Hog-tied in Anonimity - Cover

Hog-tied in Anonimity

by Midsummerman

Copyright© 2020 by Midsummerman

BDSM Sex Story: 'John Smith' was the name he used in seeking the pleasures of feminine authority. Introduced to a female theatrical entrepreneur by a friend, he is in turn introduced to a group of women whose mutual thoughts have them seek the satisfaction he desires. Unknown to him, his anonymity makes him ideal for a little 'project', the latest in a line of sordid enactments which a haughty brunette so thoroughly enjoys, having our man subjected to an extreme he'd never dreamed of.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Coercion   Consensual   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Fiction   BDSM   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Light Bond   Rough   Sadistic   Snuff   Spanking   Torture   Group Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   .

The agency that Dora Parks ran, catered for all aspects of the theatrical world, acting positions, singers, cabaret performers, everything from the risqué to the mundane, and on the surface, all above board. However, the diverse needs of those who sought that legitimate employment -theatrical people often cursed by the need to know pleasures still frowned upon by general society - at least in public, meant she also had a nice little business in the darker arts, kept under the counter, but conveniently running alongside the public business, and drawing from it.

Very much her own woman, the buxom middle aged Dora was naturally assertive in her open business, and openly dominant in her administration of the covert operation. With access to several properties and her own little studio, her penchant for sado-masochism was regularly satisfied in the production of pornographic films, and the arrangement of liaisons with confidantes, the revenue from which, brought in considerably more money than her commissions from the covering business. It also led to her enjoying the confidence of some very influential people, both male and female, whose enjoyment of those productions and liaisons was mutual - from both perspectives, dominant and submissive.

Though distinctly covert with respect to the outside world in general, Dora’s darker enterprise was well known amongst certain circles of the acting fraternity; those desperate for work, in order to pay rent, debts etc., often asking her if there were ‘other’ work available, if no suitable parts in any suitable stage or film productions were available. Some asked more often than others, and some asked about those darker productions or a possible intimate liaison directly, having developed a thrill for taking part or pleasing a suitor, more than their want for money.

Dora loved nothing more than attending variety functions, where confidantes and clientele of varying status mingled together, those at the pinnacle of the hierarchy, smug and contemptuous of the raw talent which Dora eagerly sought out, though they took interest for personal reasons, whenever she selected one as ‘suitable’ - anxious to know whether that suitably was for a theatrical part ... or something else. She was at one such function when her eyes gave a certain twinkle on seeing a male in the accompaniment of one she’d found bit parts ... and some risqué work before, the look of desperation tinged with a certain bewilderment on the face of the male he was with, hinted that he was one to be made good use of. The one she was familiar with, caught her eye and they bustled toward her through the throng of people, and the fate of the male was sealed.

He’d been used by a woman before, taken in by an older woman who’d expressed a certain kindness toward him, knowing he was desperate to get away from the flea-bitten accommodation he was in. She’d sensed a mutual desire within him, enhanced by his vulnerability, and having taken him in, dominated him from the onset. He’d thoroughly enjoyed being controlled by her, and had been distraught when she inevitably tired of him, discarding him like a broken toy, but even that rejection gave him a perverse pleasure now ... it had spurred his masochism, and the longing to know the spite and indifference of controlling women again, had him reveal his preferences for women to the male he was with, during a drunken conversation which had sunk to the topic of erotica.

He’d disclosed that weakness to Wade Chalmers, himself partial to the pleasures of knowing the command of a strong woman, though more inclined to switch, than was his recently found friend, whose appetite was purely one of being owned by women. Wade was well known to Dora, having passed on several males to her, thinking nothing of the fact that he rarely saw any of them ever again, assuming they’d been found homes with one of the many superior women that Dora knew, and that he’d sampled the spiteful hospitality of himself. Many had ... but many had pleased Dora and her associates in another way.

Dora’s eyes illuminated all the more, on seeing the tell-tale signs from Wade’s accomplice immediately, the slight downturn of his face, the clasp of his hands before him, awed by a woman that Wade had obviously elaborated about. She smiled at him curtly, already seeing him naked and leashed, before turning her attentions to his deliverer.

