Baby Sister - Cover

Baby Sister

Copyright© 2022 by SZENSEI

Episode 8: Boo Cocky

Erotica Sex Story: Episode 8: Boo Cocky - Colombia is known for its coffee, its poppy fields, and its share of the sexiest women on Earth. Esperanza Blanco and her naïve young 16-year old daughter Maria are sure to wake you up and call you Poppy. America the beautiful just got two of the hottest. Marrying billionaire Oscar Barnett, Esperanza set their future to look bright. Yes, and no! Oscar and his five adult sons had motives, dark motives. Question is, did the Barnett's bite off more than they could chew? Maria was hungry.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Sharing   Wife Watching   Incest   Mother   Brother   Sister   Father   Humiliation   Rough   Spanking   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Swinging   White Male   Hispanic Female   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Fisting   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism  


Tyson Barnett utilized a distraction offered by his baby brother Wiley in talking to their adorably naive baby sister Maria Blanco. Using this advantage, he found time to send texts back to the stableman boss Clint Barlow about what to expect from Maria once they returned. This gave Clint time to prepare the others in their twisted play date. The brothers were intent on exposing tiny sixteen-year-old Maria to man’s world without her even suspecting she was being used. Isolated all of her life at her mother Esperanza’s discretion to protect her baby the delightful child had zero knowledge of not just sex, but the greed of male dominance. The exact thing her mother tried her hardest to prevent. Esperanza Blanco was perfect in her choices up until her own greed in marrying billionaire Oscar Barnett clouded her judgment. Her mistake would cost her baby her innocence. Strangely, Maria was enjoying herself at their mischief.

The Barnett’s only rule was not too rough, not too pushy. He explained their White Devil pandemic so that even they could act out their frustrations, including her new hugging style. Tyson wanted to see just how Maria would react under so many guys complaining at once. Clint’s response was a hearty laugh and another “Hiyo, Silver.” as he had said earlier. Even Tyson had to contain his laugh. Looking over at Maria he could tell she was in a good mood. Believing every word, the Barnett’s breathed only added to her experiences, as long as she was having fun the game would remain alive.

Forty minutes of dusty travels later the trio of horseback riders reached the stable and were greeted by Loomis Vaughn and Paco Ruiz, having kept a watchful eye on their return. Swaying in her saddle Maria rocked back and forth nervously. With each forward movement her pussy brushed the leather beneath her straddling thighs exciting her as much as the heat stuck her flesh to the seat. Tyson noticed her wiggling in the saddle and motioned Wiley to observe her. In her nervousness she was turning herself on even more. A shared pucker between brothers they read into her upcoming meet and greet.

“Hurry Betsy.” She wanted her horse to go faster.

“Hey! Relax there, Ginger Rogers. Don’t provoke Betsy.” Tyson warned her on the way down the hill.

“My name is not Ginger. I’m just in a hurry.”

“Gotta pee?” Wiley wondered.

“Yes. But I want hugs too.”

“Can you hold it?” Tyson asked.


“Don’t you pee on these guys.” Wiley laughed, “Well Billy you can. He’s a lil’ prick.”

“I don’t want to pee on anyone. I can hold it until we get back to the house.”

Convinced that she was certain, the horses reached the stable entrance, and the brothers were first to climb down. Paco again took Cortez and Buckshot back to their stalls where fresh food and water awaited them. He would remove their saddles and begin brushing them down. He of all of the stable boys had no interest in their games. Not that he didn’t find Maria adorable in her almost childlike persona. Her body and behavior would entice fantasies in any man in his right mind, wrong reasons.

Clint met up with Maria and her horse Betsy, taking the reins from Maria. Patting Betsy’s neck to relax her Clint passed the rein to Miguel and they waited there to see her enthusiasm rising up. “You have a nice ride, Miss Maria?”

“Yesssss! It was fun. I even had swimming lessons and swung on a tire.”

“Sounds like a good time was had by all.”

“She saved our ass Clint.” Wiley smirked, “I won’t go into detail but it’s that daily dose of severe cramps of the manhood if you know what I mean.”

“Oh, hell! I know how that is. It usually hits me about this time of day too. Fuckin’ White Devil. Sorry for my language Maria, let me help you down.” Clint raised his arms up for her. Taking her boots out of the stirrups she clenched her teeth with a whimper. “You okay Sweetheart?”

“My calves are raw.”

“She’s not used to wearing man boots.” Wiley grinned. “You can take those boots off Maria.”

“I can?”

“Sure, you can Little Darlin’.” Clint shared concern helping her once she cast her right leg over her saddle to sit there with her legs dangling. As Clint slowly removed her boots, then her socks she wiggles her toes to regain circulation. Her cute painted toenails were bright pink like her pussy. Yes, Clint noticed the similarity, his eyes stared up directly at her as her legs outstretched dramatically. Sitting her boots on the dirt floor of the stable he stood back up and even offered to massage her feet and raw calves. She let him, finding comfort in his warm attentions. “Y’know? You runnin’ barefoot in the stables isn’t a good thing. Lord knows what you might step on and get these adorable lil’ feet dirty, or even worse cut.” She fidgeted not wanting to put her boots back on.

