Gaia's Champion - Cover

Gaia's Champion

Copyright© 2018 by C.H. Darkstrider

Chapter 10

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 10 - Jason Bjornsson is off camping with a group of friends, when he stumbles upon something quite unexpected. He learns that the creatures of fairy tales and imagination are in fact real! He finds himself drawn into their world, not just because of their plight, but because of a hidden power that he can wield to aid them!

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Magic   Reluctant   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fairy Tale   Paranormal   Sharing   Group Sex   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Interracial   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Safe Sex   Sex Toys   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   Big Breasts  

Jason’s alarm went off, waking him out of a peaceful and relaxing dream. He felt the two women next to him, Phalmina and Xaera, moaning in frustration as they made protesting noises about the alarm. Groaning as he got up, Jason reached over and shut it down, to both his and the ladies’ relief. He sighed and closed his eyes and felt their loving embrace all over him.

A ray of sunlight peeked through the curtains, warming up Jason’s skin nicely. He sighed as the sun reminded him of his work obligations that day and he made to get up. Just then, he heard a scream of pain and saw a flash of blue bolt out of bed, away from the sunlight. Xaera was huffing and puffing and clutching her arm, as though she was wounded.

“What’s wrong?” Jason wondered as he padded over to where Phalmina was comforting Xaera.

“Though Xaera is only half troll, she apparently has inherited a troll’s weakness to sunlight,” Phalmina explained.

“So, her walking outside on a sunny day is...”

“Impossible, or she will no longer be living stone and flesh, but pure stone,” the fairy told him and showed him the mark on Xaera’s arm. Where the sun had touched was a small area, but Jason could see the damage done to it. Where it had been a rich blue, her skin had turned to a greyish concrete color. Thankfully, the blue was creeping in and soon overtook the grey, banishing the ugly color.

“How... ?” Jason began.

“A troll’s healing capability is legendary, surpassed only by that of a dragon. Wounds that would incapacitate or potentially kill any other being, a troll can shrug off without issue. Their only real weakness being pure sunlight, which will kill them almost instantly,” Phalmina supplied.

“Speaking of which, we probably should have gone out last night to reactivate the portal stone,” Jason said, facepalming himself as he remembered.

“And I blame you for that mister!” Phalmina griped.

“What? It’s not like I told you to frig yourself to an orgasm so intense, you couldn’t think straight,” Jason shot back. Xaera giggled and nodded, seeing that Jason had the right of this argument. Phalmina hmphed and turned on her heel, heading for the bathroom.

“Are you sure that you’re going to be OK, Xaera?” Jason asked, looking over her arm.

“I will be all right, thank you. Like Mina said, my ability to heal myself is rarely surpassed. As long as my exposure to sunlight isn’t great, I can recover from it,” Xaera told him with a smile.

The troll woman then kissed Jason, to thank him for his concern. Her hands started roaming all across his naked body, as his did with hers. Jason growled as he could feel himself getting hard again, which was helped along by Xaera’s hands. The man moaned as he wanted this to continue very much, but he stopped his troll lover before he got too hard.

“As much as I’d like this to continue Xaera, I have obligations to work today,” he told her. Xaera then visibly pouted, thinking she was being shut down after he had her once.

“But that doesn’t mean that I won’t want to finish this when I get back,” he told her with a grin. Xaera’s face then brightened, and she hugged him, holding him close to her. Jason hugged her back, knowing that he would likely be taking the troll woman to bed regularly. Not that he minded, as he had a lot of lost time to make up for.

“Will I be joining you two in said ... fun times?” Phalmina asked as she walked out of the bathroom.

“But of course!” Jason told her as he moved make use of the bathroom, swatting her ass as he walked past. Phalmina yipped at the blow and glared at Jason playfully as he chuckled and disappeared into the bathroom. He popped out of a few minutes later, and walked to the kitchen, fixing the three of the breakfast.

“So, what are we going to do until night falls?” the fairy woman asked.

“I have a few ideas. You two ever heard of television?” Jason asked as fried up a pack of bacon. Both women shook their heads, never really having experienced modern technology.

“In this case, you two are in for a treat!” he told them with a chuckle. He directed them to sit on the couch as he made their eggs and toast. He then had Phalmina pick up the Xbox One controller and press the power button on it. The looks on their faces was priceless when they jumped back, scared of what was happening on the TV.

