Gaia's Champion - Cover

Gaia's Champion

Copyright© 2018 by C.H. Darkstrider

Chapter 30

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 30 - Jason Bjornsson is off camping with a group of friends, when he stumbles upon something quite unexpected. He learns that the creatures of fairy tales and imagination are in fact real! He finds himself drawn into their world, not just because of their plight, but because of a hidden power that he can wield to aid them!

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Magic   Reluctant   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fairy Tale   Paranormal   Sharing   Group Sex   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Interracial   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Safe Sex   Sex Toys   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   Big Breasts  

Sunlight streamed over the horizon, slowly falling over the forest as it banished the darkness. The light slowly began to hit the sleeping forms of everyone at the party from the night before. Jason was the first to wake, feeling the light on his face, but that wasn’t all he felt. He pried his eyes open and looked down to see Sheena on top of him, sucking on his dick and bringing the man to full hardness.

Jason smiled down at his woman, seeing just how insatiable she was. Though the pair of them had been part of an all-night marathon orgy the night before, she still wanted more from him. He caught movement out of the corner of his eye and saw Phalmina flit over, helping Sheena a little. Once she’d done a little licking and sucking of her own, she backed away and sat down, taking delight in the show before her.

“Mmmmmmmm! You sure know how to make a man feel like a king!” Jason groaned as he stretched, cricking and cracking his joints as he came fully awake.

“That I do! Now sit still and let me take of you, babe!” Sheena playfully admonished him.

“Not just yet. First, there is something I need to do for you. You and Mina,” Jason told her, making her stop.

Sheena looked a little pouty that her fun was interrupted, but she let Jason say or do what he aimed to do. Though Jason was merely a passenger when Gaia had taken over his body last night, he knew and remembered everything she did. He reached out with his Gaian power, calling the elements to him as Gaia had the night previous. Small flecks of gold and platinum flew into his hands, coalescing into solid balls of metal.

He worked both metals, turning them into proper rings, each one fitted for his women. Jason then replicated the magic he needed to craft a Gaian Diamond, making them easily as large as Darcy’s diamond that had been made last night. Both women’s eyes widened and their bottom lips trembled as they saw what Jason was doing. Tears welled in their eyes once the rings were completed, a platinum one for Sheena and a gold one for Phalmina.

“Sheena, Phalmina, I am truly, madly, deeply, in love with you both! You make me want to strive to be a better man, the best man I can be for you both! You make me feel like I can do anything, that I can be anything and that no matter what, anything is possible! I cannot see my life moving forward without the both of you by my side. Sheena Marion Okar, Phalmina Tn’althion, will you both marry me?” Jason asked, as he hit his knees.

Both women nearly cried at this declaration of love as their joy overflowed from them. They moved forward to Jason, their hands outstretched, nodding as they did. Using his magic, Jason put the rings on both women’s fingers, ensuring that it was a perfect fit. Once they had them on, Sheena and Phalmina tackled Jason to the ground, mobbing him with nonstop kisses.

“Jason ... though we have been together for such a short time, I feel like I have known you for my entire life! You not only bring the desire and passion within me, you make me believe in love again! That not only can I love, that I can also be loved and know that it will never change! I cannot wait to make you my husband!” Phalmina told him.

“You already know what you do to me! What I never told you is that for all those years we were together, I loved you! I still love you, now more than ever! You give me a reason and were my reason for carrying on through those years I was alone! I will never love another man, as all my love is yours and yours alone! I love you, Jason Bjornsson!” Sheena declared.

They then kissed, each one of them feeling like this moment in their lives was meant to be. The kissing grew more heated and wanton, as the trio felt extremely amorous in that moment. Sheena, in particular, was feeling very much like she not only wanted Jason in that moment, but wanted something specific from him and she made her desire known.

“Oooooohh! Someone is feeling very turned on!” Jason chuckled as Sheena took his dick in her hands once again.

“Not just turned on. You could say ... I have a case of baby fever!” Sheena replied honestly.

“Want me to put a baby in you? Like I did with Mina?” Jason questioned, already knowing the answer.

Sheena nodded vigorously, which left Jason grinning like an idiot. He pulled his fiancée into a soul searing kiss, and Sheena melted into it willingly. Passion overtook them both as their hands snaked all over each other’s bodies. They sought out each other’s soft points, which they both knew would drive the other wild.

