Naughty Mom - Cover

Naughty Mom

Copyright© 2021 by bydasea

Chapter 3

Fan Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Young mom wants to be a slut and asks for help

Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   BiSexual   Fan Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Humiliation   Spanking   Gang Bang   Black Male   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Anal Sex   Analingus   Bestiality   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex   Water Sports   Public Sex   Nudism  

Sunday morning, I got up and started to the bathroom, but Jeff stopped me and said, “Remember, your toilet is outside.”

I said, “I’m sorry Master Jeff, I forgot.”

He laughed and said, “Well, get going slut. Hope the neighbors are all up to watch.”

I hung my head and walked to the front door. I opened it and peeked out. Not seeing anyone, I walked out into the yard, then to the spot I had peed last night. I took a quick check to see if anyone was looking at me and then squatted down to pee. Just as I started peeing, a couple young boys from across the road came out, stood in front of me and watched me. Once I started peeing, I couldn’t stop, so they got quite an eyeful of this black naked woman peeing in her yard.

I finally quite peeing and then since I had to wipe without the toilet paper, I ran my fingers through my cunt slit, got the last few drops of pee and then stuck my fingers in my mouth to clean them off. I did it one more time to be sure I had all the little droplets off my cunt. I stood up and the boys started clapping.

I was about to head back in the house and Billy stepped out. He said, “Hey, you guys ever touch a cunt before? Come on over here and touch her all over. She got little tits, but you can play with them and if you want, put your fingers up her cunt. She will just stand there and let you do it, won’t you slut?”

I had to say they could, so I did just that. I said, “Yes, if you boys want to touch and feel me up, I’ll stand here, spread my legs and let you do as you wish.”

That was so humiliating, but Master Billy said for me to do it. I stood there, legs wide apart and both the young boys came over. Each one took a tit in hand and rubbed, squeezed and pinched me. One of the boys even took my nipple in his mouth and sucked on it. God that felt good. They played with my nipples and then one of them made their way to my horny cunt and started rubbing me all over. I said, “Put your fingers in it. I like it when someone does that.”

The boy did as I asked and soon I had his fingers in my needy cunt. It felt good, but so humiliating for a couple young boys to do as they wished with me. I was naked outside my home allowing 2 young boys to play with me and finger fuck me. I hoped Jeff didn’t want me to do more for them.

Jeff finally said, “OK, boys, let my slut go. She needs to fix our breakfast. Might let her out later so you can play some more.”

The boys stopped and walked back to their house and I went inside. I fixed the boys breakfast and I ate with them. I didn’t say anything about what was going on with us or what has happened so far. I just let them talk about what they wanted to do with me.

They decided that since today was Sunday, we would all go to the movies together and see some weird movie that they thought would be cool. I don’t even remember the name of it. I agreed we would go once the cinema opened.

I cleaned up after breakfast by myself. It used to be they cleaned up after I cooked, but I must do it all by myself now. They don’t do anything at home. I cook, clean and even make their beds every day. They used to do it, but now since I am their slut, I must do it for them.

Once I was done, they gave me a skirt and blouse to put on, along with my sandals. Once I was dressed, we left to go to the mall where the cinemas were. We enjoy going to them because they don’t cost that much to get in. They play afternoon movies and Sundays are the cheapest day to get in.

We got there and stood in line to get the tickets into the theatre. I paid for them and we went inside. The boys got snacks and drinks for all of us and then went to find some seats. They picked some toward the front. We found that most people sit toward the back, so by being in the front, we have more space for ourselves.

Once I was seated, the boys sat on either side of me, but a couple seats away. Usually we all sit together, but today, they separated us. I didn’t say anything but wondered what they might be up to. I sat and munched on my popcorn and drank my soda.

Once the movie was about to start, the lights started diming and soon, it was dark in the theater. The movie came on and my phone buzzed. I pulled it out and saw the one word I dread. ‘STRIP’ was that one word. I choked on my popcorn, but sat the box down in the seat next to me and put my soda in the holder.

I unbuttoned my blouse and slid it off and then wiggled out of my skirt. I avoided standing up so others couldn’t see what I was doing. I put my clothes in the other seat next to me and sat there in a public movie theater naked as the day I was born.