“It won’t hurt you ladies, so relax! Mina, breakfast,” he told her as he brought their plates over. Looking down at the plate, Phalmina smiled and dug into the food. Xaera was similarly engaged with her plate, which was heaped with double of what Jason gave his fairy lover.

“Now, if I can get your attention ladies, we call this a ‘controller’, which is used to control that device right there,” Jason explained.

He took them through the ins and outs of working an Xbox, and how to navigate the myriad of programs on them. Both women were astounded by Netflix, Crave and Amazon. There were so many shows that they were wondering what to choose! Jason helped them by getting them started on Outlander, which was a book series that he enjoyed as well.

As the Gaians were busy with the show, Jason fixed his own breakfast and munched on it. He watched the ladies’ fascination with the show and how they appeared enthralled with it. Chuckling to himself, he finished wolfing down his food, selected a set of working clothes and got dressed.

“You ladies going to be ok?” he asked, as Jason grabbed his keys.

“Don’t interrupt the show!” Mina groused and Xaera growled in agreement.

Laughing, Jason let himself out, letting the women know that he’d be back later. Making his way down the stairs, Jason felt like a million bucks. He danced across the lobby and let himself outside, walking along to the bus stop. He would have kept going, but something stopped him, something ... odd.

Jason craned his head, looking around for the oddity. He found it almost immediately, in the form of two well-dressed men, who were standing by a white Audi. They seemed out of place in this bohemian neighbourhood, like they didn’t belong. Both men were too well kept to be hanging around this place, and Jason decided to find out what they were up to.

He turned around to face them and one of them suddenly dug into his pocket, removing a cell phone. The one with the phone in hand berated the other, and Jason could hear how they’d gone to the wrong place. They argued for a split second before getting into the car and taking off, away from Jason.

Jason thought it was odd how guys like that were mucking around here. Sadly, he wasn’t able to get a read on them, as they’d taken off before he’d used his Gaian senses. Though odd, it wasn’t a rare occurrence, as he’d seen nice vehicles in the area from time to time. Jason brushed it off, but decided on keeping vigilant, considering the things he’d learned in the glade.

He walked along to the bus stop, not overly bothered by the event. Jason figured that he should keep his senses active on a regular basis. That and he still had yet to truly bring his magic to bear on anything substantial. Because of this, Jason knew that he’d have to get some practice in, where he knew what he was doing. He didn’t want to have to rely on pure instinct to save his ass all the time.

The bus pulled up, and Jason continued to mull over what he would do for practicing his magic. As he took a seat, a few ideas came to mind, and he smiled, thinking them quite clever. His focus soon went to the day’s work and what he’d need to do that day.

Karla blinked her eyes open, and she took a deep breath, wondering for a split second where she was. Then she remembered the night before; the date with Luke, the way they’d clicked, and of course, the passionate sex that followed. She looked over her shoulder and saw him lying there, snoring gently. Luke looked so peaceful when he slept and even asleep, he was handsome.

Smiling to herself, Karla gently disentangled herself from his embrace and got up off the couch. As she stood, Karla could feel the soreness shooting through her pussy and she sighed. It had been a while since she had been pounded quite as mercilessly as she was, but it was worth the wait!

Since leaving Denmark, it had been difficult to locate a suitable lover, much less a proper boyfriend here. She’d dated around casually, having some fun here with local guys here and there. But she didn’t really click with anyone and was severely disappointed by the lack that men here had. That had all changed the moment she had met Luke that first time.

Almost instantly, she could tell that he would be a wonderful match for her. She couldn’t explain why, but something told her to pursue this man and to see about a date with him. She normally wasn’t so aggressive, but with Luke, she had to have him and soon. Karla knew after the first ten minutes of their date that they’d wind up in bed and though it broke some personal rules, it had been so worth it!

Not only was Luke a man of outstanding character and taste, but he was an amazing lover! His cock was just the right size for her too, easily nine inches long and not quite two inches thick. It had stretched to her limits deliciously and unlike most men; he wasn’t just a pounder. He dipped and shifted, always looking for a good angle to hit, making sure he pleased the woman he was with.

