Baby Sister - Cover

Baby Sister

Copyright© 2022 by SZENSEI

Episode 19: The Butler Did It

Erotica Sex Story: Episode 19: The Butler Did It - Colombia is known for its coffee, its poppy fields, and its share of the sexiest women on Earth. Esperanza Blanco and her naïve young 16-year old daughter Maria are sure to wake you up and call you Poppy. America the beautiful just got two of the hottest. Marrying billionaire Oscar Barnett, Esperanza set their future to look bright. Yes, and no! Oscar and his five adult sons had motives, dark motives. Question is, did the Barnett's bite off more than they could chew? Maria was hungry.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Sharing   Wife Watching   Incest   Mother   Brother   Sister   Father   Humiliation   Rough   Spanking   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Swinging   White Male   Hispanic Female   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Fisting   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism  


“Where is everybody?”

Going from bedroom to bedroom, Maria Blanco pouted each time she discovered them empty. Not wanting to be nosey she knew better than to intrude further, a good thing since her every move was being recorded. Abandoning the upstairs she straddled the upstairs banister and rode down it three separate times, squealing each time the woods soft shiny exterior smothered between her labia with glossy friction. To her this was the only amusement park she had ever known. Her wetness made it a wonderful water slide. Tiring of her several attempts she stopped at the bottom of the staircase and found herself fidgeting.

“What do I do now?”

Skipping like a far younger child than she truly was Maria went into the kitchen and discovered the Barnett’s faithful Butler Nigel Highbone baking. Pausing to watch him in silence she stood just inside the doorway with her hands held behind her back, her stunning titties posed to show off as she was often taught. Remaining quiet she observed him rolling out dough, his back turned to her. Music playing to the big band sounds of the late great Tommy Dorsey on a radio next to his workstation seemed soothing yet quite noisy at the same time. She found the symphony quite curious, unlike anything she had ever been allowed to listen to. Unable to stand in one place for too long Maria found herself stalking him from behind. With a beguiling glint of mischief, she eased behind him and tickled him in the ribs over his white shirt and black velvet vest.

“BOO!” The shock was quite dramatic.


“DEAR GOD!” He released his rolling pin into the air as if twirling a baton, fumbling to catch it but realizing he was not as quick as he used to be. The clatter of the defensive baker’s bat on top of his baking station sent flour billowing in clouds all across his front and flailing arms. Luckily, he had been wearing a full apron over his vest. Regaining control over his nerves he cordially twisted in step and greeted the gorgeous Maria with a defeated sigh. “I shall thank you to please not do that again, Young Miss. I am afraid my poor heart cannot take surprises like it used too.”

“I’m sorry Highbone I did not think before doing it. You may spank me; I know that I should be punished.” She bent over beside him touching her toes but smirking at her evil hopefulness. Old fart or not his eyes did check her cute bottom out. Clearing his throat he instead brushed the front of his apron, knowing he would need to sweep up after his baking anyway.

“No need my Dear. Learn from your mistakes.”

“SPANK ME!!!” She belted out viscously catching him off guard. “SPANK ME NOW!”


“That will be quite enough, Young Miss.”

“Noooooooo!” She stomped like a baby whining! “I was bad.”

“All is forgiven.” He patted her on the shoulder. Pouting at him she lowered her gaze to his apron reading the saying embroidered upon it. Smiling she jumped up and snuck in to kiss the Brit on the lips. He could barely fight her off. Once she backed away at his groaning encouragement he frowned. “May I ask what that was about?”

Pointing at his apron with sparkling eyes he dropped his eyes to his powdery chest. “Your apron say’s Kiss the ... oh, my mistake...” She quickly knelt down on her knees in front of him, lifted the apron and kissed the crotch of his black suit pants to mask her delivery.

“YOUNG MISS!! I must insist you behave.”

“But the apron says Kiss the Cock.”


“Cook, not Cock.” He lifted his apron enough to realize flour had turned the second letter O into a C. “Oh, Dearest God! I’m afraid this is my fault. The apron used to say cook. Please do not do that again.”

“Was it that bad, Highbone?” She attempted to beguile him; her hormones just could not be contained. “You still have time to spank me.”

“It was not.” Why in the world he said that the elder would never know. “But I cannot partake in such shenanigans. Just so you know, I have another apron that say’s Kiss the Cockney. Please do not mistake it should I wear it in front of you. Cockney is my native brogue I’m afraid.”

“What is brogue?”

“An accent. Such as ... Pipe down you Lot. I used that quite often with the Young Master’s when they became unruly.”

“I was unruly ... SPANK ME!” She hopped up and down then bent over again to literally spank herself. Both hands actively slapping her cheeks the dueling palms cordially showed off her butt pucker. Today there was no coyote tail butt plug worn, having taken a bath before searching for her stepbrothers. Of course, with all of this flour on her now she might need at least another shower.

“Not today Young Miss. Would you like to assist me in making an apple pie?”

“If you spank me I will.” She swayed shamelessly from side to side.

“You dance divinely, Young Miss.” He changed the subject in hopes she might give up on her flirtations. “Do you like my music?”

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“Yes. It is beautiful.”

