Wings of Fire - Cover

Wings of Fire

Copyright© 2018 by C.H. Darkstrider

Chapter 4

Action/Adventure Sex Story: Chapter 4 - In an alternate universe, with events not too unlike our own, young James Brighton is put in a tough spot as he loses everything dearest to him. Upon her death, his mother leaves him a letter, informing Jim of family that he still has! In the search for his lost family, join James and his friends as they embark on a high flying adventure which will test them in ways they haven't imagined and reveal the truth of who they are!

Caution: This Action/Adventure Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Historical   War   Sharing   Group Sex   Polygamy/Polyamory   Interracial   Black Male   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Oriental Male   Oriental Female   Hispanic Male   Hispanic Female   Indian Female   Black Couple   White Couple   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Masturbation   Safe Sex   Sex Toys   Tit-Fucking   BBW   Big Breasts  

Sunlight streamed through the bay window as the airship carried on through the sky. The first few rays hit James in the face as he blinked against it, trying to shut the light out. He turned back over, draping his arm over the buxom woman he lay next to. She groaned happily at the motion, waking slightly at the contact.

Michelle then pressed her ass into James’ groin, sensing his morning wood. Feeling her plush ass push itself into his raging erection jolted him awake instantly. He then propped himself up, the surge in his loins forcing blood and adrenaline to every extremity. He stretched, cracking a few joints as he did so, coming back to fully wakefulness.

“Well, it seems that your soldier is happy to see me this morning. Think you’re up for a quickie?” Michelle asked coyly.

Hearing this invitation, James grabbed her leg and hoisted it up, making access to her moist channel easier. She cooed in delight as he lined his swollen member up with her slit and pushed it in, filling her up. James groaned as he went all the way to the hilt, his balls slapping her lips.

He then slid in and out, seeking to make her squirm once again. She shimmied her ass and bucked as much as she could against him; the angle hitting several delicious spots. Even though she was still a bit sore from last night, Michelle enjoyed the sensation of being filled up like this. The angle at which he penetrated her had her rifling through a minigasm in no time at all, shivering with sensation.

Sensing he’d gotten her off, James withdrew his cock, then shifted so that he had her in a missionary position. He re-entered her then, making her squeal with anticipation as he stuffed her pussy with his cock. James then pounded her little quim, seeking his own release now that she’d had hers.

Even though she’d just cum from his earlier attention, the captain could feel another peak rising within her. This one, though, would be a full and proper orgasm, which she was certain would leave her trembling. Feeling his hard dick plunder her secret treasure, Michelle moaned and squeaked with ecstasy.

James was getting near, as he could feel his balls boiling in anticipation of his release. He kept up the pace, wanting nothing more than to empty himself into this little whore of a mercenary captain. Just as he was getting close, he felt Michelle’s inner walls contract, gripping his cock like a velvet vise.

The pressure it put on his cock sent him over the edge and he burst, unloading a torrent of his seed deep into her. He shouted for a moment before he got his voice under control and moaned loudly. She joined him in expressing her carnal bliss, squealing like a wounded animal, enjoying the high she was on.

The two of them lay like that for a while yet, just enjoying the carnal embrace they were in. Leaning over her, James kissed the captain, liking the feeling of her lips against his. Michelle kissed him back, enjoying the moment for a while longer, before pushing him on the chest.

“As much as I’d like to continue this all day, Jim, I have a ship to run and you have a deal to uphold,” she said with a wink as she crawled out of bed.

“True enough, though, if last night was any sign of what’s ahead, I am more than eager to uphold my side of the bargain ... Micky,” he replied as he stood up next to the bed.

“Micky? Sounds cute and feminine when you say it, so I’ll let you call me that, but only when we’re alone. Understand?” she said, shooting him a serious look.

“Absolutely, Captain!” he said, saluting her while he was nude. She giggled, then beckoned him over as she went to a door that was hidden behind some more ornate wall hangings. James walked over, bewildered that she was calling him over when he saw nothing there. Moving the tapestry, she revealed a door hidden behind it, then opened it, showcasing a marvelous and luxurious bathroom.