Dancing around Jason, Sheena went around behind him, her hands roaming all across his chest, before migrating further south. She then licked the back of his neck before clamping down on it with her mouth and using her teeth to nip the nerves there. Jason groaned loudly, crooning as Sheena hit that one point that always drove him up the wall. As she did this, her hands found his dick and grasped it, stoking the man to hardness.

“How did you ... know that’s a spot to make him go crazy? I didn’t know about that spot!” Phalmina gawked, staring at the effect Sheena’s actions were having on Jason.

“This one was one I discovered by accident! Was just playing around with Jason and was surprised that it did this to him!” Sheena said as she gestured to her man’s rapidly stiffening cock.

“Sweet Gaia!! He’s getting hard in record time!!” Phalmina panted, staring at Jason’s dick as Sheena kept stroking Jason, the pleasure intense enough for him to be oblivious to all else around him.

“I know! Why do you think I’m doing this to him?” Sheena breathed as she kept working her fiancé. She took a quick peek over Jason’s shoulder and spotted his erect tool with no issue. Sheena licked her lips as she imagined what it would feel like to have that monster in her again.

“Nnnhgghh ... Shee ... na...” Jason got out in between moans.


“Sit ... on my ... face...” Jason whispered to her, getting her attention.

“Ooohhh! I think I’ll do that!” Sheena giggled as she removed her mouth from Jason’s neck.

The moment she relinquished her hold on the man was when the tables turned. Jason whirled on her so fast that the movement looked almost instant! He pulled Sheena to him, his mouth latching on the base of her neck just below her Adam’s apple. Sheena cried out in surprise and squirmed in his grip, as the spot that he sucked on had Sheena at Jason’s mercy.

“Nnooootttt ... fffaaaaaiiiiirrrrr!!!” Sheena whined as Jason’s hands went for her large rack, palming and kneading her breasts as he sucked on her sensitive spot.

“Turnabout is fair play! I will do what I asked you to do ... but not yet,” Jason chuckled devilishly.

He continued to suck on her neck, making Sheena writhe and squirm in his grip. He eventually stopped, heading down on her body, towards her breasts. Jason took his time here, licking, sucking, kissing and nibbling on her titflesh. Sheena was feeling all melty and gooey inside, needing and wanting more from her man, who was driving her insane with the slow pace he was setting.

He eventually moved further down, making the woman shiver in anticipation. Jason then hoisted her up, eliciting a squeal from the woman, before he brought her down on top of him as he lay on his back. Seeing such a manly display of strength drove Sheena’s arousal to the next level, as her nethers were soaked with her juices. She shuddered as her knees hit the ground next to Jason’s head and her quim rested on his mouth.

“Oooooohhhhh fffuuucccccckkkkk!!” she groaned as she felt the heat of her fiancé’s mouth on her pussy. She jolted the moment his tongue snaked out, tasting her lips as he lapped up her girl juice.

“Jaaassssooooonnnn!!! Ffuuuucckkk!! Don’t ... stop!!!” she mewled, enjoying this sensation she was feeling. She then felt him groan, as though something was being done to him. Whipping her head around, she caught sight of Phalmina with Jason’s dick in her mouth, sucking him off hard.

“Mina!! What are you doing?!?” she demanded.

“Keeping him hard for you! I won’t take anything from him, because this is all for you,” she said, looking at Jason’s throbbing member. “Enjoy the ride you’re getting now, while I keep this ready for you.”

With that, Phalmina resumed sucking Jason off, but kept it at a slow, languid pace. It was clear she had no intention of making him cum, but to keep his ardor at an all time high. Sheena then grinned evilly, as she then agreed with what her Fairy lover was doing. Just as Jason had tormented her, Phalmina would do the same to him.

“Lucky you! Looks like Mina is going to keep you hard and ready for me! As you said, turnabout is fair play,” Sheena giggled.

In response, Jason drove his tongue into Sheena, making her yip in surprise and delight! Smiling like an utter fool, Sheena rolled her hips back and forth over Jason’s mouth, taking care to let the man breathe. No sense in making him pass out, at least not in this instance. Jason’s hands then moved to her ass and clutched her fleshy globes with his strong fingers.

Sheena cooed in delight as Jason squeezed her flesh, feeling how pliable it was in his hands. He then pulled her hips into his head, pushing his mouth further into her quim. Gasping at this move, Sheena could feel her breathing hitch and a warmth bloom within her. She made a sound that was somewhere between a purr and a growl, as she could feel her body push itself towards an orgasm that loomed out of sight.

