Homeowner's Association: A Big Deal at Sunny Manor (BDSM) - Cover

Homeowner's Association: A Big Deal at Sunny Manor (BDSM)

Copyright© 2019 by Eddie Davidson

Dad Tells us About Sunny Manor

BDSM Sex Story: Dad Tells us About Sunny Manor - Eric and Mary are a typical BDSM couple that have moved to a clothing-optional, kink-friendly community in Florida with their family. Heavily inspired by "Homeowner's Association" by Mister Archie. This story contains elements of BDSM/Humiliation and kink.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Reluctant   Slavery   School   Sharing   Slut Wife   Incest   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Humiliation   Spanking   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Interracial   Anal Sex   Enema   Exhibitionism   Fisting   Lactation   Masturbation   Pregnancy   Sex Toys   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   Water Sports   Public Sex   Prostitution  

“Tell me again why we have to move during my SENIOR year?” my older sister Lindsay was throwing a fit with my Father. He had recently told us that we were going to be moving and she was upset with him because she was finally one of the most popular girls at school.

My sister is blonde, cute, and as long as I can remember, she has been selfish and spoiled. She is used to getting her way, and when she can’t butter up my Father, she stomps her feet and makes demands. My Dad wasn’t having any of it today though.

“I have an opportunity for a great new job. The private community we are moving to rarely has homes for sale. It has already been settled,” my Dad had been a single parent for most of my life. He was used to Lindsay’s outbursts, and he had the patience of a saint.

Lindsay rarely even acknowledged me, and when she did, it was usually to make fun of me. She used to play practical jokes on me when we were younger and even humiliate me, but once she became a senior, she didn’t want to be associated with me even to make me look like a fool. Lindsay’s cute button nose is permanently stuck up in the air.

My name is Matt. I am a typical nerd. I like the Xbox, and I am currently playing Borderlands 3. I like basketball, wearing Hoodies, and while I’ve never been on a date, I have about two gigs worth of premium porn that I’ve collected ever since I started puberty and got my own computer. I wasn’t worried too much about moving. I didn’t have a lot of friends in High School anyway, and anyone who knows me can find me on Xbox Live.

I have a younger brother and sister as well. They are twins, but they are nothing alike. Simon has dark hair, olive skin, and tends to be quiet and nerdy. He and I play video games sometimes, but he likes games like Minecraft and Pokemon, and I’ve outgrown those. He loves money, and he is always dreaming of ways to earn more of it. Simon hasn’t mentioned anything about moving and doesn’t seem to care one way or the other. My little sister’s name is Lucy. She is blonde, and she is probably going to grow up to be better looking than Lindsay. She is precocious and loves horses and dancing. She is always optimistic and enthusiastic and is looking forward to moving. They will be in High School after the Summer.

I don’t remember much about my mother. She passed before I got to know her. What I do know is that my Father loved her a lot, and it took him a long time to start dating again.

Six years ago, a woman named Mary came to live with us. Dad sat down with us and explained that she wasn’t’ a replacement for our mother and that we didn’t have to call her Mom. Mary has dark hair, and while she is very shapely and naturally pretty, she doesn’t usually flaunt it like my sisters.

Lindsay liked being the object of desire for guys while rolling her eyes when they approached her or made it obvious they thought she looked good. Lucy was just an extrovert and a bit of an attention-hound. They both made no pretense they weren’t pretty.

There have been nights that Mary left the house dressed very provocatively, though. She also wore a leather metal collar at all times around her neck. It was discrete enough you might think it was a necklace but the fact she wore it all the time I would consider it a collar.

As I told you, I have two gigs of porn, and I don’t even keep the boring stuff, so I recognized right away that the collar had something to do with BDSM. I have an entire set of sub-folders of wank materials of women in sexy leather outfits with whips, chains, cages, and the like. It wasn’t my favorite thing, but I admit I have spanked my monkey to plenty of things I would never enjoy in real life.

My Dad and Mary were always discreet about their relationship. Dad always tells her what to do and often pops her on the butt around the house. That is hard to ignore even if you don’t want to know what your father is getting up too.