She was glad that he wasn’t too big, like some men she’d been with. Though having a gigantic dick was all well and good in theory, but in practice, it didn’t go so well. The two men who had been that big, who she’d had, had nearly split her open when they fucked! Or, at least, it had felt that way while they were having sex.

Karla had eked out some pleasure from those encounters but resolved to never go for a guy with a huge cock again. The pain was just too much, and she was nowhere near loose enough to enjoy them. Plus, both men had been the typical asshole type, who were all about the ‘wham, bam, thank you ma’am.’ Such men were beneath her, and she banished the thought of them to the recesses of her mind.

She looked over to Luke, who was still out on her couch as she puttered around the kitchen, getting breakfast ready. Though it was a Friday, she still had work to do and would not slack at her job. She walked around more, putting some water on for her coffee, before reaching into her fridge for some eggs. She was pleasantly surprised when she felt a pair of sturdy hands wrap around her waist.

“Good morning,” Luke breathed as he kissed her neck.

“Mmmm! Good morning!” Karla replied as she stood up. Her ass ground into Luke’s hips and she could feel the thickness of his morning wood pushing at the crack of her ass.

“Going into work?” he asked as he turned her head to his and kissed her mouth. Karla kissed him back and felt her heart speed up as she sighed into it.

“Yes, I am. I have to get something ready for breakfast if I’m to function at all today,” she told him, breaking the kiss.

“Why not skip work today? It’s Friday and I would like more time with you,” Luke told her as she turned to him.

“I’m an integral part of my aunt’s business and she needs me there,” Karla protested, trying not to succumb to Luke’s kisses on her neck and breasts.

“I think she could manage one day without you. Come on, a day of gaming, conversation and sex? What’s not to like about a day like that?” Luke said lustily as his lips captured hers again. Karla tried fighting it, but the rational part of her mind was losing badly. She sighed heavily and gave in, deciding that for the first time in her life, she would skip working for a day.

“Fine, you win. But I expect you to make good on what the day holds,” she said as she disengaged from Luke and walked over to her purse and fished out her cell phone.

“Oh, I will! I mean, hello?” he said, gesturing to still hard cock. Karla giggled as she shushed him, calling her aunt. Carlotta picked up on the second ring, answering jovially.

“Good morning Karla! I trust that you had a good night last night?” her aunt teased.

“Ja, auntie. An amazing night if you must know! One of which I am extending into this day and the weekend,” she told her.

“Wait, you are not coming into work today?” Carlotta asked, surprised by what she was hearing.

“Ja. I am ... going to stay home today!” Karla said in a rush.

“So, the date went that well, did it?” Carlotta giggled.

“Since you ask, let me put it to you in terms that you will understand. Ebon Knight,” Karla stated, listing off one of her aunt’s porn films. Carlotta was stunned upon hearing this, as Ebon Knight had not only been the most successful film of her porn career, but it had been the one where she enjoyed herself on a level that she had yet to experience again!


“I’m here. Just ... imagining and ... remembering that one. I expect details on this when you come in on Monday!” Carlotta told her.

“You’ll have them. Now, may I be excused from work for the day auntie?” Karla asked.

“You may. Have fun!” her aunt teased before the line went dead.

“What’s the face for?” Luke asked, concerned.

“Oh nothing. Just my auntie being a bit of slut is all,” Karla replied.

“Well, if you don’t mind me saying so, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. You are her niece after all,” Luke jibed. Karla rounded on Luke, before kissing and grinding her pelvis into him, as she grabbed and pumped his dick a little, before letting him go.

“If you have a problem with me being like this, then don’t bother joining me in the shower then, mister,” she said huskily.

Karla then turned on her heel and marched to the bathroom. Or, she would have, as Lucas came up behind her and scooped her up in his arms, which Karla squealed at. She purred at this manly gesture, happy to see that he was asserting himself with her. Karla could tell that he was unused to doing such things, but appreciated it nonetheless.

Walking into the bathroom, Luke was impressed by how it looked. There was enough room for both a bathtub and a walk-in shower. He figured that either her or her aunt must have sprung some serious coin for her to have such a nice apartment. Luke carefully deposited Karla on her feet, and she walked into the shower, turning it on.

