18 April 2009 - Cover

18 April 2009

Copyright© 2020 by Mustang

Chapter 3

Nurse Anderson put a diaper on James, wrapped him snug in a soft blanket, and placed a light blue cap over his head to keep him warm. Dan’s cheeks were hurting from smiling so much as his newest son was placed in his arms.

“A newborn’s fingernails are quite long and can easily scratch their soft skin,” Nurse Anderson said of the reason for securing James in the blanket.

“Hi James, I’m your dad.” He walked him over to Tina, who managed to sit up a little.

Dan handed him to her. “Hi James Daniel, I’m your mom.” Her fingers touched his cheek, and then she kissed him. “His skin is as soft as velvet.”

“It’s strange that we’re talking to him as if he can understand us,” Dan joked.

“He can’t understand you, but he can hear your voices. The inner ear retains a little liquid for a few days. Babies will respond to higher-pitched voices,” Doctor Clements mentioned.

James stared at her with big, dark eyes. “He’s so handsome, just like his daddy! Thank you, Dan, for such a wonderful little boy!”

“You’re welcome, but you did all the work. Thank you, Tina.”

“Mom, you’ll have a few minutes until you deliver your second baby. It’s never too early to begin breastfeeding,” Doctor Clements suggested.

Tina smiled, looking at Dan as she revealed her right breast. “Don’t be too frustrated if he doesn’t take your nipple,” the doctor added. “Usually babies born this early have difficulty sucking. I want to see if a feeding tube will be required for him.”

She squeezed just behind her nipple, and a little cloudy, white milk dribbled out. She tilted him sideways, drawing him closer, and offered her nipple to his lips. His mouth opened, and he took her nipple in and instinctively began to suck.

“He was quick to take your milk; that’s a very good sign,” Doctor Clements observed.

“James likes the boob just like his daddy,” Tina joked, glancing from James to Dan, then Doctor Clements.

“I’ve said it before and will say it again; that has got to be the most beautiful sight in the world. I like how his little nose wiggles as he sucks.” Dan leaned closer, draping his arm behind Tina’s head as they watched James feed. They shared a tender kiss and continued to watch James.

Tina’s moment of new motherhood was interrupted by a strong contraction. “I could feel that one!”

She fed James for a few more minutes, then Nurse Anderson took him so Tina could deliver her second baby. Doctor Clements did an ultrasound of her stomach. “Baby number two is in a good position, head down.”

“You’ll be happy to know that the second one only takes ten to twenty minutes to deliver,” Doctor Clements said, sitting on her seat.

Dan wiped her moistened brow and offered her ice chips that were readily taken. The monitor showed several more contractions. “You’re dilating quite fast, already at seven centimetres,” Nurse Woodhouse observed.

During the next five minutes, Dan held James for Tina to see and touch until the contractions came too often.

“Okay, Mom, you’re at ten centimetres; get ready to begin pushing,” Doctor Clements announced. Dan smiled at Tina and gripped her hand. “Now give me a good push!”

Tina took a deep breath and, leaning forward, pushed. She did it repeatedly until the doctor said the head had crowned.

“You’re doing great, Mom. On the next contraction, give me a good push.”

Dan wiped Tina’s brow and offered her more ice chips to chew. She smiled at him, gripping his hand tight. Soon another contraction hit her, and she began to push.

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