August and April - Cover

August and April

Copyright© 2024 by Soronel Haetir

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Having their flight home cancelled thanks to a snow-storm leads to disaster for a weak-willed father and his beautiful teen daughter.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Coercion   Consensual   Reluctant   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humiliation   Polygamy/Polyamory   Exhibitionism   First   Oral Sex   Petting   Pregnancy   Size  


John was roused from his uneasy slumber by the ringing of the hotel room’s phone. The jangling sound didn’t help his throbbing head. His eyes fell on the clock, it was already well after noon!

The phone quit ringing then started again, this time he managed to grab it.

“Sorry,” he mumbled then yawned.

“Sir, you need to clear the room in the next hour so we can prepare it for the next guest.” The voice was stern and not at all friendly.

“Uh, okay, thanks.”

He yawned again as he returned the phone to its cradle, only then remembering the previous night. April, his precious daughter, had fallen victim to that old pervert’s disgusting charm. Had she changed her mind? Whether or not she had, making sure she was alright was his responsibility.

The concerned father rushed over and flung open the bedroom door. He wasn’t at all prepared for what awaited him inside.

Even after the previous night’s ordeal John could have never imagined that he would see the scene spread out in front of him. April was completely naked, laying face-up atop her equally-nude partner. Her head was thrown back, her eyes closed tight, while both her arms and legs were flung wide. The father had a nearly-unobstructed frontal view as August drove into her from underneath, the man’s large hands were all that blocked John’s view of any of the action. One was rubbing their joining, while the other played with a plump nipple. Her pussy squelched around his erection with each thrust. The fat organ kept driving into the girl’s much-abused slit until every inch was out of sight, embedded deep within her.

He looked down to his daughter’s vulva, desperately wishing the last hours were nothing more than a nightmare, but that would be denying reality. Frothy white goo covered most of her crotch, while the sheets beneath them were soaked through with the copious juices they had spilled through the night. Her swollen lips continued to helplessly squeeze the grotesquely thick cock stretching her open.

Its sheer size was enough to make John feel even more inadequate. It had long been a sore point for the man that his erect member wasn’t much larger than his thumb — either in length or girth. He had felt so unbelievingly fortunate that Diane had been willing to overlook this shortcoming. He had attempted dating a couple times after her passing, wishing April to have a mother as she grew up, but the humiliation of having two different women actually laugh at him when they saw what he offered had been far too much to continue the search. Even a prostitute had scoffed then returned his money, saying “come back after you grow up”.

April now lacked the energy needed even to moan, all she could manage were ecstatic little gurgles each time she was penetrated. She was so exhausted it took her almost a minute to even notice that they were no longer alone.

“Oh man, sorry,” August said out of nowhere.

John looked up, realizing his spying had been caught.

“I was gonna tell you over breakfast or something.” August sounded more amused than surprised or upset with the father’s unannounced visit; his simultaneous thrusting slowed but never outright stop.

April shook her head while coming to her senses. It took her some time, her mental state was more than a bit muddled. She had only gotten a couple hours sleep on top of having still been a bit dehydrated when she did fall asleep. Things hadn’t been so bad when she woke; she had been nestled against August’s side, with one of her legs thrown over his thigh and her pussy pressed tight against his leg. She remembered falling asleep curled against his side, so this didn’t seem all that different. It had been the first time she had ever slept with another person in the same bed and it had been immediately comfortable in a way that surprised her quite a lot. She would have expected such a radical change in her usual sleep arrangements to feel very alien, but that wasn’t the case at all. Maybe she had just been too tired to care?

She woke sore but feeling satisfied in a way she had never previously experienced. August had shown her a bunch of different positions the prior night; spoon and cowgirl, in addition to the seated, doggy and missionary they’d already tried, it had been a constant marathon. Everything had been exciting enough that when he suggested a little morning glory it hadn’t taken much talking to convince her. But, now that her father was watching she started to retreat from her dreamy, lust-driven euphoria.

“Blanket ... need the blanket, need to cover...” she mumbled while reaching across the bed for the comforter. But August had an arm wrapped tight about her chest holding her close, his hand groping and toying with her tit.

August must have been rough at some point; John saw large red finger imprints all over his daughter’s chest. He fumed but dare not say anything, this horse had already left the barn.