The hot needle spray flooded out of the shower head and Karla enjoyed the sensation of the water on her body. Luke walked in with her and she smiled, sighing to herself, thinking today would be a good day. It was then that Luke grabbed her arm and turned her around to face him, and he kissed her. She melted into the kiss, then squeaked in surprise at what happened next.

His hands found her ass and clutched it, before he pulled her up to him, suspending her in midair. Karla could feel his hardness teasing her entrance as he lowered her slightly. She gulped audibly, unsure if she could take anymore cock right now. But she was so turned on in that moment, that she didn’t care. She looked at her lover with a mix of fear and trepidation.

“You didn’t think I was going to let you get away with that jibe now did you?” he asked after their kiss had ended.

“Oh, min Gut!” she cried as he speared her leaky pussy with his raging hard cock.

Karla felt her inner walls stretch to accommodate the welcome intruder. Luke pumped his hips and raised and lowered her again and again, fucking her hard. He pressed her up against the wall to help steady himself. The wall was cool to the touch, but Karla didn’t mind as she was too preoccupied with taking Luke’s dick like the slut she was.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, anchoring herself to him. She could feel an orgasm rising inside her and she was going to lose her shit and soon. Karla could feel that Luke was drawing close, as his thrusts had become harder and more frantic.

“Yes! Keep ... fucking ... me! Don’t ... you ... dare ... stoooooo ... OOOOOAAAAHHHHH!” she screamed as the orgasm hit her hard. Her petals fluttered as her pussy clamped down on Luke’s cock, and he cried out. His balls emptied themselves into her velvety cunt, saturating it with his seed. He slammed into her as he came, pasting his woman to the wall and their chests heaved as they tried to catch their breath.

“That was ... wow!” Karla said as soon as she could form the words.

“Yeah! Definitely ... wow!” Luke agreed as he came away from her, pulling his semi hard dick out of her savaged quim. His cum leaked out of her and down her leg, making Luke grin.

“Now that’s hot!” he commented as he walked back into the falling water.

“Yes, it is! If you keep up with that, I’ll let you see it plenty and often!” she said as she brought her lips to meet his.

“Damn, I love freaky women!” he grinned, and she giggled in response. The both of them took a beat before showering up. They washed and scrubbed each other, enjoying the discovery of their respective bodies, along with sensitive and tickle spots. They laughed and chatted more before getting out of the shower.

High on the endorphins of their lovemaking, they both walked into the kitchen area wearing only smiles. After a little friendly arguing, Luke agreed that Karla would make them breakfast. She got to it, making them fried eggs, bacon with pumpernickel toast. She sliced up some tomatoes, avocado and green onions to go with it and the couple sat down and munched on them happily.

Karla sat there, thinking to herself on what all of this meant. It was the first time since becoming sexually active, that she’d taken a man to bed on the first date! Luke was the first man she had taken a day off work for and he was the first to share her geeky and nerdy interests! She wasn’t fully sure what it entailed, but she knew that this man was worth exploring and she would make sure he stayed hers.

“So, you said you were a gamer?” she asked.

“Yup. Why, what did you have in mind right now?” he wondered.

“How good are you at Mortal Kombat?” Karla asked, quirking an eyebrow.

“When I play as Jax, nobody beats me!” he said pridefully.

“I have a challenge for you, should you choose to accept it,” she told him with an air of mystery.

“Oh? What challenge is that?” he queried.

“If you can beat me in a best of nine game series on Mortal Kombat X, I will let you use me as your own personal sexual slave for the entire day,” she said, her voice carrying the lust and the challenge behind it. Lucas simply grinned, and he stood up, gesturing to the PS4 while saying three words, which left Karla shivering and grinning.

“Game on, Karla!”

Chad and Darren were sitting in the Marston family home, going over their findings of Jason. There wasn’t much on him, aside from a work history and some family, most of which lived far from him. Neither man could make any connection between Jason and any of their enemies, which was troubling. A man like him had to be connected somewhere, but they had yet to figure out to whom.

As they were reading through the files, two other men walked into the home, knocking on the door. They announced themselves as they walked in, as was their custom, and they walked to stand before Chad. Chad glared at both men and conveyed it in his speech.

“Matthew, James, why are you two here?? Are you not supposed to be watching Jason Bjornsson?!” he ground out.