“Mina, move! I want to feel his dick in me when I cum!” Sheena breathed as Jason’s efforts intensified.

The Fairy woman shifted aside, removing Jason’s cock from her mouth, and let her friend move to where she wanted to be. Jason looked about to protest, but saws what Sheena had in mind and kept his mouth shut. Sheena grinned as she took hold of her man’s slick and steely dick in her hand, lining it up with her slippery cleft. Lowering her hips, Sheena impaled herself on his cock, letting it stretch her out.

“Oooooohhhhh ... yyyeeeEEESSSSSS!!!” Sheena hissed as she felt the orgasm that was in the distance close in on her, taking the woman in its delightful embrace. Sheena shuddered as she rode out the high, enjoying each moment of it.

“Nnnggghhhh! Fuck woman!!! You are trying to kill me!” Jason rumbled as the pressure on his dick was beyond intense.

“Mmmmm! Death by snu-snu!!” Sheena breathed, feeling all giggly from the orgasmic high she was still riding out.

“Time for the both of us to enjoy such an end!” Jason said, taking hold of her hips.

In less than a moment, Sheena felt herself being hoisted up, then down, as Jason fucked her. Sheena let him do this for a few minutes before she took control of it, planting her feet on either side of Jason. Taking his hands in hers, she guided them to her tits as she moved her ass up and down on Jason’s dick. The man beneath her growled in contentment, not mad at all for her taking control of things.

Sheena then rode her man, the man who had pledged himself to become her husband. She shuddered in happiness at that thought. Sheena loved the sound of the word and repeated it in her mind as she kept taking her man into her again and again. Her pussy muscles squeezed his dick, trying to make him give up his seed. Jason felt this, but did everything he could to hold off, as he wanted to enjoy this more.

Phalmina was sitting nearby, her fingers buried in her own pussy as she watched her lovers fuck each other. While she had done this before, what was passing between Sheena and Jason was extremely intimate. Watching this transpire between them had riled her to the point where she needed to do something about it. As she Jilled herself, Phalmina cupped one of her tits, giving it a squeeze as she continued to watch.

“NNnngghhh! Jason ... please...” Sheena begged, wanting him to unload into her.

“Not ... yet ... love...” he breathed as she continued to ride him.

Jason then sat up and pulled Sheena close to him. The moment her chest was pressed to his, Jason wrapped his arms around her and rolled her to her back. Sheena squealed at this, as Jason was now on top of her, and she stared up into his eyes. She gulped as he set himself within her before he picked up where she left off. Driving his cock into her pussy, Jason was now the one in control of things.

“Oh ... fuck ... me ... please!!” Sheena begged.

“I will ... my dearest wife,” Jason grinned.

Hearing Jason calling her his wife already made Sheena meep in happiness, and she wrapped her arms around him. Once he was close, Sheena kissed him fervently, letting Jason know just how much she wanted him in that moment. How much she needed him and desired to be a part of his life.

“Keep ... taking ... me. Don’t ... stop...” Sheena mumbled as she continued to kiss and hold him close. Though she just came, the constant stimulation drove the woman towards a second peak, which she knew would be more intense than the first.

Jason kept going, taking his time with her, so she could feel and remember every moment of this time. Sheena continued to flex her inner walls, pushing Jason closer and closer to his own orgasm. He could feel the pressure from his balls, as they demanded to be emptied. Jason would accommodate them soon, as he could feel himself cross the threshold, where he knew that he would be cumming.

“Fuck ... Sheena ... getting ... close...” Jason moaned as he neared his own peak. Sheena breathed heavily, close to a second peak as her fiancé continued to pound her quim. She wrapped her legs around his hips, pulling him close to her, and uttered a sentence that she had been wanting to speak for a long time.

“Put a ... baby in me ... husband.”

Hearing those words sent Jason over the edge and he came in a torrent, howling like a wounded wolf as he came. Magic enveloped him as he filled Sheena up, magic that did as he subconsciously desired and emptied every drop of his seed into her. He could almost feel her very balls shrink as he continued to pump more and more of his essence into Sheena.

Sheena screamed with Jason as she came with him, stepping over that threshold as his seed hit her insides. She held onto the man for dear life, as the orgasm that overtook her felt like it was one that would end her existence. Her mind was blasted by bliss as it overtook every rational thought, consuming them in a hungry blaze.