“Wow!” James said as he took in the lavish décor. It had a large tub in one corner and a shower in another, which was just as large. On a small wooden shelf sat several large towels and grooming supplies, mostly for her. But James spotted a few items that were meant for men. Such as a comb, shaving soap, a horsehair brush, and a few other amenities.

“Sadly, there is no time for a bath right now, as I have my duties as a captain and you need to get to work, so we shower, get dressed and we can get straight to it,” she told him.

Smirking, James walked into the spacious shower stall and started the water. He let it warm up first, before he beckoned to Michelle, who walked under the hot needle spray, moaning at the feeling. The two of them drenched themselves in the steaming water, letting it cascade over their bodies. Remembering the day ahead of them, they both picked up soap and washed quickly.

Once they were cleaned, James shut the water off before grabbing a towel. Captain Greyheart was already drying and brushing out her long ginger locks, humming merrily all the while. James smiled as he grabbed a brush, a small bowl, shaving soap, and the straight-edge razor. Even though he wasn’t sure when he’d need to get to work, he made sure to do a proper job on his face.

He went over every inch as fast as he dared, making sure not to cut himself as he removed every trace of stubble. Once his face was bare again, he dried off the rest of himself and stepped back out into the captain’s quarters, after taking a peek out the door.

“My men won’t just walk in,” Michelle stated as she finished brushing, before dropping the towel, walking past James in the nude. “They will either knock before they enter of try me on the intercom.”

A moment later, the intercom buzzed, hailing her.

“Captain Greyheart, are you awake, ma’am?” a feminine voice came through.

“That’s affirmative Gertrude. Your timing is impeccable, as always. I just got out of the shower,” she replied, pressing the comm button.

“Splendid! Shall I have breakfast sent up to your quarters, then?” Gertrude replied, her voice conveying a slight English accent.

“Yes please. Send enough for two, as Mr. James Brighton is joining me, as we discuss matters concerning the ship and the state of our fleet,” she responded.

“Very good, ma’am. It will be up in about fifteen minutes. Everything is just finishing in the ovens before I can send it up. Galley out,” the woman finished before the line went dead.

“There is little that goes about on this ship that I am not aware of, or made aware of,” Michelle told James as she got dressed.

She selected an outfit similar to the one she wore yesterday, but in purple rather than red. James, too, got dressed, picking a blank uniform he’d taken from the decommissioned base. He wanted something he wouldn’t mind getting dirty since he might likely be doing more than looking over the state of the Crimson Sky’s fighters.

“Despite the colors of that cloth, you look good in a uniform,” Michelle complimented him.

“Thank you! And if I may, Captain, you look ... delectable in purple. You cut a good figure in that greatcoat!” James fired back.

“Ooooh! If we hadn’t had that extra bit when we woke, I might just be tempted to have you on my desk. But as it is, I am well satiated ... for now,” she told him with a twinkle in her eye.

“So then, captain, about the gold I am keeping, is there a place in which I can stow it? I know that this is your ship and the crew will obey you, but I would like to keep it somewhere away from prying eyes,” James told her.

“I have just the place,” she replied as she stood and turned back towards the bed.

Captain Greyheart moved her hands about the floor for a moment before she found a specific catch in it that she was looking for. She flipped it open and drew a key from within her coat, inserting it into a small keyhole. After unlocking the hidden door at her feet, it sprang open on well-oiled hinges, revealing a safe door beneath it.

“A hidden safe, right by the foot of your bed?” James asked as he angled around to get a good look.

“It’s the last place that anyone would think to look. Anyone else would think to search around my desk or the walls, which is too obvious. Now, if you wouldn’t mind,” she said to James, while she did a twirling motion with her finger.

Nodding, James turned around, showing her his back as she unlocked the safe. He figured it was a reasonable precaution, considering they only became lovers a few hours ago. Even though he wasn’t allowed to see the combination, she was putting a lot of trust in him with this knowledge. She could have just as easily slit his throat and taken everything off him. He was grateful for the level of trust she was extending.

James thought to himself for a moment, thinking this woman had gone through much. Though the ship was sizable, it had seen better days and her crew was much smaller than it should have been. He’d also seen what looked like bullet holes around the command tower and he could tell that they were recent.

“It’s open! If you would mind bringing everything here?” she asked him, snapping James out of his contemplations. James turned around and saw the safe door ajar, then walked over to take the gold and the cash from Michelle’s desk.