“Shh babe, relax, it’s okay, he’s your dad,” August whispered. “He’s seen you naked a million times. This isn’t any different. It’s just part of your body ... and part of mine. We’re just having a happy morning connecting the two.”

That explanation was so corny John just about choked. It wasn’t an accurate description of what he was witnessing at all! Each thrust coaxed a bit more semen from April’s wide-stretched pussy. He had a real fear that her genitals had been permanently ruined after being at the mercy of such a large organ.

But, amazing John even more, April did relax. Her thighs, which had squeezed tight in surprise about August’s fingers, spread apart once more, and she lay back again from where she had started to sit up. Not just that, she started teasing the breast August wasn’t molesting with her own hand. In fact, she was so rough that John realized some of the marks had to be self-inflicted!

“Yeah, that’s good. Real good.” August murmured.

And then things grew still worse; August’s efforts must have succeeded. April’s moans took on a new timbre as she started shaking, at the same time her stretched lips started to gulp around the member embedded deep in her vagina. That was evidently enough for August, too. He thrust a couple more times before driving deep once again, only an inch or so of the underside of his cock still visible. John was horrified, both at witnessing that tell-tale pulsing, as well as being unable to pull his eyes away from his daughter having an orgasm as she was inseminated yet again.

On top of just the sights John felt as though he could barely breathe. The air inside the room was stale, thick with the pungent aroma of sex. He tried denying what he was smelling but the distinct scent of pussy lingered. It was horrifying, knowing he was smelling his own daughter’s excited cunt. Added to the scent of sperm and sweat, it made for a primal mixture.

Hoping to avoid embarrassing his daughter any further he made no mention of any of this. But he couldn’t keep from watching. It was mesmerizing seeing a real cock — the kind he had always dreamed of having — dominate a pussy like that. She wasn’t even complaining, her body had adjusted. August had fucked every last trace of virginity out of the girl.

April didn’t even bother dismounting after they had finished. Instead, August helped her sit up, whereupon she spun around without letting his softening cock escape. She immediately lay back down chest-to-chest with her lover, nuzzling at where his shoulder and neck met. His large palms slid down to squeeze her round ass. Her dimpled asshole winked at her father.

It was too much. If John stayed there any longer he’d go crazy, either attack someone - maybe even April! - or perhaps kneel down to worship August’s magnificent cock himself. He gathered what little courage he possessed and spoke up, “Tell you what, how about I go down to the lobby and check whether the issues with our flight are resolved. Maybe I’ll grab some food. You two ... finish up, we’ll talk later. When you’re both dressed. And I strongly recommend you use birth control,” he told them sternly. “April isn’t on the pill. She’s completely unprotected.”

“Sure, man. Whatever,” August replied without bothering to look up.

John was reluctant but he didn’t hav much choice but to accept the situation and leave. It wouldn’t be easy, convincing his daughter to take a morning after pill, considering her strong religious beliefs and personality, but it was certain to be the right call. She would surely regret it even more if she got pregnant from a drunken one-night stand. She might not have saved herself for marriage, but she could still have a normal life with her future husband. Some respectable man.

’Damn fool outta be glad I ain’t got a gay bone in my body,’ August thought. ’Could have that wuss sportin’ a cock-cage and munchin’ cream-pie in less’n a week.’ He kissed April’s ear where she was still resting on his chest, “Hey, baby, how ‘bout we go hit the shower one more time?”

She was tired enough that it took her a few seconds to answer, “Yeah, okay.”

She rolled off to the side of the bed then winced as she stood. A few stretches later and most things felt a whole lot better, everything except for the dull ache right at the soft entrance to her pussy.

Down in the lobby it only took John a few minutes to determine that their flight had been rescheduled. In fact for a time now just a few hours away. Since getting that information was so easy he decided to follow through with his earlier idea and get something to eat. He didn’t dare return to the room while they were still ... No, best not even think about that.

The restaurant was busy, folks seated all around were chatting away. John was thankful to find that they offered breakfast all day. He ordered a couple bacon, egg, and sausage sandwiches along with orange juice.

He had only managed a couple bites when his guts churned again, almost threatening to make him sick. He was desperate to save April, but that was only possible if she wanted to be saved. She wasn’t exactly a victim, even if she was being taken advantage of. The situation was just so complicated. He hoped it didn’t break her heart when August told her that it had been fun but that he didn’t want anything to do with a silly teenage girl.