I grew up with kids in my class that were transgender and gay, so I was never one to judge about alternative lifestyles. We all know people who have two moms or two dads. I want to think I have a pretty open mind. I didn’t think to ask any questions about what my Dad’s relationship with Mary was like. It wasn’t any of my business and as I mentioned they were generally pretty discrete besides some of the obvious things they did around the house.

Mary didn’t work, and she cleaned all our rooms, did the laundry, and we rarely had to take out the trash or do any chores. Mary made our lunches for school in the morning, and she never complained. She almost never raised her voice or told us what to do, and that was great for me.

My Dad eventually grew tired of arguing with Lindsay, and he called us all into the living room to explain this to all of us.

“I want to address any concerns you may have and dispel any apprehension about moving. I know it can be disruptive, but once you get there, you will be very impressed with the house. It is also very safe there!”

We lived in Atlanta, and the crime rate was out of control. Someone stole my cell phone out of my hands in class, and the only reason the policeman at the school didn’t treat it as a crime was that he was too busy dealing with gang fights. Eventually, I got the phone back, but I had to give the kid fifty bucks. I could understand Dad’s point about moving someplace safer.

“I was going to wait until we moved to Sunny Manor to tell you why it is such a special community. I thought it would help to get you there so you can see for yourself because you may have some hang-ups about the rules of the community.”

“Oh Great, now there are RULES?” Lindsay scoffed.

“Every community has rules, Lindsay” my Dad tried to calm her down. “As you know, Mary and I have been together for almost seven years. We want to get married in Sunny Manor,” Dad smiled at Mary, and she smiled back.

“As you may or may not know, we lead an alternative lifestyle,” Dad said delicately.

“Gross!” Lindsay made a sour face.

“There are millions of people in the world, and some have traditional relationships, and if that floats their boats, I won’t stop them. Sunny Manor caters to people who lead alternative lifestyles so that we don’t face discrimination for our beliefs,” he said.

My brother Simon quipped “We are upper middle class and white. How much discrimination can we face?”

“Obviously, I am not trying to liken what I am talking about to the struggles of minorities in this country,” My Dad started to explain and then he said he wanted to start over.

“I am sorry Mary, I’ve been dancing around this for years and I probably should have just come right out and told them. If your loved ones won’t accept you for who you are, then who will?” Dad apologized to Mary and then explained what he meant.

“Mary and I are in a consensual male-dominated BDSM relationship that involves power-exchange, control, and domestic discipline,” Dad said. It looked hard for him to get the words out in front of us.

“Yuck!” Lindsay wasn’t making it any easier.

“You may have noticed Mary wears a collar I gave her many years ago when she entered training,” Dad told Mary to stand up, and he showed us. Mary was wearing a simple sundress that was a little low-cut but nothing out of the ordinary. “Tell them what it means to you?” he asked her.

“This is entirely TMI,” my sister stuck her finger in her mouth as she’d rather make herself gag than listen to this. TMI means “Too much information,” in case you were wondering. I would have been uncomfortable hearing about my Dad’s sex life, but they were talking about their relationship. What was bothering me was that I was not able to game on my Xbox while this was all going on.

“It means that I willingly committed myself to you as my Master and owner, Sir. It is a constant physical reminder of that commitment much like a wedding band,” she said while looking straight ahead.

I should mention that Mary reminded me a lot of the actress that played T’pol the Vulcan on Enterprise. Mary would sometimes speak in a very detached and emotionless manner and call dad “Sir.” I never connected that to the alternative lifestyle until that day.

“The collar looks much like a thick metal necklace. When we move to Sunny Manor she’ll be able to wear a proper collar on full display at all times that I will present to her when she is married.”

“Women aren’t property! Lincoln ended slavery!” Lindsay said.

“Actually, Lincoln issued the emancipation proclamation but slavery continued for many years afterward,” Simon corrected her and Lindsay ignored him.

“That was a type of non-consensual bondage and forced labor. Mary made the choice to serve me, and over the years, I have had her serve the household by cleaning up after you.

“So Mary is our slave?” Lindsay seemed overjoyed. My older sister could be petty and jealous of anyone even close to as pretty as her.