Phalmina had come with her friends, driving herself to the very edge of orgasm. Though this beautiful moment was theirs, she wanted to be part of it in her own small way. She had Jilled herself so hard, that she literally gushed everywhere, soaking her legs and the blanket she lay upon. The fairy woman fell to her back, feeling like a mass of quivering jelly as she rode out her own high.

“By ... Gaia...” Jason moaned as his brain returned from the land of dreams.

“Mmmmm! You got ... that right!” Sheena sighed. “Will keep ... getting better ... and better.”

“No arguments from me!” Jason grinned as she held his lady close, cuddling with her.

After a bit, the pair noticed Phalmina was close by and gestured for her to join them in their cuddle time. The Fairy grinned and flitted over, nestling into Jason’s left arm as Sheena was in his right one. Just as they were enjoying their cuddle, the trio heard some moaning coming from nearby.

Looking up, they saw that some of the people who had been sleeping were now stirring. Some had even sat up and glanced around, as though they were looking for something. Jack was one of those people and he, along with his girlfriend, Andrea, searched for something. The moment his eyes found Jason, Sheena, and Phalmina, he stopped his search and sighed tiredly.

“Uuuggghhhh! Damn dude! You really don’t quit, do you?” Jack groaned as he woke up. Andrea was right behind him, blinking blearily against the early morning light. The others who were asleep before all the commotion of Jason and Sheena’s lovemaking were not far behind them. Many of them there came awake, unashamed of the state they were in, given what they all got up to the night previous.

“As a Druid, it’s kind of tough not to grab one of my ladies and give her the hot dicking she needs and wants. Not only do they need it daily, but so do I! Druids get blue balls a lot faster than regular guys do and they need to be emptied, constantly,” Jason chuckled. The comment made Jack’s jaw drop comically, as he didn’t expect such an answer!

“Hmm! Maybe ... I don’t know ... you might want some help in keeping those balls of yours drained?” Danika offered, ambling forward towards him. A few other single ladies, like Xaera and Carlotta, also made eyes at Jason, thinking they’d want to ‘help’ him with his ‘problem’.

“Nope!! That’s our job!” Sheena replied protectively.

“Yup! What she said!” Phalmina replied, rushing to hug Jason at the same time Sheena did.

This gesture left some of the women there chuckling and a few of the guys shaking their heads, thinking on how Jason was both lucky and unlucky at the same time. Lucky because he had two women defending him and more than willing to drain him dry on the ask! The unlucky part was that he was going to be a busy guy, leaving little in the manner of time alone or man time.

“You know ... I have an idea for ... something we can do to those who are ... willing to help those ladies out,” Jason said to his women. They looked at him for a moment, then leaned in, wanting to hear what he had to say. He whispered in their ears, which had them frowning at first, then they grinned evilly.

“Felicitae, would you mind giving us a hand with something?” Sheena called out, and the Nymph pranced over, to hear what the women had to say.

Once they whispered Jason’s idea to her, the smile on her face mimicked theirs perfectly. They reached into the magic of Gaia, drawing upon its power, and worked their unique energies into a spell. The magic of the spell was woven intricately, much like a tapestry, with the magical threads all coming together in a harmonious union. The moment the final thread was placed, they directed the spell at each woman who had made suggestions about Jason.

The spell hit them all, with the magic saturating their very beings. They all groaned and writhed on the ground and were suddenly overcome by primal urges that were new to them. Carlotta, Xaera, Danika, and a few others screamed out in pain and pleasure as the magic completed its purpose. The sound of tearing flesh carried on the air as the women in question were suddenly gifted with what Eva had enjoyed the night previous.

“Wha—wha—huh?” Carlotta gasped, as she stared down at the massive dick that was protruding above her pussy. It throbbed and ached with need and she caught sight of Eva, who was sitting there licking her lips at the woman. Carlotta then nearly charged at Eva, as her need to stuff that dick into a woman overwhelmed all common sense.

“Holy ... what in the name of Go ... Gaia, did you do?” Darcy asked, staring at the women who were now sporting massive cocks.

“Oh, we just did as Jason suggested and put a spell on those who were still feeling ... frisky. Something to help them scratch that itch they are feeling and to do it in such a way that will leave them ... sated,” Phalmina informed the woman.

“Yeah, but ... is it ... permanent?” Seamus asked.