“I have room for everything of value here and don’t worry, your gold bars will be safe,” Michelle told him, stashing the money he gave her.

“I will get them back when we’ve reached our destination?” James asked as he passed her the bars one at a time.

“Or the cash equivalent. The Indigenous chit and the Republican dollar are on par with each other, so you’ll get a fair price for the gold. Provided you have a proper way of talking and negotiating with people,” she told him, as she stowed each bar carefully.

“That is a skill I do not possess. Maybe, since you are the captain of this fine vessel, you could teach me?” he wondered, hopeful.

“I may teach you something, but not everything. Some things you will have to learn for yourself,” Captain Greyheart told him.

“That’s fair. Well then, captain, while we wait, shall we discuss the state of the ship and your fleet?” James asked.

“Yes, we should! What plans do you have to help me restore your fleet back to what I want it to be?” she asked him.

“Well, that depends on what I have to work with as far as planes, materials, and weapons are concerned. When we were bargaining earlier, I noted how you were upset for a moment when I asked if you were desperate for the money the gold would bring. I also noted a few things about your ship and your crew. I’m guessing that you have fallen on hard times then?” James queried. Another flash of anger bloomed on the captain’s beautiful face, marring her features.

“A sensitive topic then. I will leave it be,” he replied.

“No, it’s fine!” she said gruffly. “You’ll find out sooner or later, I suppose, so it’s best you hear it from me. We are under-crewed at the moment, due to the fact that we had to suppress an attempted mutiny recently.”

“A mutiny?” James asked, surprised.

“Aye. My first mate and a small contingent of the crew she brought over to her side tried to wrest control of the ship from me. It happened some months ago and has been responsible for our current state as it is. Blood was spilled and lives were lost, on both sides,” the captain went on. Although each admission was painful, she continued on with her tale.

“This cabal of mutineers tried to take the command tower and control several arteries of the ship. Though they tried to hold what they took, we eventually overcame them and brought the survivors to the deck to be judged and punished. Sadly though, the main three who instigated this mutiny in the first place, got away.”

“How did they get away?” James asked cautiously.

“Once it was clear that we had the upper hand and their little coup failed, they stole three of our best planes and took off. Despite the stolen planes and the betrayal, good riddance!” Michelle said vehemently.

“Betrayal is something I’m all too familiar with,” James muttered.

“I suppose you would be with what your uncle has done to maintain control of what should be yours,” Michelle replied. “But let’s not speak too much of the past. What we should discuss is the future!”

“Agreed, Captain! If I may bring out the plans I took back and show you the design I came up with?”

“Please do!”

With that, James went to his duffle and retrieved his blueprints and some of the others so he could show the captain what he had in mind. He also retrieved the notebook with the parts list, while the odd-looking notebook was temporarily forgotten.

Laura was helping both Gertrude and her assistant, Flora, with making fresh croissants, frittatas and frying up bacon and sausage. She helped with dicing up fruit and baking biscuits to go with the frittatas. Once she was done with getting those chores done, she was to help Flora with the cleanup of several stoves.

Though it was work she wasn’t used to, Laura enjoyed herself, as she felt she had a life that was too soft. She tried to insist that she learn how to cook properly, and her mother had taught her a little. That was before Manfredo had found them and told them sternly that cooking and baking is what the servants were for. That the ladies of the house shouldn’t be lowering themselves to such menial tasks.

Thankfully, Laura wasn’t deterred by her father’s rant and kept sneaking in to help the cooks and servants. She was of the opinion that she should learn how to cook, because she felt it was a skill you learned for life, whether you were a man or woman. Her thoughts ended the moment she finished wiping down the counters and turning back to Gertrude, she waited for further orders.

“Good girl! You finished your clean up quick. Now, take this tray down to Captain Greyheart’s quarters. Swoop there will be your guide,” she said as she finished putting the tray together, covering it.

Laura scooped up the tray and balanced it a bit precariously before finding her feet. She then turned and eyed the swarthy Native American man who stood there, keeping an eye on her. He smiled at her once her gaze was focused on him and she had to admit; he had a gorgeous smile. As she approached, the tall man turned about, leading her from the starboard based galley.