“No, Mary is MY slave, but she will continue in her duties to maintain my household. I don’t expect much will change for you. Some of the dynamics of my relationship with Mary will change both in the house and outside of the house and be more open.

I also think you are old enough and mature enough to understand, so I am just going to come right out and say it. Sunny Manor is clothing optional,” Dad said. You could have heard a pin drop as we all sat in stunned silence.

“What does clothing-optional mean?” Lucy asked with a beaming smile.

“It means people walk around with their boobs out!” Simon told her. At first, Lucy didn’t believe him, but then he googled it on his phone and showed her.

Lucy’s eyes grew wide with shock.

“There are nudist resorts around the world and in all fifty states, even Alaska! People live year-round with their families in these places. Nudity doesn’t always mean sexuality, and none of you are REQUIRED to go nude,” Dad said. He said that it could be very body-positive to be naked and avoid a lot of hang-ups and shame.

Naturally, Lindsay was the one with the most hang-ups and protests.

I have to admit that I started to get the hint of a boner. I googled “AANR” and read about these nudist resorts. The pictures were all mostly older people that weren’t exactly barbie dolls and porn store material.

Dad said he wished he had taken us to nudist resorts when we were younger, but he was raised to think it was sexual. “There is nothing more natural than a kid whipping down their underwear and playing in the sprinklers on the lawn. I used to do it all the time, and somewhere along the line, someone taught me shame, and I hate that I passed it on to you,” Dad said.

“Guh-Ross! I am not dancing naked in the sprinklers on the lawn!” Lindsay was tapping on her phone while complaining.

“Obviously, not at your age,” Dad looked annoyed he wasn’t making the point that he meant younger kids before they enter puberty don’t know shame until someone shows them shame.

I have to admit that even though Lindsay is my sister, I would have been more than thrilled to watch her have to dance naked in the sprinkler on the lawn of our old house. I am sure there were quite a few people she pissed off that would have liked to watch that.

“Look, I am just going to say it. Mary and I will be going naked at times around the house. This is something that is not negotiable. Mary will also be walking around the community in the nude at times as well,” Dad said.

“You can walk outside naked?” My little sister sounded strangely enthusiastic about it.

“You can, but there are certain rules. As an example, men cannot walk around with visible erections in the common areas like the community pool or the general store,” he said.

What kind of place lets a guy get naked and not pop a boner? I didn’t think it would be possible to do.

“What is an erection?” Lucy asked innocently.

Lindsay scowled and told her she couldn’t be THAT naive.

Simon whispered something in his sister’s ear, and she giggled, “Oh that? Oh my god!”

“There is an orientation when you get to Sunny Manor, and I suggest all of you attend. You’ll be able to come to me at any time and ask me questions.”

“How about instead, we don’t go and say we did!” Lindsay said with a grin, but the rest of us were kind of curious what the future held.

The rest of that week before the move Mary wore almost nothing around the house. I noticed she didn’t have a bra on under her dress, and when she wore short skirts, I never saw a trace of panties. I didn’t get to see any actual pussy, but I was excited about the prospect.

I never saw Mary as my “mom,” and while she was older, she was definitely what I’d consider a hot MILF.

I wanted to ask my Father if there were girls at Sunny Farms my own age, but even if there were, they probably didn’t walk around naked. If they did, they were probably way too hot to talk to a nerd like me.

Lindsey had snuck out before many times, but during the week before leaving, she became openly defiant around Dad. Dad had a lot going on, so he didn’t stop everything and address it. I think he was hoping Lindsay would get over it.

One night, Lindsay went out without asking and came home late with vodka on her breath.

“What are you going to do? Spank me?” I heard her shout sarcastically in the living room when Dad confronted her. She was obviously trying to mock my Father for his BDSM relationship. There was a lot of door slamming, and while Lindsay could probably have benefitted from a good old fashioned spanking, I don’t think that happened that night.

Dad planned the move during Spring Break, so none of us would miss any school.

A big moving truck arrived to take all of our stuff, and some big burly guys started loading everything.

