Homeowner's Association: A Big Deal at Sunny Manor (BDSM) - Cover

Homeowner's Association: A Big Deal at Sunny Manor (BDSM)

Copyright© 2019 by Eddie Davidson

The Best Chapter I Ever Wrote

BDSM Sex Story: The Best Chapter I Ever Wrote - Eric and Mary are a typical BDSM couple that have moved to a clothing-optional, kink-friendly community in Florida with their family. Heavily inspired by "Homeowner's Association" by Mister Archie. This story contains elements of BDSM/Humiliation and kink.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Reluctant   Slavery   School   Sharing   Slut Wife   Incest   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Humiliation   Spanking   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Interracial   Anal Sex   Enema   Exhibitionism   Fisting   Lactation   Masturbation   Pregnancy   Sex Toys   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   Water Sports   Public Sex   Prostitution  

“I am just here to check on our newest family in the community,” Eddie greeted my father with a hearty handshake as Charity knelt at his feet by our front door.

“Thank you for telling me we couldn’t remove the lock yesterday,” Dad told him.

“You would be surprised how many people have told me that. A little time and discussion were what you needed. I am glad I could be of service,” Eddie smiled.

Dad ordered Charity to serve them a drink in the living room and sat down with Eddie. Charity asked them what they wanted. “It is too early for Bourbon, so I’ll take whatever you got,” he kidded her.

When Charity didn’t return it on a tray, he said that my dad had to get himself some trays. “Everything in my house is served on a tray. If you ask for a tray, it will be brought to you on another tray,” he joked.

“God this guy is such a pompous ass,” My big sister said to me before walking in to interrupt and talk to them.

I was milling around half-watching Charity wiggling her ass around the house doing her work and listening to Eddie talk to my father.

“We have an orientation for new slaves starting on Tuesday. It lasts for eight days. I brought the syllabus because I had a feeling you might be staying,” the Director handed a thick stack of papers to my father.

“Yes, I’d like to sign Charity up for that as soon as possible,” Dad said excitedly.

Eddie said he had the sign-up sheet with him and he needed to ask a few preliminary questions. He told him they already had her medical history and background, but these questions would be used to establish the ground rules for the orientation. “The eternity collar is a symbol that someone has made a commitment to their owner and the community, to uphold our values. It is what separates people who just fantasize about a life of subservience, obedience and humility with those who would devote themselves to it. It is like a tattoo in that once you get it then it doesn’t easily come off. I know you realize that it is a big deal and it comes with expectations that Charity will obey the rules to the best of her ability,” he said.

My Dad said it has been decided and there was no going back now.

“I am glad to hear that. As you know, even if Charity does not pass the orientation then she must wear the collar and obey the rules or face the consequences until we go through the process to evaluate and demote her to a free person. At which time, she would be free to be a submissive just as anyone else in your household is,” he said.

My Dad frowned. As far as he was concerned that wasn’t an option for any of us. Dad told the Director that was not a problem and that he was anxious to get Charity through orientation.

“I am glad to hear it. I just want you to understand that while she has the eternity collar on we expect her to act like she has already completed orientation,” Eddie reiterated. “If not then it makes the collar a useless trinket and a fashion accessory which is a kick in the ass to anyone who earned it,” he repeated.

My father nodded again that he understood and would make sure Charity did as well.

“We usually have an all-male orientation session every two months and a female session every month. There will probably be three or four other women entering the program with Charity. If Charity fails, then she can retake it after she demonstrates she has made some improvement in her habits and behaviors.” Eddie explained the ground rules a little more.

Dad told him now was a great time to discuss it and that he had every confidence that Charity would pass with flying colors. I was happy we weren’t leaving Sunny Manor, but Lindsay looked impatient to get Dad’s attention. Eddie assured her he wouldn’t stay long. “Most people can only stand me in tiny doses. I prefer it that way,” he said to Lindsay before turning to my father to begin the interview process. “Does Charity have any limits that we should be aware of?” he asked.

“Charity, attention.” Dad pointed to right in front of where he and the Director were standing as he gave the order. Charity jogged into the living room and stood with legs apart and hands behind her head.

“Good, but mouth should be open and lips slightly parted. I want to be able to see tongue when you are at attention,” Eddie was a stickler for details.

“Tell him your limits,” Dad instructed Charity.

“I don’t have any, Sir,” Charity tried to speak with her mouth slightly open the entire time and lisped.

“You can close your mouth unless you have something shoved in it while you are answering questions. Just don’t speak until spoken to while in attention unless it is an emergency,” Eddie explained before scribbling something on a paper.

“I usually tell people who say they don’t have any limits that they just lack imagination. There are some sexual practices even we frown upon,” Eddie was half-joking before he added, “I suppose it is like when the Doctor asks if there is anything you are allergic too. You won’t know until you actually try everything.”