“We were, but we had to make a quick exit this morning. Somehow, he spotted us and looked to walk over to us. I pulled something together quickly, berating James as though we were in the wrong neighbourhood to pick up a friend. We got in our car and left before he could make his way to us. From what we could see, after we circled around, it looked like he bought it,” Matthew said.

“He ... spotted you? How??” Chad got out in surprise.

“I do not know. But our Watch over the man was not fruitless and we have something to report,” James said.

“Which is what?” Darren asked, stepping into the conversation.

“We know that neither Eva nor Amelia is with him. He walked into his apartment last night with two women waiting for him inside. One was a redhead, and another was a strawberry blonde. I couldn’t get a good look at them from the angle on the street, but they seemed quite taken with the man,” James reported.

“So, we know that they’re not with him. That doesn’t mean that he knows nothing. I’ll have John monitor him. He has a little more experience with this so he should add something to what we know,” Chad mused.

“What about us? How can we help?” Matthew wondered.

“You can help by going through everything we’ve learned about the friends that Amelia was camping with. One of them must know who she’s staying with, or where she and her mother have gone. Here are the materials you need to go through,” Chad said as he went back to the table he was sitting at.

He picked up a thick file folder and handed it to the men, which they accepted gratefully. They then bowed in respect and were dismissed to their work. Chad went back to the table and sat down, wracking his brain over who Jason could be connected to. Darren asking him a question jarred him out of his thoughts.

“I’m sorry Darren, could you repeat that?” he asked, his mind refocusing.

“I’m asking if I can be the one to punish Jason when we learn who he’s associated with? I have a few things I’d like to do to him, for the embarrassing things he’s done to me!” Darren growled.

“What things?” Chad asked. Darren then listed several of them, which Jason had done to him in high school. It astounded Chad that anyone would want to try attacking an upstanding young man like Darren! The fact that this Jason had done so and with impunity was something that angered him!

“I agree that this Jason must be punished for his transgressions! But we must keep our eyes on the objective, and that is to find your sister and your mother. Once we find them and have deduced who Jason is associated with, you will be free to do with him as you wish,” Chad assured the young man.

Darren grunted happily and rubbed his hands together in anticipation of the revenge to come.

Amy and Elizabeth were out for a run through the local park, making good time. Elizabeth was puffing hard, trying to keep up with and barely managing it. Amy had wanted to go out for a run and insisted on dragging Elizabeth along, needing a running partner.

Though she knew it was a terrible idea, getting into better shape had been something Elizabeth had been wanting to do for a while now. Amy convincing her to come with was where it would all start, she supposed. Though her stamina needed work, her legs were taking it well, as she had to do a lot of walking at work.

“Halfway point is at the top of the hill Liz! We’ll take a quick break when we get there!” Amy called out to her lagging friend.

Though the hill was small, maybe a dozen meters in height, it seemed a mountain to Elizabeth. Not one to shy from a challenge, she pushed herself, a few steps behind Amy, but matching her pace as she climbed. A minute later, both women were standing atop of it, overlooking most of the park. Even Amy puffed a little and Elizabeth was glad to see that she wasn’t the only one who found the hill challenging.

“This ... this is great! I swear, I’ve never felt so alive! So ... free!” Amy exulted.

“And it only gets better from here,” Elizabeth commented, the rest doing her lungs good. “I’m happy to see you becoming your own woman now!”

“It’s not something I’m going to give up. Not now, not ever! I will never go back to the way things were before! I refuse to be a puppet, dancing to whoever pulls the strings or plays a tune to make me dance!” Amy said vehemently.

With the look on her face, Elizabeth believed it. She was happy for her friend and lover, who had discovered her newfound independence. Damned be anyone who tried to make her give it up! Amy then steered the topic away from her family, not wanting to speak further on the matter.

“So, is sex between friends always this fun?” she asked with a snicker.

“Not to my knowledge. But then again, not everyone can share like we can, can they?” Elizabeth asked, as she remembered the weekend fondly. Hell, she was getting moist just thinking about all the hot sex they’ve had so far, nevermind the things to come!

“I’m thinking we should pay Jason a little visit in the very near future. As nice as it is having him around, I’d like to fuck his brains out at his place. Besides, I’d honestly like to see what kind of man he is,” Amy said.