“Do I have to put my boots on?”

“Naaaa! I can carry you. Me and the boys can take turns on you.” How he phrased things went flying right over her head.

“I want a hug.” She couldn’t wait to get down, going so far as to plant her feet on both of his shoulders in preparation to be helped from her saddle. Passing his hat to Miguel briefly, Clint stepped closer and let her slide her legs down over his back. Her cute pink pussy mashed right over his face. Inhaling her scent, he captured stagnant lake water but didn’t let it dissuade him in the least. Burying his tongue inside her she yelped and hugged his scalp just as the Barnett’s had shown her. Being licked was becoming an obsessive trait in little Maria Blanco. “Hug me tighter.” She increased her grip on the back of his head, her 34B’s agitating his hair. Although his scruffy beard tickled, she didn’t complain, his tongue took the sensations in a much better direction. Her still a virgin he knew he couldn’t go digging too deep, so he simply circled her rim and nibbled at her clitoris. Maria looked at her brothers with an expression of yearn. “I think I like hugging.”

All around Clint the others stood trying hard to contain their amusement at her stupidity. Crowding closer George and Billy wanted in. “We’ve missed you, Maria.” George told her tickling her feet as they clung to Clint’s spine. Giggling at her ticklish nature she told him to stop, or she might pee. The temptation was there knowing Clint had his face buried directly where her urinary discharge could catch him by surprise. Clint read his friends mind and walked away with her in tow. Of course, they followed his every move. Little Miss Maria was just too alluring to let get away.

“Don’t hog all the hugs Old Man.” Billy followed his leader patting Clint’s back, while George wiggled her toes with a deep desire to suck on them. George Lawson had a foot fetish. Before he could sample them, Clint reared his wet mouth away from her twat and ventured to tilt his head back. In her held hug to his scalp her nipples slid right across his face.

“Now that’s the best hug I’ve ever gotten. Thank you, Maria.”

“I will always hug you as good as this.”

“That’s what a real woman should say.”

“It is? Yay! I’m getting closer.” She leered back at the Barnett’s beaming with pride.

“Where’s my hug?” Billy tickled her ribs chuckling. Hearing her giggle and tense up defensively Clint carefully passed her off to Billy. Straddling his face Billy stormed her pussy and licked it with a deeper hunger than Clint had. Youth spoke volume. Awestruck, she dropped her jaw and tilted her head back to share a gaze with Wiley and Tyson.

“I love hugging.” She whimpered as Tyson and Wiley ease closer to join in rubbing her back softly, Wiley stroking her hair.

“Best part of each day, isn’t it?” Tyson whispered into her ear. “Don’t you ever forget how this is a show of respect as much as your adoration.”

“She’s got the right idea, Brother. Maria’s not dumb.” Like a box of boulders Tyson rolled his eyes trying hard not to chuckle. Noting Maria smiling brightly at being complimented for her intelligence Tyson just squeezed her shoulders tightly. “Yup! She’s one smart cookie.”

“Yes, I am.” She sighed then whispered, “I guess they decided they wanted to lick me.” Hearing her Billy mumbled his agreement with a mouthful of sloppy cunt.

“Hurry it up Billy, I wanna hug too.” George spoke toying with her toes. Grumbling at having to give up too soon Billy caved and sent her into George’s clutches. Sharing saliva amongst men didn’t seem to be a problem, George dug in just as viciously as Billy had, taking brief moments to gnaw at her clit. Yelping faintly, she clung to him with diligence, her hips even lifting some to press her pussy closer to his mouth. Maria Blanco was feeling really good.

With Loomis and Miguel returning from putting Betsy away they smothered around her. Taking time to just observe and chat quietly with the Barnett’s it seemed as if nothing was amiss. Suggestions arose as Clint told Tyson they had set up their poker table, which was just a large wooden cable spool, and some cut tree stumps as seats.

“Maria?” Clint interrupted her pleasure caressing her back lovingly, “We boys talked and it’d be our honor to lick you properly. Let’s make you comfy, okay?”

“Uh huh!” She nodded feverishly as George wagged deep inside her. Her reply almost sounded eager. Of course, it was.

“Hand her off George.” Clint claimed her in his arms. Disappointed by being taken from her hug she pouted but let the elder take her into a vacant horse stall that was cleaner than the outside. Seeing a round table with some bedrolls padding it she found herself being laid over them. They were comfortable all mounded for thickness. Taking seats George, Billy, Loomis, Miguel, and finally Clint surrounded her as she sat up on her hands exploring their expressions. The Barnett’s kept their distance leaning on the stall gate waving at her. She waved back giddily.

“This is a little new for all of us, mostly me and Loomis there.” Clint informed her, “The younguns get out more than we do.” Clint and Loomis were both married but she hadn’t even noticed their wedding bands. In the heat of her necessity, she probably wouldn’t have cared. “I gave you a good hug and tried out my tongue, how did I do?”