Dad agreed with him and said that there wasn’t anything in the handbook he was too concerned about.

“Oh good, you didn’t just use the book as a doorstop this time?” Eddie teased my father. “Does she need a safe word, or are you okay with us making Charity complete all of her tasks as long as she is medically capable?”

“I’d prefer you ask her,” Dad said.

“You are her Master. We usually interview the Master and then confirm with the slave,” Eddie said but told him that he could roll with that.

“I would prefer no safe word, Sir. If I have an easy parachute cord, I might be willing to pull it. As long as I am medically capable, please make me finish what I started if you don’t mind, Sir.”

“Excellent attitude and no, I don’t mind at all,” Eddie smirked. “I won’t be your Principal Dominant during the orientation, but I will be part of your final evaluation. I am looking forward to riding your ass very hard and seeing how you shape up,” he told her before asking his next question. “Do you have any issue with being filmed or photographed during this orientation process? Our team will review this video for evaluation, but it is also edited and sold in clip format on a kink website. 50% of the profits go to the homeowner’s association, 30% is part of the vendor cost to redistribute it, and 20% is split among the owners of the slaves at the end of the orientation,” he said.

“No sir, no problem with that at all,” Charity said.

I always wondered if porn stars feared that one day they’d be running for President of the United States and their opponent is like, “What about this old video of you fucking senior citizens I found on the Internet?”

Charity didn’t seem to care one iota if she was filmed or not though. I would have been mortified by the possibility of someone I know getting a hold of a video of me. I was terrified of the ones my sister had on her phone!

“You understand that your parents or previous boyfriends might find this video on the Internet and you have no issue with them seeing it if it is?” Eddie asked.

“No Sir,” she answered after a brief pause.

“You paused there for a second. That is good. I want you to think about your answers. This is going to be sexually graphic in nature. We’ve had women who were fine doing the orientation in private that refused to be on camera. We want to avoid any potential drama,” he said.

“What if she didn’t want to be on camera? Would she be denied orientation?” Dad asked.

“No, we evaluate each slave based on her ability and limits. We’ve had women as old as 64 apply for a collar and attend the orientation. If you opt-out of being on camera we would do our best to shoot around her and edit the video afterward to exclude Charity if she did not give us permission. I can’t promise you that your vanilla family will never find out you live here, but we can at least ensure we kept you out of our orientation videos. Naturally, you wouldn’t be entitled to a portion of the profits, and you are looking at about 3,000 dollars in your pockets on average depending on how well the clips sell,” he said.

I’ve known that Youtubers easily make more than that with their monetized videos playing videogames. Even still, 3,000 dollars was nothing to sneeze at.

“The more the slave is willing and able to do and actually follow through on the higher their evaluation. We rank each slave on a grade from zero to ten at the end. Zero is a goose-egg and a failure. It means you can apply to try again, but you have to demonstrate progress before we will even consider that option. A score of one is a useless slag that needs a lot of work, but the slave has demonstrated the bare minimum knowledge to represent her own and our community. Think of it as a score of a D minus on your report card. Ten is a prime submissive. Some slaves retake the test every year to be re-evaluated. We always provide follow up directions to help improve the scores. Any women who want to be considered ponygirls must first have scored a ten in their evaluation before we’d even let them try out for the team,” He explained.

“I hope I score a ten, Sir” Charity said with a hopeful expression.

“You are off to a good start, but only a few slaves ever achieve a perfect ten in the orientation and almost never on the first pass. My daughter Angelica scored an eight if that gives you any idea of how critical our evaluation can be. There is nothing wrong with an eight. It isn’t easy to get, and if it were then it would be worthless,” Eddie explained.

“I will do my best, Master Davidson” Charity promised. There was a joyfulness on her face about her submission that seemed surreal to me. She was looking forward to being judged and given a rating.

I would have been panicking in her place, but she seemed calm and enthusiastic to be going to this orientation boot-camp.

“Now, do you collect anything?” the Director asked her.

“Just bruises,” Charity chuckled at her joke and shrugged that she didn’t understand the relevance of the question. Charity rarely laughed in her old life as Mary but I had noticed a few times she had allowed herself a chance to laugh as Charity here at Sunny Manor.

“You have a sense of humor!” Eddie observed that would serve her well as a slave. “What I meant was do you collect any worldly possessions? Plush dolls? Porcelain dolls? Stamps? Vintage Pokemon Cards? Anything that holds particular value to you and may bring back warm memories of when you started your collection?” he asked.

“No sir, nothing comes to mind,” Charity seemed perplexed this was on the questionnaire.

“This is why I prefer to interview the Master. One of the evaluations at the very end would involve either ceremoniously destroying or donating the entire collection as a sign that you are ready to give up worldly possessions and become a possession.