“See what kind of man he is?” Elizabeth questioned.

“Yeah. You can tell a lot about a guy by the way he keeps his place,” Amy told her.

“Hmm. I suppose that line of thinking could apply to guys,” Elizabeth agreed.

“That and I like the feel of a live, warm cock inside me,” Amy confessed with a smirk. “Dildos are great, but nothing beats the feel of a throbbing dick, stretching you out in every way possible.”

“You little cockslut!” Elizabeth jibed.

“I am and I’m proud of it! Speaking of which, I think you could do with a good stuffing yourself Liz. If the way you rode Jason that first time he took you is any sign, you’re hungering for it as much as I am,” Amy pestered her friend.

“I hate it when you do that!” the thicker woman groused.


“Reading me like an open book! I will admit, I could go for a thick dick stretching me out right about now,” Elizabeth stated bashfully.

“Well, that’s what you get for having a friend who’s fucked you so hard that you screamed bloody murder. I know things about you now,” Amy teased.

“Like what?”

“You’ll find out, eventually,” Amy giggled. “But I agree that there are few things better than getting stretched by a good hard cock. Watching other people fuck comes a close second.”

“You like to watch people fuck?” Elizabeth wondered curiously.

“It was something I discovered while we were up at Teardrop Lake. When I watched you and Jason screw at the hot spring, I couldn’t remember being turned on more!” Amy went on, her voice husky in remembrance.

“Oh? So you are a bit of a voyeur then?” Elizabeth snickered.

“Maybe. I don’t know, there’s so much that I have yet to explore sexually! With so much to do, I don’t even know where to start!” Amy gushed.

“Hmm. Well, I have a few ideas about that,” Elizabeth smiled.

“What kinds of ideas?” Amy asked, curious.

“Well, we should get back home first, before we talk any more about it. Don’t want folk strolling by knowing my business,” Elizabeth stated, while glaring in a particular direction.

Amy followed her lover’s gaze and found that it settled on some blonde white woman, walking on by. She appeared to be talking a leisurely walk through the park, but also eavesdropping on their conversation. The moment Elizabeth turned her gaze to her, she moved on, making it look like she was going about her business. Amy growled softly, hating when people put their noses into other people’s matters.

“I hate busybodies!” Amy growled.

“Feeling’s mutual. So, are we going to walk home?” Elizabeth asked hopefully.

“Nope. Jog the rest of the way and sprint the last block!” Amy said laughing, before she tore out. Elizabeth grumbled but ran to catch her, knowing that the days ahead would be painful, but worth it.

Xaera and Phalmina were busy watching the show Outlander, before pausing it to grab some food. Jason, before he had left, had taken care to show them the ins and outs of how modern appliances worked. This included the fridge, the stove and the microwave which Xaera was using to heat some frozen patties. Phalmina, on the other hand, was busy washing up some fruit from the fridge before placing it all into a bowl.

“You seem awfully excited!” Phalmina snickered.

“Having survived these years on whatever Gaia provided and refuse from humans, I suppose I am a little excited!” Xaera responded.

“Sorry. I keep forgetting about that,” Phalmina said apologetically.

“It’s all right, Mina. I just hope that these days will last,” Xaera replied a little sullenly.

“If I have any say in the matter, these days will last for a very long time! I’ll make sure of it,” Phalmina told her friend.

“How?” Xaera asked. “It’s not like you have footing here in the human world and though Jason is fun to be with, he will eventually cast me aside.”

“I seriously doubt that would be the case. He seems to have an ... affinity for women who aren’t human,” Phalmina told her.

“Hmm! I’ve noticed! But what happens when that fades? When he decides that it’s best that he sticks to his own kind? I’ll be forgotten,” Xaera said sadly.

“Though he is a human, he differs greatly from the druids of old. He does away with titles and honorifics, thinking them worthless,” Phalmina began.


“Yeah. He feels that humanity has gone too far in its pursuit of claiming this world as their own. How they’ve plundered and pillaged this world for their own gain. He spoke of how there are individuals at the top, which I can only assume as his rulers, take what they wish, hoarding everything for themselves. They do not share any of their vast wealth with those less fortunate. He sees it as a betrayal of the proper way of life,” Phalmina explained.

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