“Well hello again Wade, how unusual to see you at such an event ... come to brag about a starring role you’ve been awarded?” Wade was more than familiar with her sarcasm, he knowing she knew it was her he’d have specifically attended this function in the hope of a meeting. His new friend erected, sensing her belittling of Wade, and teased by the tone of it. Wade feigned a smile, desperate as ever for work - of any sort - and hoping his introduction of fresh meat, might have her squeeze him in to some bit part she might otherwise have given up to some other sucker ... especially one of those more risqué productions.

“As ever, I could do with an appointment somewhere, and err ... so would my friend.” The debutante male blushed as her eyes surveyed him, her natural authority unable to disguise the equally natural contempt within them, which she held for all males. It didn’t help to quell his erection as she indulged him with the thrill of being spoken to by a woman, whom he knew through his friend, enjoyed producing covert films where men were whipped to submission by females.

“ ... and your name is... ?” He took a deep breath, admiring the curt tone of her voice, his momentary hesitation in responding, having Dora enjoy his meek vulnerability.

“J ... John ... John Smith...” His face reddened immediately, at being so bold as to feign an identity before such a woman, and with such an obviously false selection, the fear that she’d have nothing to do with him, showing in his eyes. Dora smirked, males often came under her wing, wishing to remain anonymous; those who were obviously well-to-do, had their identities whipped from them, and were often suitably blackmailed or humiliated one way or another. Others, such as the waif before her now, were not pressed about their true identity, anonymity would be pressed upon them anyhow, if taken in as a pet ... though Dora would have whatever woman took him in, know of his refusal of disclosure, giving the excuse for immediate and deserved punishment.

The mature woman let him stew for a moment, she knew that any male brought by her by Wade, was likely to have fallen on hard times, and sometimes the anonymity which she welcomed with this one, was due to their need to escape justice, making their possible disappearance very convenient for her, and the needs of the women who associated with her ... Dora’s cunt moistened as she thought of the latest little ‘project’ a certain Madam Cherie Andersen had long enthused about, she and a select group of women whose sexual needs were extreme indeed, but she’d need investigate his background as well as she could first.

“Well... ‘John Smith’ ... do you have any acting experience?” She enjoyed watching him stew further, already guessing that Wade would have introduced him, simply for the covert operations she produced and organised, Wade himself blushing a little as his new friend fought for words, his brow showing droplets of sweat, his face showing the need to be begging at the feet of a woman.

“I ... I ... No, but ... but...” Dora took great pleasure in cutting him short, and ensuring that his noticeable erection, bulged rigid through the material at his crotch.

“Never mind, I’m sure we can find someone who can teach you how to behave on set ... I know so many woman who love to assess new talent for me.” She looked toward the bar with a smirk, as she lifted her purse and passed a note to the now heavily panting male.

“Mine’s a gin and tonic, you and Wade will have a beer ... of you go, I want to see how you move.” Wade gasped, as the male left, eager to please, knowing that the exercise was purely so Dora had him alone for a few moments. She sneered at him, as he, now sweated.

“Well Wade, what do you mean by introducing a male to me at a function, rather than bringing him to my office in business hours? ... I think such impertinence requires a just punishment, don’t you?” Her eyes had already scanned the throngs of people in attendance, and had beckoned one of them over, Wade froze as he felt a delicate but firm hand fondle his backside, the scent of a dominant woman he was more than familiar with, bringing him stiffly erect. Dora grinned as the woman sniffed at him, with eyes full of spite.

“I know you’re well acquainted with Tara Knight, you worked so well together in those little military camp films we put together...” Wade gasped as a leather gloved hand snaked round to his front, and toyed with his balls and erection.

“When you’ve had that beer, you’ll go with Tara and tell her everything you know about our new friend ... I know she’ll be keen to re-enact some of those scenes with you, in extracting all you know about him.”. Wade’s lips flapped with an excited exasperation, wanting to tell her he’d not have held back, but was hushed by Dora with a finger to her lips, while Tara’s hand felt the excitement he felt, through the pulsing of his cock now under her command.

“Oh, I know you’d tell me everything anyway, but that’d be no fun ... Tara’s going to whip all you know about our new friend from you, and you know just how proficient she is at that.” Tara smiled wickedly at Wade as the new male came hastily back with the order, like the obedient slave he lusted to become.