Mary packed all of our stuff and helped direct the movers. They smiled at the skimpy outfit she wore but were diligent about moving everything. Mary was considerate enough to wait until we were almost ready to go to pack my Xbox games. I wanted to play until the very last minute. I always felt I had an obligations to my guildmates to join them in games. Yet, I didn’t feel guilty about not helping pack because no one asked me.

Dad drove us to Sunny Manor in his Rav/4. The only one who wasn’t in the car was Mary. He told Mary to ride in the truck with the truckers. It was roughly six hours from Atlanta to Tampa but after a long day loading up the car, my father stopped at a cheap motel on I-75.

Along the way to Tampa, we passed a lot of signs that said “We bare all” advertising for a strip club. I knew of strip clubs in Atlanta but had obviously never been to one.

I imagined what it would be like to visit one, though. I imagined the sexy naked bodies on display and writhing around on tiny stages while men shoved dollars in their buttholes.

“We are here, son,” my Father got my attention. The car was stopped, and Lucy, Simon, and Lindsay were laughing at me for daydreaming.

“Gross, he has a boner!” Lindsay pointed at me.

I mentioned that when she became a Senior, she stopped humiliating me at school because it was easier to disassociate herself with me entirely. At home, she had no problem making me feel like a first-class loser.

“It is perfectly natural with all the hormones in his body,” my Dad grimaced. He looked at me with disappointment, though, as he escorted me out of the car.

The “Micanopy Inn” where we were staying was a “first-class shit-hole” according to Simon. “Yelp gave it three fat turds in the review,” he said sarcastically.

Dad emerged from the front desk holding two key cards. “Good news, it was so cheap I was able to get a room for all of you and a room for Mary and me.”

“You were going to make all six of us share a room?” Lindsay put her hands on her hips in frustrated disbelief.

“But I didn’t,” Dad popped her on the nose playfully. “I also got a room for the moving guys too,” he said as the truck with all of our stuff pulled into the parking lot. My Dad had obviously texted them the location.

“Why don’t they just drive on through and have it unloaded by the time we get there?” Lindsay asked with her nose stuck in the air.

“Probably because they are human beings who need sleep too!” Lucy stood up for them.

“Actually, the guys would probably prefer to get it all done tonight. The problem is that Sunny Manor security would NEVER let them through. It is a gated community, and unless I am with them, they won’t get in,” Dad smiled.

“So what does this mean if I have date come to pick me up?” Lindsay scoffed at my father’s suggestion.

“I guess it means I have to be the one to let him in,” Dad grinned sheepishly.

The two Hispanic moving men hopped out of the truck. They both had huge smiles on their face. Mary followed them out. Her hair was messed up, her make up was smeared, and it looked like her halter top was buttoned inside out.

“Jesus, can’t you do anything, right? You look like a mess,” Lindsay scolded Mary and talked down to her.

“I am sorry, Lindsay,” Mary genuinely apologized. I would never have let my sister talk to me that way. I mean I did let her talk to me that way all the time but not if I was an adult!

“Mary was helping move all day while you lounged around and texted your friends!” Dad defended her.

“I was texting my goodbyes!” Lindsay didn’t register that texting goodbyes was pretty shallow and not much of a reason to not pitch in and help.

I felt embarrassed too because instead of offering to help pack, I played video games until the last minute.

“She was a fantastic help. Thank you for loaning her to us,” Hector the driver smiled at my Father.

I suspected Mary may have had sex with them, and my Father knew about it, but I decided it wasn’t my business to ask any questions.

Our room smelled like moldy cheese, wet carpet, and urine. Even though I couldn’t see any bugs as soon as laid on one of the beds, I began to itch.

The TV only received three channels. Spanish HBO, Telemundo and a continuous loop of an Asian guy with an eye patch and a woman with her arm in a cast selling used appliances. We ended up watching the Asian guy because none of us spoke Spanish. “If you buy from anyone else, you pay TOO MUCH!” was his catchphrase.

We had eaten an hour earlier, so we were not hungry, but there was nothing to do except look at my brother and sisters.

“I bet she sucked both of their cocks!” Lindsay said in the silence.

“That is nasty!” Lucy chided Lindsay for being vulgar.

“Grow up, Lucy! That is what slut’s like Mary do. They love to do it,” Lindsay.