“I grew up on this ... it is referred to as the big band sound. I find it quite soothing. Would you dance with me Young Miss?” He tried a new tactic to calm her hormones. Removing his apron, he lay it tenderly aside on a clean countertop before extending a hand for hers. “This instrumental is called Close to Me ... the year was 1936 if memory serves. My mother and father used to dance to this waltz.” He eased her closer to him forced to lean dramatically forward to place one hand on her waist. She trembled at his soft touch. He swallowed dryly at her perky nipples trying to tickle him again. Listening to the singing she found it relaxing. Drawing closer to him they gently danced until she nearly wept. The music was incredibly beautiful, entrancing even, so much so that she could have almost taken a nap in his arms.

Highbone himself enjoyed this lovely waltz, not as spry as he used to be but elegant none the less. The issue was her weight on his spine which was twinging at his lower back. Maria was hardly heavy but to poor Highbone she weighed a ton. Toward the end of the era, he let out a snarl, accompanied by, “Forgive me Young Miss, I fear I must sit down.” Hearing his growl her well-trained mind automatically presumed it was the white devil, the semen built up within all men that deeply hurt their insides until released. In his attempted escape he found her hand reaching for his crotch rather than assisting him to a seat. A tug at the zipper he stopped her just in time.

“Young Miss! If you, please.”

“I like pleasing. It is a woman’s job to do that.”

“Yes ... of course ... while that sounds lovely, it is my back that requires attention.” He leaned on the island counter to hold himself up, unable to fully stand erect.

“What can I do to help you Highbone?” She wanted to touch him so bad but was hesitant.

“Bring me a chair Child.”

“I am not a child.” She pouted stomping her foot. “NOT A BABY! NOT A BABY!”

“A CHAIR THIS INSTANT YOUNG MISS.” He was in quite an aggravated mood under the pulsating, throbbing pain. His bellow made Maria jump and scurry to the dining room in order to drag a chair into the kitchen, resting it behind him. Seating himself slowly into the creaking stability of his newfound throne he adapted to the pain. Holding his breath, eyes closed, his trauma relaxed a bit to an instrumental called A String of Pearls. Best medicine ever!

Afraid to leave his side she listened to the music along with him. “I like the horny’s.”

“Horns?” He sighed! “Ah, yes! The trombones.”

“Are they related to you Highbone?” The Trombone family, how adorable she was!

“Such an enchanting Young Miss you are. No relation I am afraid.” He knew he needed his pain meds his lower back was hurting far too badly. “I fear I must lay down. Would you assist me to my home out back?”

“Your guest house? Why is it called that? You live here, you’re not a guest.” That thought went unanswered.

“Yes, Young Miss. I have medicine there to ease my back.”

“I can go get your medication if you cannot walk.” She hovered faithfully.

“With your help I believe I can make it my dear. A favor though? Shut the oven off please. I will clean things up later.” He instructed her how to shut the range off and slowly found the strength to rise from his chair. Using herself as a human crutch she burrowed beneath his armpit and tried her best to keep him steady in his walk. A short distance to the living room they exited the French doors facing the swimming pool and began their snail’s pace trek toward his backyard bungalow. Reaching the front door, he paused to use a keypad to unlock his front door. She found it curious why he would have such a device.


“There we are, Young Miss. Ordinarily, I would say after you Madame but this time I shall not.” He eased into the lead and carefully broke away from her assistance. In a zombie like waltz, he made it to his bathroom and managed to take the appropriate medications to regain his mobility, hardly immediate of course.

“You have a very nice home Highbone. Is this your wife?” She peered up at a painting above his fireplace. Seeing her standing there completely nude from behind even Nigel had to swallow dryly. Young Miss was entirely too perfect physically.


“Yes, indeed! My late wife Caroline. Is she not beautiful?” He sighed heavily from his bathroom door, using the frame to hold himself upright.

“She kind of looks like me.”

He had not thought of that until pointed out. They did share certain characteristics in Caroline’s youth, similar in body if not for knowing Caroline to be taller than Maria. Even their hair was dark and full, same big brown eyes, and complexion if not an artist’s rendition. The likeness in Nigel’s head was spot on. Sighing at this discovery he opted to return to his bathroom closing the door on her in order to attempt urination. Standing over his toilet he teetered in stiffness to unzip his dress slacks. Barely able to draw out his penis he reached at a bad angle and electricity shot throughout his lower back and right leg. Damnable sciatic nerve! “AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGH!”

Hearing his cry of pain Maria hurried to the bathroom door and didn’t bother to knock, marching right inside to find him struggling to stand. “I am here to help you.”

“Forgive me Young Miss for my exposure. I quite needed to relieve myself but was caught off guard. Give me a moment alone, Sweet One.” He was embarrassed over his dick dangling from his pants. Straining he accidently began peeing but not at the toilet bowl, his stream spilling down his pant leg. “Oh, Dear God!” This was not going well.

Before he could grab his tentative beast Maria moved to his side and reached in to grip his wet penis and held it over the toilet. Knowing it wrong Nigel just let her do it, he really needed to pee. Within her tender fingers he did find himself gradually becoming erect. He hoped he did not grab a little blue pill by mistake. His eyesight was not quite what it was in his youth. “Did Caroline do this for you?”

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