“Oh, don’t you worry! It will wear off after enough time has passed. By the time they have worn themselves out, they will be wanting to abstain for a while. Maybe a week,” Felicitae stated. Both Seamus and Darcy winced, knowing just how bad things could get if you went at it for too long.

“I’m guessing that the spell also included an increased desire for sex and sexual activity?” Gosia asked as she ambled up after watching the women go crazy.

“A little bit. Why? You want something like that cast on you?” Sheena snickered.

“I mean ... I wouldn’t mind if you did! I would like to fuck Piotr stupid, so ... please?” the blonde woman asked.

“Hmm. I have an idea. Take this and go jump him,” Phalmina smirked as she hit her with a mild bolt of desire.

Gosia groaned in shock, then sexual need as she stood back on her feet. She then ran over to where Piotr was just standing up and tackled him back to the ground. The man didn’t have much time to react as Gosia stroked him back to full hardness before mounting him. Piotr groaned in both horror and delight as his girlfriend rode him like a woman possessed.

“Hey, Xaera!” Phalmina called out, getting the troll woman’s attention. She was busy being sucked off by Daelina as the fairy woman was being pounded by Darren.

Xaera then followed Phalmina’s gaze to Gosia, who was going to town on Piotr, bouncing up and down on his dick. The troll woman then grinned and darted over, standing behind the couple, before setting her hands on Gosia’s ass. Xaera then leaned over and whispered into Gosia’s ear. Gosia looked shocked at what Xaera had said, but then nodded. This made Xaera grin as she slowly pushed that massive troll dick between her legs into Gosia’s ass.

“Mina, you are just evil!” Jason chuckled.

“What? We had to do something to keep those ladies off you!” Phalmina told him while batting her eyelashes as innocently as she could.

“Fair enough! While the method is ... unorthodox ... I can’t argue with the results!” Jason chuckled.

“Hmm! Going by your body’s reaction to it, I’d say that maybe Mina and I should put on a show like that for you,” Sheena suggested, as she stared at Jason’s dick, which was hardening once again, even though he’d just emptied his balls into her.

“Now ... I’m not sure how to take that! Either be turned on by the idea, or to be miffed that I’m being replaced!” Jason commented.

“Men will never be replaced! Sure, us ladies may get some satisfaction with things like this,” Phalmina said as she gestured at the dickgirls fucking. “But the truth of the matter is that we’ll almost never get babies from that.”

“Wait, futas can’t get women pregnant?” Jason asked.

“Not those under the influence of the spell we just cast. It’s a temporary spell and in order for a woman to get pregnant from a futa, it has to be one that occurs naturally, or a woman that has opted to make the change ... permanent,” Phalmina explained.

“That can happen? Futa women can be ... made?” Sheena gasped.

“Absolutely! The only catch is that such things require those who are committed to the change and who carry the bloodline. Not only must the bloodline be prevalent, but powerful magic must be brought to bear. It can be done without the futa bloodlines, but you would need what you would call, ‘God level’ magic,” Phalmina stated.

“Why does it have to be that powerful?” Jason wondered.

“Because it fundamentally changes the very building blocks of a living being. By doing something like that, you are remaking another life into something that it wasn’t originally intended to be. Even if you do invoke such magic, it won’t always work,” Phalmina explained.

“Why is that?” Sheena queried.

“That is because in order to make a man or woman a full on futa, they must have descended from a futa at some point in their ancestry. The magic used to create them stemmed directly from Gaia herself, so unless you can tap into the goddess’s magic directly, then it won’t happen from scratch,” Phalmina finished.

“Hunh! Well, I guess that makes sense, in a way. I just hope none of the ladies we hit get too ... attached,” Jason tried to say with a straight face. He failed miserably and burst out laughing, causing both ladies there to groan, then giggle with him.

“You are such a dork! But you’re a lovable dork!” Sheena sighed as she hugged Jason close. Just then, she heard his midsection rumble loudly, sounding almost like a rockslide. Sheena made a face and looked up at Jason, who just smirked and shrugged.

“I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. Pleasing my ladies is hunger inducing. You want me to keep snu-snuuing you two, I gotta keep my strength up,” the redheaded man chuckled.

“Do you think the food is still good?” Phalmina wondered, as her belly grumbled too and she blushed cutely because of it.