She would cry, but it would reinforce the idea that sex was a dangerous, unpredictable thing. This time she would wait until she found the one man she would spend the rest of her life with.

Yeah, John thought. It would be okay. She might have had to learn this lesson the hard way, but he would be there for her. She could still have a good life.

With his concerns abated John finally had the appetite to eat the rather bland breakfast sandwidtches the restaurant offered. He still took his time, the view outside was lovely, sun shining on pristine snow. The holidays would be very special, he could hardly wait for the next few days. He and April would put this terrible weekend behind them and life would go on.

It was the perfect plan.

A plan that got a serious jolt the moment he returned to the suite. At least they were dressed and appearred to have cleaned up, and the suitcases were waiting by the door. Both of which John was thankful for. But that was where his thankfulness ended. April was seated on August’s lap and the pair were making out like a couple of teens. Her arms were tight about his neck, while his hands were full of her rear. John took a deep breath and released it, at least August’s hands were outside her skirt!

John coughed to get their attention, “We really gotta get going.”

The pair broke apart, not nearly as quickly as John would have hoped. April blushed as August helped her stand, then smooth out her skirt. The father also hated the quick glances she kept darting in the old man’s direction.

Fortunately, what followed went mostly according to John’s mental checklist. They managed to depart in time and once aboard the airplane were seated well away from August. April had given him one last hug while saying “Thanks” before he boarded. John had let out a relieved breath that the two had not kissed in public. In fact, they had passed him seated in the first class section. He had winked then raised his drink in toast as April walked by.

John spent the entire flight wondering about their last shower, the one they had taken while he was downstairs. Had they fucked one last time, perhaps with her bent over the bathroom counter? Were her panties collecting his virile sperm right that moment? It was a revolting thought, but also very arousing.

John breathed a sigh of relief upon departing the plane, August had already left and couldn’t be seen anywhere. He couldn’t wait to have this terrible episode behind them. But then they were at baggage claim and there he was.

John trailed behind April, much slower, as she rushed over to him.

Hey, I know you two were gonna get a taxi, but I’ve got my rig in long-term here and could give you a ride. Your place is right on the way for me.”

John wanted to reject the offer, to have nothing to do with the evil man who had, in less than a day, so thoroughly wrecked their lives. He wanted to, but April’s smile and the money decided him.

“Thanks, we’ll take you up on that.”

April squealed and gave August another quick hug just before the buzzer sounded and the conveyor started disgorging bags. This, at least, went to plan; all three had their luggage in short order.

John was relieved to discover that August had a sensible vehicle for Colorado in winter, a four-door Chevy Trailblazer. He settled into the bench seat in back while April took the bucket seat up front. The ride home passed with idle chatter, April discussing her hobbies and upcoming plans. Her schedule was already set for the next few days. They’d been too busy over the weekend for her usual exercise routine, she’d need to get back to that before returning to cheer-leading practice.

As promised the ride was soon over, August handed over bags and April gave him one more hug before the pair turned to head inside.

“Actually, you know ... about cheer-leading?” she brought up, a hesitant nervous hitch to her voice, as they neared the door. She had spent much of the trip home considering how to phrase what she had to say next.

She hung back a moment then hurried to catch up, dragging her own bag through some fresh snow as her father struggled with his. She reached the door at almost the same moment. “I was thinking about maybe skipping some of that stuff.”

John shook his head and frowned, wondering what had gotten into his daughter besides the obvious, it was very rare that April skipped anything she was responsible for.

April unlocked the door, “Well, you see, with what all happened ... August asked if I’d be his girlfriend, see whether I like it. Not such a bad idea, It would then be okay what we did, it’s not so unusual for a boyfriend and girlfriend to be active, right?”

John stopped dead in the doorway, staring at April, all of a sudden his bag felt like a lead weight in his hand. It was several seconds before he even understood what she had just said. By the time he had gathered his thoughts she had already closed the door behind them. Had the seminar been a waste? Had he somehow taken a left turn into the Twilight Zone? How could he possibly convince her that August was just using her?

And despite John’s pleas, she did keep seeing August. Over the following weeks she kept in touch with him. For a while she would excused herself for an afternoon here or there. She was able to convince herself that the half-hour walk each way was just healthy exercise. Then, August started showing up on days that April complained about being sore and tired. But after awhile he was the one to make the trip, after all it was only a few minutes drive for him.