“I liked it.” She blushed with a beguiling hint of horniness. “I think you need practice.” As if she didn’t!

“I did, okay?”


“Good deal. I’ll try it again here in a few. Let’s let Loomis there give it a shot.”

Loomis in his seat to her left reached over and grabbed her left knee and slid her around on the padding to face him. Tugging her hips closer to the edge of the table he pried her thighs wider to examine his delectable target. “Maria, you have one fine lil’ pussy.”

“I do?” She smiled, eyes flaring at his praise. Convinced by his brewing appetite she agreed, “I DO.” Everyone chuckled.

“At least she knows how sexy she is.” Clint twisted in step to tell Wiley and Tyson.

“Sexiest kid in Texas.” Billy beat the Barnett’s reply. “I could lick that pussy for hours.”

“You could?” She drooped her chin at the thought. “Can I try that?” Maria looked to Tyson and Wiley for consideration. “Will it make me a woman faster?”

“I say save Billy’s offer for another day.” Tyson informed his decision, “You’re gonna get an hour as it is between all those fellas. Take what we have time for.”

“Okay Tyson. LICK ME!” She begged Loomis, her knees fanning beneath his grasp.

“Fair enough, I’m going in Pumpkin Patch.” Loomis removed his hat and dug in tongue lapping lightly over and over her clitoris. She watched him from her upper body raise, Loomis winking at her as his tongue molded around her. She found it fun to watch his movements, fingers easing up into her a bit without going too deep and risk ruining their fun. The implement of fingertips was just enough to send her upper body back down to the bedrolls. Unable to contain themselves George and Billy stood up and leaned over Maria and devoured her nipples. Squealing at their added attention she couldn’t resist moaning. Lashes batting at the reaction her flesh was having to their mouths nibbling and licking her areolas, nipples being tugged between lips sent her mind into nothing but emotional response. Miguel even got into it licking her belly button for a ticklish quake of limbs.

“Baby Sister likes this.” Wiley grinned to his brother.

“Wait until the Barnett’s tag team her like this. We’re fucking her that night.”

“Lookin’ forward to that. I’m thinkin’ Sis is gonna get nice and hooked on sex.”

“No doubt. Listen to her moan. So beautiful.”

“She sounds ten.”

“Don’t go down that route. Sixteen is young enough as it is.” Wiley chuckled. “Shit! Do we really know how old she is?”

“Matty looked up her birth certificate. She’s definitely 16.”

“Whew! Never know her being from friggin’ Colombia. Down there you can’t tell me medical records are kept long.”

“Esperanza has class. I’m pretty certain she had all that under control.”

While the Barnett Boys discussed their concerns Maria was quickly finding herself heading into early orgasm. The stable hands were now licking every inch of her body, even her armpits, Miguel was having a heyday at her ticklishness. George rediscovered her toes and began licking and sucking on them. It was a war of giggling just to keep them in his mouth. Clint standing behind Maria’s head shared his tented jeans with her gaze as her head hung over the edge of the table. Seeing his erection hiding out she gasped and murmured, “Are you hurting?”

“I’ll be fine Kitten.” He rubbed his crotch gritting his teeth, “Damn White Devil.” He recalled Tyson’s advisory text and got things started. “How you feelin’ Sweetheart?”

“Really good.” She winced with an exhausted whimper. He knew she was resisting that orgasm but caressed her cheek to be supportive. Her hand outraised toward him he let his crotch brush over her fingers. She noted her nails touching his jeans and pouted. “I hope you will be alright. I know how terrible that white stuff is on men. Big ole’ Meany! It makes my brothers hurt all the time.”

“I bet they do. It’s hell on us fellas. You just lay there and enjoy yourself, don’t fret over me.” He looks up briefly at Miguel who boasted his own hard on. Taking his cue Miguel snarled loudly and gripped his crotch expressing a fierce pain.


Tilting her head to see Miguel she whimpers, “Nooo! Now Miguel is hurting. Do I cause this?”

“Just being near a girl does this to a man.” Clint shudders, “We just live with it Sweetheart.”

Just as fast Billy rears erect from feasting upon her nipple, he too grabbing his concealed dick, “Mother fuck it hurts.”


“Noooo!” She reacts with empathy. “Billy is in pain also.” She was haunted by so much going on around her that she could not comprehend how best to help everyone. As Miguel and Billy act out fighting their White Devil moments, they began pulling their pants down in favor of gripping their dicks, stroking hard for Maria to bear witness too. Shivering at the chaos of unstable stable boys she almost wanted to cry. Between their actions and Loomis eating her pussy she was torn between her own self-gratification or helping the men in need. Jaw tiring Loomis pulled his drenched lips away from her thighs and began his own Oscar Meyer winning performance. Standing up quickly he held his abdomen as if ill and started his own barn dance, eventually opening his barn door and letting his trick pony out for air. At a meager six inches he was still formidable.

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