Broke, Fat, Black, and Ugly - Cover

Broke, Fat, Black, and Ugly

Copyright© 2019 by DiscipleN

Chapter 10

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 10 - A struggling mother and sole provider with a disabled husband, is taken by a homeless man, eventually to be trained to cater to his bizarre sexual needs. [WARNING: this story has over the top, racist bullshit so thick you can't mistake it for the insulting lie it would be, if written for anything other than fetish fantasy]

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Lesbian   Fiction   Cuckold   Wimp Husband   MaleDom   Rough   Sadistic   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Oral Sex   Size   Prostitution   Slow   Violence  

Terry lingually drove Stace to three more orgasms by sundown. She lost all pretense of rebellion. She wept and held on to me, while I came twice to each of hers. When the sky darkened, he let her go. He told her to make supper for her parents. We had stocked our shelves with vegetable soups for Donald. She made spaghetti for me. Terry sneered when she offered to load a plate for him.

I wondered at stupid things, like why he required me to suck him clean and then stuff his cock back into my cum dripping cunt. Terry must have fucked himself dry that day. Stace slept in her bedroom, while I slept mounted to a fat pole sticking out of a fat mound. I woke in the middle of the night. His cock lurched inside of me. He moaned in his sleep, but the only cum there had been launched late afternoon. Never the less, I dismounted and sucked him clean. I fell asleep, plugged once more by a horrid man’s never withering protrusion.

Stace found us mated in the morning, no longer exceptional in her life. She had dressed for school. I watched her groggily. She whispered, “I may be a whore now, but I’m not going to throw my future away.”

I had never heard such heresy before, from my child. She made eggs and toast for herself and left.

Terry roused not long after. He found his clothes in tatters.

“Your new ones are under the couch.” I had bought them on Saturday.

Instead of slamming my head like an oaf, he soundly beat my ass until it was purple and I was bawling.

“Fucking, meddling bitch!” He swore again and again. I cried out with every blow, but I never said I was sorry.

Grunting, he dressed in the first shirt and trousers that came to his hands. He left looking like he could have owned a small corporation.

I showered and dressed before looking in on Donald. He was gaunt and grey. He barely recognized me. “Am I getting better?”

“No, Donald. You’re as good as you’ve ever been.”


If I had given him a gun, he didn’t have strength enough to hold it or even fire it.

I went out with a hundred and fifty dollars in my front pants pocket. My ravaged ass made walking difficult, but I was determined. No matter how low I had fallen, my curiosity burned as brightly as ever.

“Your ribs are the best, Angus.” I complimented. They were the best item on his menu but merely tolerable compared to the other BBQ shacks dotting the greater neighborhood.

“Rarely fix them for breakfast.” He wiped his counter to put on a show, while his cooking surfaces fed an microcosm of bacteria.

“How did you meet, Terry?”

“I should make more potato salad for the lunch crowd.”

I put a fifty dollar bill on the table. “Has he told you what he does to me?

“Ain’t my business.”

“This could be.” I shook the bill. “I just want to know more about him. I don’t even care if I’m not his dirtiest secret. What can fifty dollar’s buy?”

Angus looked at the money and looked at me. “I won’t tell you he’s not a bastard through and through, but he saved me and my business, eight years ago.”

“How?” The question was obvious. I shouldn’t have bothered to ask.

“I was dealing coke on the side, to keep myself in business. My food’s not crap, but most people know where to get better.”

I didn’t ask the next, obvious, stupid question.

“Of course, the cops found out, and I was tried. Terry defended me, found a loop hole. He doesn’t give a damn about justice. I deserved to be sent up, but some young people took up my cause on the internet. They used my case as another example of how black people are targeted by the police.

“They’re fucking right, of course! But I was one of the wrong cases. Terry didn’t care, he wanted to win. When I was exonerated, I went straight and clean, ready to run my lame BBQ shop into the ground. It was that internet fury that saved me. Neighbors came for my food. Strangers came to take selfies. People from weird places that only the internet can find, bought my BBQ. I saved and invested like rich people. I’m going to retire soon. I’ll be okay with some assistance. I have a girl in dentistry, an assistant. She’s doing good.”

Before Angus rambled off-course, I asked another stupid question, “Terry was a lawyer?”

“He was, until the cops targeted him.” Angus glared at me then. He snatched the fifty from my disarmed fingers. “Would you like wet naps?” He offered a couple packs.

I washed my hands of him, on the way to the flop house.

The clerk sat in his chair as if he lived on it. “Ain’t no one can afford you here.” He dismissed me.

I’m the one buying, Old Man.” I flashed a fifty.