A month later and these visits were an almost-daily event, he was practically part of the house. At least he didn’t complain about contributing to the food budget, claimed that cooking for one was boring, and he understood that two wasn’t a whole lot better. To the best of John’s knowledge August had never directly handed April money, but it wouldn’t surprise him if he had.

“That’s exactly how I like it,” August said with a laugh, standing right behind April as she added toppings to premade pizza dough. “I really do love pepperoni, go ahead, add a few more.”

His presence behind her was, of course, entirely superfluous. He was just using the opportunity provided by her being occupied to play touching games with her. At least they thought they were being a bit subtle about it. He would brush her chest before reaching for the cheese, or she would bump her rear against him as she sprinkled olives. Not that it mattered, John knew that he was the only reason they were dressed at all, that if he weren’t home they would be naked, and probably fucking.

John was seated at the dinner table, trying to concentrate on his laptop. Even though this had been going on for more than a month now, he still wasn’t used to it. They were such an improbable couple, and not just their ages. But April kept doing this weird, embarrassed chuckle that he had never heard before. Of course he hadn’t, April had never been ’in love’ before. Her teenage hormones were screaming that he was the one.

“Stop that,” she giggled while giving his hand a playful slap. They both knew it would be back in just a few seconds. “Hey, dad, how ‘bout yours? Dad?”

“Dunno, how about sausage and ham? Maybe Hawaiian?” He wasn’t at all sure what was available, shopping was scheduled for the next day. Shopping for three was so much more complicated than two, even with August tossing plenty of money in to the pot.

As for August, surprising even himself, he had actually been faithful the entire time. Most women would complain about how often he wanted to fuck and he would lose interest after just a couple weeks, if even that long. But April hadn’t demurred even once. And as long as that continued he wasn’t going to complain, no not at all. He had even had the odd day-dream of making it more permanent. That, too, was very unusual. He had never asked any woman that particular question.

August chuckled, giving April’s ass a firm swat that echoed around the kitchen, “Sausage, you hear that? Afraid we’re outta sausage, your daughter already called dibs.”

“C’mon, stop that!” she scolded, her playful giggle told him it was just an act.

“Alright, sorry, babe.” His tone grew more devious. If she didn’t want him paying attention to her ass, there were options he would enjoy even more. But first, he took a quick glance over to where John was seated, making sure the man wasn’t watching. Instead, their gazes met.

John stared, trying to get across the idea that he really didn’t want to see this. It didn’t make a bit of difference, August knew he had already won. In order to make that point unmistakable he slid his hand up under April’s blouse, far enough that his fondling of her unfettered breast was unmistakable.

She didn’t try to stop him. She didn’t want to gasp, to draw her father’s attention to what was going on. She wasn’t aware that he was already watching. She had no idea whatsoever that both men were staring.

August began to kneed April’s breast, sometimes adding a light nipple pinch. John could only watch, he already knew the only reason she didn’t say something was the fact she thought they were being sneaky.

“Perfect, so full and round, the pizzas I mean, sorry.” August continued to take advantage, knowing that the girl couldn’t do much to stop him while she was busy with the food. He was occasionally just a bit rough, forcing a light whimper from the girl.

John looked away, but it was too late. It had been too late a month ago. He should have put his foot down, somehow, and forbidden this relationship. Her subdued moans were proof of what was happening. He wasn’t even sure which he disliked more, their public foreplay, or the knowledge that it wouldn’t be long before one of them came up with an excuse to retire to her room.

That was also his only remaining consolation. They hadn’t bucked up the nerve to go around naked, or fuck where he could see. He was very glad the airport hotel was the only time he’d actually had to watch his daughter’s vagina being split wide by August’s monster erection. It was humiliating and embarrassing! Worse, his recollection of that night and mornening were so vivid, every detail committed to memory. Including the way August’s manhood had pulsed and throbbed as it delivered its payload deep in to April’s unprotected vagina. The old pervert was so very casual about dumping his loads inside her.

John reluctantly raised his head, allowing his eyes to wander up his daughter’s smooth legs, along her thighs, lingering at her crotch. Her leggings hugged her body so tight the camel-toe outline of his daughter’s labia were clear to see.

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