“He looks pathetically servile Wade ... I do hope he’s worth the tears you’re going to show me.” Dora’s sneering satisfaction at his predicament, only increased the rigidity of his erection ... and set his anus tingling.

“You make sure you go with Tara, no sneaking off, and maybe I might have a little position for you when Tara brings you back ... if you beg at my feet hard enough.” Wade was now committed to do just as he was told, though it didn’t stop his anus clenching and dilating on reminiscing at just how Tara had relished using the cane on his backside before ... and now he’d know her pleasure again. The smiling eyes of the two women now turned to the new male, who fumbled with the three drinks awkwardly, in offering the gin and tonic at the fore of the triangle in his hands, swallowing hard in bemusement as he was judged by the newly arrived and obviously authoritarian woman.

“About time too ... you’ll need buck your ideas up if you want to be of any use round here.” Her curt smile went to Wade after Dora took her drink and gave the new male a look of indifference, without any offer of thanks, it was merely his duty, something he’d soon know plenty of.

“You get that beer down you pronto Wade, I’m eager to hear you sing.” He gulped it down, and gave ‘John Smith’ a half smile as Tara led him away. Dora sipped her drink and studied the anonymous male, mentally stripping and hooding him while he fidgeted awkwardly in the brief silence which to him, seemed to last forever, awaiting her next words and not daring to speak first. She let him stew for a few moments, enjoying his obedience, before speaking again in a teasing tone.

“I’ve got you all to myself now, but that won’t do, I’ll need have some friends assess you... “ He watched the smirk on her face broaden, as she waved to someone who’d obviously been on her mind, then looked him in the eye after catching their attention.

“You like strong women don’t you ... you can’t hide it, that’s why you’re here, isn’t it?” He swallowed hard at her sudden abrupt disclosure, and erected equally hard at being put so deservedly on the spot, compelled to blurt out in honesty, his sweet humiliation.

“Yes ... Oh yes...” Her smug grin of victorious satisfaction, had his anus tingling wildly, on wondering what he’d let himself in for, as she greeted two women, who already had a male in tow - though his insignificance was apparent in his standing two paces behind them, head bowed, and Dora seemingly ignoring his presence completely.

“Meet Josie Summers and Sandy Barber, ladies who are always more than keen to assess male talent, be it for me, or for their own interests.”

He took in the severe looks of contempt given him by the two middle-aged women, Josie a plump ginger haired woman, oozing the natural spite red haired women always harboured, and Sandy a mature blonde, also displaying the buxom figure and features of a woman of undisputable authority. Having already confessed his weakness, and still excited by the shaming of that exposure, he wondered what humiliation awaited him now. Dora continued her smug introduction, stepping behind the trembling male and holding his shoulders as if to offer him up whilst the two continued to eye him with the contempt they knew he deserved, his demeanor illustrating he was already under her control, easy meat to be teased and tormented.

“If you ladies come into contact with Cherie before I do, can you tell her I may have a little something that her project requires...” Unseen by him, she pointed directly at the shoulders she still grasped with her free hand, and both women being party to one or two of Cherie Andersen’s prior and blissfully erotic involvements, felt their cunts stir in a way as only the promise of such a sadistic debacle could create.

“ ... but in the meantime, this is err... ‘John Smith’ ... if you ladies are so inclined, I’d like him to be assessed for suitably to my needs ... and you can see he needs have a woman show him the price of anonymity.” He erected to full rigidity, not quite believing how easily things had gone, as he haughty Josie took his arm without hesitation. At that moment, to him she was the very epitome of all that a submissive male saw in a dominant woman; mature, buxom and physically commanding, her ginger hair making her so spitefully attractive as her grin told him she was more than enthusiastic in showing him her authority. The equally matriarchal blonde sneered with the contempt she’d already mustered for him, after giving a curt glance at the male the two had previously selected, who though welcomed by them in being one they’d used before due to certain physical qualities he held. He’d now become even less significant but of more significant use, now Dora had excited them with the prospect of what was to come.

“As you can see, we were looking for another, less physical, but equally subservient male, to join our little party...” Her sneer broadened in seeing the thrill, and bewilderment, in his eyes at being belittled like an item of livestock by an obviously superior woman ... put well and truly in his place by her first words to him.

