Rock My World - Cover

Rock My World

Copyright© 2024 by SM William

Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 - Cory has a bad crush on a bad boy in the band called Twisted. She only has eyes for the lead singer. She has a big trust fund that allows her to follow the band throughout the country and overseas. At about the 6th show, she wears a wife beater t-shirt that barely covers her double d breasts. Brandon finally notices her and invites her backstage. She finds out that Brandon is not your typical rock star. He is reserved until the orgies start. Then things get interesting between Cory and Brandon.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cheating   Light Bond   Spanking   Group Sex   Orgy   White Male   White Female   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Facial   Tit-Fucking   Nudism  

Danny sneaks out of the room without anyone seeing him. I hop in the shower because my face is incredibly sticky. I dry my hair in the room, so no one knows I had to take a shower after Danny was done with me. My ass is a little sore, but that was worth it. Danny is a fast fuck but a good one. I’ll remember that just in case I need him for another night. I’m hoping I won’t, but I don’t know where Brandon’s head is tonight. Maybe he’s done with me. If that’s the case I might head back home and move on to the next part of my life.

I finally am pissed off enough at Brandon that I end up in the master bedroom and start to pack my stuff to move to the second bedroom. I’ll stay tonight, but I’ll be gone before he wakes up in the morning. I can’t figure this whole night out. He ignores me all night. When I sleep with someone else, he doesn’t even pay attention. I do another guy right next to where he’s sitting, and he doesn’t even notice. I wonder if I did something wrong earlier in the day that I didn’t realize. Maybe that’s the case.

It’s about 3:00 in the morning and almost everyone is gone. Brandon is saying goodbye to people when he notices I’m moving my stuff to the second bedroom. He comes into the second bedroom and says, “What are you doing? Cory, what’s wrong?” I can’t believe what I just heard. I look at him and say, “Are you fucking kidding me? You were fucking that little hottie all night and didn’t once pay attention to me. Why would you do that? You know how I feel about you. If you had asked me to join in on a threesome with her, I at least wouldn’t have felt ignored. I’m not like the other groupies. I have plenty of money and can start my career at any time. I don’t need you or your band. I won’t be ignored. I’m worth more than that.” Baby calm down! Says Brandon. “I was giving you the chance to be with some other guys tonight. I wanted you to know that you can have a little fun with some of the guys and I won’t get jealous. I saw you go into the second bedroom with Ian and Danny. They are great guys, so I wasn’t worried about you. I thought you would like to sample some of the other guys and what they have to offer.” “That’s bullshit, Brandon! I want to be with you only. I’m not interested in marrying you right now, but I thought you at least respected me enough to tell me you found someone you wanted to play with and would like to join. She was beautiful. I would have loved being in on a threesome with you. That’s all I wanted.

I fucked those other guys because I was so mad at you! I just want you, Brandon. I really like you. Not because you’re a rock star. Because you are a nice guy who seemed to care about me. I hate that I fucked those other guys just to get back at you. I don’t want to do this anymore. I think I need to go home. I’ll sleep in the second bedroom tonight and I’ll be out of here before you wake up tomorrow.” The look on Brandon’s face looks a little like terror. He’s completely lost at my statement. It’s like someone just hit him on the head with a cartoon hammer. Brandon says, “I thought you would like a night where you could pick some other guys to sleep with. So many of the girls share the guys just to keep things interesting. The guys do the same.

I had no idea you felt that strongly about me. Cory, I’m really sorry. I was so wrong thinking I was doing you a favor. I thought you must have been sick of me by now and would want a little extra spice in your life. I was wrong. Please don’t leave, Cory. You mean so much to me. You are not like the other girls. The one from tonight had about half a brain. She just wouldn’t go away. I won’t lie, she was great in bed but that doesn’t matter if I lose you. I thought I was doing something nice for you. I’m too used to the rock and roll lifestyle. Everyone shares like this. It keeps everyone happy and keeps the party from getting boring. Obviously, you’re not like the normal crowd. I should have known that. Please stay, Cory. I don’t want to lose you. I thought I was doing something nice for you. Did you have fun with Ian and Danny? Were they not good to you? I thought they would both be perfect. I know you’ve been looking at both of them during the last party. Ian has a big cock and Danny likes it rough. I knew you would like that. I kind of set it up. I told both of those guys that if you came to them to fool around, go ahead and do it.” I reply, “Oh, so you set that up too? I thought I could get a man by myself but obviously, I needed your help. God Brandon, you really made me mad. I have to think about whether I’m staying or not. Let me think about it by myself for a while. If I’m here in the morning, then I’m giving you another chance to love me. I know that’s a dirty couple of words in the rock and roll industry. Well, let me tell you right now, I love you, Brandon. But I won’t ever be treated like this again. I’ll sleep in the second bedroom tonight. You’ll know in the morning if I’m going to stay. If not, I’ll be gone. I’m sorry Brandon. I don’t want to hurt you, but I feel like you hurt me tonight. Just give me tonight. You’ll know in a few hours. Go to bed. I will sleep in the second bedroom so I can think. It’s already late and you have a show tomorrow. Just give me some time. Maybe I’ll cool off enough that we can talk and figure this out.

I set my alarm for 10:00 in the morning knowing that Brandon would sleep into the afternoon. At 10 I went down to have some breakfast by myself. I needed to have the extra time to think about whether or not I was leaving. After thinking about it for a while, I realized that I was no better than Brandon. I fucked two different guys while he was playing with his new toy. If I was so offended and hurt, I shouldn’t have fucked those two guys. I was no better than Brandon. Maybe I too wanted to fuck someone different. Maybe we should do this every once in a while so that we still end up being together but never getting bored.

When I woke up, I came back into the room and crawled into bed with Brandon. He stirred and woke up. It was 11:30 so he was awake. When I looked up at him, he said, “I’m so sorry, Cory. If you don’t want me to see anyone else, I won’t. I can’t lose you. I just wish I had come clean with you before I started anything with that other girl. I just got caught up in the moment. She had a beautiful body but not as nice as yours. I just thought you would like a night where you could have anyone you wanted and not feel guilty.” I said, “It took me a while to understand your thought process. When I finally did, it made more sense than I thought. You don’t want our relationship to get stale, right? He nodded his head. I replied, “I understand that now. But not telling me that was what we were doing last night meant I had a whole evening of being angry at you. I hated it. If you haven’t figured it out yet I’m falling hard for you. We have so much fun together and the sex is off the charts. I’ve never felt this way. I never got jealous before. I never had to. Guys would never ignore me. You did last night. That’s why I got so mad. But I also have to admit I did enjoy having sex with Ian and Danny. They were both different as a sexual partner. I’m sure you feel the same way about ... What was her name?” He said, “Her name was Amber. Smoking hot body, half a brain. I had no idea how much I would miss having someone I could talk to who had a whole brain that worked. But I promise from now on, if I want to do that again I won’t leave you out of the loop. If you want me to set you up with someone different or just have you pick your own guy that will be fine. If you decide that’s what you need some evening, please tell me so I know what you’re doing.” We decided that we would always be open with each other, letting the other know what we wanted to do. I kissed him deeply, grabbing his cock and stroking it.

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