He set a brisk pace, and she managed to keep up with her silent guide as he led her deeper into the ship. After several turns and a few jaunts down various corridors, they came to a more endearing part of the ship. The cherry wood paneling made Laura smile at its beauty, but she still maintained her pace with Swoop.

He eventually came to the end of the corridor, stopping at the door at the very end of it. As gently as he could, the man rapped on the door, announcing his arrival. “Come!” a feminine voice said on the other side of the portal. He took the knob in hand and turned, admitting both him and Laura into the Captain’s quarters.

“Breakfast, Ma’am,” Swoop replied in a gentle voice.

“Ah! Good timing, as I am starving!” the captain replied as Laura walked in with the tray, setting it on the table carefully.

“Thank you, Ms. Marino! Swoop, head back to your duties. Ms. Marino, you may return to the galley for the morning. If Gertrude has nothing else for you to do, then please stop by, as I wish to speak with you later,” Michelle ordered.

“Yes, Ma’am!” both Laura and Swoop said at once. They both left, with Laura casting an eye at James, then smirked on her way out.

Both James and Michelle dug into the breakfast with gusto, their earlier activities having gnawed a hole in their stomachs. In a matter of fifteen minutes, all that remained of the food was crumbs. Both lovers were sipping on their coffees as they continued chatting about what James would do for her planes and her ship.

“Well, Mr. Brighton, I think now is the time for action. Wouldn’t you say?” Michelle stated as she stood up.

“Yes, ma’am!” James said enthusiastically, eager to get to work.

“Head over to the hangar bay and report to Ernie Black Sr. and Ernie Black Jr. They will give you the rundown of what needs to be done. Also, feel free to select one of the vacant cabins nearby the hangar, to stow your things,” she told him, handing James back his Katana and the revolver.

Taking the items, James put them in his bag and hefting it, left the captain’s quarters. He made his way down into the bowels of the ship, seeking the hangar. He went down several decks and by the way it felt; he was sure he was getting close to the bottom. Eventually, after taking a few walks down several corridors, James found his way to the hangar and glimpsed what it was that he had to work with.

The cavernous space was mostly filled with old war planes that had seen better days. He noted that there were several Corsairs that were tucked away and the appeared to be well used. James also saw a few Mustangs and Wildcats, all of which were beat to hell, probably due to excessive use. He also spotted a trio of well maintained Warhawks and three P-38 Lightnings that looked like they were about to fall apart.

James didn’t have to look very far to see his plane, which stood out like a jewel amongst rocks. He walked on over, proud of the fact that he’d taken back what was his to begin with. He was about to turn around and look into which vacant cabin he’d take when a slightly cantankerous voice startled him.

“So, you’re the new guy?”

James’ head whipped around, and he saw that the voice’s owner was a very large and very impressive man. He stood taller than James did, at about six-foot-one, brown hair, blistered with silver-grey streaks, and hard brown eyes. He looked to be a fit man, judging by his stance and the way he carried himself, it reminded James of a military man. He stood there, looking James over as one might look over a tool or instrument. He wore black coveralls, with a white cotton shirt and blue jeans underneath them.

“Mr. Black?”

“None of this Mister nonsense. The boys aboard call me Ernie and you should, too. I’m guessing that you’re the kid I was informed of. James was it? You don’t look like much, but you can’t judge anyone based on their appearance alone. C’mon kid, I’ll show you around,” Ernie told him.

James fell into step as Ernie went into detail about everything they had and what tools and materials they were working with. There were several areas that were attached to the main hangar. All of which served to craft the parts needed to repair and maintain their fleet of planes. They had a workshop, foundry and even a small machine shop, where new engine cylinders and such could be fabricated when needed.

James was impressed with the facilities that were aboard the ship but was less impressed with how dated they were. That was mitigated by how everything appeared to be maintained religiously. There was also the fact that whatever he saw, there was a place for everything and everything in its place. James commented on this and received an almost immediate reply.

“That’s my son’s doing. He’s the one who takes the time to organize everything and keep it all where it’s supposed to be. At first, I found it one hell of an annoyance, but after I got used to it, I’ve found it to be immensely helpful. The boy is like his mother that way, stubborn and willful, but you learn eventually that his way is the better way,” Ernie commented fondly.

