mewling sounds of lust.

She jerked with pleasure every time I tapped the sweet rosebud of her anus with my finger. I turned my lewd oral attentions to it, licking and sucking her little asshole, penetrating it with my lustful tongue. She cried out wantonly as I entered her with my finger!

“Oh God! Ahh! Kenny, oh Kenny baby, it’s so good, so fucking goood, I love it! I love you, oh, God!

She bucked and gyrated on my finger as I thrust it in and out of her ass! I moved up her crotch slowly with my tongue, licking and kissing from her asshole all the way to her swollen clit! I sucked and nibbled her pussy eagerly, listening to her gasping, moaning cries as she bucked her hips up into my face, eagerly humping her anus back and forth on my finger!

“I’m gonna cum, baby, oh Kenny, oh God, I’m gonna cum!”

She fountained her salty juice all over my face, grabbed my ears to cram her gushing slit into my mouth! I shoved another finger up her ass, and a third, stretching her tiny sphincter in preparation for hard cock!

Temporarily exhausted by the intensity of her orgasm, Jackie lay quiescent and still. I kissed, fondled, and squeezed her beautiful tits, paying special attention to each rock hard nipple, and kissed her mouth gently, my tongue teasing and darting, biting and sucking her parted lips.

Utterly relaxed, her beautiful deep blue eyes looking into mine, Jackie told me wordlessly that I was free to do whatever I wished. I hooked her knees over my shoulders, placed my throbbing cock against her anus and pressed gently, gradually adding pressure against her sphincter! Finally, the fat head popped in, and I began to move in and out of her, a little bit at a time!

“Oh Jesus, God, Kenny! So fucking big! Ahh!”

I pumped my rigid tool in short little lunges, stabbing in a little deeper with each thrust. Jackie went nuts, bucking and gyrating her ass, attempting to corkscrew my cock deeper! I thrust deeply, all the way to my nuts!

Jackie shrieked in pain and ecstasy. I lost control, my lust overriding all else, and slammed my steely shaft in and out of her with abandon. She jerked wildly as her soaked gash spouted yet another orgasm, her hot girlish cum squirting all over my belly and chest!

I barely controlled my own orgasm. This girl was sweet, hot, and it was much too soon to let our interlude end! The cool night air helped me to calm my senses and regain control of my raging lust.

We sat up and looked out over the moonlit countryside, through the clear, sultry air of the Texas summer night. Jackie reached down to guide my steely shaft inside her velvet warmth as she eased into my lap. I clasped her slim little waist, pulling her tight against me. She made little circles with her pelvis, feeling me deep inside her, surrounding her, possessing her, loving her!

“Oh my God, Kenny!” she whispered ecstatically, “Hold me, baby! I belong to you, you’re in my soul! I love you so much!”

I pulled her mouth to mine, kissing her deeply, the two of us making small movements, savoring the sensation of my hardness impaling her. Our mouths melded together, our tongues thrashing and entangling with each other.

I turned my head to break our loving, lusty kiss and placed my cheek against hers. “Thank you, baby, for making this night so magical for me. I love you so much, I need you so much! Whatever happens in the future, I need you to remember this moment, so you’ll always remember how much I love you! Right now there’s only you and me in the whole world, baby girl, just you and me.”

She caressed my face, breathing slowly, enjoying the sensation of me deep inside her. I clasped my hands on the little rounded hump of her belly. We sat that way for a long time, making no sound, listening to the night, lost in each other.

I turned my head to kiss her lips softly, held her face with both hands, and kissed her forehead. She lay back at my gentle prompt, and smiled as I mounted her. Her lips parted with rapturous moans, and her long legs encircled me as she eagerly thrust her pelvis upwards to meet mine, her eyes closed in sensual abandon. I penetrated her again and again, rhythm and force increasing as our desire built to a crescendo! We climaxed together, our mutual orgasm long and intense.

Jackie cuddled me close, kissing me and murmuring in my ear. “I’ll never be able to do that again, Kenny. It was just too perfect! It’s never going to be the same with anyone else!”

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