“ ... he’ll be assessed most stringently Dora, you know you can count on us.” Josie grinned, and showed both women a text she’d sent Cherie Andersen, ‘I think we might have your next project - come and see him dominated at Sandy’s.’ Her curt smile increased on directing it at ‘John Smith’ as she put the phone away, showing him how much she enjoyed the simple pleasure of knowing something he didn’t, then grasping his wrist once again.

“You’ll come with us now, and do just as you’re told ... you’re going to be taught how to behave.” He felt as though all eyes were upon him, and many in the know we’re, the smug smiles of women in particular, keeping him keenly erect as he was led through the seething crowd, led away and already dominated by the authority of the two mature women. He shivered as he wondered on the role of the other male, whose obedience to the two was more than apparent, but this was to be insignificant in comparison to what the women had in mind for him as their final goal, and like a lamb to the slaughter he went willingly to know their pleasures of him.

Wade wriggled helplessly as Tara finished fastening the cuffs which held him prostrate and at her mercy, face down on the padded bench, boning erect in a teasing quandary about the pain to come. He’d thought about making his escape when they’d walked from the car to her front door, but knew if he’d run, Dora would make sure he didn’t work for her ... or anyone else again. He was now pondering the wisdom of that decision, as a sneering Tara lifted his head to place a bolster under his chin, keen to have him witness every preparation for his discipline ... and some of that discipline itself. She smirked at him, watching his naked arse checks rise and fall, inviting the cane as he squirmed his erect cock against the padding, she then disappearing behind a screen to change, ready for the session.

Her transformation beyond the screen was the only thing he’d not have the privilege of viewing, her soft giggling beyond its cover as she stripped from her leisurely attire and redressed, giving him ample time to view the array of whips and canes, items of torture, and the plethora of historic photos depicting feminine militia, many standing proudly over vanquished male victims, the power of womanhood emphasised ... and having him squirm his erection and feebly test his bonds all the more.

Beyond the screen, Tara sighed wistfully on drawing up a beaded thong through the slot of her moist cunt, the spherical beads teasing at her clitoris and anus on her clenching her buttocks when tying the belt nice and tight, the stimulation continuing and bringing a smile of contentment to her face as she buttoned the stiff white blouse ... any movement of her body now brought her pleasure, and the twisting movement of her torso when wielding a cane would have her permanently on the edge of ecstasy. The stimulation took her deeper into today’s fantasy, which became closer to reality in her mind as she dressed, she was truly to live the part she so loved and gave her superbly sadistic arousal today. She placed the red topped peaked cap on her head, gripped the lengthy rattan cane tightly in her hand, and felt the instant rush of stimulation from the beads as she stepped out and had her victim see her.

Wade bucked at the bench, inviting a thorough disciplining of his naked flesh, partly in a submissive and erotic euphoria, partly in acute fear of the pain to come, as the vision of the strictest feminine authority that Tara had transformed to, stepped closer to him and allowed him to savour what was to come. The curt smile upon her face, and the glazed look in her eyes, told him the transformation was both physical and mental, the shapely woman clad in a crisp dark green uniform of skirt and tunic was no longer Tara - who was spiteful enough in her own right - but a military policewoman; the red top around her peaked cap and matching armband contrasting vividly with the green uniform, and set off enticingly by her black leather gloves and long black leather boots which disappeared beneath the pristinely starched skirt. His cock boned in the need to spurt as she flexed the cane in her gloved hands.

“Wade Chalmers, you have been caught with an accomplice, under suspicion of spying. You will receive a judicial caning of 30 strokes, and then you’ll tell me everything you know about your colleague!” Wade’s fear took control of him; he’d never received more than around eight strokes at any one time from her, the spite in which having been enough to have him show his tears to the delight of studio staff filming his punishment. He knew the presence of those smiling women will have taken the edge off her sadism, and were now not there to blur the full indulgence of her fantasy. He bucked and strained at the bench, garbling out a plea in the hope of receiving some mercy from her.