“Pretty sure it is. I remember putting a warding spell on the food yesterday when everyone arrived. It would help the food keep like it had been yesterday, and also drive off any pests or animals coming here to get themselves a snack at our expense,” Jason told them.

“Look at you! Thinking ahead like this!” Sheena told Jason as she ruffled his hair.

“I learned from the best,” Jason smiled, looking at Sheena.

Sheena blushed and mumbled her thanks before the three of them headed over to the tables where the food waited. Jason got himself some backed potatoes and one of the leftover steaks, while Phalmina grabbed some fruit and sweetened cream cheese for it. Sheena, though, she went straight for the fried chicken, picking some of the spicy pieces before sitting down to eat.

“Gotta love being an adult. Have whatever you want for breakfast!” Sheena smiled as she munched on her chicken.

“You won’t hear any arguments from me!” Jason chuckled as he cut up his steak.

“Or us, for that matter!” Felicitae stated, as she walked over with Patrok and Vahlen in tow.

“Hungry?” Phalmina asked as she stuffed her face.

“Starving! I could really go a for a slice of that ... pecan pie?” Patrok asked, making sure he had the food name correct.

“It’s there for eating, so go for it!” Sheena giggled.

Needing no further prompting, the Nymphs sat down and availed themselves. The three of them were ravenous after their sensual interlude from the night before. The men were busy snacking on pies and sweet things, while Felicitae followed Sheena’s lead by grabbing some chicken. As they all ate their fill, good conversation ensued as they wondered what would be happening next. Moments later, that was answered for them.

“What the ... that’s corrupted magic!” Sheena growled as she bolted to her feet.

“Yup! I remember that sensation all too well!” Jason rumbled as he got to his feet and got dressed.

He handed Sheena’s clothes to her, and she dressed herself, just as Phalmina did. The three of them headed to the front yard of the house, as the ward they had placed on it had gone off. While it wasn’t of the same power level as what had been on the house before, it was the same that was on their friends’ homes. Something designed to keep any touched by malevolent magics out.

“More Sons? Or do you think the Praetorians rallied?” Phalmina questioned as she embraced Gaia’s power, ready to put the hurt on those who dared to try to cross into their new home.

“We’ll know soon enough! Keep it hidden, but ready for use in case we have to get our hands bloodied,” Jason advised.

Both women nodded and fell into step behind him as he walked forward. Once he was out the door, Jason glanced around, but found nothing immediate. He walked further forward, seeking the source of the intrusion. Jason found it moments later, in the form of Donald Mannheim, who stood there waiting for them.

“Took you lot long enough. Were you busy fucking each other’s brains out or something?” Donald asked.

“Well...” Jason started with a smirk and his ladies blushed furiously.

“You know what? Don’t answer that. I can tell when both men and women have had a good time recently. You three look like you just had something that would be considered wonderful,” Donald replied quickly.

“Oh, you don’t know the half of it!” Phalmina giggled.

“What are you doing here?” Sheena queried, glaring at the man.

“Here to take you up on the offer to send my friend off properly,” Donald told them honestly.

“You refused to allow us to do this the first time. What changed?” Jason asked, pulling his magic to be ready in case this was a trick.

“I took some time to think about it. Remember, it wasn’t me who objected, it was Eric who did,” Donald reminded them.

“And where is he?” Sheena asked, looking around for his compatriot.

“Dead, sadly. By my own hand,” the man admitted.

“You killed one of your own men? That’s not only wrong, but that’s colder than ice!” Jason growled at him.

“He didn’t give me much choice in the matter. The bastard tried to kill me, despite all my loyal years of service to the order. All because I started questioning the tenets we were taught,” the Praetorian told them. “Because I began to understand that you and your kind are not a threat to humanity. Not like we were led to believe.”

“Oh? What made you think that?” Sheena questioned, unconvinced of this man’s candor.

“Watching you lot destroy that ... apparition,” Donald replied with a visible shudder.

“That apparition was much more than a mere ghost. It’s what is called a wraith, and I’m sure I don’t need to tell you how deadly those things can be,” Jason told the man. Donald nodded sagely, more than aware of what such creatures were capable of.

“So, you thought you’d just walk on up to our home, thinking you could walk on in uninvited?” Phalmina challenged.

“I was going to knock on the door, but much to my surprise, I couldn’t even get close to it. Something has been holding me back, so I waited. Whatever it is that keeps me from getting near your home, you would probably sense it and see who, or what, was trying to get in,” Donald reasoned.

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