“You would know!” Lucy was innocent, but she wasn’t entirely naive.

“Burn! Score one to Lucy!” Simon picked up on Lucy’s implication that my sister knew first hand about sucking cocks and what sluts did because she was one.

“Yeah, well you just wait until you are in High School. Every day some weirdo thinks he can get in your jeans just because he is nice to you!” Lindsay said.

“I can see why people would only be nice to you in order to get in your pants,” Simon burned his older sister.

Lucy high fived him and scored a point for him against Lindsay as well.

We joked around a lot like that. I usually didn’t participate because I was gaming.

“I am going to go see if I can get on the truck and get my Xbox. I am tired of watching this guy sell dinged dishwashers,” I shrugged.

“You can play my Nintendo Switch. I just got Little Friends: Dogs and Cats!” Lucy offered me generously. She loved animals, and cute things and that game was perfect for her.

“Unless I can shoot them I doubt that would hold my interest,” I quipped. Lucy looked horrified I’d suggest shooting her virtual dogs.

“You’ve been here for one hour. Can’t you put away the video games for a single night?” Lindsay put her hands on her hips in disgust.

“I could but here is the thing,” I said to my sister with a cocky smirk, “I don’t want too, and the Xbox is in the truck somewhere.”

Simon and Lucy didn’t award me a point for a dig on my sister, but I felt I had scored one because it shut her up.

I asked Simon if he would come help me look, and he asked how much I was paying. I said nothing unless we could play Co-Op and he said that was a hard pass.

“I am studying Sam and Lee’s sales pitch and marketing methods. I am trying to figure out if they are trying to make themselves more relatable by appearing to have physical injuries. They are selling damaged merchandise, so maybe there is a subconscious message that they are more trustworthy if they are damaged as well,” Simon turned back to the infomercial and kept watching.

I shrugged. My brother would probably be a billionaire by the time he was thirty, and I’d need money to feed my gaming addiction, so I wanted to be on his good side then.

I walked outside, and immediately the hot-muggy Florida air swamped me. The sound of crickets echoed in my ears as mosquitos immediately swarmed me. I made my way down to the truck.

I didn’t know how to open a truck and look around, and it was dark. I noticed a few women walking around the motel in the shadows.

One approached me, “Are you looking for a date?” she asked.

“I am flattered, but I hardly know you,” I tried to get a better look at her. She had to be at least thirty years old. I was confused and thought she was asking to see me socially. “Why would you want to date me?” I asked.

“You are funny,” she stroked my hair and pulled her tank top to show me her nipple. Even in the dark, I could see it was the size of a half-dollar, and while her boobs weren’t big, there was something sexy-trashy about her that made me horny. I was excited she let me see her tit.

“Touch me now,” she said.

I was confused, and she pointed to her crotch.

“There?” I asked.

“Anywhere,” she offered like she didn’t care.

It was the first time I had ever touched a real pussy. I felt a mound of pubes through her shorts. Despite being very flirty at first, she pulled my hand away shortly after I touched her.

“That’s enough. I just wanted to make sure you aren’t a cop. You are way too young to be a cop, and I’ve fucked just about all the officers in Micanopy,” she said.

The back of my neck began to tingle red with apprehension. What was this girl talking about? What had I gotten myself into?

“You have twenty bucks?” she asked me.

I was admittedly wet behind the ears, but even I could figure out that I was talking to a prostitute at that point. “No,” I said.

“Ten? I’ll make it worth your while,” she promised. She told me her name was “Flow.”

“Like Florence?” I asked.

“No, like go with the flow. People call me that because I look like the Insurance lady from Priceline,” she said.

“You mean Progressive Insurance?” I was confused. She did have stringy brown hair and bright red lipstick, and I could see a slight resemblance.

“Do you want to fuck or waste my time talking about what commercials you jerk off too?” Flow became cold and distant without warning. She reminded me of my sister when she did, and strangely I wished I had ten bucks just to see what would happen. I didn’t want my first time with a girl to be like this, but I was kind of turned on.

I heard some people emerge from a room nearby. As soon as I turned to look, Flow was gone.

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