“Please ... Oh please no ... no ... I’ll tell you everything!” Tara’s cunt bulged and embraced the lush tension of the beaded thong, her spite for him increasing all the time. She’d dreamed of an opportunity like this for some considerable time, and her spiteful sneer as she strode to a rack of implements in his full view, the pure feminine pomp and authority the crisp uniform awarded her so evident, she made it quite clear that mercy was the last thing on her erotically charged mind. Wade whimpered again, on seeing her pick out a ball gag with a suitably extensive sphere, and dangle it from her gloved hand for his inspection as she strode over to him, the heels of her tall boots clacking at the floor, seemingly mocking him.

“Oh that just won’t do, I have my orders ... you can whimper all you like, you’ll not tell me anything till you’ve had your punishment...” Wade’s cock pulsed and threatened to shoot its load to the padding, as the smell of her leather gloves had him sink to the level of submissive helplessness he now felt, the perverse enjoyment unavoidable as she pinched his nose and the ball was forced into the gape for breath he made ... her absolute control of him now complete as she pulled the buckle tight, and continued to enjoy her own pleasure in taunting him.

“ ... my only regret is that I’ll not hear you beg for mercy, I love hearing males beg ... but there’ll be plenty of time for that later...” Wade grunted a muffled protest in a high tone, ready to squeal like a pig, pleasing her no end as she drew her cane across the flesh of his buttocks, having him feel the width and texture of the rattan, its promise having him know he’d soon send his cream to the padding in utter shame, and she, in absolute command, confirming it.

“ ... oh, and you’ll surrender the contents of your balls, three times, once for each ten strokes ... we both know the first will come easy, it always does...” She flicked the cane through the air, its sound alone, nearly bringing him off as he squirmed.

“ ... punishments will of course continue, if you haven’t disgraced yourself three times after the initial thirty strokes ... and it’s such a pity you can’t keep tally for me, I may of course lose count.” As Tara stood with legs just slightly astride, the beaded thong tight in the now thoroughly lubricated crevice of her cunt, its delightfully knobbly texture exciting her tingling anus too, she now became Sergeant Major Winifred Justice-Proctor, the spitefully punitive character she dreamed of being when in uniform ... that dream now becoming closer to reality all the time, as Tara dissolved into the background, cloaked by the sadistically erotic persona who now wielded the cane.

“Wade Chalmers ... you will now receive punishment!” Her sneer broadened in its spiteful intensity as she brought the cane down hard, its song perking his cock to a rigid erection below his belly, the sweet sound of the cane’s descent seeming to last forever. Her cunt slipped against the beads of the thong with lusty satisfaction, as the first stinging impact of the cane released the delicious sound of cane against flesh ... and the penitent whine of submission from Wade, as the soft flesh of his buttocks swelled immediately to display the rewarding red line of chastisement. Wade thrust and jiggered his cock against the padding as the seating pain warped through his body, his stinging cheeks given no time to settle before Major Winifred had the beads caress her cunt once more, on the twisting of her torso in bringing the cane down, again, and again.

Her efforts with the cane increased, on Wade blubbering through the gag on being swiftly reduced to tears, her contempt for him rising, on noting his thrusting at the bench, and keeping his head twisted on the bolster so’s he could witness his own punishment. His masochistic side was fully indulged as he watched the crisply uniformed woman deliver the punishment he knew he’d thoroughly deserved, just for being male, and appeased her growing pleasure in spite after just eight strokes or so ... her clitoris bulged against the beads as his face contorted to a show of blissful defeat beyond the tears, as his balls paid homage to her dominance for the first time on this occasion.

The whooping sound of the cane ensured his sweet humiliation as much as the sting of the cane itself, having him admit to himself the sheer pleasure of being dominated so totally by a woman, on the semen bursting from his cock in an orgasm of utter shame. Her strokes were applied vigorously as he spent his initial load in absolute surrender to her power, the impacts received as he came in submission and in quantity, marking his mind more indelibly than any cane to his flesh could, and her blood was up as she watched him squirm in masochistic pleasure beneath the strokes.