The boys then moved closer to me and took my clothes. I don’t know where they took them to, but they got up and left me sitting alone, butt ass naked. I made the best of the bad situation and started munching on my popcorn again. They were gone for a while and when they returned, they had some other boys with them.

There were about 10 boys now and all of them were seeing me naked. Billy came over to me and said, “Now, during the rest of the movie, you will be sucking some cocks. Get on your hands and knees and crawl to the end of the row away from us and then crawl into the next row and crawl back to the other end. Then enter our row again and when you come to one of my friends, you will suck his cock until he cums. Swallow it all slut and then move to the next one. Better finish them all before the movie ends, or you will walk out of here naked.”

I got busy sucking the cocks of boys I couldn’t see. All I saw was hard cock and as I took each one in my mouth, I wondered who it was I was sucking on. I went from boy to boy and sucked all 10 cocks, finishing the last one just as the movie ended.

The lights were coming on when my boys gave me my clothes back and I scrambled to get dressed so I wasn’t caught naked in the theater. I got dressed and we left, going back home so the boys could fuck mommy again. We had a quiet evening at home and the next morning when I got up, the boys had laid out my school clothes for me.

I had written on 5 pair of my panties, ‘BLACK SCHOOL SLUT’ and put the date I would wear them to school. I was going to be the school slut for a week and be just like that girl in the story. I got dressed and was ready to go face the day.

I had the boys ride the bus like they normally do and I drove to the school. I got to the parking lot before the busses arrived and went to the center of the lot. I then noticed a big X inside a circle on the pavement. The principal met me there and said that I was to stand on the X each day to begin my day. So, I went to the X and stood waiting.

Once others started showing up, I raised my skirt to my waist, showing off my panties to everyone. I stood like that for a while before my Mistress Pam showed up and joined me in the circle.

“Now slut, stand there and wait for me to come back. Once I have your panties removed, I will fix your skirt to show off that hot black ass. Remember, it is what you wanted, so just do as I say.” She told me.

I said, “Yes Mistress Pam, I will do as you say and I am so excited.”

“I bet you are bitch. Just stand there so everyone can see those panties.” She said and walked away.

The crowd of students and teachers continued to grow and all eyes were on me. I was nervous, excited, and so happy. I stood showing the panties so everyone could read that I was the schools black slut.

I was watching Mistress Pam all the time and saw her nod her head. Right after that, I felt hands on my ass and my panties. Fingers went onto the waist band and my panties started going down my legs. It wasn’t long and my cunt was exposed to everyone and so was my ass. The panties continued down my legs and soon were at my feet. The hands picked up one foot and slid the panties off and then the other foot. Once they were gone, the hands left me and whoever took them walked away. I stood with my skirt up and my naked ass and cunt were on display.

She made me stay there exposed for about 5 minutes before she came back to me. She said, “Now, I am going to fix your skirt so your naked black ass is out for all to see. It will stay like that until lunch time and you will do whatever I say. And if anyone wants to feel your ass, you will allow it.”

I said, “Yes, Mistress Pam, I understand and it is what I want. Thank you.”

She laughed and said, “You thank me now, but you have no idea what will happen today.”

She tucked my skirt into the waist band and then let the front down. My ass was exposed, but my cunt was covered, but I knew later it would be out for all to see. Then she slapped my naked ass and said, “Come along slut, let’s go to class.”

We walked together into the school and I had hands all over my ass and some even touched my cunt, but I didn’t try to stop them from feeling me up. We got to the first class and Mistress Pam made me stand next to the teacher’s desk, with my ass to the class. She said, “Just stand there so we can all look at that black ass.”

So, during the first class, I stood with my ass hanging out so all the young students could see it. Mistress Pam was 13, so I figured most of the others were also that age. My legs got tired, but I didn’t move from where she put me, but I did have to pee.

Once class was over, I asked if I could use the bathroom. She said, “Yes, go into the boy’s bathroom and piss. Make sure you use a urinal so the boys can watch.”

I said, “Yes Mistress.”

I walked into the boy’s bathroom and looked around. I had never been in one before, so wasn’t sure what to do. I saw the urinals for the boys to stand in front of and piss. But how was a girl going to piss in one of them. I couldn’t stand to face it like the boys do, so figured I would have to sit on it to piss.