“So, as I understand it, you’ve been having yourself some trouble with maintaining these airplanes?” James prompted.

“Damn straight! Although I’m a mechanic, I’m no machinist and I’m best suited to maintaining the airplanes. I’m not very inventive, though Junior is, but most of his ideas aren’t practical,” Ernie groused.

“Maybe some of his ideas can be, if they are applied in the correct measure and from the proper angle,” James interjected.

“Maybe, but I’m no idea man. Although some of his ideas have been useful from time to time,” Ernie replied. They stopped in front of James’ plane and Ernie couldn’t help but smile.

“Now this beauty, this is one hell of an idea made into reality. Whoever designed this piece of machinery was someone who was truly inspired,” he said with admiration.


“Absolutely! It’s a well built and properly designed airplane! I wish we had someone that talented, designing planes for us and improving our current planes!” Ernie said sincerely.

“Well, wish granted,” James told him, grinning like an idiot.


“You just met the designer, good sir!” James told him with pride.

“Bullshit! You’re telling me you designed and built this marvel? You’re pulling my leg!” Ernie balked.

“Well, designed it, yes. Built it, I did not, but I wish I had. But allow me to take you through everything this plane is capable of,” James said. He then launched into a fully detailed explanation of all the plane’s features and showcasing some of the more prominent ones. Ernie was floored by how much the kid knew about the plane and was convinced that he was talking to the original designer.

“You really have a knack for this, kid! I’m sold! You got the blueprints for this beaut?” Ernie asked him, giddy as a kid on Christmas morning. In response, James opened his duffle bag and showed Ernie the tubes containing the blueprints. Excited beyond all belief, the big man led James to a small office that was reminiscent of the offices back at the Marino Airfield.

Once inside, James pulled out the tubes and checked them all until he found the relevant one and placed it on the drafting table. He also retrieved the notebook with the list of materials and parts that were required to craft the plane. The two of them were going over the list and the specs of the plane when another person walked into the room.

“Hey dad. This the new guy Tex was yammering about?” a baritone voice uttered behind them. James turned around and got a good look at Ernie Black Jr. He stood taller than his dad, at around six-foot-three and was built much like his father. The biggest difference between the men was that Jr.’s skin was a darker hue, more like that of caramels.

He was also possessed of a strong jawline and blue eyes, which were alert and rarely missed anything. His voice was also gentler than his dad’s, with a softer edge to it. He kept his hair cut short and close to his head, like most men of African heritage did. He wore similar getup to his father’s, but he wore khakis beneath his coveralls, rather than jeans.

“That’s right, son. This here is James, and he’s the man that not only flew that beaut to our ship, he also designed it! James, this is my son, Ernie Jr.,” Ernie Sr. said by way of introduction and James and Jr. shook hands.

“Ready to get to work?” Sr. asked his son.

“Yeah, but you should head on back to your quarters. Zhade is asking for you,” Jr. informed his father. Hearing that, Ernie was pained to have to leave, but knew that he should head on back.

“All right. I’ll be back later, but go over the plans and everything we have here. This is a gold mine and it will put us back on top!” Ernie Sr. enthused. “Don’t worry about a thing, Jim. You’re in good hands.”

The older man left just then, heading off to the exit, going deeper into the ship. Both young men watched him go and then turned to face each other when he had left.

“Zhade?” James asked.

“My little sister, who just turned eight not long ago. She loves being with mom, but is a daddy’s girl, through and through,” Ernie Jr. chuckled.

“Ah! I see! I’m going to take a guess that your mom is a black woman?” James asked tentatively.

“Yeah, she is!” Ernie replied, his mood going sour instantly. “You got a problem with a man who’s half black?”

“Take a good look at me Ernie and tell me if you think I would have a problem with it,” James told him evenly, trying to calm the man, but also challenging him. Jr. narrowed his eyes and gave James a good look over before his face changed from anger to contrition.

“Damn! Sorry man! At first glance, it’s tough to tell that you’re not all white,” Ernie apologized.

“It’s perfectly all right. We’ve all got shit we deal with, so it’s no big deal,” James told the man.