She showed no mercy, thrashing him relentlessly, just as vigorously when obvious his first spend was long gone ... she’d have him relish pain like never before. She’d nigh on completed her judicial duty, her inner thighs now slipping in the lubrication of her arousal while her twisting with the cane saw to it that the beaded thong caressed her poking clitoris, when an utterly defeated Wade managed his second surrender, his thrusting at the bench with face contorted to show that his pleasure from the stinging pain, and more so that it was being delivered by a woman, had him shoot his mess to join that already ceded to her dominance in submissive ecstasy. The impertinence of his pleasure invoking further sadism from Sergeant Major Winifred Justice-Proctor, seeing that pleasure as an air of defiance from him, and justifying extra vigour with the cane, in seeing that he spent the contents of his balls thoroughly. As he jiggered and thrust out his seed under the spite of her cane, she grinned in thinking how much pain he’d suffer in reaching the final spend demanded of him by her.

Wade whimpered in the misery of knowing he still owed her a spurt of his cream in defeat, after the thirtieth stroke was applied, his tears savoured by her as she allowed him a brief respite from her bloodied rod, admiring the luscious striping her efforts had awarded his flesh, the red lined buttocks flexing and quivering as Wade’s senses took in the lasting consequences of being punished so severely. She knew he’d require something extra to bring him off that final time, and that fact suited her just perfectly, the beaded thong having teased her close enough to orgasm for her to be unable to deny her own lust for it. Wade shivered on feeling her hands gently unbuckle the gag, and watched her step round to face him, lifting the crisp skirt and exciting his sight and scent to the bare cunt beneath it.

“You’ll tell me everything you know, but you’ll be made to beg for that pleasure ... before you’re allowed that privilege, you’ll show thanks for what you’ve received already ... and what’s to come...” Wade’s flaccid cock began to revive immediately as she edged the warmth of her cunt to his tearful face, and had him sample the delightful whiffs of her arousal, her fingers hastily moving the beaded thong to one side, the sticky threads of her lubrication clinging to it as her clitoris was exposed for his attentions.

“Lick!” Wade’s neck had ached like mad, so noticeable once the excruciating stinging of the cane had eased, being crooked high by the bolster, but that discomfort disappeared completely as he had his tongue sample the juices of her cunt. Strapped down and held to obedience by her, his cock eased back to a full erection on being made to service the woman who’d thrashed him. Winifred Justice-Proctor slipped back into being Tara for a few moments as she moved lustily toward orgasm, but as she moaned in the full ectasy of climax, her eyes went to the red leather whip hanging proudly amongst her regalia of punishment ... and Sergeant Major Winifred was back to give the servicing tongue just what it deserved.

Wade snorted for air as she came, her messy cunt pressed hard at his face while she moaned with satisfaction, and then, in a moment, she pulled away and let her skirt drop back, still sighing as she moved to her array of implements. Wade saw her spiteful smile as she picked the looped whip from its display, his re-erected cock unable to allow him to deny a certain masochistic pleasure in his fear.

“No! ... no ... please no, I beg you!...” Winifred Justice-Proctor simply smiled, he’d begged without so much as a verbal prompt from her ... that had earned him immediate punishment. His cock throbbed with renewed impetus as she unfurled the looped whip, flicking its length out and having him see its fine braiding and spitefully knotted end.

“You’ll know the whip, then I’ll have the information you’ve been hiding ... along with the final spurt you owe me.” Wade Chalmers rued the moment he’d met ‘John Smith’ and more so their meeting with Dora Parks, the vision of her mature smile as his body ceded its flesh to the snaking whip, helping tease him toward that tortured orgasm as he gave up all knowledge he’d have willingly given anyway, between beggings and the curl of that whip about his buttocks and torso. His fetish for uniformed women assured indelibly, as at last, when all was told, a third surrender of his balls was given up in masochistic ectasy.

‘John Smith’ was already in his element as the two mature women wasted no time in moving to the main bedroom as soon as they arrived, pointing him to a corner as they strutted across the floor in their tall heels, their authority beyond question and expressed with supreme confidence in this surreal world in which they dominated and owned everything within that environment, outright. The other male was already stripping as he knelt by the bed, aware of his place in being put to good use, and no doubt wary of punishment if not ready to meet the immediate demands of his feminine betters. Josie sneered down at the new boy as she slipped her blouse off and revealed her ample breasts, both she and Sandy new that Cherie would be here soon, and both were eager to see if he were at the level she required. They’d been horny enough with the prospect of a spiteful session, but the inclusion of a prospective candidate for one of Cherie’s little projects, had them both sweetly aroused already.

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