That is what I did. I backed up to the urinal and held on to the rim to balance myself and got my hand in a bunch of piss. I sat down and pulled the front of my skirt up at the same time. I looked down and saw that I was going to be able to do it without pissing on the floor.

I sat there for a moment and started pissing with a group of young boys watching me. How humiliating to have to piss in front of young boys in their bathroom. I also saw Mistress Pam standing there watching me to make sure I did it right.

I finished pissing and needed some toilet paper. I asked one of the boys if he could get me some from one of the stalls, but Mistress said, “No slut, use your fingers to wipe and then lick them clean. And while you are at it, lick your hand clean where you stuck it in piss as you sat down.”

I didn’t say anything. I just put my fingers to my cunt and wiped the droplets of piss from it, then put my fingers to my mouth and lick the piss from them. I did it again to make sure I had it all off my cunt and then licked again. Next, I licked the piss off my other hand and it was gross. I wondered if boys always missed the hole when they pissed.

I finished and stood up, fixed my skirt and showed Mistress Pam that my ass was still out and we went to the next class. I figured I would have to stand during this class to, but she said, “Bend over the teacher’s desk with your ass facing the rest of us. Then spread your legs bitch.”

I did as she said and now, my ass and cunt would be seen because with the skirt raised in the back, the front went up too. So, with me like this, I knew those students could see my cunt too. But, I was turned on by all of this. I was living a dream and becoming a school slut.

The rest of the morning went by quickly, with me being bent over a desk to show off. I was touched and felt up even during class and in one class, the teacher got naked to teach. She had a good body and her cunt was also shaved like mine. But, she was white.

Lunch time came and I knew I would be showing more after we ate. I followed Mistress Pam to the lunch room and stood in line to get our meals. She told me to take the hot dog and fries for lunch. I did as she told me and we went to the back of the room. I met all the other cheerleaders since they sat together. They were all cute and had nice little bodies.

Mistress Pam told me not to sit yet. Instead, she said, “Now slut, stand back here, facing the room and remove the skirt. You won’t get it back, so once removed, just leave it on the floor.”

I said, “Yes Mistress Pam.” I stepped back to where she wanted me, undid the clasp and zipper and let my skirt fall to the floor. Then she told me to come to the table and just stand there so everyone could get a good look at my naked cunt.

Mistress Pam then said, “Ok slut, take your hot dog out of the bun and shove it up that hot black cunt. All the way in. That way, it will be nice and warm when you get ready to eat it.”

Damn, now she is going to make me embarrass myself by shoving my food into my cunt. But, I had agreed to follow all her orders, so I leaned over, took out the hot dog and started to wipe off the mustard I had put on it, but she stopped me. “No bitch, leave the mustard on it. Just shove it up that black cunt, mustard and all.”

That was nasty, but I took the hot dog, mustard and all and slowly inserted into my cunt. I had to put my fingers in my cunt to get it all the way in like she wanted, but finally got it all the way up my cunt and my lips closed over it. Then, I licked my fingers clean of the mustard and cunt juice.

“OK, slut, sit your naked ass down and eat your fries. Once they are done, I’ll let you get your dog out of the oven and eat it.” Mistress Pam told me.

The other cheerleaders were all giggling at me. I was so embarrassed to have done that in front of the young girls. They talked about practice after school and Mistress Pam said, “The black bitch will be there with us this week and girls, she eats pussy really nice. You’ll all get to feel her hot tongue on your pussies too.”

God, they were all so young and at least one of them was only 12. The others were 13 to 15. The captain of the team was the oldest at 15. Pam introduced me to all of them and told me that from now on, each of them was a mistress to me and I had to address them all as such. I had to remember their names and call each of them mistress and then their name. School is not easy for me.

I didn’t say anything unless one of the girls asked me a question. Mistress Pam had told me to sit and keep my cocksucking mouth shut, unless I was asked a question. Only a couple girls asked me anything and it was sexual in nature. One asked if I sucked cock. Another asked me if I fucked boys. But that was it. Of course, my answers to both questions were yes.

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