“If objects still have value to you then you aren’t ready to be an object. We had one slave who collected Magnets from every state over years of vacations with her family. When it came time to give them up she couldn’t part with them. She chose the magnets over service,” he explained.

“I am so sorry to hear that because it is so sad. The slave overcame so much, demonstrated understanding of so many aspects of submission, and yet failed on her final test,” Charity clearly felt sorry for a woman she had never met. “I understand that as a slave I should expect anything I say to be considered a lie and need to be confirmed. My master can confirm I have no collections and I agree I should not covet material possessions or my privacy because I will have neither,” she smiled and looked longingly at my father. “It is more than a fair trade to give those things up because they never brought me as much pleasure as when Master takes control and dominates me,” she said.

My dad looked flattered and nodded. He didn’t need words to express his feelings because the emotion on his face told her that he loved her as much for the very same reason that dominating her gave him more pleasure than anything else.

“This stipulation also includes any rights to any private bank accounts, real estate holdings, car titles, or safety deposit boxes. Those can be placed in escrow so that they are available to you if certain conditions of your service is met when it ends,” Eddie asked.

“I junked my car before we left Atlanta and I lived with Master for the last six years. My name is on the joint banking account,” she admitted.

“I’ll have it removed,” Dad assured us and asked about the escrow.

“In some cases, a trust is set up for a slave. If a slave were to outlive her Master then they may need some assets to sustain them while they seek a new Master or start a life outside of Sunny Manor. We’ve even set up a generous college tuition program,” Eddie looked lasciviously at my Sister to see if she might be interested but the angry face she made at the mere suggestion made my spine shiver.

“I would make a mess of money if I had it. I’ve made some pretty bad choices with that in the past. I’d rather any money or assets be in a trust for Master’s children. The only thing I could not give up is my Master and my family, Master Davidson,” Charity said lovingly. My sister couldn’t stand the cheesiness of the comment but she did a good job of hiding her disdain for Charity’s sentiment. “I plan to grow quite old with my Master and I’ve nowhere else I’d ever want to be than right here.”

“Your family is the one thing we would never ask you to give up! You seem like you are in the right headspace to approach this orientation from a healthy perspective. I hate to say it but you are the rare exception, Charity. Some of our candidates might have neglected to tell me about their rare collection or a bank account they had set up as a golden parachute in case they changed their mind about serving. I can tell that you honestly want to change and enter into this new life honestly. Let’s continue,” Eddie said.

“Thank you Master Davidson,” Charity brightened and remained enthusiastic. Her tits jiggled slightly with enthusiasm.

“We have two options for orientation I’d like to discuss. Typically, this decision is solely left up to the Master because every slave is a little different and will not know what is best for them. You can be led every morning bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at 6 am to the Fun Center where you will enjoy a fun-filled day of education on discipline, pain, humiliation, obedience, and protocol. You will get fed around noon and then by 4 pm you are in aftercare for an hour before you can go home. We recommend this option so you can take care of chores around the house and show your Master what you learned that day,” he said.

“What is aftercare, Sir?” Charity asked.

“You will be put through the wringer all day by principal slaves who know what makes you tick. They know how to play with your insecurities and address your shortcomings because it has been done to them during evaluations. We have found that a mandatory one-hour cuddle session afterward ensures there are no hard feelings and helps reduce any anxiety,” Eddie said.

“Oooh, that sounds delightful!” Charity looked at my father for permission to cuddle with her tormentors after they finished using her. She didn’t even know them, and she was willing to snuggle with them? That was extremely hot. My dad nodded approval. She asked what the other option was.

“After you are dropped off on Tuesday, you would still spend the day in training and have an aftercare session. You would be fed once more and allowed to shit and piss. Then you would be caged for the evening. This option is something we discovered helps slaves who may be reluctant to return on a daily basis. It also helps keep you in the right submissive mindset. Orientation is an eight-day program with two days off during the weekend. If you select this option on Saturday and Sunday, you would be in the pillory at the marketplace both days. We feed you and allow short breaks like we do anyone in the pillory, and then you finish out the remaining four days before you are permitted to go home,” the Director made the option sound quite reasonable and hardly brutal and harsh at all even though it clearly looked like it.

“Which would you prefer, Master?” Charity asked my father like she was asking him what he’d like to eat for dinner.

“I would prefer you are home with me between sessions!” Dad said.

“Oh thank you, Master! Me too!” Charity smiled and agreed to that.

“Okay, you should know that we require some conditioning here between sessions. No shaving your body hair at all while you are home. We will do that as part of your training — no bathing, enemas or wiping your ass or pussy after 10 pm. You will be cleaned upon arrival. You must be brought on a leash and while we don’t require you to walk here on all fours we do expect you to have kneepads,” he said.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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