“That’ll git you a private room. Ain’t got a toilet, but the sheets are clean. There’s not a single bedbug-

“There’s millions of them.” I scolded him with the bill acting as a finger. “And everyone of them knows a story about Terry. Why does he flop here when he has an apartment?” I kept the fact that it was my apartment to myself.

“I dunno. He comes and goes. I never saw him here more than two days in a row.”

That didn’t add up. He must have somewhere else, a homeless shelter?

“You once told me someone had a job for him? Who was it?”

“He scratched his head and looked away. I don’t remembered.”

“You think I’m a cop? Cripes! His fucking cum sluiced through my cunt before it stained your upstairs bathroom. I got fifty bucks right now, and he isn’t paying you squat.”

“It was Arnie. He needed-” The old man stopped.

“Dope. My husband has four limbs full of it because of Terry. You’re not telling me anything worth this fifty.”

“Arnie don’t do dope. His brother, Carl, protects him.”

Stace had mentioned Arnie, the man she had washed for two hundred dollars. “Do they live here?”

“Sometimes.” The old man licked his lips at the fifty. “Carl’s out.”

I ripped the fifty in half. I had seen that in a movie. “I’ll give you the other half when I leave.” I walked into the foul smelling common room. I had been Terry’s whore here, with everyone looking. Everyone was gone, almost. There were four men scattered about the room. Two were laying on their cots. One was at a table eating cup ramen. Another was sitting in front of a television with the sound off. I doubted its speakers worked. It was a tube television. I went to it. “Arnie?” I asked the man. He was a sad case sure, but he looked healthier than the other three.

He turned his face away. I turned off the television and turned a chair to face him. “Arnie, it’s okay. Nobody’s going to hurt you.”

“Carl don’t like it when I visit whores, unless he’s with me.”

The man eating ramen looked over at us.

“I’m visiting you, Arnie. Terry asked me to talk with you.”

“What about?”

“He wants to know if you still remembered about Carl’s dope.”

“I don’t know nuth’n.”

“That’s good, Arnie. That’s really good.” I stuck my tongue out at the man who’d stopped eating ramen. I doubted Arnie would be swayed by money. He sounded very loyal, dog loyal. “Which one is your cot, Arnie?”

“It’s that one.” He pointed.

I stood up and held out my hand. “Terry wants me to reward you. Is Carl coming back soon?”

“Nah, he needs a poke. He don’t come back for a day after he gets his poke.” He looked up with worried eyes. “He hits me when I go for a whore.”

“I’m not a whore, right now. I’m a present. Come.” I waggled my hand.

He took it, and I led him to his cot. I undressed down to my bra and panties. I reached for his clothes.

“I kin do it.” He kept avoiding eye contact, but his face was red. He pulled off his t-shirt and unzipped his pants. He wore underpants so stained, there wasn’t a patch of white left on them. “Y-you gonna get naked?”

I grinned past him. The man with cooling noodles had pulled out his cock and was slowly wanking. He eyes stared blankly.

“Yes, Arnie.” I sat down and unhitched my bra. I let it fall to the grimy floor.

“You real pretty, Lady.”

“Thank you, Arnie. Are you gonna show me your man part?”

“Uh-huh.” He rapidly doffed his briefs. He had a hard cock, half Terry’s width, but possibly a tad longer. It leaned naturally to one side. It’s smell disgusted me. He reached for me, and I recoiled.

“Let’s take our time, Honey. Nobody’s going to bother us.” I tried to reassure him.

He looked around and grinned. “That man’s jerking off.” He reached for his.

I beat his hand to the target and felt the filth on Arnie’s hard dick. I hated it, but Terry’s had been worse, when he’d forced it on me. I knelt in front of the slow witted man, topless. My boobs shivered in the cool air, and my nipples hardened.

“You let me do that, Honey. It’ll be better.” I opened my mouth and sucked his foul tasting dick. I forced myself to hum. “MMmmmmmm.”

“Golly, that’s good, Ma-am.” He sputtered.

I pulled my face off of his prick and looked up, trying to hide my revulsion. “That’s just starter’s, Sweetie. Come lay down beside Mamma.”

“C-can I call you Mamma?”

“It’s better than calling me a whore.” I laughed lightly and took off my panties. I lay back on the stinking cot. I suddenly realized I was getting wet. Damn Terry to hell. I swore in the back of my mind. “Come hug Mamma.” I opened arms to the sad derelict.

He fell down on top of me, suddenly kissing and licking me and humping his dick between my thighs.

“Calm down, Arnie.” I said with some force.

“Oh, sorry, Ma-am. Carl says bitches need hard fucking.”

“Not your Mamma, young man.” I scolded.

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