“Thanks man! So, I was told that you landed here on the ship and were only a hair’s breadth away from being gunned down. But I want to know how you got here, the story of what led you to getting your hands on this plane in the first place,” Ernie asked him as he relaxed.

Smirking, James told the same tale to Ernie as he told Captain Greyheart, leaving only his encounters and the money out of the story. Ernie was appalled at the greed and arrogance of the men who had wronged James so grievously. Though he was heartened by his audacity at stealing the plane and was duly impressed with his flying skills. James finished his story and Ernie just sat there, wide eyed and amazed.

“Holy fuck! You’ve gone through some tough shit, man! I’m surprised that you carried on! That horseshit you went through would have broken lesser men!” Ernie stated.

“Well, thank you for that!” James replied, accepting the compliment gracefully.

“Watch your language, young man!” an authoritative female voice groused. Both men turned immediately to look at the voice’s owner and James was again awed by a woman of graceful beauty. Ernie Sr. shadowed her, while he tried to mind a giggling little girl that was going back and forth between him and her mother.

Her skin was darker than Ernie Jr.’s, more like a milk chocolate in hue. She stood at about five-foot-eight, with short and curly dark brown hair and light brown eyes. Her features reminded James of the paintings and portraits he’d seen of various African-American women. Timeless, classical and beautiful. She looked to be close in age to both her son and James rather than older than they were.

She also had the perfect hourglass shape that many women would have killed for, with hips sitting at around forty-two inches around. She also possessed a pair of breasts that were bigger than Captain Greyheart’s, but only just at a forty J cup. Having never seen a black woman so beautiful in real life, James was almost instantly smitten with her.

Though he managed to conceal it from the Black men as he introduced herself and Ernie Sr. introduced his wife as Mrs. Raeni Black. Though it was a formal introduction, Raeni brushed it off and told James otherwise.

“Here on this ship, you don’t have to call me Mrs. Black. You can call me Mama Rae if you like. I see that you and Jr. are getting on well and that’s good to see. I take it we have you to thank for that lovely breakfast we have had this morning then?” she asked him, while minding Zhade, who clutched at her skirts, peeking out from behind them.

“No ma’am. For that, you’ll have to thank Ms. Laura Marino, as she was in the galley this morning and was responsible for making it,” James told her. “She came with me on the plane when I landed on the airship last night.”

“Ah! Well, I will have to thank her for that! Never had a traditional Italian breakfast like that before,” she replied, a note of affection in her voice. “So, you’re the source of all the hubbub from last night, then? How is it you found yourself here?”

James made to tell the tale, but Jr. told her instead, thinking James could use a break from storytelling. She listened attentively, as did Ernie Sr., having only been told bits and pieces of the whole story. Jr. did a good job of telling it, only making a few minor goofs about how events happened.

“Though I wouldn’t use as colorful language as my son likes to use,” she said, shooting Ernie Jr. a meaningful glare. “I will agree and say it is a wonder that your spirit hasn’t been broken by all that abuse. You are stronger than most men and you will become stronger still. I can always tell strong men from weak ones,” she continued, giving her husband a loving look.

“Let me tell you this, James; Do right by the Crimson Sky and they will do right by you. I swear by their honesty, bravery, and loyalty,” she finished. With that, the older couple excused themselves to go and take Zhade for some playtime, and to do learning with her. This left James and Ernie Jr. to go over the plans.

Both men engrossed themselves in everything that was to be done. James had some ideas he thought could work with the planes as they were. Ernie was curious if any of the design ideas that were part of James’ plane could be incorporated into their fleet. They put their heads together, trying to come up with some viable plans and ideas.

Laura was helping with the lunch prep when Swoop showed up at the galley, telling her the captain wished to speak with her. Knowing this was coming, she had told Gertrude, and the woman nodded to her when Swoop relayed the message. Doffing her apron, Laura followed the big man back to the officer’s deck, and he knocked on the door, announcing their arrival.

“Ms. Marino, here per your request, captain,” he said as he opened the door at the captain’s invitation.

“Thank you Swoop. That will be all,” Michelle told him, dismissing the man with a wave of her hand.

“You wanted to see me, Captain?” Laura asked timidly, intimidated by the older woman who sat in front of her, going over some papers.

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